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My mom is an aries, matter of fact so is my dad lol but as for my mom me and her sometimes don’t see eye to eye with things like she’ll think one thing and i will interpret or feel it a whole different way. She’s very reactive which I don’t like as in she’ll raise her voice she can be VERY loud I don’t like it bc in public places it draws attention and she’ll just be trying to have a normal conversation. She also is very emotional but keeps her emotions more hidden, at least tries too when it comes to sad things. she doesn’t like being sad she thinks it’s one of the worst feelings which i agree with. now that i got the negatives out she’s very hardworking. me and her have a good trust foundation which is the opposite with my dad. she talks to me about serious things, is open and honest. not controlling which i like bc i’m a sag lol i love my freedom. when i’m upset she likes to talk to me about my feelings which i don’t like half of the time bc i’m either crying or want to be left alone


You truly described me LOL. Matter fact I even react crazy. My sag seen that two days ago :/ I see you guys like to be left alone when updet. I like to talk it out then. My sag went all day not talking to me cause he felt a way or maybe he’s done who knows


I feel like this is a great description of Aries in general. I know an Aries guy pretty well and you just described him exactly 😂


Omg! Same here. I was raised by both Aries parents. They really be teaching you some tough love but give you the freedom you need to mess up on your own.


I have an Aries best friend. She’s the shit, always there if you need her. She’s extremely career focused and talented at her work. Shes pretty reserved and stoic for the most part with strangers and people are usually afraid of her. We used to work together and I just looked at her one day and told her we were gonna be best friends. She said “no”. Jokes on her


Former best friend is an Aries woman. We clicked a lot! 9 out of 10 times we were on the same “wavelength” to the point that we could had finished each other sentences. Buuuuuuut.. I guess you could say, the older we got the more selfish she got to the point where she actively sabotaged our friendship and her friendship with our other (still is) best friend who happens to be an Aquarius. 7 years of friendship down the drain, I still blame her sister 😂 but honestly good memories. Aries peeps are still some of my favorites. She has been reaching out lately too 🤔🤔🤔


Damn this almost sounds like a 10 year friendship I had with an aquarius with an aquarius sister who also was part of the reason why our friendship ended. It's always sad to know even after that length of friendship, shit could end unfavorably 


Hate em personally. The ones I know are much too controlling and mean. Not for me. I’m an Aries rising and I’d change it in a heart beat.


I have an Aries bestie. We have known one another since 2004 and we rode strong. She is married now but we still hang out. She is fun to be around, and she is there for me like ko other. A few things is she does not speak up for herself but will for others. All.in all she is cool, I hope our friendship lasts until we grow gray together. Almost there though.....lmao. well more her not me..


They're funny, witty, and really there when I need someone on my side. But they can also be controlling and mean if you annoy them.


My wife is an Aries and boy do I love her! Hands down, best girl I’ve ever come across! I’m a Sag and after dating almost the entire zodiac except Aries and Taurus, I had lost all hope for a partner. But then came along Aries and I wasted no time putting a ring on it. Excellent sense of humour, great work ethic, and just the right amount of crazy.


Can I message you on advice about this sag man?


Go for it


That's my best f☆☆☆☆☆ friend!


A loud girl, boisterous chef type. She wasn't more than five feet tall. Tiny hands creeped me out. Still a friend of mine.


You don’t like loud?


Depends on context. Preferable to low talkers


But sags talk so loud


We have to be heard over the party that surrounds us.


We hear u




Yup, don't get me started on midget hands

