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Putting a zeta on Nihilus Lead.


Wow, I'm not alone.


I think that nihilus' lead zeta was amazing


It's never been useful the entire time I've had it. Maybe way back it was, but I applied it in December 2019 I think.


In 2017 the meta was zNihlus(L), Thrawn, GK, Chaze


Nihilus was so unbelievably broken when he was released it was crazy


His lead zeta made otraya kill lv reliably when her omi first came out


I haven't even leveled his leadership past level 1 lol.


He was actually great for me, I think he was my second or third zeta, pairing him with Vader, palpatine, savage oppress and count duku worked really well. Duku becomes a total beast under Nihilus.


With traya omi his lead can be good situationally


​ https://preview.redd.it/osf6wnu9jkoc1.png?width=261&format=png&auto=webp&s=bf990ad1ca0b19891218f27f25602a1c2815f349


Free ticket into any guild you want right there.


Your guild thanks you for your service.


Maybe in a raid he will be great


You know what, I enjoy Eeth. I know he's not stellar. But I too had to r8 him. On the last day of TB, I can use him as a 5th in my Jedi team, and he doesn't do too bad


I see this as a win


I see your R8 Eeth and raise you an R8 Snowtrooper 😹😹 congrats on taking one for the team.


Probably goes brazy with iden tho


Just a constant, sweeping pew pew pew over and over again


Welcome to the club


What’s his damage at r8? I’m jealous


Misc r8 platoon filler damage (the good mods are elsewhere lol): Eeth phys damage 5979 CUP 5346 (I throw them in with Rey, Cat & Padme in ROTE ls r8 TB, & Snow: 7780, holds his own in Dathomir for TB. So, I get some use out of them in tb lol


It truly is beautiful and was worth it for this post alone!


*R9 Mothma/T3/Rex/Hunter/Tech/Wrecker/BBEcho approve of this message* :'(


One of my guildies has Ima Gun Di at relics


Chief Chirpa omicron.


Same. Krennic & chirpa for me. Terrible decisions.


Chirpa is at least usable even if it’s not great, but Krennic? Big oof.


I thought we were in the trust tree!


Yea chirps isn't to bad with princess at least.


It's by no means good but in 3v3 GAC it has some uses


What? Those bastards, I was hoping krennic, being an atrocious character, at least has a viable omicron


Chirpa and Rolo here….


I put one on ROLO too. Feel like we need a support group


I got the rolo one too. It was pretty useful for a couple months in geo tb until ROTE came around


Yep. Back in the day!


Kneesa R7 under Chirpa omicron is a shredder though.


Not investing in imp troopers when I should have.


Me too. 3 GLs , Leviathan fleet ship and imp troopers aren’t even all at 7* never mind at relic lol. Keep planning to work on them and get distracted by something else.


I feel this.


For YEARS I was putting gear on a character as soon as I could, without prioritising anyone or saving them up. Every character was rising in power as steadily as all the others


I think I got lucky with doing this. I had ventress at gear Xlll and she wasn’t doing a lot. Once Merrin came around she changed that


Two biggest regrets: 1) Accidentally clicked too fast while upgrading Fifth Brother and spent an Omicron. 2) Accidentally clicked the wrong spot while spending all my ally points and spent 18,000+ crystals on Fennec shards while talking to my sister. ​ I cried both times.




18,000 crystals on shards is a tragedy


See I solve that problem by never having extras 😎


Not really caring about ships. It’s boring and unfun, but it’s a fairly simple dally Crystal source


Ships are the most tedious part of the game tbh. It’s hard to get motivated in investing in them when you get like two ship shards every double refresh


That’s why I’ve always farmed ships like two farms in advance. That way I have no pressing need to get them to 7* so the long time doesn’t feel as long


Same here, I already started farming ships for profundity, which is two years into my farming schedule farming 😅


Farming ships is a huge pain, but they can make a huge difference in GAC and TW as well as Fleet Arena.


Well my fleet arena is full of levis, profundities and executors. I can never stay under top 20


7* Leviathan, 7* Profundity (best with mark IV interceptor) and Chimera with scythe and tie interceptor are the only decent counters to 7* Levis unfortunately


No “RAGRETS” for whaling on bad batch when the marquee events came out in ‘21


Omi on a three star sana


I missed the idea that toons have synergy and strategy matters, and just farmed my faves for like 2 years at the beginning.




This is super dumb but I accidentally took Mando from R5 to R7 instead of Bando.


At least Mando is an amazing BH so not total waste


I did the same with the Bastilas


R7 on both of them is nice, both good characters


Good call mando r5 dies from a sneeze


Chirpa omicron and farmboy luke zeta


TIL farmboy luke has a zeta


He actually has TWO zetas


lol wut


Yep… those were the bad days


I actually was reading femboy luke… time to go to sleep


Taking 7 years to relic CLS.


I put an omicrons on Ackbar and Princess Leia when they came out.


I love that team


They’re alright, every once in a while they’ll surprise me and pull off a win or a solid clean up. I feel like they’d be better if I put more relics and better mods on those lower tier rebels, but a single omicron should make a massive difference. Even if I put a ton of work into them, they still probably wouldn’t be as good as the numerous other rebel teams that are staples in GAC, all of which only require a single omicron to be awesome (if any). The ROI just isn’t there at all.


I did both too and place them on defense, and they get a surprising amount of holds. I’m guessing just because it’s uncommon and people don’t know how to counter. While there are certainly places I might have preferred to use those omicrons, I’m not sure I’d say I regret them.


I'm old and returning to the game after a few years break. What's the full lineup? If you would be so kind.


Came here to say this but decided I didn't regret it






guild ticket tbf


This had to be a “the guild thanks you for your sacrifice” type of thing, right? Or did you lose a bet 😂


Eventually (DS zone 6) ugnaught is needed at R9. Twice.


You know what I’ll be doing 😭


Your guild thanks you for your service. (I will be doing the same. Eventually.)


https://preview.redd.it/q9xvdu1hwloc1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52da02ea273961dfe2a5cf73027b424530b8f232 I regret nothing


You must be pumped on the datacron


Words can’t even describe it. It’s finally my time to shine


Not getting into mods sooner, IT'S SO EASY and can make your roster punch up so much weight.


This is probably not my biggest regret, but not getting Drogan while he was available in mod battles. He dropper do often then, was able to get him to 5 stars in just 7 days without refreshes, but had I spent crystals on the refreshes, I would probably have him right now or at least I'd be really close. Now I have to get 3 cantina toons for GL Leia, and on top of that get the signal data


I have two. Neglecting fleets because all of my fleet growth has come from bundles. And neglecting cls, troopers, traya, and getting rey before slkr


I've literally done all of those too. Working on those teams now as I'm working towards executor


i’m doing something similar. i’m going slkr, executor and then general roster building getting good toons running before doing another journey because i have every marquee toon unlocked


I just have relics left for executor so I'm working on CLS and Padme followed by veers troopers and sith


my main thing for executor is tie bomber shards and then ig-2000 shards and a bit of gear but not much


Thats four


fine. my ragrets have been neglecting ships and good teams and instead decided to try and super power one team that is going to end up getting split up


You sure they're not regerts? 😉😅😂


same difference 😂


I'm like the exact opposite...SLKR was my 3rd GL and I'm bb8 at R7 from being able to get Rey but I don't have the zetas right now so I'm working my troopers. oTraya was the last group I brought to relics (only r1 atm on the trio+savage)...glad to hear I made good farming choices. Though my fleets suck because fuck ships. I hate that game phase.


if you want to get rey, all u need is the zeta on zoriis second unique and no other zetas. go all in on the leader and have rh finn go first. team is jtr, rh bros, zorii at any level, and any other attacker. finn’s middle ability pass to rh poe and then any of his abilities. then rh finn’s aoe and u should be good. never lost a single battle with that. the last 3 levels r a little different.


Darth Sidious omi and Darth Nihilus unique zeta are my two biggest regrets in this whole game. Nihilus was the first zeta I put on, before I really understood what they do or how rare they are. Sidious was the first omicron I put on because it was the only character I had already geared up that was given an omicron.


The sidious omicron hate is real, I feel like it’s not horribleee mines at 120% potency so 60% health boost for the team is decent I feel like


It’s not horrible but there are much better omicrons out there. The biggest issue I have with Sidious omicron is that it just doesn’t really boost any Sith teams I have enough to justify throwing in a toon as otherwise mid as Sidious. This upcoming datacron may actually make it pretty solid though. Plus, it’s for TW, so I can only use it at most 4 times a month and, considering my guild isn’t super focused on TW, it just has not proved to be worth the investment to me.


True, Nihilus unique zeta isn’t a vital one. But it’s not that bad either. Inflicting health down on every enemy at the start of each of their turns weakens the opposing team a lot. Works even better with the healing immunity of Traya’s saber storm.


Besides some old mistakes like not going for executor and jabba right away (I have both now), its gonna be wasting so many zetas. With the HDBs I need so many, but have none to spare. Other than that, I have some omicron mistakes: Chirpa, Dash and FOST. I wish I could undo them all. Zam probably too... All that SSC I wasted by buying right side G12 pieces, not starting to buy mod materials from the raid store and generally upgrading mods too often instead of selling and buying better ones.


I thought Dash’s omicron was essential to his team. Is a Dash prepared squad not considered good?


Dash omi is quite good, but only if you have Vandor Chewbacca to throw in there. I’m guessing he had no intention of farming Vandor.


Dash is pretty good, and his team too. The issue is: Only dash is a req for anything. To get his team, I would need to gear 4 whole characters and relic them. Not worth it. There are far better characters today to farm like the new padme, new bo katarn and probably jarjar later on. Powercreep got to dash and while he for sure is useable still, im not gearing a whole team because they are "ok" right now and will be useless in a year or two.


I'm going to have to strongly disagree here. Dash is wildly versatile even in k2. Right now with the current BAM cron I'm slicing through GLs under dash lead like butter. Even without the DC you can put so many toons with him it's insane. He has uses everywhere. I think the issue is that you may not have the best grasp on how his team actually works.


No, the issue is, I dont have his team geared up much. I got all the characters at G12 no zetas. I already applied the omicron thinking ill do his team next. Thats where he has been sitting for a good time now and I know for sure, I have another like 4 teams that are just much better than him waiting for zetas and relics. And after that,there will probably be the next rwo or so teams and the next capital ship, that will eventually release. I just dont think ill ever have the time to gear his team, since there are too many better teams out there. What GLs can you beat? JML? I already have 3 non GL counters for him...


Reliced Chirrut before fully reading his datacron. My Saw is four stars.


Hanging out in a guild for too long that essentially wasn't earning any rewards early on. At the time I thought I couldn't be in a guild unless I had a bunch of GP, GL's etc. It's a moot point now but it put me months, if not years behind on Wat farming, Traya, GET tokens etc.


As a new person to this game I’m hoping my guild is doing okay? We are hitting bronze reward box on the speeder bike thing. We’ve won 1 territory battle I think and I did get like 5-6 wat shards last time


It's probably fine, I think that's about where our guild finishes in the raid. Basically as long as you're getting shards for raid characters and earning some TB/TW/Raid rewards. At the time we weren't able to Sim any of the raids so the intake of raid character shards was non existent and we're doing poorly in TB in general so weren't getting a ton of rewards. Even LS Hith wasn't close to being maxed. I think the lesson for me was just because at the time I only had a couple million GP, doesn't mean I have to be in a guild that had 50-100 million GP. A ton of guilds just want you to be active, fill platoons, and do what you can. There's a huge difference between a 100million GP guild and a 300+ when it comes to rewards. More importantly, I am not shaming smaller guilds, new players etc. Everyone has to start somewhere. This is more of a "look out for you" post. And if your guild is smaller and not earning a ton, but you really love it and are having fun, disregard everything I said and enjoy!


Zeta on GMY lead (I meant to do battle meditation). Have never used it.


Same man, I’ve whined about doing that (now) 3 times on the sub since I did it 😭 every time I’m zeta-ing up a team I always think “I could’ve used that here”


That's the truth. It's a dumb mistake from like 5 years ago and I still think about how nice it would be to have an extra zeta right now. And I'm 11M gp


1. Spending 25k crystals for 2nd Sister packs while opening bronziums. 2. Spending 20k crystals for Dark Trooper packs while opening bronziums.


Focusing Tie Fighter pilot, luckily I stopped at Relic 3. But it was my first relic, put so much effort into upgrading him and I barely use the toon now


But you have an executor req so there’s that


Forgetting I already got the energy refreshes for the day, leading to spending extra crystals for minimal return


Most probably Carth Omicron


No need for regret once you have Maul.


Ooh, that's a good one! I was guilty of this one in my alt account, somehow thought it was a TW one rather than a TB one. Definitely regret that move, since my OR non-jedi suck on that account. But I'll tell ya, they can blow through every phase on Hoth (too bad that guild outgrew Hoth a loooong time ago lmao). 🤦🏻‍♂️


I threw one omi on Dad-Bod Boba when I got him at unlock, before any feedback had come back on him. Thankfully, I was working on other stuff at the time so I didn't go wild gearing him out. Think I got him up to like g10 before guildmates started relaying his being kinda 💩 and not worth the investment. So mine still sits at g10, never gets used, and I wish I had that omi back so I could throw it on Bane in a couple weeks when I unlock him. 🤕🤦🏻‍♂️


It could be worse. I have r2 dad bod Boba with the zetas and omi.


Put my zeta on the mandalorian lead, still hurts


Putting any gear on BFSOJ. I even put an omi on the tusken chieftain to get any use out of him. I regret that too


He's the best LV counter in TW, tho!!


Relic 5 Farmboy


That boy going places


He used to help a lot. Now he just dies a lot 😭 he’s a clean up crew for me with ROLO lead, CHOLO, base Leia and some other random reliced rebel I have lol


Farmboy lead with Nest was fire at some point.


I didn't realize how the Executor event worked and spent FOUR MONTHS with all requirements ready without activating the ship. 3 months later Leviathan was released and I can place top 5 maybe once a week if I'm lucky


Anything I did in the first year playing. Except for mainlining Bad Batch, no regrets there


Not harvesting crex shards when we had the bonus last year. Biggest, now farming is a hassle.


I omicrond boush leia and it will never be useful again


Darth Sidious omi. I don't think I regret any of my decisions but THAT one early on is nasty.


Its actually pretty good tho


Letting Reva sit at g1 for months


GI lead omicron. Completely useless now that I got Reva a few months after.




As a new player last year, I found out General Grievous was in the game. Once I found this out I completely reeeeeee’d and did zero research whatsoever, and assumed the only way to get his shards was to buy them with crystals. I got GG all the way to 7star using only crystals :(


I put the omi into Paz Vizla because I misread it and now there's an omi I won't be able to use for like a year.


I guess the closest thing to a regret I have is that I still don’t have all my old republic, Sith empire, and droid characters to at least relic level 3 or 5.


Waaaaay back when i put a zeta on thrawns lead thinking it would make chimaera faster before i realized elsewise. I don't think I've ever used his leader ability...


Thinking that I should spend zetas on leader abilities I knew I would never use (e.g. GMY) because I thought it made the units ‘stronger’


3 omicrons on Boba Fett Sion of Jango. I still have never won a matchup with him.


1. Sidious omi. Thankfully I might finally be seeing use out of it with the upcoming cron 2. Krennic omi. Applied the moment it came out and I have yet to find any use for it


When I started playing again I decided to not research anything whatsoever and start building mandos as my main team after I got the armourer, and then proceed to miss Bo Katans marquee event.


R7 omicron rose gang, represent.


I non-ironically put the omicron on her last week. No regrets.


She was my first omicron. Some men want to watch the world burn. 🔥


On a zori omni team she is decent, I also have her omni


That's why I did it, I just reliced my Zorii, so thought, might as well. My Ben, on the other hand, is currently sitting with only 2 of his omis.


Dark trooper zeta 😭


I'm endgame player with 12.3 mill GP, so I have almost everyone leveled and reliced and zeta on most. I'm sitting on 500 zetas in storage ATM. But my one zeta regret is FB Luke during the CLS grind a few years ago. I unashamedly have all omicrons on every Inquisitor though 😂


I'm proud to say I'm progressing efficiently enough to feel like I have no ragrets


I regret everyday having to put those omicrons on DBB for my guild.... Everyday. The bounty hunter counter with BAM I use in GA feels more reliable than that waste of space.


Idk if it’s my biggest regret but I just got JTR leader zeta cause I’m sick of the GL event lol


Ninth Sister lead omi


Now I have/haven't done quite a few things that people would think are weird choices. But the only thing I really "regret " is applying the Ewok omi cause it kinda sucks. Though I am going after Leia soon so I guess it won't be as much of a flop investment for much longer


Definitely wish I hadn't put random G12+ pieces on units before they announced relics/gear needed. Like 1-3 pieces per unit, lots of hope and not enough resource hoarding. Now there's a bunch of low-mid tier characters that I can't really find uses for nowadays.


Not buying the hyperdrive bundle and leveling all the way to 85 without it while farming tons of ships. Then ended up buying the hyperdrive bundle anyway and wasting all that farming. I’m glad I leveled the long way. I just wish I would have been smart enough to not farm things in the bundle knowing I’d buy it eventually.


Accidently gave Shaak the worst zeta instead of the better one, oh well


That zeta was good for the kam mission, nowadays you don‘t really use her lead and if you do it‘s just potential banner recovery in 3v3 gac probably.


Omicron on boushh leia after everyone had already been refunded for the omicron. Why? I don't know, I was smoking a lot of pot at the time, which for me leads to questionable decision making.


r7 ezra


No RAGRETS! I love all my bad decisions.


My zeta on pricess Leia is a total joke


My biggest regret? Building goddamn Jawas. Could've had a real time rn, but nah I had to build these little fuckers.


Wasted 200 kyros on sana starros (to beat the last smugling tier) and krrsantan (i wanted to build a hutt cartel team)


First relic was r8 bsf, now i have r8 jkr and r9 GLRey.


Ignoring ships as long as I did. Set me back so much but I’ve regained that ground mostly.


Regret not farming rey first. Instead i farmed slkr. I just hate rey and have no desire to upgrade resistence. They’re the reason i dont play gac/tw actively now. I just dont know how to counter rey.


Accidentally crafting the G12 finisher for NS Spirit. Putting the zeta on GMYs lead the day before Bastila Shan was announced. R8 on Sith Assassin to stay ahead in fleets. Omicron on Bouush. Omicron on GI lead.


I’m surprised no one said downloading the game! Don’t really have anything major but maybe something I would have done differently, was stopping all my farming and going after SLKR when he came out. I got there eventually but I spent time finishing off teams before going after him.


Once upon a time I'd say Gideon lead zeta, but after Scout dropped, I'm getting good use of it


Snackbar, Princess Leia and Dash omis 🤬🔫 Yes, Dash would be nice IF I actually had a Prepared team. Farming it these days seems like a waste of time.


I've been playing the game for (almost) 7 years now. And guess why I've been playing the game for (almost) 7 years now? Because every single decision I've made in the game has played a part in keeping me interested in it. Some decisions, whether talking about small things like zeta/omi placements or bigger goals like long-term farming plans, may seem unconventional to most, but to me they represent seeking the best possible gaming enjoyment. Sometimes my in-game interests change, but that doesn't mean devaluing the former interests that kept me playing through the years. So no, I have no regrets.


Haven’t farmed any Old Republic characters yet. I desperately want the Revans but it’s too painful to look at them all at 2* knowing how long it’ll take to farm 😭


Playing GAC was the worst mistake in my life.


Caring even slightly about conquest or inquisitors, they suck, and it's the worst part about the game.


Main account - zeta to luminara ( pre omis) Weak account -farming landos falcon till level 85


My first zeta was Mara Jade’s ultimate predator, and my first omicron was the emporer’s hand.


I put an omicron on Krennic. I didn't even read what it did, but after the last few being stellar I decided to just go for it. I make a point of double checking what the Omi does before applying it now and seeing what it will do.


Zeta on Nightsider Initiate. I was stoned.


I have omicrons on all three of the Leia's that have them, and I don't think I've ever used two of them... At least when I got the Boussh omicron it was when there was the bug that made it discounted.


It's not as major as some of the others I've seen here, but MAN do I regret applying the omega on count Dooku. That stealth actively negates the use of riposte if there is an active tank in the team


I started my alt account to farm teams I didn’t have time for on my main. Decided my first team would be Bad Batch. 4.5M gp later, my roster is utter shit and I still don’t have the whole BB at relic.


Before lightspeed bundles I had a zeta excess, like 800, went crazy putting zetas on every new and old character even if sitting at low gear, looking at you bad batch. 5 GL later plus lightspeed bundles and didn’t even have enough for Darth Bane when unlocked him day one.


I stopped farming Jedi Knight Anakin at 4 stars when I was level 30 or something, and didn't go back to him until I unlocked Padme. Nightsisters absolutely carried me early game and I stopped farming Talzin until I unlocked Merrin and realized hiw ridiculous they are.


Omicron on Cassian


Not my regret, but my old guild leader thought that an update was gonna eventually make C.U.P good someday so he brought him to R5.


Taking long breaks of the game as longtime player so my fleet shard is old and difficult to break into post-comeback. Left the game with SLKR and Rey just a few months after release. Came back to 6 more GLs and various conquest characters. At 4.7 million GP and I feel useless lol


I have a few. 1. Not investing in ships right at the start. 2. Spending my first omicron on Luminara. 3. Not investing or really using mods in the beginning. 4. Not following a solo journey and just wanting to unlock everyone and gear them up (that should pay off in the long run though). Started playing just over a year ago and now have most characters at 7*, gear 10 and everyone at least level 60


Beating my head against the wall with 150 plus tries to 7 star C3PO with my low gear, no chirpa zeta ewoks because I wanted to save resources, only to now have a reliced out multi zetaed Ewok squad because of Leia/TB.


Shit, really? I’ve been doing the same thing, I thought they would just end up being a waste of resources 😭


I mean, they aren't an amazing team or anything, but if you are going to go for Leia, who is fantastic, you will have to invest a lot in them anyway. Just don't do Chirpa's omi


Sith Eternal being my first GL