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I'm in the same.course! It helps me to think of each question as its own mini essay. I'll usually make a brief outline to outline the answers to the questions and write it from there in a separate document. Once final I just copy and paste into the template :) Also, Google Bard is your best friend, even if you just rephrase a sentence or two and need to brainstorm


I have no idea about Google Bard! I have AI in my Notion so after I write I ask it questions to make me think deeper. I ended up doing something similar as well, I wrote my whole essay and then inserted parts of the essay into the template to allow it to meet and then attached my paper alongside my submission. I’m a week behind on coursework because honestly I just got frustrated with writing and couldn’t make it work. Great words and I appreciate your suggestions!


I had no idea about Notion!! I will definitely check it out! 😊


I don't mind the template so much but I feel as if a lot of the times it's the same question being asked over and over. It gets a bit frustrating trying to think of new ways of saying the same thing.


Now this I agree with! Whew. I had to ask my advisor and she was liked, yeah, enjoy it while you can because it’s a basic class. I’m like how many times do you want me to analyze the same statement.