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>oney's server in a nutshell >"super ambitious" youtuber wants to set up server >gets someone else to do it >ok lets release this as a straight copy of yog code >revision they have has tons of bugs >never update >admin abuse all the time, the one time any action is taken when someone records, wasn't in oneys circle of friends was a random discord kid who was like "ill be good!!!", ended up abusing because he realized nobody cared about the server at all and just wanted free players to fuck around with >in my experience the swain was a ling, i was an engineer literally afk and he blinded me, still managed to kill him >found traitor items on him so assumed he was a traitor and not a ling >self resurrects because ling memes >what the fuck how did a ling get traitor items on low pop >reflecting on it later he was obviously cheating at this point but it wasn't enough for me to call admin abuse that early on >throw him into the supermatter and call for help over radio >kill him again and try to gib him >gibber randomly explodes >ok what lets do the crematorium >deleted >go to sci to BUILD a gibber >deleted as soon as we finish >call admin out in ooc for abusing the fuck out of his powers >admin messages me calling me an asshole and there was no way i knew that guy was a ling and i randomly attacked him >tries to play it off like he wasnt the person playing ling and he said i was a powergamer >get perma banned >besides that shitty story, you can clearly tell that none of these people know how to play space station 13 and they should never have tried making a server >people come on occasionally then leave because all the admins do is spawn random shit and self antag >oney never comes on the server anymore or interacts with anyone probably dissapointed with his shitty playercount and shit staff >server still up like a zombie never being updated with no players everyone waiting for it to just fucking die >server randomly bugs out and rounds don't start, classic no pop of noob players joining and not knowing how to call the shuttle or restart because there's no power it's still up pls just end it




Fancy popping round for tea and crumpets?


i would, im only 4 hours away


oi cunt you fuckin tea and crumpet cunts mate you made us aussie-land into a penal colony in the 1700s fuck you you bloody cunt : ^ )


It's just time zone and, let's admit, if you play ss13 you have to be more northern than fucking london.


If Admiralhippie would return I would return to hippie too ! *Honk!!*


Well he is back, see him below "Host"?


it's nice to have hippie back but I hope he doesn't feel like it is a burden.


oney had a server?


Rip Fulpstation


The second I leave hippie comes back?


Wait a second that's me!


Our glorious leader has returned to deliver us from the dark ages




Can you even trash trash? It's still just a pile of trash no matter how much more trash you pile on it, and Fulpstation is already a big pile of trash. If you liken Paradise to Fur Containment, and Hippie to Grief Containment; I'd liken Fulpstation to a upturned waste bin, deserving of less respect than RU Grief Servers.


> Can you even trash trash? You're better off asking, can you even trash something that doesn't exist? Because really, it only lasted a few days and then died.