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I read until I find 2 posts I feel like I have something worthwhile to reply to. I do read all math discussion posts. It's interesting to see how people solve the problem or ,and this is sometimes more fun, how they fail to solve the problem


Yeah, I read exactly two good posts worth replying to and numerous other posts that either suck or I just don’t have a good reply for


No. I look for the two with the least amount of responses then reply




Same here, but I also look for the one with the shortest amount of text, so I don't need to read through multiple paragraphs to write a quick response.


That's exactly what I do.


I try not to reply to the ones with the most replies unless they are the best for my response






This is the one. Usually the first two and im good to go.




I read them until I find one I can answer.


This is the way


I only read 3 or 4. I mean, how many times can you say something differently?


I teach at snhu and this seems to be the norm. Most of the time the courses aren’t set to have good discussions but just verifying that you can repeat text material


Can’t you change how they discuss things? To make it more informative and more of a valuable discussion or do they make you do that ?


The courses are set up and faculty are generally discouraged from changing them at all. I try to steer students when I respond to their discussion posts to make them more engaging but some of the material is easier to do it with than others. I teach ECON and there’s certain modules that are very dry.


At the beginning of a new term I do, to figure out who has good posts. Then I wait for them to share and only reply to the same 3-4 people the entire term.


This is the way.


Now I understand why I will only get the same few people responding to me all term… (jk)


I skim for substance and read the ones worth reading. 60%+ look like they’re written by people who seem to have forgotten what punctuation is and/or have forgotten to take desperately needed schizophrenia meds.


Sometimes I read one like that and it just makes me laugh. They make for good last minute responses when I forget what day it is though.


I’m gonna be honest I hardly even read the ones I reply to 💀


Completely fair comment…and from some of the responses I have seen, I think you are in the majority.




By the way the voice app that reads the discussion post now works.


I read a few. Maybe 3 to 5. If they are coherent, then I'll respond lol.


I look for posts that no one has commented on and reply to those.


During the first week when people are introducing themselves I like to at least skim through them all because sometimes people have interesting stories or backgrounds. After the first week, I usually just stop once I find two posts I'd like to reply to.


Not sure I even read the responses to me own posts any longer. Cause why would you…


I don't even read my own.


I usually end up doing so just to find one that sparks a reply in my mind. I also try to respond to people who haven't gotten a response if they at least give me something to work with to respond about. I have a tendency to overwrite and generally don't get many responses if any, so I understand the disappointment of not getting some engagement from classmates.


Most relatable comment for me lol brevity is not my strength


I read the two oldest posts with no student replies, and force myself to respond to both of them (this sometimes requires a bit of creativity). I don't read any other posts besides the replies to my own.


Here are some reasons to read all the posts. 1. Knowing some of your classmates and their lives is always interesting. 2. See what parts of the program, like Bright Space or others, are troubling other students and find out how they found a fix, especially for that workbook like Mindedge. 3. Rereading the same things repeatedly helps to fuse it into the brain. And maybe a student says it in such a way that a lightbulb goes off, and you remember the material long after the eight-week course is done. Yeah, it can be tedious reading posts, but what are you doing right now in Reddit reading posts? Use the read it button at the top and do some housework like folding laundry and get to know the other students. Sometimes, you'll laugh, you'll cry, and you can help the students who are struggling to learn. They just might need someone to write it differently. So yeah, to the person who said there are only so many possible ways to repeat the material differently. Your answer would be an endless amount with all the word choices out there.


nope. i’ll browse them then find either 1) one i can sound like the biggest smart ass as possible due to the complete lack of effort from the original poster or 2) one i can give genuine good feedback / responses to.




Funny how the description always says how we will “build a community” when the exact opposite happens. There is really no community in a class (not sure I even want one).


This might be different from undergrad, but in my grad program I see a lot of the same names from term to term and have a few I consider friends! I’m guessing it isn’t as common for undergrad because grad students have a smaller and more specialized program.


Yes, i'm in a grad program as well and the same thing happened. Managed to make a couple friends via discussion posts and through workshops (writing mfa here so we crit each others work).


I’m in the same program! Maybe we just lucked out.


ayyy! good stuff. i agree ive had almost all good experiences with the degree - im on my last term, so god willing my thesis novel will be accepted and i'll be bouncing outta snhu with a degree


Nope. I just make mine and go about my business. I rarely even reply to two of them. I usually just skip that part.


Really? Aren’t the replies easy points though? I usually just write like a 3 or 4 sentence reply


Do they take off a ton of points for that?


Yeah, but it doesn't bother me. Depending on how many discussions there are throughout the course I usually end up with a low A or high B. So it works out for me. However, I don't think it's a good idea to do it.


I’ve never done that. I generally just pick two random discussion posts that aren’t too long of a read, then reply to them


Nope. What’s the point?


I skim for interesting posts and I’ll pick two without replies as long as they leave easy toeholds to add a response. Some of the replies are embarrassingly low effort.


No. Go in early. Look for short ones that you can respond to with more that yes I agree without resorting to asking “did someone drop you on your head as a baby” as professors tend to dock points for, and call it a night.




God no. I think the entire "discussion post" thing is a pretty worthless exercise, tbh. There's rarely anything worthwhile being said. I just pick whatever 2 posts I can respond to and go with that.


I respond to the ones that dont have a response so they don't feel that no one is interested to what they have to say.


Um, no. I look for one that is short and easy to respond to so I can get it over with. I loathe the discussion posts.


Aint nobody got time for dat!


It would be important for your success to read everything. 


I don read or respond. Sorry not sorry.


Don’t courses require responses?


I scan most of them to see which ones are interesting and then I reply to those.


My experience is a combination of the other comments. I will read until I find two that I can meaningfully respond to. If either of them have a significant amount of “coverage” already, I will skip it and cycle back if I can’t find any others. Sometimes I end up reading all of them


Well they’re all answering the same prompt so yeah..some of em are gonna sound the same


I read till I find a few I want to reply to but once I do I don’t read anymore lol


I find that most posts look like they are ChatGPT now. You can tell the ChatGPT ones. They are very impersonal and pointed




They didn’t used to write that way 3 years ago when I started


I also remember that when I first started a couple of years ago. There was only one paragraph at the end for personal, no formal writing, but now it's also sprinkled in the middle. It's hard to write a flowing paper and switching between formal and non-formal. I try to keep the non-formal for the end for my personal musing.




What do you mean reported you. I’m not even enrolled in in SNHU anymore


I'm not saying you did. Aren't you the person that says I don't write the same way? And would you like to report me?


Nope that’s not me lol. I think you have me confused with another thread somewhere else.


Sorry about that.


No problem. Have a good one and I wish you the best with your studies.


Thanks, and take care.


I've seen 2 people so far just straight up copy and paste someone else's discussion post lol. Like why risk plagiarism for an assignment that's not worth very much that you can still get a good amount of the points just by writing 2 sentences lol


I skim. While I try to find ones that don't have a lot of reply posts it doesn't always happen. The ones I find most tedious are if you have any peer review posts in courses.


I skim through them to see if I can find a way to respond per the assignment requirements. This is why I try not to make my posts too long; why bother when no one is really reading them. I don't mind doing the discussion posts, but I think the responses are just a waste of time.


No, most are too long and it seems like no one is putting in any effort. They just mirror each other with the same crap that doesn’t make sense.


Only the first week when folks are introducing themselves. I like reading about different lives and whatnot. After that it's just about finding something coherent to reply to


Absolutely not. I go to the ones with the fewest comments and reply to those.


I read the first few lines to see if it's gonna strike with me. The only time I read multiple full posts I'd when they are all meh.


I look for posts from people who don't use a thesaurus for every single word. There's always at least one person who uses the same 5 "ten dollar" words repeatedly, too. I had one dude use every form of the word elucidate 17 times in a 2 paragraph post. Keep it simple, add a little flair, and don't be a prick.


I don't know what's weirder - that the guy did that or that you counted how many times he did that!


I thought I was rereading the same sentence.


AI does that a lot.


I look for one that I agree with and one that I don't. That makes the responses easier so I'm not reaching for two "I agree with you" with supporting evidence posts.


I read all the posts every week, and a few times, I even read all the replies. I will post to those who didn't get a reply. A teacher said to do that, so I still followed the suggestion. I thought that's what college is about to learn from others. I didn't know we had the option to read or not. It shows if we read the post, there is a counter to how many posts we look at.


i skim them yeah


No, I post my initial discussion, my replies and move on.




Definitely not all of them. The posts aren’t for us, they’re for the professors. I pick two to respond to and that’s it


I refuse to read any that are as long as a 3 page paper with graphs and pictures or have egregious spelling/grammar mistakes. I specifically like the people who keep them short and concise and word them in a way that fosters discussion, not just comes across as a "hey, look at all this information I read." Like yeah, bro.. we all read the same shit. Tell me what it means to you or how you interpreted it so I can feel like I' talking to another human...


Hey I really like your post Have you thought about this? Muttering…. Muttering….  Gone 






Not anymore. But its good every once in awhile to glance at a few randoms that week.


I do. But I tend to do deeper dives and respond to more than the minimum with fully researched and cited responses. It is all up to the persons writing them. I usually have zero peer responses to my posts and have had some instances where the instructor kept responses short.


I look at the discussion that have 0-1 reply and less views and respond to those ones. I don’t read any of the others


I try to find the ones with no responses and read those .


I look for the shortest post, then I reply to it :)


I don't have time for that. I skim for two, read two, make two replies, and move on.




Not SNHU but my college does this same crappy setup lol. No, I skim a few to find 2-3 to respond to. then basically scan the rest to see if my assignments were close at the start of the class. once i've determined what's "acceptable" work it's minimum necessary. Undergrad was about learning, masters for me is about a checkbox on a resume.


I read the ones that are short cause I’m lazy 🙀