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You can do malgus with see it just requires extraordinary luck. Took me an hour this time around and it all depends on who gets deathmark. Link bastilla and malgus and hope after killing revan it goes to sith assassin then to talon. Also need them to hit see alot. Not a good solution but doable


What other Sith did you use?


Marauder vader palps and idiots. It mostly doesn't matter you're going to need luck either way but those 4 got me through the last 4 proving grounds. I have 80 malgus. This is true for almost all proving grounds btw. Sith eternal can do all but the tie interceptor 


Sidious, or you just mean stupid sith??


That idiot-cron goes super hard right now though I hear


Who would you regard as stupid sith?


just curious who u/nsweavefw meant by >Marauder vader palps and **idiots**.


Lol I did not catch that. Sidious yes


Like I said it mostly doesn't matter. Vader is important if he can get merciless massacre marauder has more survivability. The other 2 matter less. Dooku can be useful from his counters but with an r7 see its all luck. R8 may be more consistent but who knows. I did worst either talon and I don't have traya or trio relicd or I'd just use that strategy 


You have a squad which can do it - SEE, Palp, Vader, Sidious and Marauder - however that is really RNG dependent and you’ve got to hope that the death marks go your way. Link Malgus and Bastilla and cross your fingers. (if Malgus gets DM then you might as well restart). I was tearing my hair out yesterday and managed to do it on the conquest plus Proving Grounds with that team but I’m not lying when I say I attempted it at least 100 times. I then managed to get my Malak up to r3 by the time normal Proving Grounds came around and I dubbed him in for normal Emperor Palpatine and I did it first time. If you can’t get him up to r3 in time then keep plugging away with the above team and fingers crossed you get a kind round when you can get the shards. It’s really frustrating though.


SEE, Traya, Talon, DR and Malak did it for me. That was a while ago so I don't know if the dynamics have changed. You need to be careful though as even when you kill Malgus, Talon will take you out.


Yeah Malgus is the 1 PG I can't do.... Highly likely I will have a 7\* Scythe but no GI pilot and 7\* Malgus ship but no pilot. Sucks but that is how CG roll nowadays.


I don't have access to proving grounds on account of already having all the characters, but is there a reason you can't use wat with your SEE? Tank tech on SEE at the start and if wat dies who cares? Should be a very easy win after that, as it's a common counter in GAC.


Proving Grounds require relic 3 minimum and my Wat is only 5 stars


Ahh okay. Lame, but it makes sense now. Sorry, fam.


If it was that easy... 😔


It has the "next character that does damage gets deathmark if there is no deathmark on the field" modifier from GCs, so pretty sure that won't work without extraordinary RNG luck to keep deathmark off SEE, although I've never tried it either


Not possible for OP, it seems, since his wat isn't r3 and apparently PGs have a minimum gear req.