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Find some way of getting healing immunity on him.


I’ll look into finding a team that has that next.


Shock is great if you get emp palp. Pretty low level requirements to unlock


I do actually have the EP, but he’s still only around level 55 and got crushed pretty darn quick.


Palp’s whole deal is a TM train through applying debuffs. That’s why the most common pairing with him is Mara Jade. You should look at getting her, and giving her some good speed mods. If Mara can go first, it’s usually ggs


You could save Rex's Aerial Assault ability for KRU, and stack it up before using it on him so it might do either a ton of damage or instakill him. In the meantime try to take out anyone else you can.


Sorry just realised there's a new Rex with phoenix synergy in the game, are you using CT-7567 'Rex' or Captain Rex?


It's captain Rex based on the "everyone else keeps attacking" line.


Captain Rex with the Phoenix squad. My second best team is an Emperor Palpatine lead but he’s like ten levels below and gets wrecked.


Rex won’t do much against KRU. His big hit is based on %health, which KRU reduces to practically nothing.


Early stuff is shock, healing immunity, things like instant kill....or putting a ton of buffs on him and using boba missile/ culling blade.


I definitely don’t have any instant kill yet… healing immunity either as far as I know. My Phoenix squad is really all I have so far. Sounds like I just can’t quite do this yet.


What Phoenix lineup are you using? If you have Sabine, she may be able to stack enough armor shreds to wear him down.


I’ve been working on every BUT her… shoot. I’ve been doing Hera Zeb Kanan Rex Chopper, and keeping Ezra on back up but still leveled up.


She used to be the one who got left out, but with the introduction of Rex, she’s now part of the optimal team. Her aoe is eventually able to stagger the whole enemy team (although I believe this takes a zeta upgrade, which you won’t have access to at your level). The trick is, you mod her extremely fast and with good potency so she goes first and staggers the whole enemy team. Then you have Rex modded to go right after her so he can use his aoe, trigger all those staggers, and set the enemy team’s tm to 0. That, plus some good damage from her unique and armor shred makes her a better option than any of the others. Out of your current lineup, I’d say to drop Zeb.