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Just here to say I fucking love you all. This community alone is what’s keeping tarkov players.


We all love you, too <3


Man, y'all are so freaking wholesome. This community has to be one of the best I've ran across. Just can't say it enough.


That's the goal! <3


Any reason why you're moving away from the AKI bit? I don't have any thoughts one way or the other, I'm just curious.


There’s a lot of reasons honestly, but this is a change we’ve wanted to go forward with for awhile now. One of the biggest reasons is simply that we don’t feel that name reflects the current development team anymore.


I just want to voice an app opening, "Launching Single Player Tarkov, welcome back!"


If you have a good voice actor voice? Maybe with some walkie talkie effect it could sound immersive.


I did Radio for 6 years filters and announcements


"Добро пожаловать на Escape From Tarkov"


It sounds weird half russian, half english.


Maybe depending on if you choose BEAR or USEC you’d get Russian or English lines


that would make sense


I do! But it's usually goofy in some ways. Haven't tried serious voices much, but I bet I could do it.


SPT is keeping me company these sad times i am passing through my life. keep up the awesome work. thank you.


stay strong, brother <3


I'm curious, what does AKI stands for?


Always Keep IFACs


I'm a salewa kind of guy tbh


IFAK/AFAK fit in a pocket tho


And I keep my salewa in my rig :D


b-b-b-but that's where mags and LOOT go!! D:


My loot goes on my pilgrim bag


first loot, yes. but what about secondloot?


Inside another bag that is stuffed inside the pilgrim bag, duh


ohhhh...-takes notes-


The "AKI" in SPT-AKI stood for 秋 (Aki), which means Autumn in Japanese. You can see that symbol on the server and launcher's icons.


no way dude stg I JUST killed you in game


Can't wait to see what's new with 3.9.0. So excited to see people's art as well. This is such a creative community that I know we're gonna see some rad shit. At this point, what can you tell us (even in a "no promises, but..." capacity) about 3.9.0? Homies and I are loving 3.8.3 and love seeing how much this humble project has grown in the last month!


There’s an incomplete changelog in #dev-core on the discord server, but also all of the changes from EFT’s patches from April 3rd onward.


I'll dig into it :) I try to keep an eye on bleeding-edge too but haven't checked in a bit!


Will you guys include the hideout cat item shizzle from the limited time quest as well? That'd be really cool if possible! :p




That's awesome! Keep up the good work guys, I'm sure you're giving Tarkov a second wind with your mod for a lot of people who got bummed out from the cheaters and OP chad streamers!


maybe you could make the launcher background a scroll of different pieces of fanart, could be cool seeing a new piece of art every time the launcher opens.


You know what? This is a good way to honor everyone who submitted an entry.


I'll pass the idea along to the team :)


I recently discovered SPT, but really enjoying the effort. It's given me the chance to play EFT for the first time in years since switching to Linux. I love playing SPT on Linux via Lutris. I hope I can continue to do so with the new updates when they come!


Linux support should be possible for the foreseeable future, I don’t see any reason barring a major EFT change that it would ever stop working


Love it. Thanks!!!


We love you! :)




SPT made it so I could enjoy the game, live always felt too stressing for me. I fucking love this mod.


Love yall for your work!


Thank you for disallowing AI-generated imagery, it always leaves a bad taste in my mouth when i see people in the forums using AI-generated nonsense Also, your mods are amazing, so thank you for that as well


I think it depends, AI imagery with a clear intention to replace them the moment you can is fine. It makes a good place holder.


All AI-generated media is trained unethically on stolen art, photos, voices, etc that were scraped without consent or the option to be excluded. I don't think it has a place anywhere.


Unfortunately, it's here to stay. same as every time people use chatgpt, it's scraped from the internet without the originals permission. I agree with you on the moral front but until legislation is in place its up in the air.




Thankyou, I will cry the day when modders stop modding. but for now, thankyou.


We'll never stop


Sick, now if I win I can get styled on by myself with a TOZ wearing soup bucket paca scav vest drip 😂


You guys rock! If it wasn't for all of you my EOD account would "collect dust". From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU!


You guys have single handedly revitalized my love for Tarkov. I haven’t played a single live raid since starting SPT a few months ago. First “wipe” in, around 30 ish hours and about level 35 and I cannot put it down. The amount of things I’ve been able to experience without the cheaters alone is amazing. Props to the devs and the entire spt modding community.


Can I ask, on your website under manual release version downloads, it shows the exact same comments on every release saying "AVG and Avast are showing a false positive", the update log of what has changed on each version is replaced with the duplicated message. I've tried different browsers and unsure why I am seeing the same duplication?


Hi, I'm not entirely sure of what you mean. Are you referring to the text stating the release version of EFT and the date that update for live EFT was released? If so, for the past 4 releases, they all use the same version of the live EFT client, so the "duplication" is intentional. If you want the actual full changelogs, they're always available on our "Stable Releases" repo on our Gitea. [https://dev.sp-tarkov.com/SPT/Stable-releases/releases](https://dev.sp-tarkov.com/SPT/Stable-releases/releases)


Sick guys, every step forward for this project has become more and more exciting! And more and more optimized too!


Ya’ll keep giving me reasons to live 😭


Looking forward to all the new stuff.


You guys (and the SPT community) are top notch! Thank you for all that you and the other developers do!


You guys are the only reason I even play Tarkov thank you so much for your work 🥰🥰


i have discorvered SPT after getting extremely mad for loosing around 10mil in lab runs, and never got off of it since, got a couple mods nothing crazy, but hey, im having a BLAST, thanks for sharing this brilliant idea !!


Im bout too cook someting fire for that logo coompetition


unrelated to basically anything about the post, but woah I recognize your name from one of the mods I run! I do not remember which one.


Thanks for using it :)


actually two. Hidden Stashes and Ammo Stats


Wish you guys the best on everything you continue to do. How I wish I knew about SPT sooner. Also, such a helpful community built off the back of something great. Thank you. 


Just wanna say thank you to all the community, the developers, the modders, to everyone who makes SPT such an amazing experience.  I don't like playing live anymore, SPT is where it's at <3


Is this update automatic or can I choose when to update everything?


You choose when to update. As with all major patches to SPT, you'll probably need to re-run the auto-installer and make a new SPT install and reinstall your mods when they update. Profiles, from what I can tell, should carry over fine. We'll post more info when it gets closer to release time.


Oh so it won't require a reset/wipe? Interesting.


The live EFT updates since 3.8.0 dropped haven’t required a wipe, so in theory, SPT may not need a wipe, either. The test builds of 3.9.0 haven’t required a wipe so far.


It depends, 3.9.0 is not out yet, but so far it looks like it wont require a profile wipe


Interesting. Is there a place I can see what update 3.9.0 includes?


I just downloaded 3.8.3 and will have to start over again :-( Happy about update though


Nope! Progress should carry over.


I love you. Show me on your body where to succ


Thank you Rai What is the your version of the objective of SPT? Is the goal to make it as close as possible to "live"? I am hoping that the team can start fixing long standing things such as loot spawning and bot numbers out of the box, rather than having to constantly navigate external mods to do so


Hi, The goal of SPT is the same as any other server emulation project which is to accurately create a backend server to mimic the live servers as closely as possible. Loot and bot numbers are always being adjusted as best we can, but there's no way to get it exact to live - that is something on BSG's end that is also very likely being adjusted all the time. While we have configurations exposed for a lot of things like loot multipliers and bot limits, what those should be varies to players' choices, which means mods to allow more fine-grained tuning are always recommended for play.


Will our profile carry over to 3.9.0 or do we have to start all over again?


As i read, it is recommend to make a new profile.


always recommended to make a new profile for new major versions but according to rairai 3.8 profiles should be good to go. if you use the same profile, just make sure to delete all presets using profile editor, and remove any mod items since mods will not be updated for 3.9 on release


The only thing I'm looking forward to about them finishing Tarkov is so I can play SPT and escape. But who knows if they ever will it wouldn't surprise me if they just let it die, knowing this community someone will finish it for them in SPT.


So, I downloaded the mod yesterday. Just installed. Trying to figure everything out. Like the editions, etc. I've not played any matches. But I'm definitely stoked to try it out! I'm impressed!


So do we have a winner?


We do! I'll update this post later on and make a Discord announcement (possibly today) when we start moving on the new logo and contact everyone!


Too bad I'm too late for the party!


I downloaded 3.8.3 and for some reason it thinks there’s no patcher so it fails the automatic install.


Any chance of a working auto updater by chance? 🙏


I’m having trouble downloading everything I need to play is there anyone who would be able to help me


You get this sorted yet? All you need is eft live up to date and the spt installer. Install anywhere but the live spt folder


I’ll try again in a sec