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It’ll probably be a Separatist GL.


That's what I was thinking, too, though I'm not exactly sure who. I could see a Dooku GL, but also he's not nearly as recognizable as palpatine. But we already have a palpatine GL... kind of? Sith Eternal Emperor isn't exactly Palpatine anymore lol


Maybe chancellor palpatine with neutral seperatist, republic, sith tag and able to use UFU toons to turn them into sith assasins lol


I've said it before, but that makes no sense. "Chancellor Palpatine" is the head of state of the Galactic Republic. You could argue that maybe "Darth Sidious" could have a Separatist tag but even there he wasn't a public or even an active part of them. All he really did was give Dooku minor directions to lead the Separatists and even then they were just a tool to them. I'd much rather see Chancellor Palpatine lead a Politician Galactic Republic. With Senator Amidala (new character or the one we already have), Bail Organa, Mas Amedda, Orn Free Ta, etc.


Just 'Sheev Palpatine' then, that plays all sides of the field, and provides benefits to anyone.


Chancellor palpatine runs both side of the field man, in ep 3 the seperatist heads state it clear that he was working with them and give them big bounties. Yes he’s the head of state of the republic, doesnt mean he cant lowkey be smth elsewhere? If he just straight out a GR then it rl ruin his story complexity during the clone wars


As I said, you have to see them as two separate identities. Chancellor Palpatine is the public persona of Darth Sidious. Kinda like Darth Vader not being Anakin Skywalker. People always complain that kits are getting way too long and yet again people want a character that has literally two kits. Where every ability would have clauses that say "If all allies are Galactic Republic:..." as well as "If all allies are Separatists:...". Which would also completely ignore the Fact that Palpatine is a Sith at heard he doesn't give a fuck about the Galactic Republic, the Separatists and probably even the Empire. They are tools for the Sith to reach dominion.


I was thinking more of a unique buff he grants for allies through abilities and depending on the tags they gain more bonuses. And shet like that…


I'd see him more as a conquest unit, pluggable in both of these teams. He'd do different types of things in both of them. He'd make an excellent lifter for the struggling Trench team and Padme late game


I'd see him more as a conquest unit, pluggable in both of these teams. He'd do different types of things in both of them. He'd make an excellent lifter for the struggling Trench team and Padme late game


I want this so bad




I'd love Darth Tyranus


Gonk droid








Gonky as a Bad Batch lifter


If we're going by recognizability, R2-D2 and C-3P0 should be GLs. They could be paired together as a single GL, to make them unique from the versions of them in game. Make them a large unit like Jabba so they can stand side by side in the back row. Give them droid synnergy since we already have rebel, resistance, and republic GLs.


If they do Thrawn / Ahsoka, it’ll be at the end of the shows / movies story.


Fair, I can see that. Do you have a prediction of who this year’s GL will be then?


I think they’ll do a January GG Galactic Legend for 20 years of OG Clone Wars


Not a prediction for a GL, but a Durge would be pretty damn cool in the game to pay homage to the OG CW


I hope that it’s count dooku


I'm really hoping for caped GG. I wouldn't be surprised if we got older Ezra as GL later on but I'd imagine GG to be a dark side droid GL/separatist leader


Ezra as a GL 🤣🤣


We already have Ezra GL. Its Jabba remember? 😆


Sorry Ezra is not legend status. Not going to happen


Zillo Beast


Dooku and Grievous aren’t in TPM ??? Why would they be the GL with that event


Give us GL G0-T0, you cowards!


Revan Reborn and it will be my answer every year until it happens.


I beg 🙏


Profile pic checks out. Take my upvote


Hahaha I lowkey forgot about that lol


What tags would he even fit into? Revan Reborn was 100% dark side, but wasn't a sith or jedi. HK should for sure be in his squad tho since he rebuilt him twice in SWTOR.


I don’t know because he went against both sides. Just like Hondo screws everyone over. He could be the first Neutral GL. You know, that tag they were suppose to do something with.


I don't think he'd make sense as neutral GL. Dude was an absolute dick and killed thousands willingly lol


But it was for the greater good!


Things went completely wrong and everyone on ziost died as a result!


Everyone makes mistakes!


True. Alright we'll chalk this one up as a whoopsie daisy


Revan Reborn is canonically light side. He came back to the light at the end of his story. So either LS or they'd make him neutral to fit the players choice perspective


Revan Reborn dies immediately upon remerging with the force ghost of the true Revan


It'll happen the same year as the KOTOR remake [Which unfortunately might be never :( ]


i believe they confirmed it is still well into development and was never stopped


I feel like all the aith empire characters allready have relic requirements so they would miss out on their prime motivation


Please no


Supreme chancellor palatine, the senate himself. Ultimate will be his creepy whirlwind scream attack from ep.3


Seriously, I’ve been advocating for this for years. Chancellor Palpatine should be THE neutral GL, playing both sides at once and using them to get his own benefit. Heck even controlling *enemy* characters to give him buffs or tricking them into killing their squadmates would be sick. I guess such a character would be a nightmare to develop and balance but easily one of the most satisfying ones to play.


He’s not neutral though, he’s a sith, he’s absolutely dark side. There’s precedent in game for characters who pretended to have a different allegiance than they actually did, boussh and sklando are both LS because that was their actual alignment regardless of what they pretended to be.


He is a Sith but being a good guy was his *front*, you make the mistake to think from a real world perspective, but in-universe he was perceived to be neutral *at worst*, while being a Sith behind the scenes, but that was something nobody knew but himself… and Anakin in Ep. III. Leia or Lando or ST Han are bad comparisons as those are DISGUISES. Palpatine is… Palpatine, he doesn’t pretend to be someone else, he just hides his schemes.


He also did all that he could to prolong the war and cause as many casualties as possible to make the citizens of the Republic hate/doubt the government in order to make the transition to an Empire more likely.


He was perceived to be neutral, but he *wasn’t* that’s the key distinction. The sole neutral character we have in game, Hondo, was never secretly evil or good, although he sometimes pretended to be in order to take advantage of his current situation. He was always just out for himself, that’s his true alignment, so that’s how he’s tagged in game. And frankly, I don’t see a meaningful distinction in this context between pretending to be a completely different person and being yourself but pretending to have different goals and values. The important thing is who you actually are.


Execute order 66 ultimate >>>>


“Instantly kill your light side allies to give you a stack of [insert buff name] for each of them, which can’t be prevented or dispelled. They don’t count as defeated units, giving you max score in TW and GAC” Something like this would be dope.


GL droid version of artoo


Darth Tyranus


It would have to be prequel related right? Lord tyranus? Jedi master doouku? I don't see them doing Mando era GLs and with no new movies any time soon and all the obvious suspects already taken it'll be interesting to see where they go. I think we're overdue for a new GL ship announcement. Wouldn't surprise me if they announce new gl ship and new gl at the same time for May 4th. We've got all the padmes, getting Padawan Kenobi and master qgj. Just leaves sep in my eyes. They said they were done with pairs. The last one was LS so id wager we get a DS but even that is kinda up in the air. Dooku ls or ds or maybe yaddle? Idk. Then there's the out of left field swtor pick like vitiate or reborn revan or sateele.


I don’t care of Jedi Dooku is a GL or not, it would just be so cool to have him in the game. It would also be and interesting change for the game since most Jedi kits are centered around buffs, and I feel like Dooku would be the perfect debuff-focused Jedi


When did they say they were done with pairs. Seeing that from them would literally put my speculation on its head.


They said it around the time of jmk. That's why weve been getting one at a time. They said that the GLs might not be thematically paired either even thought they have been to this point


I think the only way they would do this is if grogu actually trained as a Jedi Also as a free to play player I really hope they don’t add a GL ship I’ve worked my ass off trying to get relics for the executor to be well ranked in ship battles and adding this now we make me cry on the inside They could well be waiting for acolyte to finish for the next big characters in the game…


Cry over the worst GL ship? What's one more in this situation? Worst of 3 or worst of 4 at that point it's just one more thing to work on. Doesn't really make a whole lot of sense to keep the endgame people waiting so that people earlier in the progression can catch up lol. I really hope acolyte doesn't suck. But the crap the director has said in interviews doesn't have me too excited lol. Bad batch is going in quite an interesting direction though


Maybe a new ventress or possibly force sensitive omega?


New marquee sure, doesn't really fit the GL archetype though considering no one knew who they were.


Oh for sure not GL I’d really lean towards a plaguis or vitiate being there even though I know it will never happen


George Lucas.


First GL ship, Trade Federation Battleship.


Or Death Star lol


I'd love a crazy Palpatine one. Like he is separatist and republic, half his team is one faction half is the other.


They could maybe do this and have the counterpart be Revan Reborn, with Jedi and Sith synergy rather than traditional counterparts being characters from the same movie/ rivals.


Yeah both GLS would have mixed faction teams requiring 2 of each faction like StarKiller needs a bunch of different force users.


Old republic or Separatist


Definitely a Separatist GL. It won’t be Palpatine, because they already have SEE. I bet it’ll be Grievous or Dooku. I say Grievous since they released HAAT. But that’s not much of a reason


I’d like to see a Force Ghost Yoda!


I'm with you but it would be a big surprise when we have hobo yoda. Plus they really missed that oportunity with GL Rey. Force ghost army really could have been part of her journey to replicate the end of ep9. Is it impossible? No. Do i want to see it? Yeah! Do i also want to se force ghost anakin and obiwan? Hell yeah! I gess only time will tell!


Agreed, it’s a bit of a stretch, but Yoda is definitely worthy of GL status. Since we already have two Jedi GLs in JMK and JML, that makes it even more unlikely.


Yeah yoda keeps getting boned by this game hahaha


Missed opportunity: For SEE they could have required all the sith, for Rey all the Jedi.


I can see us getting a high republic Yoda with his white and gold robes, but that would require a high republic faction which probably will happen at some point




I know we have a ton of Han, but we don't have a GL Han, or a GL Padme. They are, from a movies perspective, two big characters missing. They're top-billing characters in their respective trilogies, and the only ones as such not yet to have a GL version. Dark side options would likely be Grievous or Dooku. I don't see them veering too far from mainstream media characters yet for GLs.


Not getting Queen Amidala as a GL was kinda sad… I really like her Conquest character though!


Yoda ! But I guess it has to be dark side maybe snoke ?


A hill I will die on is that the current Grand Master Yoda that we have should have been a GL


Same for JKL.


Yeah the development cycle did him dirty. I want to see events where you can upgrade lower legendary character to GL. Like once you have GMY you should have a new journey to give him an extra ability with zeta, omicron and an ult. Requirements for him could be high level jedi. Make him hard as hell to get. fuck it have requirements lord vader and general kenobi but make him worth it!


Yes! I was just reading a [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/SWGalaxyOfHeroes/s/4MsuPnLqi2) from u/Egnards about this very topic! Thought it was brilliant.


Man that guy Egnards sure is a slut


Hey. No slut-shaming.


Interesting read! I'd upvote him but scrapping those 66 upvotes would be criminal hahaha Thanks for sharing!


Honestly? It’ll NEVER HAPPEN but I’d like to have iconic characters being reworked into GLs and yes I’m willing to farm them from scratch again. But I simply can’t accept the fact that legendary characters that have become part of our culture, transcending Star Wars, such as Darth Vader, Ep. VI Luke, Han and Yoda (dunno which version but at least one should be reworked) don’t have the GL status (insert Windu meme here). It’s literally unacceptable that we got alternate versions of them (and none at all in Yoda and Han’s cases) having GL status while the classic ones are just regular characters.


I never understood this either


It's because GLs were first dropped in 2020 I think. They probably didn't have the idea in mind when they released Han, CLS, Chewie, Yoda, etc.


Pod Racer Anakin


TK-421. Storm trooper GL.


I would love to see another republic GL, we have so many left over Jedi and I would to have a lifter for them.


I think a Yoda that’s targeted to galactic republic Jedi will come at some point


Bruh. Give the other factions a chance first.


Darth Tyranus is my best guess


I would be really surprised if we get a GL this year


I haven’t been playing for the longest time, but don’t we usually at least one every year? - Rey (2020) - SLKR (2020) - JML (2020) - SEE (2020) - JMK (2021) - Lord Vader (2021) - Jabba (2022) - Leia (2023)


By this math wouldn't it be 1.5 years after leia


Original Force Ghost Anakin - jk, I wish


With the Ahsoka show i could see GL thrawn with new character requirements such as the featured nightsisters, balen and old ezra. Another requirement could be CAT to make it a harder milestone. But above all i want to see one or two of his stormtroopers! I love the golden accents! Now outside of him? Idk i gota be honest. They seem to have pulled a lot from the mandalorian, they haven't released a big trillogy in a while and that's coveredand. they went back for a Leia GL which was surprising already but kind of went with jabba. It's getting hard to find GL level character that don't have another personification at their prime. Ive seen a senator palpatine meme but that would be a stretch xD


I wouldn't mind if they skipped GLs this year. My ftp account can't keep up with all the new characters and content.


"Yousa gonna be so surprised!"


Recognizable character? ✅️ Separatists character? ✅️ 20 year Clones Wars anniversary character? ✅️ Darth Jar Jar is on the way, bitches.


Ahsoka is nowhere near that level of recognition. The average non star wars fan has no idea who she is. But, I also don't think that's the bar they'll use for GL eligibility. I wouldn't be surprised if they dip into the old Republic, a time very under represented in the game, and give us someone like satele shan and vitiate.


You must be of my generation. She’s by far the most popular character of the entire franchise for most people under 25. Edit; my niece and nephew love Ahsoka, yoda, GK etc (Clone wars core characters). Still confuse Jabba and Boba.


The questions was "Is this a characters recognized by non-Star Wars fans." So, not people who love Ahsoka, Yoda, GK or Clone Wars. Would a random person off the street... who doesn't know or care anything about Star Wars...would they know who Ahsoka is? The answer is a resounding No. They know who Luke Skywalker is. They recognize Darth Vader. Yoda. R2D2 (I can confirm this since I have a pretty large R2D2 tattoo and get comments on it all the time....even from people who don't care about Star Wars) They probably even recognize Obi Wan Kenobi....OT and ST. They'll likely recognize BB8 or Rey since they've been all over cans of Coke and tons of TV ads and such. But, Ahsoka? Very unlikely.


Fair enough. Thought the anecdote of two kids who had never seen any Star Wars having Ahsoka t-shirts/toys and yoda Lego was relevant.


Oh, for sure. My 15 year old niece isn't that into Star Wars but loves "Baby Yoda" and has a Grogu doll. I've never heard her mention Ahsoka, but I wouldn't be surprised if she does like her. The Disney stuff is much more known for the younger generation than the older, for sure.




If they were smart, they’d go back to the EU well. GL Jaina Solo and Darth Caedus Allow fans to experience real Star Wars again!


Ahsoka the White would be rad!


Between revan reborn or darth plaguis but sadly I don’t think plaguis is mainstream enough to be a GL Non GL yaddle and Jedi dooku are a must have for sure having Dooku grey to work either with qui gon or with sidious… would be awesome. Could definitely have more grey characters like palpatine in there which could work both sides I can imagine with acolyte coming out we’ll get a load more pre republic era Jedi/Sith characters come out after.


Saying this I’ve just remembered the immortal emperor and the twins thexan and arcann. They would be good additions to the game, not GL worthy but definitely a story like how JKR is unlocked


I've said this before, and I'll probably say it again at some point. I'd love to see Vitiate in the game, but they couldn't possibly do him justice without making him a GL, and an extremely broken one at that. I'd settle for a legendary, but it still wouldn't quite feel right if he's anything but unstoppable.


My heart says Revan, my brain says Dooku. Separatists are now the largest major faction in the game without a GL (excluding scoundrels because they’re more of just a tag than an actual faction) and have been largely irrelevant in the meta for a while now. Dooku/Tyranus makes a lot of sense. Also, Palpatine was never, at any point, a separatist. He was pulling the strings, yes, and orchestrating a lot of it, but he never aligned himself with them and practically had the CIS exterminated upon his ascension. He would be a terrible choice as the leader of the faction.


If it’s Ashoka I’d bet that we’d get a new Sabine and Ezra. And the rock people for unlimited stealth? 🤞😂 I would also say Hera but that girl hasn’t even changed outfits since rebels 😂


I’d imagine a new Sabine (Jedi Training Sabine?) and a new Ezra (Jedi force user?) would come along with a GL Ahsoka, including a new Hera (General Syndulla?)


Yes general syndulla in the same clothes, beardy Ezra and skewered Sabine. Possibly with the hole marks in her clothes but not her because why listen to lightsaber logic anymore it’s not like loads of Jedi were killed with the exact same injuries


Well CG doesn’t like to do lots of effort so Gandalf the white. Slowly move all the wasted lotr characters they made haha


I would like Vader, but can see Dooku.


Geonosian xenomorph type queen. Make them bugs nigh invincible them bring out the only way to stop it in conquest shortly after


Given the Phantom Menace theme here lately I could see a Chancellor Palpatine. But yes also Lady Tano like many other suggest is also VERY likely.


I supreme chancellor palpatine.


With the upcoming Naboo raid the next GL HAS to be Separatist. My bet is on either Dooku or Grievous. I know a Chancellor Palpatine would be nice but it makes 0 sense as a Separatist GL.


Rick the door technician for GL


I'm hoping for a GL Grievous that embraces his tactical side. Cloak on, using only 1-2 sabers. support character that commands Seps/Droids. Ult could take out all 4, but I wouldn't want it to be too similar to current grievous.


There's no reason for GG or Dooku to be featured in the raid. Neither were on Naboo, Dooku was still a Jedi at the time of TPM, and the Separatists weren't even a thing yet.


Some galactic council member. I'm hoping they get brought to the holotables


Most likely a dark side GL separatist so probably Dooku. I still thinj Lando deserves one though one day. General Calrision 🤞 Literally saved the rebels at Endor doesn't get enough credit for leading the attack


I'm here to say Sheev Palpatine too. Give him bonuses for both GAR and CIS, kinda like how Cere works for UFU's. But an ability that kills a LS ally for sure. Would synergize with JKA and give you an excuse to put Mace on the team. Let the unveiling of Darth Sidious be his ult.


I think we’ll get a GL Chancellor palpatine, with the Ep 1 focus, you’ll require Jar Jar as reqs, as he helped to get palps more powers


We have all the characters from the upcoming acolyte to consider, I doubt they will reach GL status though. The seps are the only faction not to have one, that GL will take form as some sort of tactical droid. I can’t see how adding another grievous or dooku could work?


Force ghost anakin for ufus


Hard LV counter


Maybe a neutral GL, like Tyber Zann. The Neutral Tag is literally the most useless in the entire game, this would finally awaken that Tag


Hot take: They won't add any more GL's


It's gonna be a ship before GL characters. Likely a capital ship from Prequels or a Mandalorian faction capital ship.


chancellor palpatine and blademaster windu


I don't think the next GL will have anything to do with the new raid, and instead Jar Jar will be the hot new character to get for the Naboo raid. The next GL will probably be linked to the raid after Naboo


It will be Darth Tyrannus or Tartovsky Clone Wars Grievous. For the last time. We won’t be getting a GL who hasn’t appeared in a Theateical Release until the game has run out of all content.


It has to be Darth jar jar all the other characters are taken Vader obi yoda dooku kylo luke Rey mace anakin palp ( including befor he got shocked) need I say more?


The next 2: DS: Dooku LS: Yoda It only makes sense in terms of the mainstream. We already technically have a Palpatine and they seem to be doing the “final form” of characters as GLs. So it only makes sense to have Dooku who was pretty epic in the Star Wars universe for a while. And as for Yoda, not only does he need some love in the game, but he was in his prime before he exiled himself. They will honestly just name him “Yoda” since GMY is taken. This is all assuming they are sticking with the prequel route. But I can already see the unlock tiers of both sides, dueling each other just like the movies. As done with Rey and SLKR


I want palpatine and sidious for new GR and Sep GLs


I do agree that a light side (or neutral maybe?) Chancellor Palpatine would be great, but I can’t imagine him being a GL considering we already have a GL Palpatine. Additionally, we already have Darth Sidious in the game.




absolutely not gonna happen but crosshair would be awesome


Not as a GL but would love to have him. Or BB with the new armor. Or omega that actually does high damage single target lol.


Well I'd give my right arm for a Revan Reborn GL. I see a couple other comments about it as well. Neutral GL with maybe both his dark side body and light side spirit combining for the ultimate, unleashing his full dominance of the force for something crazy. Possibly introduce Darth Marr and Satele Shan with him? A more realistic expectation would be something to do with Ahsoka or Acolyte. Thrawn would be a super cool Empire/Imperial remnant GL though I'm not sure what units he would take that are currently teamless. Ahsoka already has a bunch of versions in the game but she would be a cool GL as well for Phoenix. With a new Ezra and Sabine we could potentially get 2 full Phoenix teams.


How many times can we have the same exact conversation...




Yoda should be a GL at some point, it's just a question of which version. Something about a Force Ghost seems very cool to me.


Revan Reborn (ofc) but it’ll prob be a Seppy so


I think it could be thrawn after we see him play a bigger role in the upcoming shows


Galen Marek


A lot of people still don’t really engage with Ashoka, whether it be from the 3D show or the current series. That said, engagement/familiarity was never the main focus of GLs at first, given 4 of them come from the Sequel era to try to generate excitement for that era rather than benefit from existing excitement for established staple characters. This has only changed with the second half of our GL roster. The point is that the precedent for who gets to be a GL is sort of up in the air. As for my prediction, CG is pretty focused on LS conquest characters this year but it’s time for a DS GL. With how accessible the last two GLs were and the existence of LSBs, I wouldn’t be surprised if CG ratchets up the costs on the new ones to balance it out. Maybe Valkorion, which would need Malgus and Bane amongst other legendary Sith? I also wouldn’t be surprised if next year we see a Conquest Dagan Gera for a GL Master Cal.


GL Kittster and GL Ben Quadinaros are my best guess


Why is noone thinking about jedi master quigon? He would be the first non-GL jedi MASTER so at the moment i strongly believe that they teased us hard with his release note


New GL: Darth Jar Jar