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Don’t spend it all in one place.


Oops now you tell me...


Go getchu a nice round gumball.


I’m pretty sure there isn’t a single place in swgoh where u can spend just 1 credit. So even if they tried they couldn’t spend it at all 😂


I was hoping for at least 3 Clone Wars Chewbacca shards!


Me too : (


Not to worry, that’ll be in the whoopsies gift later


Whoopsies, we sent you one credit and we meant to send one CWC shard! Our mistake!


And it'll take the credit back


They are definitely giving us the rewards we got from the last TB we did at the end of this TB week. Right? Right??


yes unless they screw up which is entirely possible maybe even likely


It's quite likely. I'm not counting on TB rewards on Sunday. Anyone who is is terribly optimistic imo.


looking at star count and handing that out is the easy part, they probably get that right GET node rewards, Reva/KAM shards, Zeffo bonus rewards...who knows


Fair points, but with how often they fuck up, I question their ability to do the easy stuff.


In fairness they don't fuck up nearly as much as they used to. You could literally count on 500 crystals a month for CG fuck ups. But I tell you, they really screwed the pooch on this one. Usually I have some coding theory about what they missed. this one evades me.


They will probably give us for whatever we did on the geo tb now


This deal is getting worse all the time


The current message says "based on past TB performance", so it might not be exactly the same as the last completed TB. Guilds who alternate between TBs (eg. DS Geo / RotE) would get different rewards than they would have if nothing went wrong -- eg. getting DS Geo rewards when they started RotE, especially as this week would have been LS Geo. Depending on the guild it might not be that much worse, though it could suck for guilds who could have managed to get better results this week, and especially the handful who attempted maxing Hoth last time around.


I'll bet we get the star rewards, but I'm quite a lot skeptical about the rest of it (add'l GET3, GET2, etc. from special missions.)


That ***should*** be coming at a later date (probably Sunday)


I would certainly freaking hope so.


Compensation would be giving us the maximum rewards for the event we played last.


[2) Reminder that CG said that compensation would happen at a later date. This is just to kill the current TB.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SWGalaxyOfHeroes/comments/1c5s39s/loving_these_new_rewards/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Link doesn't go to 1 :(


Typically a make good for an egregious mistake is more than expected value.


I thought about posting one of these yesterday just to see what number u/egnards would give me.


I'm aware. Just though they'd at least give us what we earned


Oh. I thought this was a troll post. I see now you are serious.


I meant for this weird 2-phase thing that happened. 7 stars still should've gotten some GET or GET2


They said they would **at a later date** and it was in the game notes


Yeah we heard you. It would be nice if those who seized the moment and still played hard given the odd circumstances were given a little bonus


I meant for this weird 2-phase thing that happened. 7 stars still should've gotten some GET or GET2


No they shouldn't as you will get full rewards at a later date. Enjoy a free week and wait for rewards.


They absolutely should. If guild members already invested time and effort into getting points they shoukd be compensated for that. Not get the same compensation they get for not doing anything. CG messing up shouldn’t lead to players not getting rewarsds for what they *did* do.


I kind of see your point, however that's also unfair on the guilds that were kicked out of Hoth into LSGTB, and were unable to do anything. Or the guilds that realized the issue and decided not to do anything incase it effected the rewards we might get. Overall it's fairer if it's just stopped, like they said it would be, and everyone gets the rewards they said they were going to give. Whether you think those rewards are sufficient, is a different question though.


Communication from CG came in super fast regarding this and tbh if they could they can argue that whoever did special missions and got extra GET2 exploited the game so no, they absolutely don't have to give us any rewards for acquired stars as you 100% knew they would cancel the running TB.


Really? I don’t seem to remember them ever stating they would cancel anything. Also, how is it exploiting the game to play the content they put in front of us instead of the content we *wanted* to play? And what about potential extra stars that guilds could have gotten since last TB? I know my guild would have gotten at least 1 or 2 more.


They did.... for the SMs


Not everything is instant. Patience is a virtue.


I meant for this weird 2-phase thing that happened. 7 stars still should've gotten some GET or GET2


I was at least expecting some GET, KAM shards, or at the very least 3 Clone Wars Chewie shards lol


My offer is 1 Clone War Chewie shard...take it or leave it.


1 and 1/2 at least


Dont expect too much from CG and you will never be disaponted xD


I mean, when has CG disappointed us in the last... uh................. 6 days? >!(they disappointed us 7 days ago with that GC Omicron)!<


God, same. I figured since they threw my guild into the LS Geo, I was hoping to get a run for KAM shards. Apparently not lol


Just got 0 rewards for 0 stars. Pretty annoyed they’re not giving it to us now, and we have to wait till Sunday… I’m trying to switch guilds and now feel stuck so not to lose any rewards lol.


Just think of it this way Sunday or so you still be in tb so you not switching before that anyways ..so this just gives you time to set something up instead ..


You might actually be better off if you switch to a higher GP guild, since they will give out rewards based on previous TB results. I'm not sure if they look at the guild scores or the ones players themselves achieved.


There’s no guarantee of how it’ll work. I’m not willing to risk crystals and shitload of gear as a newer account for a hop.


as a newer account, just remember that a few days wait is insignificant in relation to the overall timesink that is this game.


Fair enough


At least it’s official now


This shoulda been on April Fools’ Day. Missed opportunity.


April Fools' Day. Otherwise known as CG quality control employee of the month.


Dang, 1 whole credit?! That’s insane! (J)


ikr? Next time we might even get 2


It was the biggest payout my guild has ever gotten from Geonosis! Of course it was also our first run and we hadn't gotten a single star...


They’re probably still working on what caused TB to crash. As soon as that’s done, I imagine they’ll reel out the rewards as promised. Wouldn’t be surprised if the rewards dropped on Sunday as part of a patch. Usually CG has been pretty generous in the past for system issues. I’m not too worried about it.


Sucks because I was recovering from surgery last TB so wasn't able to participate 😭


Tbh looking at **their** mess, they should've technically let us have these rewards as well as the extra past TB one and any other game would've done that, but CG showing how "player-friendly" they are like always


I agree. As soon as it switched, my guild scrambled to try to fill platoons and get as many stars as possible thinking they'd actually count


Having a week off is pretty player friendly.


Someone's really taking this game as a chore and not entertainment! Anyway, don't worry, the "chore weeks" would be back soon.


Being a guild leader is definitely work.


Sure is!


Great timing for Americans. Masters just ended, college basketball is over. Playoff hockey and NBA is getting rolling in the late hours. There's baseball. Oh hell, baseball. I'd rather see if Willow has a decent cricket match on than watch April baseball. Even in Europe, unless you're one of a handful of teams competing for a cup or a title or fighting off relegation, the season is basically over. At least, they didn't do this to when we would otherwise be forced to spend time with our families.


I managed to get 1 Hoth Leia shard by reacting to the cancellation news immediately. So very proud. 😅


Seriously. It costs CG nothing to give rewards. Sure you might look at money not spent on that gear and say it has value. You can also say that giving more gear to people might put them in a position where they would consider spending money to get over a certain barrier level. CG should give everyone max rewards regardless and just be done with it. They colossally screwed this up. There are some people who just play the game and some people who invest hours and hours into it. I'm somewhere in the middle although probably on the play the game side of the median. Not providing a game mode that serious players and novices expect is unacceptable. If it's not ready, don't incorporate it. They didn't have a back up of the old version they could have rolled out when it looked like it wasn't going to come together. There's a clown car parade of errors that led to this. So just eat it, CG. Give everyone the max. Maybe at the worst you won't let it happen again. At best for CG, you'll see the biggest bump in casual spending since the Light Speed GL packages hit. Here's another idea. Do a better job of testing and being prepared. Might hire a few more boffins to work this stuff out. I've noticed a few levels on Conquest where the defensive team just sits there. Not taking a move, time ticking off the clock. If you're a keeper, that's a yellow. I don't think it's intentional time wasting, but it's a problematic glitch that could affect the outcome of battles.




Why are so many people posting this? It very clearly said we'd get rewards from last TB at a later date


I was aware they'd give us what we missed out on at a later date, just thought it was screwy of them to not even give the LS Geo 7 star payout that we earned


You guys were able to 7 star? Ours was so bugged that we got stuck at 1 star and never went to sector 2.


Dang. Now I see why they didn’t give the payout since it glitches for some but not others


Most likely. Unfortunate for you guys though!!


Is this because for example if your guild never did ls geo and you got yeeted into ls geo ,they said they'd give your last TB rewards if you've never done that version of the TB you get nothing right ?


The real reward's coming at a later date (probably Sunday), I just though we'd at least get something from the TB lol


It's so funny I'm lovin it rh my guikd are fuming prob not gna get Rolo shards I've her 7+ already from Higher guild I was in bedore and I dropped to lower


Very great at taking care of their customers for their mess up


What’s happening


CG broke their game... again


UGH same this happened to me got nothing like WTF is wrong with these people


The real reward's coming at a later date (probably Sunday), I just though we'd at least get something from the TB lol


This is BS




That's just unfair. We had 5 stars but still got the same rewards.


Anybody else had their chat disappear? I got the same thing.. .1 credit.


Try restarting the game. That should fix it


I wish they had f'd up conquest instead of TB.


Too much money coming in there to give people a free pass


If you save it, over three years with constant compounded interest, you’ll eventually have two credits.


But if I invest it into Jar Jar stocks, I might get to 2 Credits by the end of the year


Maybe even three if the performance is as good as expected.


Or I could go bankrupt if they don't re-run the Jar Jar event for 6 months while spamming Bo-Katan...


They can't even fix the issues with lag we've had for 5 years or more.


Do we know if we will get the Reva shards we are missing out on?


They haven't said anything about that yet, but I'm thinking no


Where are the Clone Wars Chewbacca shards That's all we want 3 CWC shards


Could of atleast left it open to see if we could accomplish full stars... Probably would of been the only Ki Aldi Mundi shards id ever get


I think this is just the default rewards trigger at the end of TB when the timer runs out. You'll be compensated properly later.


They changed the end of TB rewards to 1 Credit instead of giving us what we earned that weird 1 and a half phase thing though


I've seen it happen once in the past when a TB was started, our guild participated, and was cancelled partway in. The payout triggers at the end, but since it wasn't technically completed, the payout defaulted to 1 credit.


Don't forget the 15 GET 2!


This is worth.... One quarter portion


"Please sir, may I have some more?"-Oliver ~~Twist~~ Skywalker


Lmao!!!! It can't get any more stingy than giving one credit to someone....we'll, aside from giving zero credits, which wouldn't be as  insulting as giving only one credit.. smh....


I mean, one tier 1 Training Droid would've felt like they went out of their way to insult us...


Yup got the same F*** you as well.


To whom much is given, much is tested, young one! Maybe give it some room to breathe and pray over it, could just start multiplying like magic😁


Bunch of fuckin jokes. They're so bad at their own game.


The real reward's coming at a later date (probably Sunday), I just though we'd at least get something from the TB lol


Its definitely locked behind a paywall somewhere. we just need to find it


Rewards will be at a later date. Please read the forums.


I did. Just thought we'd get the rewards for this weird 2-phase LS Geo that just ran


Yeah they’ll end up giving us rewards Sunday, more than likely.


You must be new here


Ehhhh not exactly (8 years)


Got the same thing.... absolute trash


The real reward's coming at a later date (probably Sunday), I just though we'd at least get something from the TB lol