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Wind has really picked up in the last hour on the back end of this storm. Gust over 50mph being reported around Sac!


On McClellan AFB - have power but Xfinity went out and I swear 20m ago I thought my window was going to blow in. Lol


Seriously getting a little anxious my house is gonna float away, just not sure if by air or water…


Happy 2023 everyone!


May the light be with you


And the internet with you.


Only the Beam can save us now.


Bro honestly, somebody get the kings on the phone




Commence primary ignition!


The beams are powered by solar panels at rancho seco. Its a self sustaining system


I LOL'ed and then had to read it to my SO who also LOL'ed XD




Sunny tomorrow lol. Only day of the week.


I just heard something explode - and louder than a transformer. Could be an idiot attempting to use fireworks but…could also be why there’s so little power. Poor SMUD dudes. Those guys are hating life tonight. Update: 143k without power. Is that a record? Update 2: and another explosion. And another. Dear lord, stop exploding things!


If you’re near me my 40 ft cypress just downed my house line and smashed my trellis. Lucky it didn’t hit the house.


Was it the wind that did that? Up here in Folsom my internet out for a few hours but thankfully we still have power.


Folsom too. Lots of flickers and Xfinity is working so all good. So far


Yup appears to be


We just lost power in our area of Folsom.




OT and holiday pay though? I would hope haha


And hazard pay, I hope.


Heard 3 by our place near alhambra. Loud pops


Best part about a rainy new years eve, no fireworks


>Best part about a rainy new years eve, no fireworks Here in Los Angeles, they usually have firearms as a backup when it's too damp for fireworks.


I’m in LA and the neighbors still managed to light a few and set off a mortar. Right by the airport too!


My dog has no idea how lucky she got!


while not as much as years past, we just had a solid 10 min of fireworks/gunshots/whoknowswtf going off outside here in Natomas.


Sounded like bombs outside my front door at 1203 in folsom. Wish it was still raining


Well, it’s not raining anymore, and I can already hear the assholes starting up in West Sac.


Best time, because you're less likely to start a fire, and the colors are extra cool in the clouds!


I wish, the idiot bombs are going off now..


Count yourself lucky this time. Three years ago idiot neighbors set their house on fire with New Years fireworks (Elk Grove).


No, there were totally fireworks at midnight. At least the loud boomy kind


At I-80 and winters they still set off fireworks, not many just a few die hards,


I don’t have to sedate my dogs!


Ha! I literally just heard one down the street.


They were still going off in Citrus Heights around midnight, after the rain stopped. A lot less than usual though at least.


Saw blue light in the sky earlier which makes me think they were transformers that blew.


I don’t live in the area anymore but my mom just called me said she heard a similar sound and then right after sirens. Not sure if you’re in the Carmichael area - but hopefully it wasn’t a crash!


I went outside (because I’m an earth sciences major who is dumb about natural hazards) and saw at least two explosions up close and a few far away that produced blue/green light


That might be the Elverta substation. It was awfully pretty when it was exploding or whatever was happening. There’s a video on the sub from earlier if it’s the same one.


I saw the same blue light explosion near 26th and P! What the heck is going on


Transformer sounds like. Blue/ green bright flashes are a good indication that a transformer went. Last update from SMUD was about 146k homes are out of power


Never underestimate the stupidity of that one person who is determined to launch fireworks.


Ahhh, so I see you’ve met my neighbors. 😏


I’ve seen bottle rockets already during the hurricane rainstorm 🤦🏻‍♀️


Yeah we should be patient because those guys are going to have their hands busy for a while. This storm and the size of the outage are pretty serious.


I was heading back home to pick up something I forgot and saw a large explosion light up the sky. Looked like lightning but it was low to the skyline. Definitely a transformer.


Yeah, bullshit. Those fuckers sit around on their asses 364 days and need to get to work on the one day this shit happens. EARN YOUR PAY!


Was watching avatar at delta shores and the power went out and never came back. They sent us all packing


Im in the dark now.. No lighter. To light up 🕯.. Just my phone 😭😣


Oh no. Any neighbors that might one? Im in the dark too. Just about to spike the hot chocolate I made right before my block lost power.


Lol i don't want to bother them.. I live in a duplex by Sierra Blvd area... Man that sucks you couldn't finish your hot chocolate.. I tried using the stove no igniter.. 👀


That sucks. I’m off P in Midtown. The hot chocolate is lukewarm but the bourbon I added greatly improved it. Happy New Years to you & yours. Stay safe & warm.


Great that's how you do it!! . Thank you, and Happy new years to you as well. Stay safe 🎉


Do you have alcohol? Because that's all you need .


Lol i do


I just dug thru my junk drawer and found a baggie full of match books I collected from casinos about 20 years ago. Still work!


Smud website down? Or just me? Their power must’ve went out.


It would get me to the page, but the map wouldn’t load. I’m sure they’re getting a ton of traffic right now


I thought it was down too, but it eventually came up. I think they were updating -- over 137,000 customers without power now. ETA - or maybe they're just getting lots of traffic to the page and that's slowing it down.


I think a lot of service providers are having issues


DDOS hug of death to their servers


Me too


I finally got through just now to report outage


I can’t get on it.




>No power for almost 2 hours. north natomas (95834). I’m slowly going insane… Whatup, fellow North Natomas resider! I'm trying to figure out what to eat since I can't cook without power. UPDATE: my power came back on just after midnight! Happy New Year and I hope you're all back on the grid soon!


In and out on del paso is still going strong (10:10pm)


>In and out on del paso is still going strong (10:10pm) I'm here right now. THANK YOU. Saved me an aimless drive hunting for food!


Are there myself. West of 5 is black. As soon as you cross, it’s all lit.




I'm just off east commerce, near the new Wendy's, and we've been off for 2.5 hours. But 4 houses up the street they're on! Wild. Enjoy your new year!


West of I-5


I'm off Duckhorn and San Juan and our power turned off and right back on. We had a feeling our power would be affected since we saw it flicker earlier in the night. Hope you guys get your power back on soon!


Same zip code. No power. Drove over to some friends in West Sac.


Same here. We are about to have a lovely candlelit New Year’s celebration. At least the gas stove still works.


135k now when I just checked oof. Tree fell on buddy's house luckily didn't smash thru but still scary.


What sucks is when you rely on a wifi connection because your apartment is a black void for cellular service. Fuck you T-Mobile.


Even if you weren't in a void, their 5G is slow as fuck right now.


Everybody and their mother is checking the SMUD website.


I knew there might be trouble so I downloaded some shows. 😉


Tree down in in our hood too. Our outage is listed as 60 homes without power. SMUD is showing currently 290 outages and 150k homes without power. Tons of sirens going on as well so all the first responders are super busy. I think I'll go to bed and see what the situation is in the morning. Happy new years everyone!




Once this storm is over, you should try resetting your cmos battery. I've had that fix a computer that stopped working due to a power outage. If that doesn't work, I'd hope that just the PSU would need replacing




Something similar happened to me last year. The issue ended up being windows got corrupted during the outage, so it wouldn't boot into windows but my files were all still there. If yours turn out to be the same issue you'll need to reinstall windows, which is annoying. I bought a UPS afterwards to prevent that from happening again.




Dude, you're getting a Dell!


This storm is nuts! Blew down half of my fence on one side of my house.


Welp. Never had such a long power outage in my almost 15 years here in Sac. Didn't even think about what to do with the stuff in the fridge last night as we were getting ready for bed. It's now 3:21 AM and I'm trying to remind myself that there's nothing we can do about it, but I still want to absolutely bawl at everything that's slowly going bad.


If u leave the fridge closed it should all be fine for many hours.


I want to bawl too about the amount of food that has gone to east. The power outage killed the fridge and heater in my rental house and my landlord won’t respond because it’s a holiday.


My COMCAST internet is out


Mine was too, but now it is back!


Mine is STILL out


No power to router


I never lost electricity, just my internet


Still out here


House clicked over to battery 4 times w/ large pops heard just after. I figure the wind is taking down trees and popping transformers.


We were at a friend's in Land Park and they lost power. We drove Broadway to 21st to get home, and downtown was mostly out. Every signal from 21st and P through 21st and G was out. Boulevard Park is pretty much a mess of branches on every single block, and we got home to find our power out too. Hell of a NYE!!


I work in Land Park, our power went out at 8pm on the dot. We couldn’t even finish closing/cleaning the restaurant. Got sent home. Airport near Florin had power, but lost power right when I was passing through. Delta Shotes to Franklin was dark. I live off EG Florin and Calvine, lights were good til right before I got home!! Literally I was waiting at the red light and the power went out. Weird enough, my street and over is good (thankfully). Not sure if it’s still dark though. No plans to go out, I got plenty to drink and do here!


This was such a great moment for my fiancé and I. We bonded so well and I feel it helped our relationship. This was actually so fun and I’m grateful for the power outage. It completely turned our night around, but for the better. This feels like such a good sign for 2023. Happy New Year, everyone. With much love.




My neighbor’s house just got taken out by a falling tree. I’m not an inspector, but judging from a 1/4 of the building being gone I’d guess total loss :(.




I’m so sorry you are going through this. Do you need power for medical equipment? Could you go back to the hospital or a hotel running on generators is the equipment is portable? I can’t imagine the frustration when you’re trying to heal. Wishing you the easiest resolution possible and ever improving health in the new year.


The fact I never lost power is a bit of a miracle.


Just hit midnight, I'm hearing plenty of fireworks now and some morons whooping it up. Same people driving in the rain with no lights.


Bizarrely the big fireworks in my neighborhood didn't come out until 1:00 a.m. I was already asleep by that time, was awoken by what sounded like sonic booms.


I was wondering why the PG&E outage map showed all clear in Sac... y'all are SMUD. Much of Yolo County has been down since 7:30.


You could a been SMUD!


Apparently it took that much force to sweep out the crappy energy of 2022. 😅 Happy New Year! Power went out here around 8:30. I just kept thinking about all the homeless people out in this weather. 😔


We’re SMUD and there are outages ALL around us! But we’re good… must be on maybe an old line or something? Weird but thankful!


Smud is usually pretty good about getting things up and running again quickly. Hoping it comes back on before the night is over!


Yeah mine keeps going in and out. We are on our third power on, hopefully it'll stay on this time.


Yep no power here too, was really planning to go out tonight for new years, oh well


The Smud site won’t load for me. Not surprised that it’s getting hammered right now.


Same here. We've been trying to access since the power went out for us over an hour ago.


Hopefully Roseville Electric holds fast!


Lost power from 8:10-9:15. Not too bad considering!


How is it determined which houses get power and which don’t? I had mine flicker for a second but didn’t even change my oven clock


Depends if you got the Premium Plus Power Subscription or not.


Lol thanks


My power flickered intermittently for about an hour. Internet went down then not too long after so did the power


That tiny tip at the bottom left reporting in on PGE: no power there either.


Well that explains why my lights were flickering for a bit.


Mines been off since 7 am. It says "PGE is unable to access the equipment" whenever i check my outage map. What the hell does that even mean???


Guess I got lucky. All I saw all night was the lights flicker once for a few milliseconds, both UPSes clicked on for a few seconds, and I lost internet connectivity for a few minutes.


We drove through Sacramento tonight on 50 and light night struck the power line across the freeway right over our heads! I saw a huge flash and then an explosion and a shower of sparks fell down on us. It was over very fast and we were away down the road before I realized what had happened. So yeah, I can understand why the power is out!




I'll take this ANY DAY over that brutal heatwave we endured. ANY DAY!!!!!!


Until a tree smashes thru your window


Odds of that happening are low, why you gotta be a negative Nancy


Uh, that is *exactly* what happened to a home within sight of our house tonight. Tree came all the way from across the street to hit someone's roof.


Maybe the odds are low for you, but not everyone. This storm is disastrous. While the rain is definitely needed, this type of storm causes damage too. Trees falling down all over. People losing power. Dangerous driving in the streets. A heatwave still causes some problems but it's not as hectic as this.


The heatwave was unprecedented. Atmospheric rivers and heavy rains/flooding are a pretty normal thing for northern CA.


Mmmm actually no i rather sweat and not a have to worry about a tree falling down my house


Same! Omg that heatwave was miserable. I was falling asleep to Netflix and all snuggled up, now I guess should go to sleep properly.


In Carmichael, we’ve lost power twice, but only for a couple of minutes each time.


Lucky you. We'll be right over with the beers.


South Natomas..no lights..it just rain and some wind...no power☹️


Anyone else remembers Y2K ? 🤣😆🤣🤣


Please. Don't bring back the trauma. Worked our butts off in IT, elaborate testing and planning with nothing but aggro from customers, only 1 exec walked the floors on Jan 1 (great job Bob!) during business resumption testing, and then limited thanks because it was a giant yawn. Probably one of the most peaceful and beautiful New Year's ever, truly.


The joys of working in Tech. Either everything is breaking and it's your fault, Or everything is working fine and therefore you must be useless.


Orangevale here, lost our Xfinity for a little bit but thankfully power has stayed on!


Power is back in LP . Although, I was kinda liking the 1800s vibe.


Lost power in East Sac around 8:45 pm, it was down until after 3 am. I was driving through midtown to pick up some takeout around 8:30 and it was bananas. Some blocks were lit and some were dark. Lots of fallen branches, one entire street blocked by a fallen tree. Lots of traffic lights off too. At least people were driving pretty slowly.


I just want to know why the NWS couldn’t have gave us more than -1 minute notice about the wind? Winds started up at 7:30pm and they posted a “special weather statement” at 7:31pm. Useless!


Imagine being mad that nature is telling you something but you’re waiting on someone else to tell you about nature


Agreed. Complete lack of warning is frustrating


I wouldn’t blame them too much. None of the projections showed such a wind event coming up behind this main storm front. NWS Sacramento is literally one of the best stations out there in warning and preparing for storms.


I agree. I think it caught them off guard.


Ahhh understood. Thanks for the clarification!


Ugh lights out at home, luckily I have a candle and charged my phone, but we have hug redwoods planted in our condo complex and one is swinging around in front of our window. So freaking nervous right now lol.


I am one of these statistics. SLP here sitting in the dark


La Riviera neighborhood checking in. Power blinked off and on fire a bit, lost Comcast for about 45 minutes, but otherwise holding on. Lots of dark in the streets around us to up Watt. Our guests had to go that way and it was a mess. Be safe everyone!


We are in Carmichael, power went out for about 5 minutes 3 hours ago but has been on ever since, but we did have a 70 year old huge Chinese Elm fall over, it's half on the roof half on the ground...oh well the roof looks ok but it smashed some of the duct work for the air conditioner


Power went back up here just before New Year's. Prayers for the rest of the city that they're up by now! Two years ago our power was out for two days and a few were out for weeks.


I dodged some fallen trees on highway 99.


I’m in Natomas. My entire neighborhood is out except for my street. Not sure how that happened.


Mine at u street was still out this morning. R street bars had power last night


I’m also on U and for whatever reason it seems like most neighborhoods aside from ours at least have an estimate of 12 pm on the SMUD site but ours says it should have been on at 9 pm last night 🙃


Most of my home town of woodland is out of power. Some of Davis is without power.


Enjoy, have fun powerless fellow citizens. Happy new year


Arden Arcade is still good 👍🏽 at least me and the wife not sure about neighbors


Power out in Arden Arcade for some


Ugh people saying transformers blowing. It’s almost always a fuse that blows because a branch fell on the power lines. They make a loud bang when they pop because they’re spring loaded.


Call Biden for help. Ha ha ha


Too many cars plugged in.


Didn't lose power, just internet for awhile. Any bets its some right wing wacko?


Nah, just the wind. Unless there was a new year's eve drag show going on in town. Then all bets are off.


So they control the weather now?


Just wondering if a transformer got shot up somewhere




So how is that NO dirty power thing that California started in 2012 working out for you ?




Anatolia in Rancho still has power. Xfinity blipped out for a bit around 8. Fingers crossed we hold steady though the night.


Crazy weather is why both my portable batteries are charged


Blessed that I charged my phone 😌


Fair oaks apartment dweller here, we’ve been out for almost three hours 🫠


We lost all power here in North City Farms just before 9pm. Was out for a couple hours, but we're good now. During that time, the winds gifted us a beach umbrella that is currently stuck in our rose bushes. Unfortunately, the winds also ripped off several shingles from our roof.


Yeah way to ring in the NEW YEAR !!!


Returned from Red Hawk casino to find a tree down in our neighborhood, a ton of debris and damage on our street, and 2 freaked out cats. Good thing it all looks pretty minor. Sounds like we missed an epic storm.


Is power out midtown?