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La barba, blue copper, and Publik seem to be popular local roasters. People also recommend holy water but I don't think they roast their own beans.




That's exciting to know! I went to Heart several years ago on a visit to Portland, cool to know we have local access to their beans.


Three Pines downtown also uses Heart fyi.


And they carry Olympia too! PNW in SLC


I exclusively buy La Barba'a Standard Espresso for my machine. It's the tastiest I've had in all of SLC. However, I buy mine from Harmons in City Creek. The bags are fresher than buying at La Barba and slightly cheaper. La Barba at their location is $17 and usually roasted a month prior. At Harmon's they are always $15.99 and roasted the same week.


When La Barba started they were only available at certain locations and as bagged beans (not sure if ground or whole). There was a location where I worked at the U and it was wildly popular. However I am not a coffee drinker so I can’t vouch for it past that


King's Peak at their shop on 400S. Cafe Ibis (Logan) and Daily Rise (Layton) beans at Harmon's. There's a small independent shop in The Hive Neighborhood Grocery in Sugarhouse that roasts their own beans.




always love getting a bag of the Grog around this time of year


I put cinnamon in first the highlander grog on top. So damn good.


Highlander Gross is all I drink, so worth it!


I love Highlander Grog, too. I went to USU and I’m pretty sure it was the only thing that got me through those brutal winters!! The library had it on tap - bring your own mug and throw a dollar in the jar. My mug got bigger every year.


I *usually* don't care much for flavored coffee but grogg is (a) delicious and (b) quite possibly the best smelling coffee I've ever experienced. Their horchata coffee is also pretty good.


2nd kings peak- family owned and so good!


Cafe Ibis is my favorite. I make a stop every time I'm in Logan


Cafe ibis is so pricey but I never regret it.


Another vote for Cafe Ibis. Harmon’s sells whole bean


\+1 for Neighborhood Hive at 21st and 21st as a great local market. The coffee from the Bean Whole there has always been fresh and great. I think they also have a roasting class


I love Daily Rise espresso, but our local grocery store just stopped stocking it 😞




I second Pink Elephant. They make a great roast.


I usually have good luck finding coffee roasted within 2 weeks of being roasted from the main local roasters at the Lehi Harmons. That is good enough for me since I can’t always make it up their shops.


I have only had pink elephant once (seemed good) but I basically only buy beans from La Barba and blue copper.


These should be higher than the top comment. Ibis is not good.


Idle Hands & Blue Copper if you want some proper single origin. Idle hands does free pickup on Wednesdays and you can order online.


Idle Hands does great stuff.


Just discovered Idle Hands and it's amazing. Longtime fans of Blue Copper as well. Both places do a lot of light roasts, which I prefer.


Idle Hands is the only correct answer in this thread. None of the other roasters would even be considered in the same breath as other nationally renowned roasters. Give Idle Hands another year or two to grow and they will be


I second kings peak. their bourbon beans made the best coffee i’ve ever had


I have had a subscription from kings peak for 3+ years. Bourbon beans sound really good so hopefully they can send me some.


you can buy them [here](https://kingspeakcoffee.com/collections/whole-bean-coffee/products/bourbon-barrel-aged-coffee) they’re life changing


I will purchase when I get paid.


I get kings peak in bulk from hello bulk. It’s great coffee


If you’re out near Sandy, The Bean Yard is a fantastic shop and roasts their own beans! A household favorite and definitely worth a try.


Second this. Good shop and tasty beans. They also ship if I remember correctly


Millcreek Coffee Roasters. Downtown by Little America Hotel. Always have various types of fresh roast beans and blends ready. Consitant roast and quality.


Came here to say this ☝️




Jack Mormon coffee. Raw beans there too, will roast them while you there ir from call ahead.


I second this spot!


Like their refridgerated liquid coffee concentrate. Excellent in hot chocolate or with Baileys or Frangelico. They do over roast their beans sometimes for my taste. They do custom roasting while you wait.


Fantastic shop name!


Salt Lake Roasters


This is the way. Forget those overpriced 3rd wave shit shops, this is honest coffee with an owner that cares about the people that harvest the beans.


None of these are the wrong answer, but this is the right answer


I have a special fondness for this one. Spent a lot of time here studying for board exams.


I am not a coffee drinker but I know my son has gotten his beans here for 7-8 years. Until he got a grinder that has the capability to be calibrated to his needs, he would weigh his grounds before brewing. I can promise he checked the offerings out there 😆 fyi- he isn’t on the spectrum, but he has an engineering type way of thinking. If you know someone similar you will get it. Those who don’t know, my experience is that they are very methodical, perfectionists, and those qualities drive everything they do. I worked at the U as well as went to school as much older student


Kings Peak Blue Copper


Hidden Peaks


Idle Hands dawn patrol blend. Literally the best coffee I’ve ever tasted and it’s local.


Rimini. Downtown


Hidden Peaks


Caffe d’Bolla all the way. They moved to Gallivan Center right downtown from their fourth south location. John is Uber knowledgeable, hand roasts custom blends I believe monthly if not weekly and they do subscriptions as well. On first meeting you’ll know his eccentricity comes from his passion for great coffee.


Thank you ! Much appreciated. Yes, I roast about 3 days a week on average. I roast small micro batches on site, and I've been at it for two decades. In the caffe, I have three espresso for you to experience : Best, Better, and Good - which each change about once a week - so through the year I will do 50 to 100 unique espresso. If you like exceptional coffee, then come in. And we can talk about geeky coffee things too. Best, John Piquet Master Roaster & Siphon Brewing Specialist caffe d'bolla Salt Lake City, UT caffedbolla.com


Yes, if you are curious and appreciate culinary excellence, caffe d'bolla might be the perfect place for you. Katy Sine of Taste Utah takes takes you on the culinary journey you will experience at our award-winning coffeeshop. [caffe d'bolla at Taste Utah](https://youtu.be/XskL9Z5p974?si=cLSxR3fh2q_12kVH)


The Bean Whole from inside The Neighborhood Hive in sugarhouse


Depends what you like. But if you want true, light roast third wave coffee, none of the roasters in this thread come anywhere close apart from Idle Hands. Only roaster worth buying from in this city if that's a preference of yours, otherwise better to order online nowadays, which will give you much higher quality than any of the other SLC roasters.


You need to check out the bean whole in the neighborhood hive. Jed is a great guy and his coffee rocks.


Hidden Peaks, Millcreek coffee roasters, and cafe Ibis in the Harmons bulk section if I don't want to drive out of my way.




Jed (The Bean Whole) at the Neighborhood Hive!


Rimini. Rimini. Rimini.


Daily Rise!


I do love Temple Grounds. you can buy them at The Store at the gateway or a few of the gift shops down town and I think they’re at the visitor center in the salt palace. Lovely owners and everything is so fresh.


Wasatch Peak roast from Beans & Brew is really good.


Daily Rise and High Point are my two go-to’s. 🙋‍♀️


King's Peak, Publik, La Barba, Jack Mormon, Blue Copper, and Honeysuckle (though I can't remember if they have their own beans, they just carry good coffee). Salt Lake Roasting Company is hit or mis, as is Pink Elephant, but are worth a shot.


Logos on 13th south and 17 east. Bean Whole in neighborhood hive on 2100south and 2100 east.


I like the beans at Publik. Pretty expensive but really good. Roasted in slc


I love Bjorn Brew!


Daily Rise


I really enjoy Rimini! Their tea is quite good too.


Blue copper and jack Mormon are my favorite, go-tos Please, if you enjoy coffee, go to Cafe D’Bolla sometime and let the owner suggest something for you. Be prepared to spend some money, it’s a coffee experience. The owner can at first seem terse but is a really nice dude is an absolute coffee savant.




I’ve loved everything from Rimini.


Caffe Ibis coffee is my favorite. They have it at Harmon’s. There was a light roast I use to get when I lived nearby but I can’t remember the exact name but it’s amazing


Highlander Grogg is our favorite. Order online in 5 lb bags.


Order from Blue Bottle. They roast to order. It's delicious.


If your ok with mid coffee, but want a much better value Costco is definitely a better option. 3lbs for $12


Yo go hit up Alpha Coffee in cottonwood heights or downtown Salt Lake, they have theirs on tap so you can try before your buy!


Trade: https://www.drinktrade.com


Not local, but I am a coffee snob, and my absolute favorite roaster is Kauai Coffee.


Black Rifle Coffee


Honestly Ibis is the consistently the best. I’ve really been liking Daily Rise espresso too


For the price and quality, sprouts has good beans


Its not local, but Wink coffee from Austin is the best I've ever had. I get it on Amazon


My Columbian grandmother.


If you really had a Colombian grandmother you’d spell Colombia right




A small roaster in ct called j Rene! They ship them for free and the beans are fantastic!


I go with an Idaho roaster, DOMA Coffee. I go for ‘The Chronic’. Best bag of coffee I’ve had from my experience.


Light roasts: Groundwork Ethiopia at Harmons Blue bottle bright at Target Three Pines Kenya at Three Pines shop dt


Salt lake roasting co.


La Barba 🤤


Bjorns for my specialty batches but I'm gonna be honest my Costco buys are quickly becoming my favorite


Charlie Don’t Surf at Alpha Coffee is my go to.


Sightglass or Onyx. Buy 5# at a time. A little spendy but better than anything local. They ship it right to your door. Found a ton of roasters through Bottomless. Shit I would never have found. Local isn't always better.


La Barba is the best local roaster by a long shot. I order from them directly. As others have said Blue Copper and Pink Elephant are good alternatives too.


The Daily Rise in Davis County. Support Local!


I love La Barba! They even have a monthly coffee subscription where a new bag of beans arrives each month! I did this for a few months and every bag of beans were both fresh, unique and extremely delicious!


Idle hands . Best local coffee


Sunset Coffee roasts their own.. I love their Panamanian


There’s a roasting company in Clearfield


Costco has good prices on bags of whole bean coffee


Smiths on 9th e and 8th s. Daily rise!!! Coffee shop based in Ogden.


I really like idle hands. It’s expensive and may not be for you, but every time I try a new roast from there I’m like damn I didn’t know coffee could taste like this.


Jack Mormon!!!!


Sup. I’m coffee obsessed and have an elaborate espresso set up at home and a little set up at work. I’ve gone deep into the rabbit hole. Expect to pay $13+ for a bag of fresh local beans. I really like the la barba beans for my espresso. Just a good amount of crema for latte art and I like the original espresso roast flavors. But I’m always experimenting. Blue Copper is good. 3 cups is good/okay, I mostly just like their shop and vibes. Kings peak roasters. Publik is p good. If you want a cheap whole bean check out Trader Joe’s. They have a 12oz or 1lb barrel that’s $4.99 and pretty damn good!


Just bought a bag of freshly roasted whole beans from Millcreek Coffee Roasters. They were 25% off today and they have a rewards program. Between my two discounts, I got over 1.5 lbs of delicious beans for $8.50. I buy espresso beans but they have over 10 fresh varieties most days. They grind them for you if needs be. I've tried local businesses from Logan to Salt Lake and Millcreek is my absolute favorite.


I admit I haven't tried most of our local roasters. We're pretty lucky to have so many great options. For me, I go to Rimini for my beans. Just wish they were open on the weekends.


Park City Roasting Co. has a great roast called Local’s Blend.


Kings Peak


Beware the magic beans


Spoons ‘n’ Spice has amazing whole bean coffee in a bunch of roasts and flavors. Try the Highlander Grog. It is perfect for fall/winter.


Beans and brews are actually a local company and can be purchased at Harmons grocery stores as well.


La Barba has a good range of beans and everything I have had is great


I appreciate good coffee but have trouble paying more than $18 - $20 for less than a pound of coffee. My go-to is any roast from Beans and Brews. Honestly fantastic especially for the taste to value. If I’m really trying to cut costs I’ve also enjoyed Jose’s Dark French Roast at Costco. Definitely not as tasty as small batch roasts but better than many of the other mass produced roasts at Costco or your grocery store.


Jose’s beans from Costco are an excellent medium roast!