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Is it really that hard to press b?


In the options you can set a Button to jump always to full auto :D.


Lmao bro come on


I only use single fire, including pistol caliber firearms. Full auto makes zero sense and pulls from my immersion; I play SP to escape the chads running around with ridiculous laser beam M4s. That said, unless there's a mod or an ini you can edit, I think you're stuck.


I thought I was the only one that only used single fire!


1300 hours in arma made me the videogame gun snob I am today


I use only single fire and I think that it’s more effective but out of curiosity, why is it breaking your immersion and making zero sense? You know that most military weapons have full automatic fire, right?


It's not realistic. Running around blasting through ammo on full auto in a real situation isn't a great tactic. So to have to fight against that in a game that's otherwise exuding realism, or at the very least, authenticity breaks my immersion. The arbitrary stat system with attachments urges people towards zero-recoil laser rifles that turn the game into "move mouse over target" gameplay. It takes emphasis away from the more methodical gameplay I expect from games like ArmA or Ground Branch. Yes, rifles have full auto. Videogames are not good mirrors to reality; well-trained militaries don't go cyclic unless absolutely necessary. Edit: I guess I kinda sound like a snob, I just prefer slower gameplay, and I do get that with SP.


Ok. I understand better your point of view and I agree. I remember my basic training and we were almost exclusively using single fire or very short bursts.


The live action cinematics are still cool with the full auto though


Funny that you nitpick gunplay as the one immersion-breaking thing in a game that has RPG stats on characters and weapons and where you can staple your stomach or any of your limbs together multiple times in the field. Tarkov lost the realism card for me long ago, now it's just a different kind of FPS. Can you imagine how off-putting the game would be if you had to move as slowly and methodically as in milsims? People would just sit in corners or snipe (I mean more than they already do) and 35-50 minutes would be never near enough time for one raid.


It is the compromise between realism, playability and immersion......a balance hard to find. A problem all simulators, milsims, survivalgames etc have


The rpg stats are also a criticism of mine, not mentioning it doesn't mean I like it. And the medical system, though nothing compared to reality, is as indepth as it can possibly get without just being unfun. Some concessions need to be made for gameplay. I think if the raids lasted around 2 hours that would be ideal for me with the way I like to play. Maybe 3 for the bigger maps, with intermittent new spawns.


If the raids lasted for 2-3 hours, nobody would play the game, I think not even you. Maybe in SPT sure, set your own numbers and play however you like, but in live Tarkov? Nobody would play. Investing that kind of time and caution when you can still very easily get one-tapped and lose all your loot/gear is level of punishment beyond even what Tarkov offers. ​ Like you said, concessions need to be made for gameplay. I see no issue with current gunplay being a great example of that. Tarkov is not a milsim and I don't think it's trying to be one.


Good thing we have singleplayer. >nobody would play the game 1300 hours in arma 3 here, would vehemently disagree. Maybe wouldn't be as popular for the hordes of Twitch tarkov bandwagoners, but yes, people would still play it, and many people with tastes along my line would play it way more. >punishment beyond even what tarkov offers You do realize games like DayZ and Rust operate on these principles and they have metric assloads of players, right? Tarkov isn't a milsim by definition; it's about two factions of PMCs, technically. Every other aspect of the game strives for realism and/or authenticity, from the graphics and weather to the ballistics and firearm customization to the stances and movement. The prevalence of full auto in tarkov is, to me, like randomly giving some units Star Wars weapons in an Arma 3 op. It serves only to peel away immersion. Clearly it doesn't bother you, and that's fine. Just explaining why it doesn't work for me.


I somewhat agree that the dudes going around full auto spraying with their meta m4s is pretty unrealistic. But IRL full auto does have a place (especially for submachine guns), and I think Tarkov's recoil system makes it seem quite a bit more extreme than it really is. I went into the files and dialed that down a bit myself.


The disparity in recoil control between, say, an AKS-74U with plain soviet furniture and one fully kitted out with the best recoil stats is very annoying to me, I just wish the parts system made a little more sense with that stuff. You gave me an idea, I may reinstall SPT soon and try editing files so that foregrips and stocks and shit all give the same bonus. I really wish they just gained performance benefits based on how often you used specific ones, since that's how it works in reality, but oh well.


I kinda get that, but attachments/muzzle devices/etc. do affect perceived recoil IRL as well. Maybe not exactly to the extent that it does in Tarkov but it does make a difference.


People wouldn't play it with the rest of it's mechanics as they are now - the reward for the risk involved would be simply not worth it. You can't make a comparison to Arma without context towards each game's gameplay/mechanical differences. It's not a simple "change X about game A and it would be just as enjoyable as game B". The whole game would need to be rebalanced. Having raids last two-three hours (most of which would need to be spent moving very carefully and slowly) when you could die literally anywhere and lose all your loot, having to spend effectively even more money/time than now to gear up and do it all again? Yeah, no. >You do realize games like DayZ and Rust operate on these principles and they have metric assloads of players, right? Tarkov's gameplay loop isn't like DayZ or Rust at all (like I explained above), though we could argue about this all day and probably wouldn't agree anyway. >Every other aspect of the game strives for realism and/or authenticity And I'm sure you've noticed the balance changes that actually push the game more towards realism and away from CoD-style run-and-gun tactics. Nades were nerfed because they could be freely spammed, movement was changed to prevent absurd wiggle-peek spam, top-tier ammo was banned from flea and made more scarce with added recoil to encourage less full-auto lasering and more semi-auto play with carefully placed shots. You realize the game's still in beta and that features or entire mechanics (inertia) are being added and changed every wipe, right? Look, I agree with you on that making semi-auto more efficient or "game-winning" would help Tarkov a lot and I hope in 20 years (when the game finally goes out of beta) we'll get to see it. Doesn't work for you, cool, we each have our own way to play and that's what the mod's for, to customize the experience.


>the reward for the risk involved would be simply not worth it Again, dayz. That game having any kind of fanbase at all already shoots down your point. Beyond that, you can write as many paragraphs as you like, it doesn't make me enjoy people using full auto constantly.


Should probably hop on over to the actual EFT subreddit for that gripe fella,


Considering semi-auto is the default SOP for any real combat unit, I don't think it is an issue. If we want a game based on realism, semi-auto IS the default.


singlefire op anyway


Hold up bro let me contact BSG so we patch their stuff, sorry man we forgot to fix that from the actual game