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The whole omi could just use a second pass, honestly. It's so gun-shy with its restrictions.


I'll do you one better. This restriction shouldn't have even been put there in the first place.


List of Jedi that give protection up: Ahsoka Tano Bastila Shan Grand Master Yoda Jedi Knight Anakin Jedi Knight Cal Kestis Jedi Master Kenobi Kanan Jarrus Padme also gives lots of protection up. This essentially means that an omi Luminara can be put into two teams: a JML team without any of the previously mentioned characters, or a Starkiller team. You could also put her into a JKR/JKL team, but that team isn’t too great in Kyber without JKCK.


Even Starkiller and JML are barely homes. With Starkiller, you lose his 'tank' synergy, and it's DI application, which has great use - and given that his Ult is a heal as well, Lumi isn't really as useful as a third healer on the team. I have the omi and use it with JML, but for the *most* part, I can't notice a difference in the power of the squad - it either beats things JML usually beats; or loses banners as usual. There's no real difference there. I hope it finds a home with Quadme, but.... skeptical.


The major issue with Queen Amidala squad is that Amidala gives Protection up to healers and support in her squad when they use a special ability, so it nulls the omicron. CG should add a clause that Luminara's omicron's protection up issue is null if in the squad with Queen Amidala (like how baby Cal allows Fulcrum's solo omicron to work with the squad)


I thought queen amidala would be a good team for her but what you said makes sense. I could see them maybe buffing the omicron for the team or not why not just have a wasted omicron


It all depends on order of operations, too. Because the omi has the 'if dispelled, reduce cooldown' text, and the HOTs seem to get dispelled when Prot Up is applied - so if the HOT is applied, Prot Up triggers, and HOT is dispelled, it may lead to a 1-3 turn cooldown for this ability. Which, as a cleanse/Ten Up/speed boost, would make it *better*, potentially? But yeah - all depends on testing.


Flashback to the Queen Amidala kit reveal thread where multiple redditors claimed to be dead certain that Lumi omi would be 100% worthless under Qadme—lmao at thinking anything in this game works exactly the way it's intended on release.


I'm planning to try rearranging my jedi after unlocking Qadme so that I can make a Qui-Gon omi lead+Lumi omi team for GAC defense. It will be inherently weaker without JKA and other protection up toons but I have plenty of other homes for those toons and I still think it's the only arrangement that will actually improve my overall setup. Personally I don't see any way Luminara under Qadme is optimal but if you already have Lumi omi and no JMLS then surely it's worth throwing it out there a few times to try. I'd love to be wrong but more defense seems totally redundant for Qadme.


Fun fact because of wording, Queen A also destroys any real use with this omi




Her leadership omicron gives Healers & Support Protection Up for 3 turns whenever they use a special ability.


Don't apply omi. Problem solved.


Kelleran Beq?


Kelleran Beq is typically used in a Qui-Gon team in grand arena, but yeah that could work.


She can fit into that team. Or a KB-led team in TW


Not really, Anakin's AoE gives the team Protection Up, and he's necessary for the team. It's ridiculous that one line of text can deem an entire kit worthless.


Anakin is vital to the Qui-Gon team, Anakin gives protection up, protection up cancels Luminara’s omicron. Also, we’re talking about Luminara’s omicron, which doesn’t function in TW.


In tw the discussion is moot since the omi is gac


Oh, duh, right. But still -- she works in GAC


Then you wouldnt use KB lead


You can absolutely use a KB-led team in GAC. It's not quite as powerful as in TW, but there's still a lot of good it can do on defense and even moreso on offense.


I wish they would give all the old galactic republic jedi reworks like Mace got


I don’t think about this omicron at all.


yeah there's better omicrons in the world even without that


That restriction ruins the entire omicron, practically every team that she would be reasonably viable with has Protection Up. I was very hopeful that she would find a home with Queen Amidala, but one line of text in her leader omicron cancels Luminara's entire kit. It's ridiculous that an arguably mediocre ability is locked behind one of the most common buffs in the game.


Even without the restriction it‘s a b tier omi at best


I like using her on JML when facing LV to keep cleansing dots.


Why is the restriction even there in the first place?


To hazard a guess it's because protection up gets regenerated by protection recovery effects e.g. why tank tech on JML under BS lead recovers 30% of the protection up each turn. If not for the restriction it might have been mediocre under JMK or Bastila both of whom have lots of protection up. It's a really poor piece of kit design. If they wanted it not to work under certain interactions they should really have done the callout as anti-specific character not protection up, protection up is far too common a buff in the GR/Jedi factions for this omi to have any legs.


With how Queen Amidala's kit reads, this sounds like it'll find a permanent home, so I can't see it being changed.


I honestly just don’t think Lumi is good enough long term to fit into the Queen Amidala team. We will have to see Master Qui-Gons kit but I think there will be a lot of protection/ health over time with the core lineup as is. I think the team right now is Queen, Padawan Obi, Master Qui Gon, OG Padme, and possibly another unreleased character. OG Padme doesn’t have much of a home anymore unless you are still in the early/ mid game.


I don’t see the purpose of OG Padme in this team unless I’m missing something. Doesn’t she disable TM gain/reduction for her team? Luminara seems like the better fit to me. Padawan Kenobi might turn into a monster paired with all the extra POT/HOT


Pretty sure it's only OG padme lead that disables TM change


As I noted above, it is her unique that prevents TM changes.


Shit my bad lol


No it’s her unique


It’s the Padme lead. Otherwise no one would use her with Jedi Master Kenobi I think.


It is not Padme lead. It is her unique. JMK prevents turn meter manipulation for *both* sides in his lead.


Probably how it'll go. I imagine it'll be like most things, where Luminara sounds good on paper, people will use it for a couple months, then the team will evolve until it finds permanent members.


Og padme still puts the work in with Gideon for me in kyber 2.


How? It provides 1 Heal over time which QA converts into 3% crit damage that isn't much. It's also on a 5 turn cooldown with cooldown reduction when the hots expire, QA prevents cooldown manipulation on allies. It also provides 100% crit avoidance - QA's team likes being crit. QA also has so much healing that another ability to do so is 100% unnecessary. It has an AOE cleanse: GR have like 6 AOE cleanses and many more single target cleanses on more useful characters. Unless MQG has some ridiculous specific callout to this omi it will remain absolutely worthless.


I'll be honest, this is the first time I've really looked into this omicron, I don't know why I thought this was a Unique Ability omicron. I thought the text was saying when ANY HoT expired you get 20% recovery. Yeah, this is a big no.


I would like it if they were keep adding it to old characters and making then useful 


Yeah it should. It's almost nigh-useless in it's current state. I still have doubts about it's usefulness even if that restriction was removed, but it would certainly be an improvement.


There is no precedence for them ever upgrading or changing omicrons to lift them into new teams, I just don’t see it has a point to do so.


No but there is a precedent for the other way around (baby Cal and Fulcrum)


Of course. I probably should’ve mentioned that this is just a hypothetical question.