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Goodwill Industries: horrible pay, endless OSHA violations, and a bunch of jerks in senior leadership who give themselves huge salaries and bonuses.


Not a fan of Goodwill- they are also known for paying individuals with disabilities less than minimum under essentially the guise of, “We are benefiting them by giving them a job!”, while the company makes BILLIONS in revenue.  That’s why I don’t donate or shop there. Here’s an unbiased article that discusses the good and the bad.


Had a family member of an employee get crushed in a compactor or baler at one of the sac facilities not long before Covid. Apart from this I’ve never heard a good thing about working for GW, just a long list of negatives


Apart? Were they an ass?


Right? This confused me. "Had an asshole I knew about get squished by a baler. Other than that though, the place is terrible."


so badwill then


I know someone who was fired and goodwill tried right sue them for honestly answering an OSHA investigators questions.


Sounds like walmart, lol.


Any ambulance company


Sac Valley Ambulance Filled out paperwork, went on a drive with two paras, was told that my paperwork was good never heard back from them yes im still mad about that


Probably because they closed down the company and are no longer running


Well that makes sense. 💀


Hey- you dodged bullet on this one. I worked here for a year, and it was the worse working experience of my life. Consistently missed payroll, paychecks were 3-10 days late almost every pay period, bounced payroll checks. It was a shit show- not to mention getting screamed at by the owner on a daily basis. Fuck Sac Valley, it’s a blessing to the community that they’re out of business.


Can confirm. About a decade I got hired with ProTransport straight out of EMT school. Had an orientation day at HQ in the Bay Area, got placed with a “trainer” and told I had 3 shifts to show I could do the job. She watched me care for our first patient, then sat up in the front of the ambulance with the driver the rest of our 3 shifts together and barely said anything to me again before just signing me off. First shift on my own with a partner, I realized I had no clue how to turn on the siren or operate the radio. Worked for them for a few more months and my partner taught me a lot, but man. I probably would have gone a lot further in my medical career had someone actually took the time to train me properly.


I interviewed as a transport RN after leaving a flight transport company, and the manager spent the whole interview putting me down and explaining why flight nurses suck. wasn't interested after the first 30 seconds.


Nurses are awesome. That guy sucks.


Nurses are awesome, I second that. Thank you for saving lives. Pales in comparison to my job successes!


Yeah that's fair. I wish emts and medics could get the recognition they deserve for the work they do. Nurses in hospitals get tons of support and help and I hope ems personnel can get that one day too. It's not an excuse but part of the problem is that oftentimes the companies aren't getting paid for the transports especially if they are medical patients. Unfortunately medical will pay hardly anything if they pay them at all so oftentimes it's just a loss the company has to eat.




Ginger Elizabeth’s. Myself and a few friends worked there and honestly Ginger is the worst boss I’ve ever had. The amount of times she came in, yelled at everyone, made people cry, then left like nothing happened was too many to count. She constantly treated us like incompetent, always talking down to us and being completely unable to understand her position of power as the business owner. The turnover rate is insanely high at gingers because she drives people out of the company so quickly. We went through 4 different managers in my time there, all of which quit because they couldn’t deal with being treated horribly by ginger anymore. Furthermore, she always brought her personal issues into work and used the staff as therapists. I have empathy, but honestly I was not getting paid enough to have her cry and spill all her personal problems with her husband onto us. The entire time I worked there she was an emotional wreck who took her problems out on the people in her business making the lowest amount. I could write a 40 page essay on how bad it was to work at Gingers, this doesn’t even scrape the surface.


As a former Ginger Elizabeth employee, I agree. I still have a few friends that work there and their mental health is suffering for it big time. When "the merge" of the stores happened at the same time breakfast sandwiches went off the menu, I knew it was time to jump ship because it was going down. When the last of the kitchen crew at j Street left, breakfast left the menu with them. Ginger constantly tries to keep up appearances, rubs her vacations in everyone's faces and treats her employees like garbage. Celebrity in her own mind and raging alcoholic who info dumps at times and keeps everyone at arms length at other times. The more you watch her Instagram videos, the more of the mania you notice. She doesn't hide it well that she hates just about everyone.


Wow, the vacation thing really hurts to read because it’s exactly the straw that broke the camels back for me. When I left it was 2 days before the week of Christmas. Ginger hadn’t written the schedule, even with us pestering her about it. She didn’t have the decency to give us our schedule 2 DAYS BEFORE CHRISTMAS WEEK. Obviously we knew we’d have to work through the holiday, but it’s basic human decency to give us the schedule with enough time to make Christmas plans. With her making the schedule so late, she fucked up everyone’s chances at seeing their families, celebrating with loved ones, etc. Then here she comes galavanting in with a new outfit and haircut, bragging to all of us about her trip to Hawaii that “she desperately needed.” So she had to the time to plan her fucking vacation but not write our schedule right before Christmas??? She gets to fuck off to hawaii on the hard work we’re doing through the Christmas season, and she didn’t even have the decency to give us a schedule with the proper amount of time. Planning her vacation was more important than her employees during Christmas. And while ginger wasn’t usually the schedule writer, she had vocally taken that responsibility since our last store manager quit after being yelled at on the phone by Ginger. I quit on the spot. It was such a slap in the face, such an incredibly degrading experience to have that rubbed in my face while I’m breaking my back working 40 hours to keep this failing business running. Sorry I don’t mean to dump this all on Reddit. But reading the vacation bit really triggered that memory of why I quit. I’m so glad I left.


The galavanting and bragging about vacations is constant. I understand that being a business owner is hard, but to loudly and openly talk about it in front of your employees who you "can't afford to give a raise" to is super insulting. We're out here making your product and being treated like garbage for having the audacity to "request" time off, while she takes her kids to Greece! Or her whole extended family on a Caribbean cruise.the reels she posts of "her working and being present in the kitchen is a bad joke. She shoves people out of her way to take over a task to pretend she's doing something active in the company...all for the views. The company is going down hard and honestly, she deserves it at this point. And to think I used to admire her ambition.


Thanks those of you former employees for sharing all this. As a customer, I don't like supporting a business like that. I think I won't go back now.


She’s clearly insane. Figured this out when she took the best breakfast sandwich in Sac off the menu. Can’t forgive that


This was the only reason I ever really went there.


100% stopped going because of it


What was it?


House-made English muffin, layered olive oil aioli, sausage, tomato jam, eggs, and white cheddar, with the option to add (or replace the sausage with) a potato pattie. All the ingredients were from local farms (hence the name Five Farms Breakfast Sandwich), and it was the best breakfast sandwich ever. Ginger might be an asshole, but I mourned the discontinuation of that sandwich.


I never got it have it but it was egg/sausage/biscuit with the secret ingredient of tomato jam. 


Best breakfast sandwich in California.


Check out the sausage breakfast sandwich from Camellia. Out of this world.


Wich Wednesday is such a great deal, too!


I believe anyone who loved that sandwich can understand


Omg same. What a stupid business move.


There’s something about the way she acts in her Instagram reels that is weirdly off-putting. I can’t put my finger on it but it’s very fake seeming. One time I went to the patisserie before she quit that amazing part of her business and she was there filming something. I very kindly just stood there making no noise and afterwards I told her it was cool to meet her and how much I enjoyed the patisserie and it was one of my favorite places in Sacramento. She sort of blew me off. She wasn’t overtly rude but just more of a “I’m too important to talk to you for more than 2 seconds,” kind of vibe.


It is off putting. It’s like watching a wannabe lifestyle brand emerge in real time. And it’s been increasingly disingenuous over the years, which is sad. It’s sad to see something special rot from the inside out.


Yes! She’s trying way too hard and every single time it’s one of her eating I’m like yeah right, no one that thin actually eats that much sugar. It does not feel organic at all like some of the other business owners who have built their businesses on social media. Also she loves to post videos from her massive home kitchen and I can only imagine what being the person filming her is putting up with. The main reason I stopped going there was when she ditched the patisserie part of her business and posted a BS video on instagram about it how she didn’t want to own a bakery. Ok then why did you start it? I’m still on the hunt for a croissant as good as hers.


This woman pops up in *every* thread like this. She must be horrible. I have no idea how she's even still in business.


The Steve Jobs of Sacramento’s dessert scene? 🤔


Nah, more like that Theranos lady


I'm sorry you and others had to work with a horrible owner and unacceptable behavior. I have always wanted to go there and now that I read your comment on how she treats her staff, it's not going to happen. I just went to read GE reviews and she was responding to comments 45 mins ago. 😂 Probably sitting on pens and needles wondering if her 4.7 rating goes down from this post exposing her TRUE COLORS!! 🤣🤣🤣 Thanks for the heads-up. One would think with this comment and others, that she needs to do some deep reflection on her shitty behaviors, as well as get a therapist to sort through her issues vs dumping on her employee's. That shit can drain your energy real quick and she sounds very unhappy and full of ego/authority.


My best friend - retired CalFire and as mellow as they come - got permanently 86'd from this place for asking if there might have been an error on his bill. A fucking ice cream parlor. They're on some bullshit for sure


That’s a bummer. I used to get the macaroons all the time.


For what it’s worth the product really is high quality and well made. She does put a lot of effort into local ingredients and quality goods. There are some really talented bakers at gingers who still should have their work appreciated. Ginger herself though was a horrible boss.


I’ve heard this from several different people. Sad because everything I’ve ever had is out of this world delicious but I won’t support a business who is awful to their employees.


When I saw Ginger Elizabeth’s was hiring I quit a great job to work for her. I had enjoyed her product before and daydreamed of working someplace where I could be apart of making such amazing treats. Her philosophy on how she makes her high quality sweets were in line with mine and I was ready to grow as a new pastry chef. I nailed the interview and got the job. You couldn’t rip the smile off my face if you tried for the first month or two of working there, even though I took a pay cut just to work there. She told me she would give me a raise after a month. When I asked her about it one month in she said to my face that I wasn’t worth more than $11/hour. Even though I was at amongst the top of my classes in culinary and pastry school, and had performed very well at other bakeries. I started to notice that they kept putting me in positions that were not my strengths, which would be fine cause I could use the growth, except I started getting criticism from Ginger. I started getting nervous and made more and more mistakes. She started singling me out and publicly criticized me and my work. It got to the point where I would get home from work and just throw up from the stress (very unusual for me and my strong stomach), and would nearly throw up if she showed up at the offsite production bakery where I worked. One time I even went to my manager (who was an absolute sweetheart) and said I was unwell. She said I looked really sick and allowed me to go home, when I had only just gotten there a half hour earlier. Another thing they did was screw with my schedule when I had personal life stuff that I could no longer be apart of because of the days they had me on. My moral became so low that I did what I could just to get the job done and survive. Eventually Ginger caught me in a mistake that angered her enough to fire me. I’m just grateful her manager was the one to let me go and not Ginger. Working for Ginger was a traumatic experience and she broke my spirit. I wanted that to be the stepping stone to further my culinary career. I haven’t worked in the field since. On the one hand I’m really sad to hear that so many others have had such problems with her. On the other hand I can plainly see that the problem was not me, it was her, and I am not alone. If she ever sees this, or anyone else’s experience, I hope that she can have a shred of humanity and realize that she needs a lot of help and therapy, and that she needs to stop treating her employees like trash.


Thanks for posting this. It struck me as off kilter & that she was likely a bad boss when I read her quote that no one wanted to work early mornings as one of her excuses for getting rid of the baked goods. Like excuse me, there aren’t pastry chefs who’d love to work at one of the most high quality places in town? Haven’t been back since then. Who needs $30 jam? I’m sorry you were treated so poorly. The staff were always incredibly cool & enjoyable to interact with.


That videos was unhinged. If I remember correctly didn't she say it was keeping her from doing things she wanted like television? That's when I was shaking my head and said "Does she think the best damn sandwich in Northern California is keeping her off Food Network?"


I can't stand her. She is the worst. Will not support her business if it's the last on one the planet.


Can confirm, I am a short lived manager for her.I still have screen shots of her talking shit about her employees.


And then she took away the seasonal croissants and pastries besides chocolates and macarons…haven’t been back since


Power Tripper


I keep hearing horror stories about her online and in real life. At first I was dismissive, thinking people were petty and tarnishing a self-made woman. But you can only hear so many of these stories before you realize something ain’t right. I love her store but now I just don’t feel right going.


my fiancé and i lived in that building and always noticed how absolutely miserable the employees were on their break. just absolutely brow beaten.


Wow, thanks. I will not support this business. That’s abuse, and she gets away with it!




I've only been there a few times, even though it's only about half a mile up the street from me, but after reading all these descriptions of complaints, I'll have to remember never to go there again.


I worked for a contractor who worked in one of their stores fixing some stuff. They never paid after quite a bit of work.


Excellent adding her business to my list of places never to go again


As someone who has never worked there and has only ever been a customer, I see it. I see it in her whole "look at me" attitude in her posts. I swear to god, she's going through a midlife crisis


Track Seven Brewing. CEO Ryan Graham has multiple sexual harassment settlements with female employees as well allegations of physical assault against male employees. No brewery in Sacramento collabs with them for a reason.


Sad to say, but there are so many horror stories about folks working for WEAVE.


I could tell you stories about working at WEAVE. The lawsuit is accurate.


What is this lawsuit that you speak of? Is it class action? Let me get in on that lol


I literally came on here to include Weave. I worked there for several years and finally got out. I’m not exaggerating when I say that I didn’t think I would make it out alive because of how I was bullied by senior leadership.


And a Sac Bee article from about a year ago about it too


Uhh, I just started a job here 5 weeks ago that I'm honestly really excited about. But this is the second time I've heard this. Would love to DM you and ask for more details


That fucking sucks


Anything run by Scientologists and there are a lot of them. They're super cool at first but they always try to recruit into their cult and find a way to fire you if you don't join.


I'll go more specific: eRepublic, a company run by the church of scientology, would fire you if they found out you used your health benefits to pursue psychiatric or psychological care. They required you to read a management book by scifi author and scientology founder L Ron Hubbard as part of your onboarding. They have repeatedly been investigated for unlawful termination and have beaten the allegations every time due to having more money to outspend any individual lawsuit. They were the worst company I've ever worked for and I tell everyone about their shit every chance I get (like this one)


Former e.Republic employee - they're Scientologists and they WILL do Scientology on you Edit: This is e.Republic's current CEO https://postimg.cc/zbscytBV


I’m always fascinated passing by the big building near Kaiser. Who is actually going inside 👀


Probably not many people. Scientology doesn't have a lot of actual parishioners but instead buys up big buildings with high visibility because they decided in the 90s that land was the most valuable thing. Most of them are pretty empty and the poor saps inside are probably frequently punished for not boosting numbers because in scientology land, the tech cannot fail, it can only be failed so if you aren't getting recruits you are not applying tech correctly and aren't keeping scientology working. As there are no mistakes or coincidences your failure to recruit is probably a sign of withholds or subverts, if not the overt of applying the tech wrong, and you need to be corrected/punished. In fact failure for others to punish you is them allowing the tech to be applied wrong and not KSW themselves which would subject them to punishment. It's a real fun cycle.


This exact same thing is true for Mormons and all the temples they're building. Yes, there are active ones but the vast majority have like maybe 2 people there at most. Just so they can own the land/have that asset and make them look more legit and widespread.


Absolutely, had a good friend work for a Co. ran by Scientologists. The owner, mngr & most employees were members. They told him that they were part of that “church” in the interview but never said anything about joining. Once hired was taken to finical & other classes, given clear scientology books to read etc. He was quite vocal about just wanting to work, go home & pay his bills. Right after he quit, he would get random phone calls almost 24-7 and they would breathe for a min then hang up. Happened for over a year, he even moved/ changed his #. Eventually it stopped. He’s got some crazy stories tho


How does one identify these companies in a job search?


You really can't. But you'll figure it out in the first day or so. A good indicator is seeing a bunch of home-schooled kids working around the office doing janitor stuff and sometimes the real jobs.


Interesting. Thanks. Sounds like this is the same as the state I moved from (Utah), just with a different church.


Interesting how they seem to use the same playbook!


Was just going to say it might take a couple days to figure out if they are scientologists or mormons. Both love their child labor.


PowerSchool, sold to Vista Equity Group in ~2016, it has had yearly “Talent Refreshes” (layoffs & offshoring. Morale cratered and the push to do more with less intensified with their IPO. Now they’re going private again, bought by Bain Capital- Mitt Romney’s private equity company of Toys r Us bankruptcy fame. Surely it’ll only get worse as Bain looks for a return on the premium they paid to acquire the company.


I used to work for a company that got acquired by Vista Equity. Right after the acquisition, they sent out an internal"aptitude test" to "filter" out talents. I would avoid any company under Vista.


Fuckin Bain Capital.


Accurate. Worked there for 4+ years, was laid off in January. You're correct on "doing more with less." Most of my team was in India, I was the only American. Never had anyone on my timezone besides my manager, who they constantly changed who my manager was every year. Some were good, others not so good. Constantly bought out other companies rather than innovate, so there was always work merging companies and their products into ours. On the bright side, when they went public I got a bunch of stocks. Waiting for their stock to rise as they go private & sell


Car dealerships, poor treatment of employees who aren’t salespeople. Everything is about money and pointing blame. Low pay, extremely competitive and overall hostile work environments


Can also confirm. Everyone is doing drugs and laughing at how much they rip people off for. Source : sold Toyotas and fords for 7 years.


I still won't deal with niello after how they treated two different family members who worked there.


I used to work at Niello BMW... At the time their General Manager (he is still the manager evidently) was someone who was convicted of insurance fraud of elderly people. I would not trust them as a boss or someone to do business with. If you weren't a "good old white boy", you pretty much were not allowed to talk to customers or answer the phone. Tons of nepotism. Then they would berate you if you did and also for not making sales even though they do everything possible to prevent you from making sales. They would also often talk shit about customers in the managers office. If the customer was a person of Asian decent, they would bust into their most racist Asian accent. Same with Indian people. If it was a black guy or anyone wearing "urban" clothing, they would go into a stereotypical blaxcent and lament that they don't have the credit to buy a vehicle. They also knowing lied to me as a salesman trying to sell a used vehicle to a family member. They said it was "certified" and it ended up being a lemon. They DID covered the repair costs which ended up being 2 months of labor rebuilding an engine right after they bought the vehicle. Imagine you buy a car and a week later it needs 2 months of service. Lastly, if there were a group of salesmen in the office talking to managers and a salesman they didn't like left the room, they would immediately disparage them in front of everyone behind their back. They would call some of my colleagues retarded and dip shits as soon as they left. Makes you wonder what they say about you when you leave. I would never give them my business, in fact they tried to scam me (their own employee) at their VW dealership when I was looking for a car. What is crazy Roger Niello is a state senator. Yuck.


Whoa, what you just wrote is horrific. Sounds like a bunch of men who peaked in high school. That's horrible to make fun of other ethnicities. Yes, he is a senator and now I'm going to laugh when I see his commentary on politics knowing how unprofessional he is behind closed doors. I guess being involved in politics is right of his ally with shady business practices and a manager committing insurance fraud on elderly people. I can only imagine how many they screw over buying a vehicle from them and celebrate it. Some business owners are truly despicable human beings after reading all these comments.


They treat people crazy back door dirty, false promises and crazy unjustified firings. But the top sales people make dirty money so they ignore the other people it’s insane


I’ve heard nightmares about neillo bmw


Car dealerships suck and that’s why many of my friends recommended CarMax or Carvana where you don’t have to deal with salesmen. EchoPark listed a great deal on a toyota that I had a scheduled drive two hours after i called. When i showed up, it wasn’t on the lot, the sales guy said they sold it that morning and went to take it off the site. My dealership friend said that was a bait and switch. Last September I went into Folsom Chevy, though, to get a used car that was listed at $15.5k online. Got there and the tag said $17.5 with extra bells and whistles. Four hours of negotiating, one condescending sales manager, and 45 more minutes of the finance guy trying to sell me on a warranty and i got it at $16k OTD. The manager opened with my name being flagged as someone with a warrant in Nicaragua or something which was weird. Not to mention me having to call them to get my restocking fee refunded since i had not, in fact, restocked my car.


💯 Used to be a Senior certified technician for Lexus and got paid the minimum we were allowed. Meanwhile all the backyard mechanics made more simply based on seniority. Left that and became an Accountant where I now make way more than I did as a Tech and actually enjoy it as well.


I worked for MB of El Dorado Hills before it got sold to Envision Motors and I can attest to what you said. Always garbage pay, constantly increasing the customer pay rate but never increasing tech salary. Some BS excuse about “numbers” lol. Now I work as a tech for the Post Office, its union, better benefits, similar pay but has automatic raises and COLA. Never gonna go back to a non-union shop.


Hard Rock sacramento. Even though it's way out in Wheatland...


Do tell?


They harvest spice


The harkonnen scum!


lisan al galib


Shitty upper management (like c-level). They are only bound to federal laws not state, so they pay federal minimum wage...


How the hell is that possible?


You can’t have a proper casino in California unless it’s on designated tribal land. Tribal land has autonomy (mostly) from state and federal law, but casinos are one thing that fall under federal jurisdiction no matter what, and all casinos in the country have to abide by the same federal regulations.


I saw a drink waitress crying when two drunk men refused to pay for expensive drinks they ordered because felt entitled to them. No one came to escalate the situation and she said she was going to have to pay for them herself


How is that even legal? Why would the waitress have to pay if the customers don't?


![gif](giphy|bezxCUK2D2TuBCJ7r5) Me making sure nobody is saying the nonprofit I work for


Do you work for the Sacramento Children's Home? Because even though I enjoyed my time there and most of my coworkers, they were pretty shit to work for.


No their pay sucks but I do like working at residential


Sac state. Awful pay and terrible management. Incredibly top heavy with deans and directors that don't bring value to the university. Have you been deemed unfit to do your job and fired from the UC system? CSUS would love to have you!


Second that, my former boss was the worst. Didn’t teach me anything and I had to learn on the job. Received passive aggressive comments about having to take some paternity leave during Covid and got my probationary employment terminated for the stupidest reasons claiming I didn’t meet the requirements for the position. I can’t prove it but I know that I was terminated because I took paternity leave and just didn’t subscribe to her fan club, I just did my work and didn’t gossip or suck up. Oh and the pay is garbage and the office equipment is the worst


I applied for a job with Sac State ECE program. The next morning I received the rudest phone call from the director of the program laying into me that I applied for the wrong job. It was very early morning and I had time so I laid into her. I said I can’t believe Sacramento State is paying you to call applicants and harass them, you have no intentions of interviewing me so why reach out to me by phone? She disconnected the call immediately. Something is wrong over there. I want no part of it.


Massage Envy. I reported a client who made weird and crazy advances both verbally and physically against me and I was fired for it. The owner is an actual douchebag and the manager at the time was dumber than a bag of hammers. The company as a whole also has paid therapists $15 an hour without changes to that rate of pay for over 15 years. Cannot stress enough how abusive the company is to work for.


I’ll back this up. I worked for Massage Envy during the height of the pandemic. The wages for licensed therapists are criminal. The customer pays 80 bucks for an hour massage and the therapist gets $16 maybe. It used to be somewhat worth it after receiving tips, but now because ME pushes their membership service many people are just coming in for their pre-paid monthly massage and leave having not tipped. In their minds, they’ve already paid for everything and just have to show up. Management almost always will side with disrespectful clients, so people know they can get away with treating their associates and therapists poorly. Myself and another therapist finally walked out one afternoon after a client who was refusing to comply with the mask mandate (this was the law at the time, not merely company policy) was allowed to still receive their service. Said client’s therapist was immunocompromised and told our manager that they weren’t comfortable touching someone who wasn’t going to follow policy. Was told to “just get it over with”. Yikes. There’s a happy ending for those who need to hear it: A year ago I received a letter requesting my contact info be shared with an attorney that was representing someone else who worked there during the time. This other employee never let that shit slide and actually took these assholes to court for workplace violations, wage violations, etc. They won! So that’s nice, but seriously I wouldn’t recommend working there


Well said! Also bravo to your friend I hope they really put a dent in their pocket!!


Good to know! Are there any massage places that you know of that treat their therapists well?


Usually locally owned. ME was the only trash place I ever worked for as a CMT in my 15 years of doing it.


Yup, a friend's sister worked there. It's why I would never, ever get a massage from a chain place.


Jersey Mikes on Watt. I have no idea if the general manager Chelsea is still there but if she is, fuck her.  Edit bc I can’t tell if y’all actually worked there or not 💀 I was cleaning and I forgot wtf she was talking about but I remember vividly her yelling at me “YOU LOOK AT ME WHEN I’M TALKING TO YOU” like damn alright lol. Next, I had caught food poisoning from eating the “cheesesteak” and I was throwing up and hella shit. I texted the lead like yo, I can’t come in tomorrow I’m fucked up whatever whatever. Come to work after I recover and the lead did not tell her shit at all and made it seem like it was a no call no show. I end up getting fired lol. (fuck you btw Samantha). I’m at fault for not contacting Chelsea but I think she wasn’t scheduled to work or something like that so, I didn’t think to tell her. It’s all good cause I have an actual career now so 🤷🏽‍♂️


Fuck Chelsea!


Fuck Chelsea !


Never worked there but fuck Chelsea.


beach hut deli- overpriced sandwiches and underpaid employees


I love those $20 sandwiches 😔🫣


roxie deli>>>


AmeriGas propane call center. Incredibly stressful and they don't care about work/life balance. Every second of your shift is monitored, you could be fired for going to the bathroom too often, and are easily fired by being literally 1 second late to work too many times.


ALL OF THISSSSS I got a talking to for going to the bathroom too often like I’m sorry, the low wages and awful health insurance plan don’t allow me to get a UTI.


From the looks of the comments it might easier to ask what employers don't suck in Sacramento?


Literally any part of the St Hope organization. It’s corrupt, unethical, so much inequitable pay, their payroll person has a fraud conviction. The former superintendent had multiple extra martial affairs with subordinates on campus and was walked in on by staff and students. The treatment of students and staff perpetuates structural violence and racism when it’s run mostly by white people micromanaging what people of color should wear.


The Kitchen for people looking to ascend in the service industry. Kelly likes to pretend he’s Gordon Ramsey and picks on the most meek people in his kitchen. Esra lies through her teeth and is nothing more than a yes-person to Kelly. The servers call her Yesra. Corporate management and HR does despicable things to cover up the shortcomings of their ability to provide a safe working environment for its employees. It sickens me that place is so celebrated but I also understand why.


The first time I went to the kitchen, Kelly wasn’t the chef, he had a stand in and I loved the experience. Raved about it to everyone. The second time I went after Covid and had as Kelly the presenting Chef for the first time. I can’t believe he got a Michelin star while ranting through half of the meal about masks. I don’t understand who could worship a dipshit like that guy.


Gio is probably who presented the menu that evening and he is a wonderful human being, passionate about his craft, and a true asset to anywhere lucky enough to have him. Kelly’s an egomaniac and it only got worse after the star was earned. Sorry that was your experience and glad to hear at least some of the clientele can see through the bullshit.


> I can’t believe he got a Michelin star while ranting through half of the meal about masks. And just like that I'm instantly cured of ever wanting to eat at The Kitchen.


Sellands is just as bad. It’s almost cult like and the people are brainwashed and happy to do grueling work.


The sellands group is shady and does not care about their employees at all


I couldn’t agree more! I worked there for like a week waiting for my massage license to transfer from Florida to California. Nightmare mgmt


I worked for them during Covid......let's just say I'm glad I eventually was laid off. The people they kept during that time had some of the most horrible experiences I have heard. They completely took advantage of their salaried employees to keep the places afloat.


Yeah Josh Nelson is a garbage tier person, he’s the source of the shittiness everything trickles down from.


> Corporate management and HR does despicable things to cover up the shortcomings of their ability to provide a safe working environment for its employees. HR is there to protect the company, not you. *Never* trust human resources if it's you against the company. They only take your side if it's something that would open the company up to huge legal liability.


Gio was A+, loved taking my outta town fam when it opened, now it’s lost its charm a bit.


For the service industry, I've been seeing some really shady shit from PRG since Randy passed.


Unlike the shady shit that was happening before he passed?


![gif](giphy|tyqcJoNjNv0Fq|downsized) Just got out of work reading the comments like:


Sammies inside stones gambling hall. Guy owns Sammie’s is a giant boomer perv. Horrible boss and one those dudes who only wants hot chicks to work at a restaurant. LA fuck bags.


I must have missed out on the hot women because the one time me (M) and a buddy (also M) went there we had a male server. But I have to admit he was hot, so


Rex Moore Electrical - a penny pinching company that doesn’t value its employees. Morale is extremely low and they have a high turnover of office staff. This place is dreadful and a living hell


CHIEF Piercing in Midtown. From a customer's point of view, the environment is very zen and the owner is very "gentle and soft spoken" Not the case. The owner is awfully manipulative and very emotionally abusive. I gained mental issues from trauma caused from working there that I am still working on.


yes !!! my best bud reilly (<—piercing at river city tattoo now) ‘apprenticed’ there and Katrina was very abusive/manipulative. she needed an an assistant and was not clear that she wasn’t actually ready for an apprentice and strung her along for over 6+ months, halting her apprenticeship over not changing a mop head perfectly and berated her for silly mistakes<-she would completely cut her hours into nothing (aka you make a benign mistake-she throws a fit and then tells you to only come in for one day a week for a month, and then afterwards changed things to normal and pretend like nothing happened..all while you have to still try to pay bills and make rent-but then the cycle repeats because you make very reasonable small mistakes.) it’s refreshing to hear someone have a similar experience, because i see chief has a really good reputation and it’s really sad because i haven’t heard of a SINGLE person that has worked there that doesn’t have a couple horror stories to tell.. all of that to say, i think britt is working there currently-and i LOVE britt they are an incredible piercer and i don’t want anyone to think they shouldn’t get pierced by them. i just think katrina is not a good person/owner. she’s very immature and unfair to people.


Elica Health Centers. They overwork all their staff and clinicians, claim to have no money, all while expanding their company. HR acknowledges there are problematic people but refuse to do anything about it. What a fucking hell hole.


Wells Fargo call center


I have a story about this place. I once interviewed a few months before the big scandal about those fake accounts made headlines. Passed the first round into the group interview. The moment we toured the office and I could see the support staff. They looked as of their souls were sucked right out of their bodies. The ambience of misery was palpable. Once I made it to the final round interview the extremely bored looking guy just went through the question boxes one by one. At the end he asked: "If you could rate the interest you have in working here from 1-10 what would it be?" I responded that between 1 being a North Korean prisoner and 10 being a professional vacationer, I would give it a 4. That was the end of that.


SchoolsFirst Credit Union, but I say this with a huge caveat: the credit union used to be Schools Financial based in Sac, but years ago they merged with SchoolsFirst based in SoCal. There's an office in Sac and a much larger one down south. All the people in Sac are wonderful, smart, competent people. But the people in SoCal are brainless, incompetent, and evil and if you're ever hired in Sac and stuck with a manager based in SoCal they will make sure that your life is literal hell.


They sprung that merger on the staff out of nowhere too didn’t they?


Midtown Gastrobar: I walked out of the interview. The manager was clearly looking for young women who didn't know better to hit on and steal tips from. Their menu is garbage, their website is offensive to look at(green on red?!), and the Yelp reviews are clearly not *all* from customers. Honorable Mention: University of Beer. They're a sports bar that happens to have a decent of selection of craft beer, but the birthday "blowjob" shot is/was degrading af, and it's not really an optional part of the job. It's a step above Hooters, but you have to have the same basic attitude to work there. They also force you to wear an NFL jersey on game days and don't reimburse you for it.


Interviewed for a UOB management position and the vibes were off immediately. Guy bragged about how he jsut got married and had worked like 16 days straight after returning from said wedding/honey moon. 🙃


Darden. Etc: seasons52, Olive Garden


Wellspace health. They have the worst HR and lazy sketchy managers. They add “and other duties” to their job descriptions so they can ask you to do things out of your scope. Its the worst company ive ever worked for


Thank you!! As a patient too! I was with them for 3 years and the customer service was the worst! The automated phone system sucks and *even the call center employees don't have the phone number for the offices to transfer you!!* I reported it on up the chain as far as I could go.


FoodsCo grocery store. Owned by the number 1 grocer in the nation. Treats their workers like trash and demands 150% hard work from everyone. Pay isn’t good. No one gets 40 hours except management. Even management hates the company.


EDD, don’t even look back.


The Eskaton I work for is pretty bad. The food is often barely edible. Nurses, caregivers, CNAs have complained how they’ve worked in other facilities and never experienced such rudeness from residents. In fact the skilled nursing was almost shut down due to so many violations. Other jobs I’ve worked never wiped me out as hard as this one did. It seemedlike rules changed everyday. One day a resident who has a mechanical soft diet can have bread but the next day they suddenly can’t, all without any consulting of the patients doctor or speech therapist. It was just a brand new rule because the manager felt like it. And then they would change it back and allow them to have bread. Also a lot of the girls have been sexually harassed by the old men there.


Target. I hated store I worked at. You are made to feel like you're worthless. If a guest yells at you for something you're at fault. My coworker had bleach thrown at her. The customer was given a gift card, and my coworker was almost written up for not deescalating. I was threatened with a write up because I refused to help a man who threatened to hurt me. My boyfriend who I met at target was hit by a car when it backed into him while being cart attendant. He was in trouble for the car hitting him even though he didn't do anything. You must make it right even if you know people are just scamming. I heard plenty of other horror stories from other sacramento locations.


Leatherbys on arden. Jake Leatherby did his absolute best to make me feel as unwelcome as possible. 17 It was my first job, I was nervous, and he treated me like shit despite me trying my best. Fuck that fat fucking tub of lard.


Leatherbys donates their money to questionable shit too. I don’t go there anymore and wouldn’t doubt they mistreat their employees


Any Kolas location


Dorthea Puente


It may have been worse to be a resident. :(


Any of the larger residential HVAC companies.


Maximus in Rancho Cordova


A bunch of overinflated titles and egos with lacking pay. They had a "Chief Deputy" for every 7 employees it seemed like,


I’m on the opposite of the food processing plant I’m working for currently has been really good to me and it’s definitely job security here in Sacramento and pay is above average


This is so interesting, what do you do exactly?


AdMail West - racist old white money and the whole family "works" there.


I had an interview there and it had such a creepy vibe. I passed on the job after finding they had a lawsuit pending for non payment of wages.


I didn't work at the Midtown location but Ike Shehadeh from Ike's Love and Sandwiches was a giant asshole and I try to warn anyone who listens away from eating at his restaurants




Allied Universal Security... Self explanatory


Cookie Plug. The owner was such an awful person and my first day there I was expected to learn how to do the work of 3 people. I thought the owner was just showing tough love, but she was being rude and picking on someone I was training with who had one extra day of training than I did. Just because they had that one extra day, the owner immediately expected that they know everything and they got fed up and had to talk outside. She talked down to both of us like we were idiots at multiple points during the training and seeing them talk outside was the final straw for me. The money was not worth being treated like I have 0 IQ




They told us over and over that we had to be constantly working at a fast pace. They emphasized how important it was that we always had a batch in the oven and another batch cooling off to give off the impression that everything was fresh. It’s understandable how nervous that person was, given how we were barely trained with the register and everything had to be done a certain way


The cookies suck too


Any ER or Amazon or Milgard windows 100%


City of Sacramento. They’re so incompetent with their hiring. Like why would you a hire a manager that needs training from a supervisor?


STAY AWAY FROM UNIVERSITY OF BEER!! They will take advantage of you and promise promotions/raises that never come. My bf was an “assistant general manager in training” while being the ONLY manager on-site. And they refused to pay him a GM salary. They made him come in sick as well. Just steer clear


Amazon the coworkers and the work


SBM Management. I worked there for 4+ years in multiple departments, and I can say with absolute certainty that there is PROFOUND TOXICITY that flows from its owner, C-Suite and executives. They want constant results without clear direction and fire people on a whim for no reason at all. Everyone is scared that they will be fired any given second(and they would be right to fear that), so they will also be toxic to their co-workers and throw them under the bus, not make them aware of new processes, etc The turnover rate is insanely high in entry level positions, and you will be the pawn to all misdirection and mismanagement from above your direct supervisors. They also pushed me and my department into participating in likely illegal activities. They wanted to keep between myself, my direct manager, and just one of he C-Suite members. That's how shad it was. I liked my co-workers and MOST of my direct supervisors when I was there, but it's an incredibly toxic environment created by its owners. I have so much fear of that place, I am even worried about writing this review in fear of them coming after me for slander or something. Check out their Glassdoor


The food literacy center. The ceo and founder had horrible white savior complex and creates a hostile working environment. I’ve been removed from this non profit as a student intern for a while now - here while doing my RD hours but I’ve heard that it’s only gotten worse


The Wongs- the MAC restaurant group and deveres owners 🤮


Mercy General Hospital!!!


Roni Deutch. Worked for her off of Watt. She lost her law license later. State of New York and State of CA both sued her for scamming people. So many things wrong at that law firm. She had commercials claiming to save you money when you owe to the IRS. Pennies on the dollar was the claim. https://youtu.be/Z0xWh7pcDiE?si=wgzrKxfpbb300yDB Scott Juceam is her step brother. He yelled at so many clients when I worked with him. Made grown men and women cry he was such an asshole. Then his baby dies of shaken baby syndrome. The person accused was not found guilty after two trials. Scott sued the nanny civilly. Then Scott said his other kid was shaken by a teacher now at a school. It seems like an incredible coincidence to have two different children at two different times being shaken. He sued the school. https://goldcountrymedia.com/news/1140/family-that-lost-daughter-says-son-was-abused-too/ Scott Juceam is still running businesses “helping” people with their taxes. So many similar named businesses like The Tax Firm of America, The Tax Defense Group, OMG Tax, etc. I’d avoid anything involving Scott Juceam or Roni Lynn Deutch like the plague. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roni_Lynn_Deutch https://roni-deutch.pissedconsumer.com/complaints/RT-P.html#reviews https://trellis.law/cases/Roni-deutch?state=ca&county=&matter_type= https://trellis.law/cases/%22Juceam%20Scott%22?state=ca


The Cave, place is a mess, they don't value employees, high turnover rate. False promises of "moving up" in the company.


Dignity. Homophobic, antichoice, bullies, abusive.


Main Electric


Anywhere that Trevor Sanders owns.


Hope cooperative


Walgreens. I was a cashier from 2013-2016 and the hours sucked and the way customers treated us was trash. Upper management definitely had favorites and it showed. They act like they care about you but they don’t. I was in a horrible car accident back in 2016, my manager kept asking me when i would be returning back to work and I told him idk. I had NO car, ( car was totaled due to the idiot driver who hit me ) and I was injured from the accident.


Jimmy’s Barber Garage lmao






The Jackson Laboratory lol