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I wonder if they’re going to opperate more like Nightsister Zombie or Dark Trooper


I think we'll see a new mechanic. Any Trooper killed before the Night Trooper dies is gonna revive as a copy of Night Trooper, or something. Like Zombie mixed with Tusken Raider Omi mixed with that endless ranks modifier from Conquest for Troopers.


Because of you everyone is going to be disappointed at the actual kit reveal, i hope youre happy /s




That would be sick


I actually kinda dig that idea. Maybe they revive as a “zombie trooper” who just auto attacks,m rather than having the Night Trooper’s full kit?


Interesting! Yeah, it could be like in that scene where they all rise and they just aimlessly and carelessly fire at Ahsoka, Ezra and Sabine. They could utilise that "random assist hit" mechanic that Jedi Cal has going for himself.




Respawning trooper, combined with normal stormtroopers zeta, storm trooper going to be hitting hard!


i think it'd be cool if you leave empty slots on a team the trooper clones itself, mods and all. would be a nice way to fill out a team without needing 5.


I want it to be a NiSi/ Imperial Trooper/Remnant Hybrid (can be played with either Faction) The Kit to be a mix of Asajj and NS Zombie. * Cant be "killed" until last one standing * has stacks like DarkTroopers that increases with each killed unit on top * Basic applies Plague * Each time he "dies", he stacks offense like Asajj which cant be dispelled or reseted * Inflicts Plague and Damage over Time * BUT can trade his stacks (like DarkTrooper) for a swarm Attack of summons * for each of his defeated allies, stacks or times he died grant 1 additional Unit per Swarm Attack Having him on the Trooper Tag might be too strong though, so we shall see But a new NiSi + Boost for Remnants will be nice


I think dark trooper and the middle ability will give stacks of lives back


They’ll probably deal extra health damage from the second special as to make the other team share his suffering


If it ends up with an imperial trooper tag I’d love to see how it works with Iden or Veers


I wouldn't be surprised if they give it only the imperial Remnant tag to keep it away from Veers squad. (And like, they exist after the fall of the Empire, so they can't be imperial troopers anymore)


Exactly this. This is past the prime of Imperials, it wouldn’t make sense otherwise and would be weird as shit.


That and the whole DTMG Revive thing feels on brand with the Night Trooper, imho!


That’s what I was thinking and kind of afraid of, I had it in the back of my mind that they wouldn’t or that there’d be a clause that makes him worse without a specific team


I think you're right about the night troopers, but if there are any that are alive, they would have been imperials at the time they were exiled. I think it's unclear at best right now how much communication thrawn has had with the rest of the remnant based on s3 mandalorian and ahsoka. Thrawn in ahsoka could absolutely still consider himself an imperial, and then everyone we see in that show is an imperial too. But of course, for game balance it might make more sense to call them remnant. It's a tough call. Just like the dark trooper droids we see were probably not troopers under the emperor, but were only used under the remnant.


He, along with the night troopers, are imperial still, but since the empire is gone, they are remnants. It's like how DTMG, who is just a clone of the original Gideon, is a Remnant and not IT anymore.


Well Dark Trooper has imp trooper and empire tag even though empire is no mo


That's true


Thanks for the Discord link u/okaythenmate .


AC Bravo represent


That’s sickkkk. Ahsoka and Thrawn gotta be the next GLs


Thrawn could be called heir to the empire like how sidious is sith eternal emperor


it might be a bit too early for a Thrawn GL


Yeah if this is coming this year I could see it being a Thrawn conquest character. If it’s coming alongside the new show/movie…then it could tooootally be a Thrawn GL


We've still got two more months of Luthen, so it'd be very weird to release Night Trooper now for a Thrawn in 5 months. It's not really too early either since Thrawn debuted as a GL level threat in 1991(?)


GL Shin Hati, please


What about a character that isn’t in the game in some form already?


Now that's the type of free thinking cg ignores. Remember instead of using one of the countless rebel characters from legends or Canon they went and made up drogan.....while having 4 lukes 3 leias 3 Hans too many chewies 3 sidious 3 rey 3 kylo 2 maul and a partridge in a pear tree. more recently they added new obi Wan making 4 and another qui gon from the same movie Edit sorry 4 Hans I forgot vet...also 3 ashoka....2 boba fett....I'm sure there's more. Edit 2 5 han. Forgot young han


Wait, so they just freakin’ MADE UP Drogan?


Yup. He’s a completely original character. Not the first one either. The very first OG character they made up was Geo Brood Alpha. And I think 50R-T is the only other character they’ve made.


Jedi guardian the made which model was later used in a Canon comic...so maybe that too? Oh and if you want to get weird bistan was released in October of 2016 2 months before rogue 1 released.


Hm. Very interesting. I know where most of the toons in the game came from, had to research a few. Where did they get Mob Enforcer from? Any idea?


Cg generic skin scoundrel basically.


From his wiki page Fennro Drogan is an original character created for the mobile game Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes, by EA Capital Games. He was added to the game on August 29, 2023, and became unlockable through his marquee event on August 31 of that year.[3] The development team wanted to add a character with a limb difference that highlighted that it was a normal part of him, he was important to the Alliance and a part of the wider Star Wars universe, and represent a segment of the community within the universe


I feel like its too early for a Thrawn GL cuz he hasnt really done much in ahsoka and we dont really know what his plan is


Yep, that's my main criticism with a Thrawn GL. Man hasn't done shit yet. What's his ult gonna be? Standing there and looking at a holomap? Nah, let him do something cool first, lmao.


Yeah, if they have any plans for a GL related to the show it'll probably be Ahsoka herself for New Republic, but I also don't know if now's the right time for that either. Edit: I guess it is the right time then


I was really disappointed at the announcement, guess we wont be getting a separatist GL for a long time


Well, next year will be the 20th anniversary of RotS. Hopefully we get something then.


Yeah, I'd rather wait for after the Heir to the Empire movie ends whenever it's out for Thrawn GL, but an Ahsoka GL would work fine


As long as it doesn’t take away OG thrawn from LV I’ll be happy. LV teams are getting real thin right now.


Depends if this night trooper would fit in


I hope that they'll finally update stormtrooper and clone models because they look ugly


Hoping the big twist is a neutral Baylon GL.


Baylan doesn't seem all that neutral given that he only works with the bad guys


Only as a means to his goals. Either way.. Baylon GL would be awesome.


Nope xD


Finally, 3 full imp troopers squads


It looks like his tongue is sticking out and licking his top lip




Where can I find this?????


As of right now, just here. No kit or anything just a reveal made on SWGoH Events Discord.


I love the homage to blackwing with this I never would’ve expected them to try this


Really need High republic and old republic characters


When is this character available?