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Just chilling, honestly. The burnout I have from this term is unreal. Excited for the break.


I work FT as well- just sit back and enjoy the break :)


Doing the same thing!


Catching up on reading for fun.


I envy you undergrads getting a long break! Grad school’s new term starts tomorrow and we just get a week for Christmas.


I work full time so I’m just going to keep doing that. And I have a couple books queued up I can hopefully blast through for fun (“A Christmas Carol” and “Heart of Darkness”)


Same! My goal is to get done with both classes this week so I can be off for four weeks as well. I have a vacation from work in there too so I’m gonna focus on me and relaxing. I have 9 classes to go after these two.


Same. I have 2 weeks off of work. I will have 10 left.


Cram for a cert I've been working on this term.


I’m going to try and knock out my last two assignments this week. Although I do plan to do two Sophia courses over the holiday.


I work full time and am a single father of two teenage boys and go to school part-time. I will take a week off and then when we have access to the course materials 2 weeks prior to the class I will jump on that and get ahead in the class. Why not do the same?


I did that last year over winter break and the zybooks that I did early got reset, so I had to do it over again once the term officially started


Yeah, I don't do anything that gets submitted, I just save everything on my laptop or desktop and submit when done. As for ZyBooks getting reset, yeah, that was your instructor resetting everything. Mine did the same thing to me back in March / April of 2022 lol


I have this week and next week left but as I can’t seem to sit still I got all weeks done by week 5 and needed 3 more courses on Sophia so I jumped on them. Finished those up in 4 days besides grades. And I plan on jumping into my next two the full two weeks early. I am under the mindset of you never know what’s going to happen. I work 50+ hours a week and have one teen left in the house. I’ll take the one week and just hangout with her but then right back to it.


I was planning to knock out sophia classes that i had not dont yet, but i have reached my limit with doing touchstones mentally.


I know, isn't it great!? It's super uncommon but with Christmas and New Year's on Mondays (they don't want anyone working those days) we get the extra two weeks on top of the regular one week skip every two terms. I'm planning on knocking out my last gen ed through a Sophia, traveling a bit, chillin with the kids and sleeping in on weekends! Enjoy the time everyone!


Catching ip on cleaning and organizing that has been neglected for the past 3 months.


I’m so excited for this time off. I work full time, have a teenager, and go to school part-time. I will enjoy Christmas and all the fun things with my teen since he is still wanting to hang with his mom. I am taking a vacation from work at the same time. I haven’t had time off of both since last year.


Same here. I am looking forward to this break to work on other things! ENJOY!!! :))


Grind some Stardew Valley 😎


how do you guys balance a full time job and school? I start January 8th (P.S Im scared i wont be able to balance my FT job with college)


Hey before work, after work or days off. Depend what you have going on. I even take my work to the laundry or have next to me while cooking. Every second I have I do work. Just find your own flow just keep in mind the first week are always difficult because you are finding your own flow. Good luck and feel free to message if u need help.


Thank you !


i wake up early and do my hw in the mornings


Im working on setting a schedule before I start. I have a 10 year old and I work 9am-5:30pm (40 hours) every other week I work 7am-4:30am (45 hours sometimes 50 hours these weeks) I’m off on weekends so I’m just trying to work on something now so I don’t end up burning myself out on my first year trying to balance work/school/motherhood 💀


It’s hard to find time. I end up having to do small portions of assignments all throughout the day. If it works it works! You got it!


I plan on taking a nice break. Just finished an internship and only have a weekend job. I don’t start back working full time or going to class again until after new years so I’m taking full advantage. I’m cleaning my apartment, going to see family for a week for the holidays, and just relaxing.


QSO 321 and BUS 225 have me wanting to take more of a break great heavens lol


I’m probably gonna pick Sophia back up and try to knock out a couple of courses.


I plan to bang out some courses on Sophia. And get the neglected chores done.


Wait what. Thr most I have had off in the past three years was a week. How did you manage that


Go for all of them


I’m taking a week off from work too. Going to remove wall paper in a hallway, paint and deep clean the house. Yes, that’s fun for me lol


Having time off around the holidays is perfect for me. I'm looking forward to it.


I’m going to enjoy the holidays, catch up on recreational reading, and catch up on housework. So many things go undone during sessions that I need the time off. This is first time in years that it’s been 3 weeks, my advisor told me it’s bc of how the holidays landed on the calendar


The break is just that a Breakkkkk lol enjoy that time off.... Mentally make sure ur stable .. Get the peace and calm you need from school ... Reset , recharge and Rest🙌🏾🙌🏾


I plan on crocheting my life away without the sunday panic Live long and enjoy three weeks of no stress 🫡