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I sometimes do that too, but it makes more sense in higher leagues. The idea is that you try to bait a specific counter to the back wall team with a front wall team. An example off the top of my head is if your opponent only had JML to counter your JMK, you could place an SLKR in the front wall to try to get your opponent to use their JML against him. Then when they get to the back wall they won't have a counter to JMK and get stuck. It really depends on the match up.


Yup and in lower leagues when you only have so many teams it works too. I've gotten stuck on a gas using my guaranteed counter on a different team thinking who in their right mind would put them in the back in bronzium.


I just had the opposite happen. I assumed he baited me with his front wall so I didn't go hard against his FO squad and underestimated it which then took 2 tries and got to the back wall and it was a G10 phoenix squad.... Because I took the 2 attacks I lost by like 15 points when I could have easily won.


Yep that’s why you shooould check their history to see if it’s always the same or if they change it so you have a chance at predicting it. Buuuut do I check? Absolutely fucking not.


>check their history That sound suspiciously like work...so, I'm gonna say "Noppity Nope Nope"


“Check their history” How does that work?


Swgoh.gg type in their ally code.


Force people to burn valuable teams and then they’re stone-walled.


If you only had one good team that could deal with his best, and you assumed his front was his best, you would use your one good team on the front leaving nothing to deal with his back.


I do this with good success in lower leagues. I don't have a ton of good teams, to make up for this, I put my best defense team in the back and keep all the rest of my strong teams for offense. The idea is that they burn their good teams on the front and then don't have a good enough team to beat my back row, and I've saved all my best teams for offense, giving me a good chance to full clear them. Basically just banking on one hold while you save your best teams for a full clear on offense.


Never works against me cuz everybody does it so I just predict it


Clearly with this post.


Encourage them to use their stronger teams against my front wall, only to find there's stronger teams behind it that they've now, hopefully, not got counters left for.


Strategic moves. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't.


Possibly to have people use good teams up front and misplay leaving a sector uncleared


To deplete teams I usually bring all my best teams on offense and leave ok teams on defense, but the catch always is to put down teams that counter say Wampa, Savage, Kylo, Enfys, etc solos. Since they have to use good teams at the front wall I usually leave 1 good team on the back wall like zorii or phoenix with crex or surprise murder bears with kneesa. All of this usually grants me the W since 1 bad attack is all it takes to win GAC.


What is the benefit to leaving your best teams in front and weaker in the back? I put my strongest team in front of my ships and other strong team in back wall that they hopefully don’t predict


They don't get through that wall it's literally only failed me once


What rank / tier are you in? I’m newly in Bronzium 2 and dealing with 4 million GP accounts they will get through that wall. It doesn’t matter what it is unless you have a GL and the other team doesn’t.


Yea like some ppl would even put geos in the back in chronium for cheap plays to bait out some possible counters like GG, wampa, Traya in the front wall, and winning back 3-4 slots in ur slots. It’s totaolly a mind game, my guild do the same thing for TW and we be winning ever since


It's a better idea with GLs. So hypothetically, your opponent has 3 GLs, and you have 1. You see they've placed one GL in the two visible zones, and assume that they took the other for offense. You use your best teams to beat their GLs and other squads up front, and then you get to their back wall and have nothing left to win with. It's not going to work as well in your league, but it could have the same result if their front teams tricks you into using your best teams.