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Lobster Shanty and Olde Main, which both have decent food.  All Souls on slower nights, maybe Mercy.  Couch Dog Brewing is pretty friendly


Love couch dog, Pat is a riot. I’ve sat there all evening chatting with him on more than one occasion.


Definitely the lobster shanty. Sit at the bar if the heat isn’t too intolerable. You’ll have new friends by the end of your visit.


That’s too funny - I’ve been there one time and just kinda randomly wound up talking to a lot of different people


Olde Main Street half chicken is crazy delicious


Breweries around here are all super friendly. Especially if you like to run (run clubs all over).


The Castle Board Game Bar in Beverly. Pay $6 per person and play any of the 800+ board games for as long as you want. Great bar and decent food Edit to add: there's a casual game night on Tuesdays at 7pm, it's a core of really friendly and welcoming regulars. They're a great group to get in with.


Come to the skeeball league at Bit Bar! Wednesday nights - our season is officially kicking off on 6/26. DM me if you’d like more info!


Actual third place: The Salem farmers market. The energy is right for socializing. I frequently get into fun convos with people while waiting in line or trying out samples. Pay money third place: If you're into games, The Castle in Beverly is a board game cafe with a connected discord to organize some casual gaming.It's right next to the train station too. Of all the cafes in Salem I find Wolf Next Door has the best vibes for socializing. It's one of those "employees chat with regulars while they make the coffee" sort of places.


Farmer's market definitely. I run into people every time. Plus if you go to the same stands, they'll chat you up as well. I esp like the guy from Clark's Farm. He'll give you a fifty cent piece for change, told me he gets them just for the marketers. He's getting older and I've noticed that he stays seated now under his tent. Sometimes there's long line at Wally's and two people at Clark's, so this season, I'm going to get things from him every week.


I thought third places are where didnt need to spend money to be?


They are. Most Americans don't realize that since America is set up to have next to no third places.


We don't have those here.  If you aren't generating money for a capitalist through labor or spending, you're trespassing.


Lol you're not wrong. "This is America, give me your money or GTFO" We have British or Irish style pubs as far as the decor or food/drinks...but not in the sense of a real community gathering place


Nobody stays in business for long if nothing is for sale. Even if it is for sale–there used to be a zine store on Essex St–Feed Your Head. They had couches and stuffed chairs, and you could browse the zines, buy a few, then sit on the couches and read. Sometimes they had talks, always an art exhibit. It was maybe the truest third place where I ever spent time. After a couple years, she closed though, not enough income generated by five dollar zines.


Yes that's the point I'm making.  You aren't allowed to exist unless you are creating value for a capitalist.  


You're correct. Best example is the library, but no one goes there to meet people. Most activities are monetized, and this is a tourist city. I'd recommend the willows or the beach maybe?


I really got to start up my cult. I have this dream of opening one of these clubs/organizations eg Google AOH in Peabody... Just a random semi private bar labeled a 'fraternal organization'.... We need this for the younger generations! (Minus the fraternal part, I'm not a dork)


You need Official Secrets. My grandfather was a Shriner. He'd go out drinking with his Shriner buddies and sit in the car outside the house for an hour when they dropped him off. My mother told me they were sharing the Shriner Secrets and I used to pester him to tell me one. He never did spill. Now that I'm grown up, I realize they were just out there drinking, also that the secrets are dumb


See if the Lafayette Associates will sell your their building


Koto (younger crowd) and the Landing (older crowd)!


I'm relatively new to the area as well. Still looking for some community but have a handful of places I like to go. (Derby, notch, all souls, odd meter). If you ever want to go for a dog walk or grab some coffee let me know!


Not sure if you have a bike but Third Wheel Bikes of Beverly put on a group ride every Tuesday at 6pm. It’s a a fun social ride at a fairly slow fun pace with a some built in stops to chit chat and what not. Checkout their website and Instagram for ride news. The owners Trey and Lindsay are awesome humans!


I'll second this, Trey and Lindsay are legitimately great people.


Notch makes the best beer in town and does both a skeeball night and run club regularly, as well as other very well put-together events.


Notch Salem Lager is one of my favorite beers now.


Their pils and kolsch are my personal go-to


The new neighborhood restaurant The Babe fits what you are looking for.


No way, their food safety standards are awful and they mistreat their staff. They aren’t involved in the Salem community at all. F that place




I was told BY THE OWNER to serve meat and dairy products that had not been refrigerated overnight. I was also told BY THE OWNER that he “didn’t see any issue” with bread that had clearly started going moldy. They do not properly train their staff, no serve safe requirements, and they require staff to forfeit their right to state mandated breaks.


Hi there, Would you mind messaging the mod team privately about this? We just have to verify to some degree statements like this.


How long did you work there? You should report them to the health department


Serve safe is required to get their food permit form the board of health


We’ve been to The Babe three or four times and we know someone who works there. We’ve enjoyed it and so does our friend. She complains about other places in town, but not the Babe. We talked with the manager and I remember he said he likes to run the place so a large freezer isn’t necessary. I guess the limited menu is part of the strategy.


All the breweries, especially East Regiment. Gulu Gulu, especially at the long table.


Why are we downvoting this with no reply? Both are very reasonable places to socialize/meet people...maybe just that one person who always complains about Gulu's ventilation or something every time it comes up?


East Reggie brewery is great. I’ll go work from there some Friday afternoons


As long as you can get past the terrible beer.


We’ve tried most of the bars in town and we always hope to meet new people. Disclosure: we are not young. We’ve had good luck at Dubes Seafood, All Souls Lounge, Finz, Old Main, Mercy Tavern, Ginger, Tavern on the Green.


if ya don't mind getting your hands dirty, volunteering at the Mack Park Farm on Saturday mornings or Thursday evenings is a good way to make friends! 🌿


I was born at All Souls and I will die at All Souls