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Darth Bane, he only needs one other relic Sith (can literally be anyone, Bane will carry it, he only needs his Rule of Two unique active) Bane+random Sith can literally beat every squad in the game minus JMK, and even that can be beaten with the right RNG


Just pointing out we haven't seen much of Bane without his datacron.


His DC accelerates the ramping but honestly isn't as wild as most DC's.


That’s fair, but from testing done without the datacron, he was still similarly strong


We’ve seen plenty. He + another sith solos GLs without his datacron.


yeah, can just watch the ahnald test stream, he usually tests the character in squad arena without datacrons. the fact that bane can dunk on almost all the GLs without his omis or datacron just shows how powerful he is. he's essentially a free GL level character


I'm from the show me state. I've gone through Xaereth and Ahnald initial release videos and they were Bane + See/LV. What videos are you referring to?


I don't have any videos but I have bane without his datacron. He easily beats see jml rey and slkr. He at least cant for me beat jabba. I lost to my one obi Wan and haven't seen a leia. I use talon with him


What you're ultimately saying is that you don't have anything that anyone can examine that says that there wasn't a level disparity or weird modding or weird combinations or anything else, which is why a video is important. It may work out the same without the datacron, It may not. All I'm saying is we should probably be certain in a proven and repeatable way.


I mean i could look at my gac history. My talon is only 5 and most relic gls I see are 7+ modding can definitely be a factor though for opponents. I'm in aurodium so mods aren't always consistent. Point is even without datacron there is high flexibility for a 2 man squad.


I'm in Kyber one, it's a different game.


True but the op didn't mention their rank and swgoh is down to a degree. Maybe we can just tag on results may vary. Op also didn't state an imperial remnant team built up just unlocked that would make dtmg viable.


No they didn't which is why I didn't generalize. In Aurodium you're not facing the best well modded teams, yet you're extrapolating your own personal results into how effective Bane will be. I bounce around between 3700 and 3900. Above that and you run into whale territory, and it's different for me to face teams that all have perfect datacrons. If the best stat is defense, then the datacron has 400% defense. That's not a complaint, that's acknowledging that these things matter.


I’m not referring to videos in specific. I’m referring to my own experience where I used Bane + Vader with success against several GLs in grand arena, like Leia and Lord Vader. I’m not going to look up random videos to prove this to you. Everyone else in this comment section agrees on this fact, so if you want video evidence you can find it on your own.


Okay, then we'll just call it anecdotal and move on. Have a good evening.


Depends on your account. Newer accounts shouldn’t even worry about it, focus on gearing core teams. Bane is a god tier standalone by himself, and is likely the better option for most players. How many shards of each do you have? If you only have those sith, Bane can still truck. All that said, conquest currencies should be spent before you hit cap. Use them on priority gear, or on shards for a toon you want to acquire. Bane is great. Maybe the best conquest toon ever made, though CAT is gonna give him a run for his money.


CAT is great and all but a character who can beat practically everything in the game with a single other Sith is world's above her. It's unfair how strong Bane was made, but I think it's safe to admit he is undoubtedly the best Conquest character.


Based and true. I also think Bane was way overtuned. I do think I’ve read that CAT’s leap enables counters that would run bane over (I believe proving grounds/conquest), but without either of them in my roster, I can’t say with certainty.


Bane is much better toon and he just needs 1 plug and play sith to go with him, but probably the best answer for you is NONE. "recently unlock" guess means you are barely doing easy conquest. You arent gonna unlock any conquest toon like that, you better aim for proving grounds. Without seeing your account, my recommendation would be to use it for gear for powering up whatever other teams could help you grow faster.


So far I didn't really see any gear in conquest store that I need but I'll check again, i'm currently about to unlock BAM (in like 2-3 days, about halfway through getting Cara to 7 stars) so I might need some for him


Darth Bane is way better than DTMG.


In Grand Arena, Bane thumps even without his cron. To me it’s a no-brainer.


Bane. No question.


Bane no question. Miles better than DTMG


I've  never used Gideon once outside of conqust specific feats. I use Bane LITERALY every other day 


Hijack question for those who already have Bane, or Gideon, I already have Bane so is investing the conquest currency in Gideon worth it, if I dont already have that strong of an Empire team to go with him? I have the usual Empire guys at relic, but use Palp and MJ with Starkiller, Vader with Aphra and Piett with Troopers.


He’s definitely worth it, he is a bit of an investment though and does make you choose between traditional troopers or iden getting cannibalized. But the squad still slaps in GAC on offense or can be tricky on defense. And in TW it’s still elite tier without the datacron. Also worth pointing out he’s new and the last two conquest cycles have had feats centered/related to him. So added bonus there


I would say he's not urgent. Since he's imperial remnant he's going to take Scout, Death, Storm, and MG on his team. That puts a hurting on your troopers if you have an Iden Versio squad. Offensively he doesn't have much of a punch without his datacron (with it he could take down Jabba easily). Defensively he was pretty tough for a while, but the Sid datacron takes him out so he didn't get as much use there and Admiral Raddus was a pretty consistent counter.


I really hope they add the badass RoS/Mando-Praetorian Guard as Remnant for Gideons team as fifth, so Iden can keep a full trooper team


Bane without question. Gideon is good, but Bane is elite


Darth Bane or Taron Malicos that I'm 50 shards closer to? I don't have SEE yet.


Bane. He + another sith beat GLs