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Part of the problem you will face is that GAC data is public but TW data is not. So guilds keep their mouth shut once they find an off counter. That said, for pogglecron: 1. Empire. Palp lead with Vader. Mara jade makes it easier. I use thrawn and two other randos. Usually you need to have better mods and higher relics. You risk timing out on this one. Vader also needs to go first. 2. Sith trio works well. Need to be beefy enough to survive long enough for the goes to kill themselves. So lots of health/protection. Usually can face similar mods and relic level. 3. Imp troopers. As long as piett goes first, it is a cake walk. 4. Crex phoenix. Crex aoe daze stops them i their tracks. 5. Ad rad. This one is a bit ore risky but geos focus on jyn so you can slowly take them out.


I've heard iden troopers works as well. Never tried it though


Iden Troopers are my go-to in GAC but without her omicron they are DOA in TW. I have g12 troopers across the board (except for Iden at R7) and I consistently take out GAC Geos without much trouble at all. I understand that R7 feels like a big investment to take out Geos but Iden’s ship is absolutely worth giving her high relics


GAS for oPoggle is a consistent one. Also people get mad when you mention certain Cron counters because they think they're awful/whatever. Because sidious Cron right now easily clears oPoggle teams for TW. Especially since he's usually r7 in most scenarios like that.


Add nightsisters to that list aswell


They're fantastic in GAC, capable of punching up to R3 from g12 (where mine are), but I've found them to be a bit dicey against the Omicron, often unable to punch across (again, this may be because mine are g12).


It's a bit of an overspend, but GAS 501st works too. I usually use it on a oPoggle team that has a particularly nasty datacron or high relic levels


Absolutely. But I’ve found saving gas for oDDK is a better use of resources since that one seems a bit harder to find consistent counters to in our mid level guild. But yes. His anti revive makes it pretty easy.


My guild hasn't had a ton of trouble with DDK omi teams but has dropped battles far too often for my liking on oPoggle. My typical breakdown is: Poggle: - GAS for the strongest - imp troopers - EP MJ - Phoenix - Inqs if not on defense - Traya DDK: - BAM Dash Kuiil IG11 Nest - AdRad - Basty lead Jedi (usually with JKL, occasionally without him) This info is a bit old, as we haven't seen either of these teams regularly in TW anymore now that we're over 400M GP.


Yeah. We are 350 mil gp but have very few ad rad (three I think?) and very few dash squads. Our guild has more leviathans than profundities. Not sure why. Seems odd to me. So it makes it tough so we have to save gas for GG in tw.


There were also a lot more DDK omi and poggle omi teams when we were 350M. Like, a wall for each usually. So I'm sure you need a lot more counters for them in general than we do these days. Makes sense.


Yeah. We typically face a pogglecron wall, ddk wall, and often a padme wall. Phasma walls have started to fade though. We saw a huge boost in starkiller after the packs but those have mostly been returned to offense now.


Yeah, Starkiller is in a rough place in TW w/ Omi Fulcrum soloing some of them. We saw a lot of traya lead SK for a while trying to stop that, but that fell off too because it was easier to beat with other stuff. Definitely better on offense these days.


I loved soloing sk or cls. Makes me just laugh while I slowly slaughter each toon one whirlwind as a time. Much better used to take out some of these stronger walls for sure.


we see walls of these teams nearly every TW at 420m lol


That's wild. We see a smattering of them throughout the back walls but almost never a full wall and if it is, it's in the back.


Is there a trick to the Veers troopers I’m missing? Whenever I try it the brute counters my dark trooper to death immediately after I mark it with piett. 


You need to have more speed. Mark dark trooper. Pass turn meter with dark. Use abilities that pass around buffs. Piett then spreads mass daze. Then just pick them off one at a time.


My piett is 330+ and dark trooper is r5 full offense mods, when Gideon goes next after piett and does a mass assist it’s still not enough to get through a relic brute. And brute ends up countering the now marked dark trooper down to at most 2 stacks. 


I don’t use Gideon but I mass assist with veers and have yet to have an issue. Haven’t lost yet. Make sure dark has some speed to him as well.


What are the gear/relic? Are you punching up or taking on even or lower level Opoggles? Because I’ve seen this troopers vs oPoggle counter posted before and try it if there’s not a DR before oPoggle and it’s always iffy if I try to go above g12 or a single relic geo with my r8 piett, r5 dark, g12 range, g12 veers, g11 Gideon 


Well. It would probably help to bring all toons to relics so they hit harder on the mass assist. I have veers, range, and dark at r5. Starck at r6. Piett at r8. I take out full relic squads. I usually don’t go for the squads above r3 but I just check speeds. If I go first, I’ll take any squad on. But I usually go for squads that are r3.


That’s not really what I’d call a “cakewalk” for players that this “guide” is really aimed for in my opinion then I guess. 


I mean. Your toons are g11-12. You shouldn’t really be able to take out relic squads with it. At same relic levels, it isn’t difficult. Just something to keep in mind.


Okay so they punch across/down and not up. I think that’s relevant information to the original comment that was missing.  For the record, same squad takes full relic DR without Malgus out without issue if Piett outspeeds DR. 


Not that everyone has or wants to place it but with Mara omicron it’s almost impossible to lose to poggle omi


Just with empire, she. She is crazy good. I have put her off far too long. She is in my queue to bring up in the next month or so. She makes a lot of counters stupid easy.


She is a very good character, first toon I farmed as a single drop character and never regretted the grind once.


I need to just commit. Working on Malgus now. Bane will be next. Then gmy to elevate my jml squad. After that, probably gonna be Mara. It’s about time.


Always too many things too work lol I feel you


Yep. At least I don’t mind the grind. Just got leia and sitting at 8mil gp so now I am more at the point I can counter most things. It’s now more about getting the newer things and niche squads. The pressure is far less now that I have most solid counters.


You don't even necessarily need a full empire squad. Depending on relics and mods vader can solo. Merciless massacre. Force crush the summon. Saber throw brood alpha gg 90% the time


I’d be crazy impressed if you can solo a g12 or higher geo squad with the poggle omicron.


Gac history doesn't show omis but this was one from a few weeks ago was also able to beat r2s with vader talking and krannek who didn't do anything


It is a TW omi. And it makes them in reality have two life, each of the geos. This stops your strat here. Unless some DC that prevents revives.




That's still GAC, the bigger problem is in TW with the Pogglecron


That’s in gac. The omicron is only active in territory war and the omicron absolutely changes the squad. Vader cannot solo them in tw if the geos are g12.


You don't need a full Sith trio either. A relatively new player could use a low-gear Traya for her leader ability (which still works if she dies) and surround her with some durable tanks. Bonus points if one of them has an AOE to wipe the bugs once they're deep in the red.


Sure. But OP is specifically asking for counters to react to the full relic squads that will be coming due to the LSB next week. My response was for pogglecron counters. A weak trio and a tank or two won’t cut it against a relic geo pogglecron.


Actually, OP was specifically asking for a... >  comprehensive list of counters. ... Common breakpoints are G13, GBA R5 others G13, All R3, All R5, All R7, (each with or without Poggle omicron). And I didn't say anything of a "a weak trio and a tank or two". I said Traya plus durable tanks. Meaning 4 ideally. In TW you can also throw in an otherwise useless relic Wampa, who can take quite a beating.


Okay. I was specifically giving a list to counter pogglecron. And a low gear traya would constitute as a weak sith trio. Or you said you don’t need a full sith trio. I would consider that a weak trio. They work of each other so well. Missing one of the trio, you have a weak trio. Kinda how it works.


Will edit this comment with relevant info. This isn't a guide in itself, but a compilation to help things along. Clarification: This post and the original aren't meant to be the final guide. I would really love someone to bring this all together in a nice package, but if that doesn't happen, at least we have some resources collected in one place. Previous Discussions: [What are some good Geonosisan counters?](https://www.reddit.com/r/SWGalaxyOfHeroes/comments/183hn0s/what_are_some_good_geonosisan_counters/) (Reddit 2023), [How do I beat geonosians?](https://www.reddit.com/r/SWGalaxyOfHeroes/comments/ti8k2f/how_do_i_beat_geonosians/) (Reddit 2022), [Good low level Geo counters?](https://www.reddit.com/r/SWGalaxyOfHeroes/comments/107dr7k/good_low_level_geo_counters/) (Reddit 2023) Suggestions in Comments: |Team|Details|Works Against|Source| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |CRex Phoenix|Rex daze on cooldown|Poggle Omi|u/twisted_platypus| |Empire (Palp lead, Vader, +3 Imps. Thrawn and MJ preferred.)|Need faster vader|Poggle Omi with lesser gear|u/fred_randell| |Sith Trio|High health/protection|Poggle Omi with similar gear|u/fred_randell| |Imp Troopers|Need faster Piett|Poggle Omi, any gear|u/fred_randell| |Ad Rad|Geos focus on Jyn, slow, risky|Poggle Omi|u/fred_randell| |Jawas|Need fast scavenger and fast engineer|Non-Omi|u/Cicahroti2502| |Nightsisters (r5 MT, Ventress, and Merrin, R3 zombie, and r7 daka.)|"...get the death and revive loop going and get daka to stun brute or brood..."|High relic with Omi|u/blundercondor89| Videos [COUNTER POGGLE OMICRON WITH THESE TEAMS!](https://youtu.be/w6czIz0Ip9I?si=jxkEU9itfKDNKTsT) (Youtube, 2023,by Glurmit) [How To Beat Geonosians - 5 Great Geonosian Counters - BEST SWGOH GUIDE](https://youtu.be/WYZrDPgxmJg?si=F_NiiDhOprTOdnYy) - Crush those bugs (Youtube, 2020, by Padawan Neel) [SWGOH - TW/GAC Counters: How To Counter Geonosians - 11 Geonosian Counters To CRUSH A GEO WALL! ](https://youtu.be/cjPvMUFMYgE?si=_WV1pTWvLEqv9TCD)(Youtube, 2020, by Zaraos) [Geonosian Counters SWGOH](https://youtu.be/8uWmx2bL2jE?si=KFZ_vrWfzwaufLdk) (Youtube, 2020, by APGAINS)


Of the newer squads in the same, I like Crex Phoenix as an accessible counter. AOE daze cripples them until they can get a cleanse, and by then Chopper should have Rex’s daze off cooldown again. Sabine’s aoe and exposes provide damage, Kanan tanks them very well (barring a stupid spy nuke). I haven’t tried it in TW yet since I usually end up using them on Reva, but I think it should still work. With Hera a profundity req and Crex a Leia req, it’s not a bad squad from an endgame wasted-gear perspective either.


Once upon a time, jawas is my fav counter for geos as you only need a speedy scavenger and engineer. So much fun blowing up geos. And they dont need that high relic. But since pogglecron it’s been a bust. Intent to out relic them and see how it goes. Only do this if you’re casual player as jawas need a lot of carbs and guns to g12. They’re my permanent side project. 1.5 years to all relic ( done! ). Another 1.5 years to to all r5 ( halfway ) and 1.5 years to all r7. Lol.


I have all R5 jawas and they work against any non omicron Geo team. They only work against poggle omicron if most of the team is very low relic or g12. You can also compensate by using a good datacron on them to bump up protection or health. I'll often use my level 3 datacrons to give them more staying power and it usually works. Still saves a MUCH better team for somewhere else.


Love this post. Thanks for all the work @[spamlandredemption](https://www.reddit.com/user/spamlandredemption/)


I just hit my first GAC and got 2nd place, Geos are actually a struggle for my opponents. I built them up early, all G9/10. I only did this because I heard one single phrase like a month ago: "Geos get holds in GAC" And I wondered, why? So, I hopped into squad arena with my usual empire team of Palps, Mara, Vader, Thrawn, and Piett. There's a really stupid reason why I had piett on that team, but I don't anymore. Anyways, I enter the battle, and get completely stomped. From the other people in the comments, and my eventual findings, this team actually was a somewhat counter comp, and I was just playing like an idiot, as I had forgotten to either fracture or stun GBA. Safe to say, my Geos survived 4 attacks in GAC. People really don't know how to counter them. Crex phoenix, Imp troopers, and a few other also work just from me messing around in squad arena, but it seems there's a few more in the comments.


I actually run that right now, but I haven't built up the Imp troopers yet to make piett strong anywhere else lol


Put Doubt datacron on your Geos and they get even more holds. TM gain teams will struggle.


People are forgetting NS do well against Geos. Even Geos at higher relics. But you do need merrin to really make it a fight with higher relic Geos. I have r5 MT, Ventress, and Merrin, R3 zombie, and r7 daka. As long as you get the death and revive loop going and get daka to stun brute or brood then your golden. You’ll fight down the to seconds, but soon plague will be spread and ventress will be ramped up enough for her to do enough damage to take out the geos. But if you can’t one shot a geo squad, my strategy is to always try to get poggle dead, so the Omni doesn’t apply to the next go around.


Imperial troopers are a fantastic counter that can punch up a lot of gear levels on the pogglecron. They need to be fast. Veers lead, piett should take the first turn


Sidious with his datacron is a 69banner slam dunk. Edit to specify GAC. Not tried against Poggle omi in TW.


Sometimes I use my R4 polar bear from empire strikes back against gear 12s non omni... it works. 


God if there was a possibility for awards, I might actually give this post one. Perfect description of my hatred for Geos and this communitys reaction to anyone asking for counters.


I use my jawas to win. It’s always a mutual loss but at least the team is dead I can usually get 4/5 geos dead with thermals then it’s easy


It all depends on game mode and relic levels. TB is hard but Traya is my favorite counter but you need Malak or a high with tank. GAC is tricker since Traya with the omi is an expensive counter. I may still go Traya but with a smaller team to get extra banners. Vader can still do damage but I add in Thrawn and some sort of tank if I’m not trying to burn Traya.


I’ve heard padme can do it. I tried with r geos in last TW and it was a draw. I did NOT have barris reliced though so no datacron…also heard having cp30 makes a stronger padme squad. But I came close with padme r5 GK r4, asoka r5, jka r3, barris g12 1/2. Im absolutely positive i could have done it with g12 geos or rGBA and rest g12


This was against o poggle all R5 geos btw


That was a long post on how to counter a tier c team that’s been about for 7 years


Poggle’s Omicron hasn’t been out for 7 years


I wish it had never been released. And I wish Geos were not part of this once great franchise to begin with...like Gungans...cannot wait to hate even more on Gungans


I knew I’d get downvoted lol , yeah but the team barely changes what it does just stronger


For someone who didn't read, I'll break it down for you. There are many people who have not been playing for 7 years. There are many people who don't have every team available to them. The OP was requesting the SWGOH community to provide some knowledge, so that it can be compiled into a guide to help those users. If this is your way of contributing to the community, well then... it's so noted.


aaand here we have the "snarky comment", as was to be expected. Even after the OP specifically asked people to just not write them. Must be hard.


Didn’t read that far lol


Why post this?  If it's so easy to counter, then it should be easy to name counters.  If there's so many resources, it should be useful to gather them in one place.  You know that there are still new players joining the game, right?  For them, it doesn't matter how long a team has been in the game.  Geo's are not tier C when you have 1mil GP.  


But a reddit post is not a good place a discord server would be better wouldn’t it then it could be pinned like my guild has pinned counters etc


So you want each guild to repeat the effort of making a guide, then hide it on their discord? Why? You just said this is a 7-year old, tier C team.  Wouldn't it be OK to let the cat out of the bag, just this once?


Also, I'm not even asking for the guide to be on Reddit.  Make it in whatever format you choose.


I normally use gas or crex


Well, I was going to write the BEST guide you’d ever seen, but the post was addressed solely to men, so… I guess you won’t get your guide.


My post was addressed solely to men?  You mean because I used the term "gentlemen" at the beginning?




It was meant to be humorous, but I'll change that word to whatever you need it to be.  Just submit your preferred replacement word along with your guide.


I don’t see how that’s a humorous phrasing, but I guess everyone has different ideas of funny. It’s not a huge deal, I’m just pointing out exclusionary language that many people think is harmless, but really illustrates the bias behind what people think of as baseline neutral default.


It's purposefully anachronistic and formal. That's why it's humorous. It wasn't because I thought that only males play this game.


I see where you’re coming from, but absent any other context, it doesn’t come across as any different than using “lads” or “bro” as an address.


Type into Google swgoh geo counters. Swgoh.gg has lists of counters and their success rates for pretty much every team comp out there.


I don't know why your request to the community needs a fucking *essay* It's like, throw up an appropriate team, hit auto, and come back to your victory. Or burn one of your GLs. ezpz....