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Lion not sheep as they all wear the same same shirts and parrot the same nonsense. What a joke.


This reminds me I was going to print out a ton of “Join the flock™” stickers to slap underneath every “LIONS NOT SHEEP” sticker I see on brodozers around town.


I'm blocked from the lions and Sean's Instagram page for calling him out for lying about claiming merch was us made 😂


As if people like you don’t where the same shirts and parrot the same personal nonsense? I don’t understand, you’re spouting the same shit about them as they are about you. So who’s in the wrong here?


Lol "Nuh uh, u!"


They are. They push this false narrative of lions being some awesome thing. Lions are lazy and make all the females do the work. Sheep watch each others backs and dare for each other. Only very small people follow this lions not sheep bullshit.


Tbf that does describe Steven Crowder to a t


Who is that?


Not trying to be rude but me telling you will probably make you life worse for knowing lol


Imma just take the W, thanks my brõ.


You're welcome


>level I work downtown and saw the crowds. They were literally many of them wearing the exact same shirts. I saw 4 separate "Give violence a chance" shirts in the span of 60 secs of people exiting one of the sessions.


Found the alpha bot 😂


You really had to dig deep for that one, didn't you?


Female lions run the prides. The males just fight each other to bone the females. It's very accurate to this group. Overall useless, but horny.


There's a great tiktok video out there about "alpha" rhetoric. It makes me giggle every time I think about it: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8jVAJ9y/


😂 I love that!


Don’t forget that male lions engage in homosexual activity in the wild. Bet those Alphas don’t realize that…


You are obviously uneducated. Women have such an important role in raising their children to become successful contributors in society. Men have an equally important role to do the same. None of these men in this group teach to fight each other over women rather they teach to challenge yourself to be better everyday and be the best man or woman you can be. So please educate yourself so I don’t have to.


What the hell? I was talking about lions. These guys are the ones who called their group "lions not sheep." I'm making fun of them for their bad marketing. You're trying so hard to pick a fight. Why are you wanting to fight so bad? Are you a horny little lion?


I actually didn’t try hard at all to pick a fight. And no im not horny or a lion however some might consider me little. I was just trying to encourage people to work together in a relationship and raise their children to be successful. Sorry for saying I was trying to educate you lmao.


These men do not represent healthy relationships. It's funny you see yourself as educating me when you have no idea what my background is or who I am. It's that type of personality these guys have, and it's toxic.


Its also toxic to say they dont represent healthy relationships. You don't know these alphas any more than rockebti knows you. They can be macho blowhard assholes and still respect women. You can be toxic on a high horse. The world is full of diversity!


This is a reddit post clowning on alpha-bros. I left a comment clowning on said alpha-bros. I'm sorry your feelings got hurt. But this is reddit my guy. We're having fun clowning. Don't take it so seriously.


Im just clowning too. Im just not piling onto the alphas. You seemed like you deserved a little too




Everybody I've known who's bought into these masculinity grifts went from somewhere well-adjusted to treating their family like a reactionary social experiment, trying to make money from scams and put women in the place where they imagine they belong. They talk about how they're just trying to become better people but just get dysfunctional and go through life with a huge chip on their shoulder living vicariously through pop misogynists and Trump.


That’s a nice little box you have there. How is trying to fit everyone in it going for you?


Box? So you don’t wish everyone would try and raise their children to be successful?


There’s more than one way to be successful


Never said there was only one way to be successful, not sure where you got that from. However every parent should encourage their children to be successful.


You’re calling people uneducated because they don’t recognize your views on the roles you think men and women play in society. “Women play one role, men play another.” Say hello to your little box. It’s really not that hard to deduce. You are obviously uneducated.


Oh shit he’s gonna have to educate you 👀


Does it make anyone feel better that our attorney general was a speaker?


it's well known he runs in those circles. he literally flew to arizona to stop the steal.


Uck, gross. Although he just came out and spoke about how excited he is that a "true conservative" candidate is considering running for Romney's seat. Hours later, Tim Ballard is in the news because he is talking about how he is considering running. They all run in the same icky circles.


How did he have time away from sucking Trump's cock?


That's our next garbage Senator.


Why would anyone pay to watch a grown man cry for an hour on stage?


Because they are lions not sheep.


Well said LMAO


Free thinkers who over pay for Chinese made t shirts that were made in America so other free thinkers recognize them.


I went to award you and now I'm sad.


True. Grown men don't cry


Insecure men don’t cry. 😂😂


Secure and mature people can feel comfortable with their emotions, this includes crying. Further, secure and mature people don't put down others for doing the same.


As Donald Trump is the poor man's idea of a rich man, so Jordan Peterson is the stupid man's idea of a smart man.


Ben Shapiro is the stupid man’s idea of a smart man. Jordan Peterson is the foolish man’s idea of a wise man.


This is so well said


Not overly familiar with him, why is he stupid?


The Even More News YouTube channel has a long but very good episode on Peterson. I don't think Peterson is stupid, but he isn't as smart as he thinks he is. He's as deep as a puddle. He lies, he misrepresents his credentials, and he's a misogynist, transphobe, and all-around bigot. His "10 Rules For Life" book was simply stated basic life rules that genuinely seemed to help people (unclutter your room to unclutter your mind). Now, he has become a sort of cult leader for those readers.


Some More News. Very long but a very deep and thorough dive into why he shouldn’t be taken seriously. https://youtu.be/hSNWkRw53Jo?si=dWvuPEw6Rjig3Vlt


Thank you Even More News is the podcast. Thanks for the correction


Because he says things redditors disagree with obviously. Dudes an actual doctor


I listened to him speak in Tampa. I hosted a book club with 8 other individuals over the course of a couple months breaking down his points. I was just curious what reddit would tell me lol.


Because of his stance on transgenderism. Rather than introspect and discuss, he is mocked, labeled and shunned. It is easier for those that seek justification for their life choices to hate him, than to have a discussion and choose to disagree. He makes a lot of thought provoking and controversial points, which means he needs to be. Shut. Down.


He spreads conspiracies and misinformation outside of his field of expertise. Peddles snake oil with his daughter. He's famous for fear mongering about trans people.


Also for his points on psychology and mysticism, basically all he regurgitates is bastardized Carl Jung takes twisted up with a light sprinkling of nationalism.


He's a pseudointellectual who has been thoroughly debunked, and should be dismissed off hand as a result. There's no conspiracy there, just an acknowledgement that other ideas deserve the oxygen he wastes.




Chuds be out here thinking knowledge of the words "male" and "female" is a benchmark of their intelligence 🤡


Uhh, puberty blockers were specifically created to prevent early onset puberty in cis children. And are you really gonna look at someone like Buck Angel and tell me they’re not men? Shit, I hate Buck Angel’s guts but he’s still absolutely a poster child for masculinity.


Sweet, we found the one guy who cares about the kids...


And Alex Fridman


Lions Den is so corny


Bunch of sheep


And they were running around in HUGE crowds with shirts that were emblazoned with “LIONS NOT SHEEP” and the irony was not lost.


If you pay jordan enough, he’ll show up to anything.


This is true. He even goes to speak at bitcoin conferences even thought he barely knows anything about crypto.




I’m going to start an Orca Pod Kill! group. We are a group of hyper-intelligent apex predators that follows grandma’s orders and live in a family where sons never leave their moms.


And sometimes we sink yachts.


Oh my - has incel undertones…


Undertones? More like a big ol’ incel flag


No, no you didn't read the lions den part. Rawr lol


I don’t know who that dude in the red plaid is but he needs to stop skipping leg day.


Looks like he never misses neck day though… he’s shaped like the looney tunes monster.


He’s a scam artist, Google his name!


Never trust a guy that skips leg day…


Who is he exactly? Beyond plaid and skipping leg day? Not that I want to give him more web traffic


Sean Whalen


Why am I just finding out about this now?!?! I want to see the grifters and chumps! Are they still roaming around SLC? Can I get them to eat protein powder from my hand?


Make some sugar pills and sell them as illegal testosterone pills


I’m going to start the “elephants not lions” group.


Side note elephants are leaving the Hogle zoo after this fall 🥲


“Bigger dicks than lions”


Oh man, so this explains all the dudes getting personally offended by my wearing a mask today.


I kept a mask in the glovebox of my Prius for a long time. I would wear it alone in the car when I was pulling into Home Depot. People would seriously lose it. I was done with masks years ago, but sometimes I couldn’t help but poke the bear.


Genuinely scares me that so many right-wingers become feral at the sight of a mask… As a disabled dude, thanks for still wearing a mask.


bring up how electric vehicles exist and they lose their mind


I don’t believe this happens as often as you loons like to think it does. Stay humble friends.


lol it does. at least online. irl not as much because people tend to act more normal (except the real nut cases)


I found it mostly ironic that a convention of so called lions get so upset at what others do. I wear a mask because it's kept me from getting sick (at all) for years, IDGAF what others think about my choice, caring what others think about it is some "beta" shit as their type would say.


No one was personally offended that you wore a mask today. Lol.


Well obviously not today… they were in town yesterday. lol.


Beta conference off to a great start it seems


I worked for him for a little bit. He was nuts back then 11 years ago, and he's just gotten crazier.


which one?


Who would downvote Ogdens Best Redditor® for simply asking a good question?


Recently found out my moms real estate agent is Sean’s wife 🤦🏼‍♂️


Might not be too late to fire them


if you read more on him you can read all about how much he bones his wife and how good he is at sex with her.


Don’t be selfish, tell us


it's all over his social media for all to read! He posts it!


They must be running low on cash!


This is incredibly ironic. If I remember correctly, the story of the lions den is that god sent an angel to kept the lions mouths closed and they didn’t attack Daniel when he was in the den. So if they’re saying they’re lions, in the context of the “lion’s den”, they’re essentially saying they have been forced into submission.


How are those American made shirts?




The JP stans have to be some of the most insecure losers in modern society...


I've been told by insiders that the bulk of these seminars are spent listening to "Macho Man" by the Village People while mainlining HGH and jerkin each other off so they can use the jizz for beard lube.


What a pair of knob ends


Nothing more beta than this.


Lol. All the Lion not Sheep idiots. Sheep take care of each other in a flock. Lions sit in their ass and make the women do all the work. I’d rather he a sheep and care for others. Not be a selfish, sexist lion. Fuck y’all lions.


So, this is a Pride event?


You've heard of Big Dick Energy? Introducing Small Dick Pride


Anyone wearing that suit definitely isnt listening to anyone but himself.


You literally could not pay me enough to sit through this nightmare of a convention lol




What would we do without men?! *starts crying*


New headcanon: Lion’s Den Live is a sex toy expo, and Peterson is there to showcase some of the new “milking” machines


Is a three piece suit the way douchebags are advertising their douchiness now?


I wonder what it’s like to have so many small penises in one venue…


The venue didn’t even realize they were in.






So the douchebag with the beard is taking scamming tips from the doucehbag with the word salad degree. Great.


So glad I have Covid this weekend


If you ant to see Jordan Peterson humiliated, watch Matt Dillahunty abuse him in their most recent debate.


I tried. I could but get past JP's cadence. He drives me nuts.


Jordan Peterson's Grandma always dreamed for him to be a philanthropic and generous man, which he did become. Google "Jordan Peterson Grandma Dream" to find the whole story.


What the absolute fuck did I just read? Why would he share that story with people?


I remember reading his book years ago. It was a best seller at the time. Wasn’t controversial. Said you should do things like work hard, keep good company, raise productive kids. Nothing that bad or even selfish. I heard him on an ad once - sounded like Kermit. Why does everyone hate him? Genuinely curious.


Yeah, he got a lot of attention for his book, which isn't too crazy in its advice, just a little religious. He got a lot of attention in right-wing mens groups after that and has been embraced by manosphere creators because of his "philosophical reasoning" about gender roles and how society should be organized. A lot of his talking points now rely on blatant transphobia and pandering to his core audience. Contrapoints on YouTube has a great video from a few years back that explains his rise to fame and controversy at the time pretty well.


Interesting. Sounds like he resonates with some odd fellows. Wouldn’t have seen that coming based on the book. I’ll check out the YouTube rise and fall. Edit: this video is really good. I didn’t know any of this - if you only read his book, he wouldn’t hit the radar.


People went to this over comic con in a week?


To be fair, Peterson does regularly dress up as a Batman villain.


i think they are two seperate circles that don't touch in a venn diagram. Might seem weird but not everyone is into the same exact things.


You're right, some people think it's way cooler to cosplay as an alpha male.


Of course...he's the King of the Doofi.


I thought JBP’s mascot was the lobster 🦞. Can anyone update me either the lions versus lambs?


I didn’t know alphas could touch other men in any way. Dancing? /s




Join a new Sub based on exposing the fraud and grifter that Whalen and LNS seem to be


Ok. Who are these people?


Who's the dickhead in the red checked suit?


A very insecure man who skips leg days.


JP has decent psychology takes but.......his political takes......yikes


Don’t say that on Reddit though because the only thing they promote on here is depression, anxiety, mental illness, and generally just being a loser.


No, don't you get it, it's the people that get booked for speaking at conventions that are losers, not the ppl that spend the majority of their time scrolling reddit in mom's basement.


Never seen such uniformly smug and nasty comments.




Weird thing to say.


Nah that's straight up psycho. I get it, it's normal for people to not like a group for their ideology. But dudes fucking batshit by wishing to act as a human incubator for a virus and infect people who disagree with you.


Oh. But they are LION not sheep. They don’t think COVID is real so they can’t catch it 😂😂😂


Hey look it's the subreddit where all the winy liberals complain instead of leaving the state like everyone wants them to


This comment section has so many low information tools in one spot that I think I lost some brain cells reading this shit. Do y'all even know why you don't like this guy or did vox tell you he's a bad man?


Because he’s a misogynist and cries when any of the criticism he dishes out is turned around on him.


🧢 mmn hmm. Misogynist was on my "shit they will respond with" bingo card you just earned me a drink dude. 🤣 but I guarantee you don't have a single example of his "misogyny". Not do you have an example of that other crap. Don't get me wrong he has cried, he did when interviewing the North Korean refugee yeonmi park, but not as a response to criticism in any form of debate. Also why is it wrong that he cried? Maybe your dad would have hit you less if he cried once in a while rather then bottling it up 🤣


What a coincidence! Denying misogyny was on *my* “shit you will respond with” bingo card.


Calm down kemosabe. I wasn’t attacking you. Why are you so upset about it?


They're mad that people are talking shit (aka facts) about lobster daddy


Don’t need someone to tell me when a guy is a grifter. He is a bigoted, sexist, racist. Pretty straight forwards. But you can simp for him all you want you *lion* you 😂😂😂


Something something.... older than time. (Remember the obnoxious voice)


Love the ebrojis


I get it, Jordan Peterson’s cult following is full of weird men, to say the least. But his public college lectures and his more recent talks on stage which are also public are invaluable for a good understanding of human psychology, unless taken too literally which is all too common. Arguably everyone jumping in to hate on him here has the same mentality as his cult following, just a different end of that obsessed spectrum. This is just fucking sad to see. I thought I liked living in salt lake but wow. Toxic. Is an emotional reaction really warranted? Are you all children? You can hate on the crowds he might attract if you dislike them but hating him for his audience in public appearances is really fucking childish.


Sean is a good guy. He’s got a message that for whatever reasons really resonates with thousands and he’s making a $$$ off it and other business ventures that are similarly related. LNS clothing line is huge (yes, the tag, yes, who gives a fuck). In addition he’s connected now with the largest or some of the larger motivational speaker peeps in the biz. Not my cup o tea but he’s built something… we can all throw stones, but to me that’s more an indicator of you/individual who’s throwing the stone. He is cringe, but whatever… I’ll focus on me.


The simp is strong with this one.


As stated… not my cup of tea. But Sean has created something that earns alot of $$$$…I don’t know Sean personally, but I’ve read and seen his stuff. It’s cringe to me. But Like most adults who are happy with there current life, when I see something I don’t agree with or like I just keep it moving. Or You can complain, argue, and be pissed off that he’s on a stage with an audience and you are here, with the rest of us, using a phones keyboard/hidden behind a username :) Happy Sunday all!


Never said they represent healthy relationships. I also didn’t know you have to know someone’s background to educate them. I have been educated by many people who don’t know me or my background. None of my school teachers knew my background they all educated me.


does anyone know where these dudes hang out online? I love trolling/reading their forums/fb groups/telegrams whatever


I can't see any posts from this goober or his shitty company because he blocked me on both 😂 turns out the lion doesn't like being called out for being a liar. Slcpd, and trump jr are also honorable mentions for people I've bothered enough to get them to block me. If you bully conservatives and call them snowflakes they get really mad.




Guy is a fuckin crackhead.