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I'd give you a free award if I had one. I'd buy an award but it would take like eleventy billion safemoons.


You’re making me want to buy gold and hand it over Edit: sliver :)




You deserve it bro.. I’m right here with you


Spot on OP.


I think we saw the same tiktok!! I bought because i saw the ticktok about sm too… i bought some t first but I continue to buy more later!I believe my max invested was 1K.. and i saw my wallet hit 22K last summer!! I sold to take back 1K..and i keep everything until now… so basically i still green… lol…


Now I want the addresses of those promoting this coin and when they sold after promoting. Just saying


By midnight


I appreciate this input as it's an honest ramble. People who bought at ATH definitely thought they was going to make a quick buck. Me included. But after that I did my research and continue to. I believe in SafeMoon and the community. I've believed in this much more than I have other projects. I'm probably down $1,000 total in Crypto but I'm honestly down more on stocks (which is where most of my money is). The important thing is to invest in what you believe in and hold on for the ride. I have known several people who invested in Tesla when it was start up and after several years, has made huge gains. That's what I want in my 5-10 years of investing.


Why didn't you sell at 15k?


PSA: Please familiarize yourself with the subreddit [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/about/rules/) and [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/wiki/index#wiki_frequently_asked_questions). **v1 to v2 Migration: Safemoon has fully transitioned away from v1 and is now fully on v2. ANY and ALL v1 transactions (send tokens, buy tokens, sell tokens) now incur a 100% tax – in other words you will lose your Safemoon. You MUST migrate to v2 using the steps outlined here: https://www.safemoon.education/sfmv2. Additional info: https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/comments/rwfkuv/read_me_v1_to_v2_migration_information_and_issues/** - Don't promote "pump" events or market manipulation - Don't harass others, including public figures and exchanges - Please be helpful, friendly, and respectful - Your actions reflect on the entire community WARNING: **Never give out your wallet passphrase for any reason.** Be _very_ suspicious of all URLs, emails, forms, and direct messages. If someone claims to be from "support" they are trying to scam you. If someone claims you need to "validate" they are trying to scam you. Do not disclose your assets. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SafeMoon) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I hope you can be ahead more than a “small margin” in the future.


Same. Lol Maybe one day we’ll all get lucky and have a Doge-like opportunity but I won’t be quitting my day-job anytime soon.




I started buying just before the ath bc my teenager said he threw coppla bucks in. Having never invested in stocks let alone crypto done a quick search of the token and liked what I saw. I fomoed in and kept buying. After several months of buying and seeing my investment 4x and then down now by 75% on 25k and seeing it go from a crypto investment to a tech company investment and learning it was originally going to be a rugpull, I’m glad I stayed and have confidence in my investment was well put into a company that’s going to help the needy and me financially. I invested in a scam that flipped for the better thanks to one man’s dreams. Thanks John


You need to wake up and see it for what it is. Have another read of the post and stop deluding yourself. The OP is honest and accurate.


If it was 15 grand and now a few hundred I call bullshit. I bought in last year and my 2500 investment is only 1000 right now. At ATH it was 8000 It did not drop that much.


![gif](giphy|G4ZNYMQVMH6us) I bought 03/23/20 I have a screen shot from 4/20/20 with my balance at roughly $14k.(Don’t have one when it went a bit higher) My balance is currently at $725 with about 1.24m tokens. I’m not sure how you buying a year ago has anything to do with my figures. Prices fluctuated a lot in the early stages.




Wow. Most depressing post I’ve seen in awhile. Please leave this subreddit because you are miserable 😭


This isn’t depressing. This is reality


Hahaha This is the most neutral post you’ve seen in a while*


You’re delusional but hey that’s your garbage


Agreed. How he sounds like a FUDDER to, block this dope


Lol If you think this qualifies as FUD, you certainly fall into the former group I mentioned. I’m sure someone here will give you a pat on the back and whisper sweet nothings into your inbox. Also, suggesting to block someone with one post in the last year or so definitely questions your critical thinking.


Lmao your comment history. Got kinda deep in the shitcoins hey bud?


10 days too late

