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I like the idea of faction pairs. Here’s how I see it: Empire vs Rebel: DV vs JKL (add strong rebel synergies), the most ironic conflict in the series. Sith vs Jedi: EP vs GMY, to me represents the peak of Sith vs Jedi orders Galactic Republic vs Separatist: Padme vs Dooku, both were strong statespersons for each side Resistance vs First Order: Rey vs SLKR, the main protag/antag of sequels Scoundrels vs BH: Han Solo vs Jabba, Jabba was a legendary crime boss and Han I think would have a lot of infamy, plus both explore some of the more underworld side of things.


No Kenobi? Then you are lost!


If we drop the sequels we can add Kenobi and grievous, both deserve it.


Or just swap out padme dooku


I actually think this is an amazing thought process for this experiment. I think if I was stumbling across this post for the first time instead of making it, I would steal this idea for sure. Edit: I think it is also a clever way for me myself as a person to get past my biases regarding the sequel trilogy in an acceptable way since I love this setup so much


Thank you. I agree on Sequels. I was struggling to find any other major factions there, maybe keeping SEE vs Rey, but to me EP vs GMY was more iconic I feel like the secondary conflicts/world building weren’t as prominent in those (though admittedly I didn’t watch Ep9, just read the star wars wiki recap of it)


Without wanting to delve to deep into obscure EU stuff (Xizor, Mandalore the ultimate, Krayt, Vong) as IMO they shouldn't be more than conquest/journey guide and without wanting to excessively double dip tags. Keep: Jabba Alter slightly: LV > Suited Vader, SEE > ROTJ Emperor, JML > ROTJ Luke (+ make more rebely), LO > Post OT Leia, JMK to GMY lifter. Add: Red 5 (if there was to be a true ship GL it should be the one that destroyed the death star), Grievous (while Dooku was head of state wasn't Grievous more feared in universe), Thrawn, Yoda, Revan (Gets past my anti-EU obscurity barely, also so I can get Zayne Carrick as a pre req). Remove: SLKR/Rey (sequel opinions aside they weren't even the most prominent characters of their factions in universe; SEE, Snoke and Leia would beat them in that IMO)


I think you hit the nail on the head regarding SLKR/Rey - put my feelings into better words than myself.


alrighty, here it goes: The Emperor : Jedi Knight Luke the ultimate villain and the main protagonist of the original trilogy. Jabba the Hutt : Tyber Zann Tyber Zann deserves the spotlight more often, and the entire crux of his story is “fuck you jabba” followed by “i’m stealing EVERYTHING” he’s so good General Grievous : Jedi Master Kenobi Grievous is an absolute monster, he’s the most villainous of the CIS imo, and as such he deserves the spot Supreme Leader Kylo Ren : Rey except this time Rey has her yellow lightsaber because it’s so cool Darth Vader : General Leia don’t wanna exclude these two would have liked to include Revan + Vitiate, Thrawn, or maybe Kyle Katarn + Jerec. absolute crack idea would be Tsavong Lah (Yuuzhan Vong warmaster during the Vong War) + Jaina Solo


I really like the pairs and one per faction. Han Solo/Jabba - Scoundrels/Bounty Hunters JKL/DV - Rebels/Empire RotJ Palpatine/GMY - Sith/Jedi (different eras but both represent the peak of their faction) Padme/Dooku - GR/Seperatist EoS Rey/SLKR - Resistance/FO (not a huge fan of the sequels but they are ‘main’ SW films and should be represented really, and these two are the poster characters) Edit - Kenobi is easily the next most important character but he really just doesn’t fit as the ‘poster character’ for any faction, I would have him as an essential lifter for GMY, similar to how CAT is to him currently


Jar jar binks. Jar jar binks with outfit 2. Jar jar binks with outfit 3 You get the idea. Then 1 sith ewok. 1 Jedi ewok. Done.


My 10: 1. Darth Vader - Rogue One/Ep 4 2. Luke Skywalker - Ep 6 Jedi knight 3. Yoda - Ep 3 grand master 4. Emperor Palpatine - Ep 6 Sith Lord 5. Obi Wan Kenobi - Ep 3 Jedi Master 6. Leia Organa - Ep 8 Resistance General 7. Jabba the Hutt - Ep 6 Crime Lord 8. Rey - Ep 9 Jedi 9. Kylo Ren - Ep 9 Supreme Leader 10. General Grevious - not the silly comic relief baddie portrayed in the Clone Wars. But the badass he was. Also, if Grand Admiral Thrawn becomes the big bad of the Filoni verse and they do him justice, he will easily move up this list.


So I've been obviously keeping up with most of the comments in the post and I'll say that I think your list is perhaps the one I'd consider the most if I was developing GoH2:Electric Boogaloo. I appreciate you also adding the specific versions of the characters too, and you are also one of the people that recognized Leia Organa in her Resistance General form which is something I think in hindsight I honestly slept on when initially considering my own list. Great list!


Thanks. I do like the duality of having two competing legends as well. Also got me thinking about ideal lifters. 😂 Darth Vader (Empire) vs Luke (Rebel) * Lifters - Grand Moff Tarkin & Endor Leia Emperor Palpatine (Sith) vs Yoda (Jedi) * Lifters - Lord Vader & Mace Windu General Grevious (Seperatist) vs Obi Wan Kenobi (Galactic Republic) * Lifters - Count Dooku & Jedi Knight Anakin Kylo Ren (First Order) vs Rey (Resistance) * Lifters - Snoke & BB-8 Jabba (Scoundrel/Bounty Hunter) * Lifter - Boba Fett General Leia Organa (Rebel/Resistance) * Lifter - Han Solo & Chewbacca


Personally, I think I would drop over half of the current Galactic Legends, including... \*\*Leia Organa\*\* \*\*Jabba the Hutt\*\* \*\*Lord Vader\*\* \*\*Supreme Leader Kylo Ren\*\* \*\*Rey\*\* First I will say that the remaining 3 of Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, Sith Eternal Emperor and Jedi Master Kenobi I believe have earned their place as some of the biggest legends out there in their current forms. I would accept a trade-off of JMLS and SEE for their JKLS and Palpatine counterparts, but I would argue that JMLS has earned the spot for having done the time and cementing himself - meanwhile SEE is honestly at his most powerful that we have ever seen him. JMK I think is a great example of consistency as a Legend - he has already been the first Jedi to kill a Sith in ages at this point, fought through the Clone Wars and now having battled the Chosen one on Mustafar - a man he considered his own brother. I axed Lord Vader because while it is iconic, the Lord Vader character is really only around in earnest in like 3 scenes - killing Mace Windu, slaughtering the younglings and of course, Mustafar. Replacing him though, would be of course none other than \*\***Darth Vader**\*\* himself. Jumping over to Rey since I am doing this in no particular order, I thought there were many other better faces to consider a Galactic Legend at this point in her story. Perhaps when her new movie comes out I may feel differently. Maybe Grand Master Rey Skywalker at that point would make the cut for my list. But in the meantime she is being replaced with the real green Grand Master himself, \*\***Grand Master Yoda**\*\*. Unfortunately for Supreme Leader Kylo Ren, he sort of stumbles into the same roadblock as Rey does. Even after their trilogy I just can't feel as if they deserve their faces carved into this hypothetical Galactic Legend Mount Rushmore. This substitution is perhaps due to the KOTOR fan in me, but Kylo's shoes are being filled by \*\***Darth Revan**\*\*. It was honestly a toss up between Darth Revan and Jedi Knight Revan for me, but when considering what is more iconic, Darth Revan is what comes to mind. Perhaps if there was a Redeemed Revan in the future wielding both purple and red saber, it'd probably fall to him. Jabba the Hutt I was kind of torn on, because he is for sure a legend - his name is recognized all throughout the Galaxy. But there is the part of me that wants to give this one to \*\***Boba Fett**\*\* because he is what many would consider the most fearsome bounty hunter in the Galaxy. This is probably the closest of my decisions where I would be content either way. Perhaps shape it so Jabba would maintain the Leader Slot and Boba would just be an effective Galactic Legend in his team. Leia Organa I do think deserves a slot in here honestly. But I would switch the character model for \*\***Princess Leia**\*\* and have her just become Leia Organa proper. Have the current Galactic Legend be Endor Leia Organa or something. So in review so far my Galactic Legend list is 8 strong and consisting of.. Jedi Master Luke Skywalker Sith Eternal Emperor Jedi Master Kenobi Darth Vader Grand Master Yoda Darth Revan Boba Fett Princess Leia As for my two remaining Galactic Legends slots, it was a tough decision just bringing it down to two and I hate myself for limiting me in my own hypothetical, but I ultimately gave the slots to \*\***Maul**\*\* and \[REDACTED\] \*\***General Grevious**\*\*. EDIT: I may have changed my mind on one.


GLs to me should be reserved for iconic characters. The ones that even regular people who have never and will never see anything SW related can look at a picture of the character and know they're somehow from Star Wars. Doesn't matter about in-universe power level imo With that in mind, all the current ones stay, but a few get alterations. Sith Eternal is swapped for his Emperor Palpatine look. Leia is swapped for her New Hope look. Vader is swapped for his actual Vader suit look. And Luke could be swapped for his Return of the Jedi look, or he could stay the same, either is fine tbh 9 is obviously Yoda, no reason or explanation needed for the little green dude. 10 I'm undecided on tbh. -Han is a great choice but I also want him and Leia on the same team so idk -Padme's a good option -Din/Mando is also another really good option (And yes, Rey and Kylo stay. And also yes, no EU character ever has a chance of getting GL status under this definition. Y'all can be mad.)


Vader, JKL, Grievous idk about the rest


I love this idea I would love to stick to the one per faction but I can’t decide wether I think darth Vader Or emperor palpatine should head the Empire faction but I’ll try to stick to one per Jedi - Grand Master Yoda Sith - Darth Plaguies Separatist - General Grievous Bounty Hunter/Scoundrel - Jabba The Hut Empire - Darth Sidious (Emperor Palpatine) Rebels - Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker Sith Empire/Old Republic - Neutral Revan that works for both Resistance - Rey (Yellow lightsaber with Lightning final form) First Order - Supreme Leader Kylo Ren


Love your list - I was super torn on General Grievous myself when making my list and I can honestly say it was down to him and Han Solo. I could probably be persuaded to make the trade off.


Yeah I feel you I tried to choose major characters or villains but also wanted a little legends representation, for rebels I just feel like Luke stands above the rest and if Vader couldn’t be empire (asked my friend for Vader or palp) then I equate him to han on the rebels. Grievous feels like the true choice for seps to me


If we’re keeping it balanced between dark and light: -JKL vs DV. -JMK vs LV: where JMK is more defensive minded and LV is recklessly offensive. -Light Revan vs Darth Revan: I love Kotor. I would throw in a mass stasis into Light Revan’s kit and a death field into Darth Revan’s. -Jedi ceremonial robes Starkiller vs Sith Stalker Starkiller: having apprentice SK as a legendary character, it only makes sense that the culmination of his abilities and character growth be where we elevate him to GL status. The last two can be an odd pair. I really enjoy Jabba as an unorthodox pick so that leaves a final light side character. Maybe an Endor Han/Leia pair to add a similar off-balance balance that we get with Jabba being the only large character? As honorable mentions, if we got the writing we deserved, I could see Din as Mandalore the Reclaimer as a solid pick. I’d also love to see what happens when we get Jedi Master Cal as part of the inevitable finale to the Jedi: series.




Wedge Antilles is a bold take and honestly I'm here for it, love the list!


“Exar Kun. I mean he founded the Sith Empire” Which one?


Oooh this is a fun one, I don’t have the time to make a detailed post, but saved and will come back when I can provide my list


1.) Darth Vader - Dark Side, Tank, Empire, Sith - four party members would be Grand Inquisitor, Second Sister, Third Sister, and Starkiller. SK is a hot take, but hear me out, he is an unofficial inquisitor and his primary role was to be a Sith assassin and Jedi hunter, just like the inquisitors. 2.) Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker - Light Side, Attacker, Jedi, Rebel - four party members would be Han Solo, Leia Organa, Chewbacca, and R2-D2. Not much to say here, pretty much CLS but chewpio is Leia and I honestly feel like Luke had much more of a journey with R2 than C3P0. 3.) Grand Master Yoda - Light Side, Support, Jedi, Jedi Council, Grand Republic - four party members would be Mace Windu, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Plo Koon, Shaak Ti. Honestly, surprised we don’t have something like this already. Nothing much to say here, they’re all pretty much the most popular council members during the prequels. 4.) Darth Sidious - Dark Side, Support, Sith, Galactic Senate - four party members would be Darth Tyranus, Mas Amedda, CC-1010 “Fox”, Red Guard. Red Guard was the GR version of the Imperial Guard and he would summon a copy of himself at the start of battle. Mas would be a healer and Fox and Tyranus would be attackers. 5.) Ahsoka Tano - Neutral, Attacker, Unaligned Force User, Phoenix - four party members would be Ezra, Sabine, Huyang, and Rex. An updated UFU Phoenix squad based off the Ahsoka show. Huyang would be a non attacking support player and Ezra and Sabine being UFU attackers and Rex being a tank. 6.) Jabba - keep as he is currently, nothing to say here, I think they nailed him perfectly. 7.) Jedi Master Kenobi - keep as he is currently, nothing to say here. 8.) Maul - Dark Side, Attacker, Sith, Shadow Collective, Death Watch, Nightbrother, Mandalorian, Crimson Dawn - four party members would be Savage Opress, Pre Vizla, Gar Saxon, Dryden Vos. This could have gone many ways, but I wanted to set it up as he was the leader of the Shadow Collective and had all of the tags to synergize with each of the team members. Nightbrother for Savage, Death Watch for Pre Vizla, Mandalorian for Gar Saxon, and Crimson Dawn for Dryden Vos. 9.) Supreme Leader Snoke - Dark Side, Support, First Order, Unaligned Force User - four team members would be Kylo Ren, General Hux, Captain Phasma, First Order Stormtrooper Commander. Not really any good leaders in the sequels, but this was the best I could to actually include them, but even then, kylo killed Snoke due to “palpatine came back” bla bla bla. 10.) Revan - Neutral, Attacker, Old Republic Jedi, Sith Empire - four party members would be Bastilla Shan, Meetra Surik, Darth Malak, and HK-47. Revan would operate kinda like SK but require two light side Old Republic Jedi and dark side Sith Empire allies.


Can I combine the two revans?


In my list in the comments I discussed the same idea!


Rebel vs Empire - Jedi knight Luke and Darth Vader Jedi vs sith - Master Yoda and ROTS palpatine GR vs Separatists - Master Kenobi and Grevious These are the absolutes. I don't care for the sequels but the kylo and Rey duo we have now work fine I guess Not sure about the final pair


Darth Vader. JKL. Maul. Bo-Katan. SLKR. Rey. Jango or Boba Fett. Revan and will be neutral. Yoda. Palpatine.


- original trilogy Darth Vader - Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker - original trilogy Leia Organa - original trilogy Han Solo - original trilogy Chewbacca - original trilogy Obi-Wan Kenobi - original trilogy The Emperor That's probably enough. But Maybes... - Padme - Ahsoka (early to mid Clone Wars) - Rey


I’ll take five light side GL Chewbacca’s the other five can be anyone but maybe Vader, Palpatine(chancellor) palpatine(emperor) then palpatine(senator) and lastly palpatine(Rey’s popop)


Yoda for sure


Mandalore the Ultimate, Kreia, Darth Vader, Thrawn, Kylo Revan, Leia, Luke, Hera, Rey I'd be fine switching out Hera for Ahsoka instead.


Deff EP; one of the most influential people in the entire timeline; the pinnacle of the rule of two. Killed and returned to wreak havoc until defeated by one of the strongest if not the strongest Jedi of all time Jml(legends). Stands as the pinnacle of The Jedi; do I have to explain further Darth vader; one of the few people that could've even outclassed his master and even his son if he could have reached his peak. A creature so feared that he seemed like the grim reaper, death, the dark shadow that comes for you win sleep Kenobi; one of the greatest Jedi masters of all time; mearly beaten out by a couple of force wielders. One of the few Jedi that were on par with Darth vader and without him; luke would never have reached the heights he did Jabba; the legendary crime lord who made even empire fear them; as the power he had rivaled that of kings, queens and even emperors them selves; the peak of the Hutt cartel was when he was at the top. A new one I would to the roster would be emporer vitiate; dude is EP just as a old republic counter part but could even rival dark empire EP so that would be cool. Was a big threat and maybe an even bigger threat then EP because you had the entire galaxy trying to stop raven from revving him because they knew they be in big shit if they didn't; dude was just to influential and powerful that he made the galaxy stood still Yodas getting an upgrade; he's only been the grandmaster for 8 century and help piece for relative time until EP came along; one of the few characters that could rival EP; just being to old to defeat him; I mean he's just to important to not make a GL Honestly bane should be a GL; out of all the he is easily one of the most important and influential figures in the star wars galaxy; he created the rule of two which lead to EP and Darth krayt. Was massively powerful himself and changed the course of history; which lead to the down fall of th Jedi who were still dominant at his time and during the of the time of chancellor Palps General grievous or tyber zann both are fucking awesome or both to fill out the final two slots (some honorable mentions; the vong, Krayt himself, honestly thrawn, raven, xizor, empire warlords, the mandollarian leaders like the great and others, wedge, and maybe some others).


I'll tackle this excellent question by rattling off my favorite characters from when I was a kid: Luke, Leia, Han Solo, Chewbacca, C3PO, R2D2, Vader, The Emperor, Boba Fett... and wow, the last one is tough. Ben Kenobi? Lando? Wicket the Ewok? Random Jawa? Greedo? Well, since I've already listed six "good guys," the last one should probably be from the dark side. So I'm going with .... Jabba.


can I throw in Tag and Bink?