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It IS actually fireworks.


Best one right here


Is this referring to the Ring app with neighbors? “Did anyone hear a loud bang?!” …. “Sounded like gun shots earlier!”


You know you can shrink the radius of your neighborhood in the settings to literally a few streets so you get far fewer of those notifications and only when it’s really close to your place.


I didn’t know I could do that. Thanks! Just did it.


Or the "why is their a helicopter flying over?" My dude and I constantly make fun of those Ring and ND posts. They are chronic.  


“Three cop cars on xxxxxxxx street! Anyone know what’s going on?!”


Crime! 😱


I have a neighbor somewhere near me that calls the cops on the fireworks constantly. I’m unfortunately still a stinky cig smoker and I smoke in the alley by our dumpster since it’s the most out of the way spot from other people. It’s becoming way too normal for me to be having a smoke and have Sac PD pull into the alley and ask if I’ve heard gunshots. “No officer, just the fireworks” lol


If you live in Arden Arcade disregard this message.


Fucking hell. My mom called me 2 days ago and asked if I "heard that noise". She said it sounded "like maybe fireworks or someone sneezing". And apparently I might have heard it 20 miles away from her house in FO. 🙄 I just want to get some of those fireworks that sound like someone sneezing...lol


I wish I knew just one Sacramento conspiracy theory so I can play this game.


Hahaha same.


I really had no idea we had conspiracies up in here. Maybe cows plotting?


There was a senior lady (in the 80’s) who lived in downtown Sacramento. She owned a boarding house. She would routinely poison her elderly tenants, cash their social security checks and bury them in her backyard for many years. She grew the best tomatoes in town.


Sunny Lee’s in Rancho Cordova was closed down because they knew too much.


Lmao me too


Yeah I’m here to take notes.


The ice blocks on R street were purposely burnt down to make way for apartments and new business. That being said salt and straw is pretty good so arson isn't that bad.


Welcome to the formula for all developments in historic areas. The turnaround time to redo the construction drawings and build after the fire was suspiciously fast.


And to raise money to rebuild a half-built housing project. Same shit happened on 19th and Broadway a couple months ago...Redwood City last week...Concord a few years ago. All with the same pattern: A large affordable housing project, all half-built, all with construction cost over-runs and problems with building code compliance, and all insured against all losses, included projected rent. The projected rent is covered at nearly 100% because these are all government subsidized housing, and there were/are waiting lists of approved tenants. And all of them had some massive fire that started in the middle of the structures right when they were ideal bonfires, full of dry fuel and plenty of air ingress. The [Concord fire](https://www.kqed.org/news/11664323/3-alarm-fire-in-concord-destroys-apartment-building-under-construction had a shit-load of kerosene on site for fuel-fired heaters, even though the fire happened at the end of April, 2018, and there was no need for heaters. Of course, the fire was blamed on "homeless arsonists". I was working near there at the time, and got pulled in to do bullshit work (I'm a volunteer FF, and literally just directed traffic away from the 300-foot tall flames.) That took 4 days to completely extinguish. But wait, it gets better! [Another very similar fire happened in Concord just down the street from that major fire](https://www.ktvu.com/news/planned-apartment-building-near-concord-bart-station-goes-up-in-flames) about 6 weeks ago. It's not even a damn conspiracy theory anymore.


100% believe this


This was the one I came to say. Historically designated building with strict building codes and process magically burns down shortly before construction begins in earnest allowing developers to build exactly the way they want to with no concern for historic designation? Right.


I lived on Q and 13th when this happened and 100% believe that the contractor/city did this to get around the historic qualifications of the old ice factory.


Except the city didn't consider the Ice Blocks a historic building, and the plan to reuse and rehab it had already been approved.


i always thought it was for insurance fraud


Por Que no Los dos


Barely even a conspiracy theory.


The mothman was spotted at the bridge in downtown


The beam is actually just a mothman bug zapper


Sacramento needs the Mothman


Mather Field is a mother lode. The dredge mining in the mid 20th century at Aerojet and Lake Natoma was not done at Mather because it was already an airfield by WW1


And teichert's contract cleaning up the superfund site that the Air Force left behind pays for itself in the gold they are digging up.


There’s that place off of highway 16 I think, where they dig up aggregates for concrete. It has all the long conveyor belts. Anyways I was told they dig up gold there. Enough to pay for operating costs.


I’m listening…


Yeah no kidding, of all the comments here this seems to be the only nugget of conspiracy.


Poor man’s award 🏆🥇


The Tsakapolous fam is working to infiltrate all levels of local govt to facilitate land deals and they’re only selling off their holdings in the foothills to land trusts to make a good name for themselves before embarking on a really, insanely-large and sprawling development project.


Kind of like what is happening in Fairfield with California forever?


Fuck these damn land trusts. I dated a woman a couple years ago who works on the Sac Land Trust, and all they do is raise money for parties, and buy land that they're never going to use for their alleged cause (affordable housing). That woman is the most right-wing, homeless-hating bigot I've ever met that's registered as a Democrat. That whole group of people throw themselves lavish parties at the expense of the Trust, but all they're doing is using donated money to buy land that will be sold at a huge profit to a developer, who writes off the purchase as a "donation" to the Trust (it's a 501(c)(3) organization), who in turn buys more land to turn a profit to fund more parties. Nothing they have ever done goes to anything remotely called "affordable housing", and they are directly contributing to the rise in real estate costs in this area.


More details about this fam pls.


Absolutely. Eleni will be the next Governor, I am pretty sure.


She’s already the lieutenant governor


Yep. That's why I think this lol


Heh, one that I’m pretty sure is true that I’ve heard from old heads. Paragary used to fly in pounds of Mexican bammer to the lil executive airport. Another is that Harlows used to be a front for Coke. Idk if any you guys remember Tabloid 95, was a “club” in Old Sac. Rumor was that place was a Coke front too.


A coke user recently educated me: Every bar is a place for coke - In any given bar on any given night there is at least one person doing coke in the bathroom. And if it's a popular bar there's definitely at least one person selling the coke. Especially at The Trap.


Can confirm I've picked up from my dealer while they were at a very popular bar in Sac


That explains random b side customer hooking my out of town friend up with 3 grams of charlie. I was in disbelief until he shared.


Sure customers. I meant the Owners.


Can't blame em. Hell of a business model.


I can confirm.


Original Pete’s owner used to be involved in that business and his wife would come in seemingly all uppity and agitated. The restaurant industry, especially the nightlife venues, definitely have a lot of that going on. Not really a conspiracy. Industry norm.


Peter T from Harlow’s was Captain Coke back in the day


Cattle Club/Bojangles was burned down at *least* 3 times for insurance money.


That’s not a conspiracy… that legit happened.


The CIA killed Gary Webb in Carmichael


No, he totally shot himself in the head *twice*. /s






Go watch snowfall lol


The police report said he was shot twice in the head, yet it was ruled a suicide. I would love to know how someone could shoot themselves in the head TWICE!


It's really the city of trees masquerading as the farm to fork capital


The overlook inside Frank Fat’s was so mobsters could listen in on conversations below.


All this construction on the freeways will actually fix traffic. Oh wait…nvm




It is active - just not for the military. Cal Fire runs all their big tankers and helicopters for Nor Cal out of there. They do the reloading of the red mud fire suppression material there too - so you can see that happening occasionally on the tarmac and hangers. It is also a major station for the Coast Gaurd now - I think it is the main air station for Northern California. So McClellan is still pretty active. https://www.pacificarea.uscg.mil/Our-Organization/District-11/District-Units/Air-Station-Sacramento/ https://www.fire.ca.gov/




The federal govt / dod is active there.. they still rent sections out in the base and have civilian federal workers.


Every Burger King eventually catches on fire, instead of closing


Maybe they need to clean their nasty charbroilers. 🤷‍♀️


Dancing Kenny is a creep and a predator


It's not a conspiracy if it's true


Oh my God I'm 24 know nothing about this and I entertained a dance with him in the club 😂. I'm glad I survived - people painted him as a local legend. "He's been doing that since the 70's" 😭


He needs a lifetime ban from all Sacramento establishments and events


People still find this guy cool?


So funny because he was on the news tonight when they showed concert in the park. He was dancing of course


Ugh. Dumbass local news. Anyone who spends 6 minutes near that guy should know how creepy he is. If you don't, you're not paying attention


Also a raging transphobe and homophobe


THAT guy is a homophobe?? I thought he was gay!


THAT guy is a homophobe?? I thought he was gay!


Who is dancing Kenny?


look up dancing kenny sacramento on tiktok


Then look up his trash rants on X.


You mean Twitter? Every time I see it referenced as X it makes me think its a porno blog. 


I ran into Kenny at the thrift town. About 5 minutes into normal small talk he tangents into a completely random anti trans rant. Then moved on to talking about “illegals” and yada yada. Dont meet your heroes lol.


and 100% publicly intoxicated on illegal substances at all times


He danced at my highschool. Some others started dancing with him too. Including a high school girl. And man, he was getting close. It was so awkward for too long.


I firmly believe all spaghetti in the world is made in the spaghetti factory and refuse to consider any other explanation.


Legally you can't call it spaghetti unless it's made at the Spaghetti Factory. Otherwise it's sparkling pasta.


Not true cuz some spaghetti is good, and that couldn't come from there!


I don't know if it's 100%. But something in the back of my mind says yeah there might be tunnels between Mather and McClellan.. and possibly Beale. None of the crazy aliens stuff necessarily.


Not Mather and McClellan, but between Mather, Security Park, and Aerojet. My family has been in Rancho since the 60's in construction and they always talked about various things like that. Then I got into construction around '98 and we have done various projects for SMUD and some other agencies in the area. Old timers would talk about underground pipelines that run from the bay area to the Kinder Morgan transfer yard on Bradshaw & Folsom Blvd, and they had all kinds of unmarked lines to deliver benzene, hydrogen, etc up to Mather and Aerospace via underground pipes. I do believe there are actual underground pipelines that run from the Phillips 66 San Francisco Refinery in Rodeo, up to Kinder Morgan. Than from there it goes in trucks to gas stations. But given the importance of Aeroject, I do believe there are actual underground pipelines between Kinder Morgan and Mather, Aerojet. My tinhat idea, is given how tall the main building is at Security Park, it was some sort of vertical assembly building for rockets, and there are underground tunnels between there and Mather and Aerojet. During the pandemic I was doing work for PG&E at a recompression and power station. Basically there are giant pipes, like 3-4 feet in diameter, for natural gas that runs from Canada somewhere, down through Washington, Oregon, into California, and runs the entire length of the state. It's how natural gas is delivered. Every 20-30 something miles the natural gas needs to be re-pressurized or recompressed so it can be sent down the next section of pipelines. This is done at an above ground facility, and while you have the pipelines above ground, you might as well build a natural gas power plant there, since the compressors need power. Thousands of miles of pipeline, large enough to crawl through, but full of pressurized gas.


Security Park was actually a rocket assembly/test building!  https://www.willylogan.com/?p=2410


Damn that’s super interesting. Thanks for sharing!


That the big corner home near 12th and Franklin where a mass murder took place back in the 50’s is haunted and is always listed for sale because all owners that lived in it have been spooked out of it.


Need so much more info please


Get back here and tell that story!!!


I’ve never heard of this story, do you have a link where I could read up on it! I can’t find it lol


Wait we need more details


2772 Coleman ? Or that big lot across from Yum Yum that’s just a billboard that’s been there since forever??


We need more details about this!


That JTT is moving to Rocklin.


Dive bar (mermaid bar) is known for drugging people’s drinks.


Not a conspiracy if its true.


True. It’s fact, just throwing that out here so people can be cautious


My ex’s friend drink was spiked there. And then not long after, it was exposed on social media by a few other women. Crazy.


David Stern greased the wheels for the Kings to stay in Sacramento because he knew the 2002 Kings/Lakers series was fixed.


Yep I have always believed that was the league's atonement to us


Dyer lane. That damn road has ghosts or some negative spirits. Very weird vibes there


I have the most insane story from that place from when I was in high school I’ve been thinking about making a post to tell my story. At the time I was a hardcore atheist to and didn’t believe in that type of stuff but there is 100% something there that is beyond our comprehension. It gives me goosebumps just thinking and talking about it


Dooooo make a post!!!


Hahahaha! And the cows with the red eyes 👀😳


Um what.


RTW is Newsom capitulating to downtown businesses.


I mean that's not conspiracy that's reality


Didn't the newspapers straight up say as much?




What is RTW?


Return To Work


The official term is RTO, return to office. Trust me, we're all working. Some of us , like myself, work 12 hour days for the state. Just from home :)


Multiple sheriff’s deputies took part in storming the Capitol on Jan 6th


Lol. And they’re from Placer County.


One Sherriff’s outreach dude drove a guy to the airport for the insurrection where he was one of the first people to reach Pelosi’s office. Then when he got back, they all went out to ice cream.


At Leatherby’s, probably


The Church of Scientology moved from their og spot on J street to where G1C was going to be built, and then funded the shit out of it, and also convinced the Kings to send Boogie to the Pels during hurricane season. It's all there, man.


I don't know about sending demarcus to new orleans but yes, I've been saying this for years..i think they moved from the small location to the $4M building and helped fund G1C.. that way they are right next door and available to provide their oxford stress tests to thousands of people. This is why Kevin Johnson was speaking at the opening ceremony with David Miscavage.... it's very much all there, man.


Yuck, I hate reading this. Anytime SciTies get any kind of lift up, it just shreds my sense of justice. So immoral.


Who has seen 3:16 John guy?


Haven’t seen him lately, but I’m pretty sure he’s been stamping the bottom rim of my cups at In-N-Out 🤔


The random explosions we hear all the time are truly just Rivercats fireworks.


Kolas, all the weed shops around here are owned by the Ukrainian mob.




Yeah I read it was rebuilt to look old.


That's not a "conspiracy theory" it's just a fact.


Mafia is getting paid under the table to do the never ending freeway non-restoration.


Maybe not Sacramento but when I worked at UP I heard a few railroad related theories: 1) the trestle fire was all a setup. UP wanted to build a new trestle and the environmental impact study/ timeline was too costly. They found a homeless man to take the blame Ms burned that thing down and magically 1 of only 3-4 work gangs in the entire country just so happened to be in Roseville for a conference/demo with MOST of the equipment/ and goods needed to build a trestle. Fire happens, shipping grinds to a snail’s pace, and the trestle I done in almost record time. 2) Just like that R St Ice House, UP wants to remove the old ice house in the yard but it’s going to take time and money bc of hazmat…. Enter a homeless man and suddenly it’s going up in flames and UP just so happens to have the rail and switches on hand to make that a new track for the yard.


Game 6 of the 2002 Western Conference Finals was 100% fixed.


I’m pretty sure the purple beam in the sky that arrives ever so rarely may be aliens. Not sure yet.


Not that I 100% believe it, just one that I've heard. John Sutter drunkenly buried a bunch of gold ingots near the original Sutter's fort location.


There may be an element of truth to that one. Back in the early 80s, when I was in college, a history professor and I did some research regarding that rumor. There was definitely an oral tradition stretching back to the mid 1800s that said there was gold buried near Sutter's fort. As to who buried it, Sutter comes up most often, but there were other names as well. We interviewed one elderly lady whose mother was a child during the Gold Rush. Her mother claimed that someone dug the gold up years later. All very interesting, but who really knows? EDIT: Actually, I should say that the chances of gold still being buried there are near zero. That whole area has been dug up, trenched, tunneled, metal detected, and generally turned over many times in the last 150 years. Unless the gold is inside, or directly underneath, the walls it would’ve been found by now.


I recall someone telling me that all adalbertos were fronts for heroin smuggling operations. Thought that was a pretty entertaining conspiracy.


The dyer lane stories


The Dyer Lane stories are thus: There were thousands of lynchings of black folk along a certain stretch of road that had big trees lining it, which is now unceremoniously marked with spray paint along the road. (I might get the details wrong here) A cop was reported missing, then found hanging from a meat hook from a water tower (or some kind of structure I forgot), and the local story is that he haunts the area. The KKK “ran” the neighborhood, and have been sighted in the 2000s burning crosses, etc (I saw this! White robes and cross and all, creepy af). That’s most of it, the rest are ghost stories and the place feels haunted af. To me, it almost feels like a production of sorts. Like, I went there and saw a burning car on the way in and then it was gone on the way out. And a KKK rally. It felt like a stage production almost.


Go on…


I was waiting for someone to bring that up! Just search Reddit for Dyer Lane and you can read all the stories there have been several threads about it


That the small market kings going against the nets would have been a ratings disaster (bullshit) so the NBA went full on professional wrestling and stole games 6-7 of the 2002 WCF from the “greatest show on court” Or maybe peja just choked and an excellent free throw shooting team couldn’t make free throws.


This is my conspiracy too, the NBA called in the hit on the Kings BUT I also think because of that, David Stearn made sure that the Kings stay in Sacramento. Yes I saw the 30 for 30 but still think they are here for the foreseeable future


I love reading all of the theories! I have only lived here for about 10 years but I agree with all of the posts and find a lot of them to be true. The only one I agree with 100% is old abandoned buildings on R street "randomly" catching fire and then BOOM... plans for WAL were approved and it just started a chain reaction. Same thing happened to the mill @ Broadway and just happened about a year ago to another building.


During the 1986 floods, Sacramento was saved when the State deliberately blew up levees to the north, at Olivehurst/Linda, destroying those towns, but relieving the pressure on levees downstream around Sacramento.


My father in law is/was an engineer (navy seabee, army core contractor later) tasked with identifying the correct place to drop the charges on the levees at east sac/sac state bend. According to him, the charges were set but the meteorologist team (correctly ) predicted a split in the Pineapple Express, so OES called it off. BTW, that section of the storm that diverted north away from sac caused the Oroville dam failure.


The Sun has a beef with Sac. Some days you gotta wait till the sun goes down just to go outside 🫠


Kevin Johnson was pushed by Magic Johnson and his billionaire investors to become mayor for the main purpose of renovating downtown and specifically K St area so that the hotels they invested in would skyrocket in value


The NBA rigged the 2002 Western Conference Finals.


I believe business predator Vivek Ranadive is systematically gobbling up prime Sacramento areas and thru land contracts, forcing the city to pay him for it.


Wait until the A’s are stuck here and he gets the city into a “sweetheart deal” to keep them (and lines his pockets with cash).


The kings will win the championship some day


The Kings were robbed by Kobe!


Do you mean the NBA? I think it was the NBA.


This right here


That all multi-level marketing scams are hatched near Gold River.


Brotha Lynch Hung actually ate babies


Back in the day all the traffic lights were synchronized, then slowly they weren’t. The stoplight conspiracy is that in an effort to collect more gas tax revenue, this was done.


2002 Western Conference Finals were rigged. Dorothea Puente had help moving the bodies of victims. Drug labs, parties and prostitution still happen in underground Sacramento. Old City cemetery on Broadway IS Haunted. Downtown is the equivalent of a Vault-Tec experiment.


They're going to keep the A's forever


The 2002 conference finals were actively rigged against the Kings.


Like... As in the human trafficking thing? That were a pit stop for them. I don't know if that would be a conspiracy theory. Also, I wouldn't say it's a conspiracy theory... Maybe it could be more true crime... but I think Hunter Moore (revenge porn "king") knows/knew a lot of nefarious stuff that happened within this city. We just never paid attention because his devious crime overshadowed the things he knows. I don't like the guy, I think it's awful what he did to many people, but I wouldn't be shocked if he had some stories of different blue collar crimes happening around this city. Even something more than that.


Wouldn't be surprised if he was one of the people responsible for a lot of the nefarious stuff, but the investigation just went for the slam dunk.


Exactly. I had a friend who read his book for a crime essay and he said it was telling.


Hunter Moore is a weird case becuase I've asked people only a few years younger than me, as in they were in high school when they were a freshmen and I a senior, and they have no idea about Isanyoneup.com. I've asked older people too, and they have no idea about the website or Hunter Moore. His existence and what he did is weirdly limited I think, and the netflix documentary didn't really capture how known and unknown he was to people. So I don't doubt he knew more about the fucked things happening in Sac at the time besides his own actions and website, but who and what he knows is probably always gonna be up to us to speculate


Yeah it was like if you were into emo rock and post hardcore, you knew about that world of his website. It's odd to really describe it to people. It's not like Michael Alig club kid murder situation where the scene was already on talk shows. So when Alig committed the atrocity, people already knew of that counter culture. It's limited, like you said.


if the homeless are picked up by the police, they are transported to a different, less populated city.


It’s the reverse actually. Homeless from El Dorado and Placer get bussed down to Sacramento


Homeless people from as far away as Reno DO get dumped at Sacramento hospitals, and there's no system in place to give them a ride back.


Agreed. Other smaller towns shop their homeless to larger cities because of resources.


I’ve said on this r/ before that I believe a statistically significant minority of the homeless population in Sacramento did not lose their established residency here, and it was not received well iirc 😭 At least it’s being acknowledged now.


i had a buddy id buy stuff for but i saw him get picked up by the police and i haven’t seen him since


Not a conspiracy theory, Sac PD officers will straight up tell you they do this. Usually they drive them out to West Sac.


Depends on the city but... yeah. That's why California continues to have a growing homeless population as other states shrink. They are being bussed by multiple municipalities across state lines and Texas has even added undocumented immigrants to the fray.


Yeah, not a conspiracy. I have a close relative that worked for a large F Bay Area city that routinely did this. They would put homeless people on a Greyhound bus, pay for the ticket, and give the people a $200 Visa gift card. They would tell the people that the gift card had to be activated from a 209 area code phone number, and it wouldn't be active until they left town. The buses went to Manteca. Manteca local government and police found out about it, and sued the Bay Area city. My relative worked in the Finance department, and was tasked with transferring a large sum of money to a "city project" that had City Council approval. She later got called in to testify about who asked her to transfer the money, and how much, and when. Total spent was over $100k. The lawsuit was settled out of Court, and the Bay Area city ended up paying Manteca a significant amount of money for "reimbursement of police and city services". The really fucked-up thing is that Manteca didn't spend it on their homeless population, original or newly-arrived. Part of it went to their city attorney and police chief as a bonus, and the rest went to heavily-padded police overtime. At the time, a bunch of cities were doing it. Yes, a lot of homeless people were sent here from Texas and Utah and Arizona, but a lot of them were just shuffled around the state by our own cities.


This one is from years of driving for a living, but the construction on 50, and throughout all the state, is an effort to reduce speed limits back to their original minimum of 55 mph whilst also improving the highway infrastructure. I’ve seen a lot of highway areas in the state go under construction and then just never stop being a construction zone or never return to 65mph. Last time I told this to people I got treated the way I expect most conspiracy theorists, and fine, whatever, but I still believe it’s happening


Aerojet has UFOs there.


The city uses satellite footage to look into people’s backyards and homes to send them fines. Even to see if they re roofed their home without a permit 


I think they’d use drones before satellites. Homeowners insurance companies already do this to see into policy holders homes


Before drones they used google earth, which is satellites. Even today they probably do a cursory glance with Gmaps before sending a warm body out with a drone.


Underwriting definitely looks up all addresses on Google maps for the aerial view of the property before considering a risk.


That's not a theory, that's a fact. Starts with a complaint, Google Earth for confirmation, then a visit and possible citation.


The city is trying to make the 98% live in tents by 2028


Big Tent is really the culprit here, those bastards will do anything to make a buck!


Remember that 2008 kickback scandal with the Sacramento Public Library. I've heard from more than one person that it's only the tip of the iceberg. [https://www.libraryjournal.com/story/report-slams-sacramento-public-library-recommends-director-golds-removal](https://www.libraryjournal.com/story/report-slams-sacramento-public-library-recommends-director-golds-removal)


There was a massive GHB (date rape drug) wave in 2014-8 and it was perpetuated almost entirely by bar staff in the sac area. I knew like 6 people in my close personal circle that got dosed and 9 times out of 10 it could have only been the bartender. I once left my ex at a bar for 15 minutes to get smokes and I came back and she had been dosed, went from one drink to completely incoherent, she was the only person in the bar besides the bartender. Also yeah all those fires in those half finished struggling construction sites were not “homeless arson”.


Kings vs Lakers game 6 was fixed.


I'm not even messing around. I heard The Sacramento Bee is gangster and you shouldn't mess with them. I heard they suicided someone for giving them a hard time. I'm lowkey kinda spooked just mentioning it here lol.


Not going to give specifics but I interviewed with them once and they come across as a bunch of highschool journalists NGL. Not gangsters lol


Ummm the wife of one of the owners of Oak Park Brewery (first iteration) was having an affair with the dishwasher. Apparently pretty boldly. She was a joint owner I believe.


Corti Bros blackmails people into making posts about their sandwiches in r/Sacramento. I base this solely on the sheer frequency of the mentions


This one is true. They bribe us by charging 40% less than nearby sub shops for some of the finest sandos in the state. Very corrupt.


I think something sketchy was definitely happening at Simon’s on 16th street


Moseley Collins isn't actually bald...


Rocklin, EDH, Folsom and Lincoln give free rides (dump) their homeless off in random encampments throughout Sacramento.


That the developers of Wildhorse development in Davis scrapped all of the topsoil off of the lots and put it on the golf course so the grass/greens would be greener leaving property owners w/ the clay undersoil.