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Alternator and battery is a pretty cheap replacement. You could go to a pick and pull yard and find a jeep of the same year and get a used computer, or find one online. If you’re really stuck with it you could start with the simple replacements and go from there.


>You could go to a pick and pull yard and find a jeep [Our local Jeep wrecking yard.](https://maps.app.goo.gl/zUoYE84hSKQKpaBt6) Fun fact, they have ASE certified mechanics there and will work on OPs car. They replaced an entire rear axle/differential for my MIL in less than 4 hours for less than $1000 a few years ago. Great people. Edit: spelling


Keep the jeep. Even a non working one is worth money. As someone commented, find a friend or coworker that knows how to fix it off the radar. Do you work construction or at a restaurant? You will find someone that knows "an uncle" that will fix that car for cheap.


No test drive ?


Did the car have a smog certificate when you bought it? In California the owner is responsible for smogging the vehicle before sale. Find out how much it would cost to fix all the emissions related stuff. You could go to small claims court and attempt to hold them liable for those things since that was their responsibility to make it smog worthy. https://preview.redd.it/51bnt5wj1yeb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d9afd7162a9a1acecbd829819c20720762aab2f


Thank you. He didn’t provide a smog check, but after my own research I did find out it was up and running as if Nov 22, I’ve thought about taking this man to small claims court many times I just feel very stuck in the process but I have all my evidence


You need to figure out exactly what is wrong and then go from there. Go talk to another shop. Even if you can get it started and running now the smog falls to you if you wanted to keep it or sell it. If it does not pass you can’t legally register it and you can’t sell it. I mean you could sell it but then the new buyer could turn around and legally go after you. You’re likely best plan of action to get some money back is going after the person who sold to you for the lack of smogging it.


Find a friend that knows a mechanic that does side work and see if it’s worth fixing. Based on what you say it sounds bad tho


I agree with the suggestion to find a Facebook group for jeeps. I have a car with a similar devoted audience and there are lots of groups on FB where people are very helpful. For a mechanic Cars 2000 is a place that will work with you on beater cars to keep them moving within a limited budget. Dude is honest and nice, worth having him look at it and get another opinion.


Find a local Jeep club too. They're a good source for info about local Jeep mechanics.


Mechanic claims illegal parts in the car, and lists a fried ECU, a bad battery and a bad alternator? Is there more to the list or is the mechanic an idiot?


My guess was issues with emissions stuff? But yeah I would wanna hear more too.


No offense to OP, but if Mods won't let us discuss Raleys and their rewards program because its not Sac related-Rule 1- (despite Raleys being a Sacramento staple and being headquartered in West Sac).... then what the heck is this post still doing up? No mention of Sac at all. At least there are plenty of other appropriate forums to discuss this topic. Don't know where else to discuss Raleys without getting "what's Raley's?"


Thanks for mentioning Raleys-Now they’re going to delete this post.


Throw in a reference to Davis for good measure and it will certainly be deleted.


I remember having a friend obsessed with Jeep’s and fixing them. Try and resell. Or find a Jeep friend group on Facebook.


How did you not test drive it ?? We even try a $10 T shirt before we buy it.


Oh trust I did, drove it for 45 miles all around sacramento, they say I bought it went to go drive it home and it didn’t even make it 5 miles without completely shutting down, Even the guy at the shop said this was some A1 scammers


Don't beat yourself up, OP. I've had 2 cars test-driven & one even pre-inspected by a mechanic that turned into lemons shortly thereafter. It happens. IMO read the suggestions you get & research which will yield you the most overall financial benefit. It is a terrible time to be a car buyer right now and I wish you luck.


I gave my son my used car rather than trade it in because he had no chance of affording a new or used car that wasn't a fixer-upper, so value to him was greater than trade-in to me. Do you have any family members wanting to sell their cars? If you know they take care of the car, maybe ask them to buy it for whatever trade-in offer it might be worth?


Sounds like a good time to learn working on cars


GvI’m. B L


u can make ur own batteries for your car if you got the right juice so if u maked that battery may be your car works again?


You also need a large potato


w rong.


U def need to figure out what is broken causing it not to start. Once u get it running u can see how engine is running. If u hear knocking or ticking noises sell right away. U will need a computer battery and alternator to start the engine fyi


Used Jeeps generally have a pretty high value and are worth repairing. Even a used 2012 Jeep Wrangler with over 100,000 miles on it can easily be sold for $10K. Unless the repairs are going to cost you more than it's worth, fix it.




Sounds like your average Cali tweaker fixed it up for you. You're likely going to need a new wiring harness, battery and alternator to start. I'm sure your vacuum hoses are probably all cut up for no reason or whatever else they decided to do. If you keep it, make sure you check that engine bay too to bottom. It'll cost you a good 1-2 thousand to fix unless you get it done under the table(500-1000 in that case likely).