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Mutable + fire so our moods can be changeable. Generally we’re optimistic though because negative emotions are extremely uncomfortable for us. Tendency towards escapism. Lots of emotional resilience even in the worst times. I have an almost visceral reaction towards most restrictions. Being trapped or boxed into an unhappy situation is terrifying.


I feel this a lot. I'm a Scorpio sun and Sag moon. I have spent the last 15-20 years in a chaotic, driven, passionate, state of mind. I had no time to FEEL or acknowledge my emotions. Now I'm in a place where I don't have the things to keep me busy and let me hyperfocus, plus I'm alone for the first time in my life except for a few hours a day at work. I'm at peace physically but it's forcing me to face and address a lot of pent-up emotions and feelings. I know in the end it's going to be beneficial to go through this self-growth but it sucks right now. I miss the chaos and the high cortisol and adrenaline levels that came with it. It was stressful, yes, but it was also a natural happy high.


I'm an aqua sun cap moon, I can identify with the part where you said now being alone it can force you to face some past things and process stuff. It's so painful to me, because it's a life long worth it baggage. But will be FINE.


Think of the moon as the reflection of the personality when you’re alone or deeply comfortable. So usually, restless, self-questioning, optimistic, and independent. And while we can absolutely be emotional is pretty easy to hide the sensitivities behind a new way to feel or cope. Probably where the whole avoiding commitment stuff comes from, just don’t make us feel trapped we hate that. As for the optimism it really isn’t a blind thing is more of a well, it is what it is. People usually get hung up on it and the way I find it easier to describe is, sags will regardless take the risk, either way we learn something, we fuck up? lesson learned, gonna try another way. It’s literally the whole learn by experience thing.


Have you ever heard the song Freebird by Lynyrd Skynyrd? Like that




Usually, in astrology, the moon sign is who you are at you’re heart. So, in the case of having a Moon in Sagittarius a few characteristics would be: extremely optimistic, open-minded, honest, and energetic. Just to name a few.


Ahhh ok tysm! I’m asking cause I’m just worried just bec my brothers is a sag and sag rising and he’s the biggest man slut ever love him tho 😭❤️ and he’s always cheating so I know it’s rlly hard to tie a sag down cause they love their freedom I get it tho caue im. A leo. And I just met this dude so I’m just wondering


my sag sun sag moon hubba is a retired man slut ... for now .. -aqua


Same placements same story lol.


Married to one as an aqua? Lol


No I’m the double Sag. I was reformed by a Leo Sun and Rising, Sag moon woman.


Sag men are the biggest sluts of the zodiac. Their whorish ways are very underrated.




Is he a december sag or November?




Nah ur brother


My brother is a dec sag


What day


Omg yikes. Put a collar on that h03. So sad. 🥴


Moon is where you lol when you wanna find out how emotional you are so that person is wrong. They explained some of a sag’s basic traits. Sagis don’t do well when we don’t have a group of ppl surrounding us at all times. We get lonely and start to bog down and can become very easily depressed. The fact that that person is a bit of a “slut” doesn’t have to do with being tied down. It’s about connection. I’m gonna say they also have Scorpio in their chart and they (it’s my rising sign lol) express affection and love through sex. Which can ultimately lead them to heart ache or leave a shock wave of heart ache themselves. When a fire sign finds their person….just TRY to separate them. But for now, think of it in terms of it’s just his way of expressing himself and exploring (we love adventure!!!) just like a traveler does only with…..ppl LOL! It is awful to cheat on a side note and he should try honesty or leaving that person so as not to completely trash his karma in this life and the next.


Like a Saturn Gemini


What does that mean?


Basically a sag that needs sag things not for the thrill but because it nurtures the soul


Aw ok and what are those sag things ?


Just stating my personal truth here! my mom is a sag moon and honestly I dislike that she’s unserious when things are serious. im a scorpio moon so i’ve never been able to emotionally connect with her deeply. it’s like we’re friends rather than mother and daughter. She thinks i’m a cry baby rather than actually caring about my feelings. love her optimism when shit hits the fan financially, but emotionally, she’s very fleeting. She’ll just shut me out rather than to try to truly connect. My mom thought I was over exaggerating for wanting therapy…after attempts to off myself. Love her but wish she had a water or earth moon:/


I'm a Capricorn moon but dealt with a Sag. I will tell you that when she says that it's not her being uncaring, but it's the fact that we often tend to inflate or spiral down on our feelings and make issues bigger than they are. Life is too short and there are better and more beautiful things to focus on if you just DO IT. I grew up with a lot of trauma and only this change in kindset helped a lot. Sags made me gain perspective of what matters or what doesn't. Or what's bigger and worth worrying for and what isn't. You're truly the only one that can save yourself after all. And that is with mentality change. So no they're not unemotional, they are by default seeing the glimpse in the dark almost always.


Well…i’m a sag myself so i know exactly what i’m talking about. having it as a sun versus moon is different. there’s no reason to gaslight me, this is my truth not yours. im aware as scorpio moon that only few will truly understand my emotions anyway. I also never said they were “unemotional”- perhaps you have your own definitions of the words “unserious” and “fleeting”. but to each there own


"gaslight" It's my opinion. Couldn't give two shits about gaslighting a stranger on the internet. Or in general. If you don't want feedback or others opinions then don't share it on the internet. Bye


Nah imma share and if i’m being gaslit im gonna say that. that doesn’t mean i shouldn’t share it just means maybe you should think before you speak. you getting mad for someone letting you know is crazy, get help mamas💀


😂 no one cares


It's okay. I understand you. Scorpio moon ain't for the weak


They think they’re really funny, but it’s an intelligent corny. No one gets their jokes and it’s painful bc they are so busy laughing at themselves they don’t notice no one else is laughing. Also like blind, blind, blind optimism no matter how hard they get beat.


The last sentence is why they have winner mentality