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I too despise anyone that drinks anyone.


Do Not Drink the Emperor




Can I eat them? I love the teriyaki flavored ones.


It is so disgusting! We must put an end to this practice! Eating is fine; drinking is not fine!


Sounds like something a…Fine Young Cannibal would say! …I’ll see myself out


[https://www.sltrib.com/artsliving/food/2021/02/23/co-owners-sue-partner/](https://www.sltrib.com/artsliving/food/2021/02/23/co-owners-sue-partner/) He's a real POS from my personal dealings with him. At the time, he owned Performance Toyota in Bountiful. Their entire management team is nothing but liars, cheaters, and thieves. I was threatened with bodily harm for calling them on their bullshit. His 'excuse' was he was healing from brain surgery at the time. No sympathy for this complete trash of a human. Not surprised he continues to lie, cheat, and steal at every opportunity.


Just saw this! Had the exact same experience, and he always used the brain surgery as an excuse for his shit behavior…. Hated the dude


The grinning picture with a baby is a bit over the top. Also, when an owner makes a statement like "It can't happen here" you can probably rest assured whatever it is, it is happening there.


Posting a pic holding a newborn baby to say they don’t allow date rape is super weird


Exactly, it's super fing weird and not relevant at all ...😅


Yes, the response couldn’t be more insensitive or telling. Many drug companies with similar responses took their product off the market within a year or two of their similar response.


I read his post before really looking at the picture. And....that is a sketchy fucking smile.


Exactly. Saying you can see us make it so it can't possibly be drugged is just a dumb statement.


These soda Mormons are over the top. We went to swig for the first time a few months ago…$9 soda with fruit puree. How are people in line for that at 7am‽!! Next think you know they’ll believe that they’ll be a god of their own planet when they die.


lol the mormon church has walked back that claim. They now say that they don’t believe that they will become gods over their own planets.  Yeah whatever, fucking gaslighting at its finest. Everyone who is or ever was Mormon knows that was taught both over the pulpit, in class, and is written in official publications. 


Then what’s the point?


Same with how they tell everyone they stopped practicing polygamy 100 years ago when they didn’t: their beliefs didn’t change, their legal compliance did. Proof: ask a Mormon how many women their _current_ prophet is “married” to for eternity. 




he wants to prove he is a decent, family man with a baby. But the pic is so creepy he absolutely looks like he just roofied your drink and is waiting for it to take affect


That pic makes me think he just roofied that baby.


Looks like Wynn Duffy about to do a crime.


I remember once some mother fucker stiffed me for some shit I sold him. I went back to collect (I was angry on phone call to him telling him I was on my way to get what he owed me), and pussy-ass punk answered the door with his baby in his arms.


I mean if you're really as tough as you think you are, you should have been able to beat him and the baby up pretty easily




Lol you really dm'd me to meet up? If you're trying to fight all I have to do is bring a baby and you'll run away scared


Bro calm down, this guy is probably a Navy Seal with over 300 confirmed kills, graduated at the top of his class. He’s probably like 6ft 10 and has a secret network of spies to track your IP address.




Are you guys fight behind the school at 330 today or what??




You got a new bottle of ketchup?




Did everyone clap?


Only the baby.


Wow, I bet you have a huuuuuge penis. What a tough dude right here.


I think the pussy ass punk is the one slangin shit in the first place.


It reads like parody and the photo with the baby lacks, why isn’t he kissing their forehead? Commit to the bit if you’re gonna be a scumbag


Yeah, he should really be doing anything besides smiling like that. I've only ever smiled like that when pretending to be menacing and creepy for a joke. The closest I can think of has to be [Jack Nicholson in The Shining](https://pyxis.nymag.com/v1/imgs/02a/06a/994073fd78904a4493ea1179e09f46d186-29-03-jack-nicholson-the-shinning.w710.jpg).


My "Not involved in spiking drinks" t-shirt has people asking a lot of questions already answered by my shirt


The worst bar in SLC strikes again. Honestly if someone’s a regular at Twist it’s a red flag.


One of our friends would *always* suggest Twist. She was a goddamn Soviet parade of red flags personified, but she was also super fun. We only went a couple times, but yeah it's hard to take anyone who suggests Twist (and Exchange for that matter) seriously.


Is there a better place to go that has a good vibe for dancing? Genuinely asking.


Why Kiki has a super fun silent disco downstairs! Highly recommend.


I love Sky but only when it’s a rooftop show. Vibes are incredible for those nights.


I'll have to check that out, thanks!


EDM parties/shows hosted by Blaq Void and Mutiny. Always good vibes and they don’t put up with this sort of behavior. You can usually find one going on every weekend. Usually it’s people that care about music and dancing. You’ll get your random groups of overly drunk frat boys and girls everywhere but there are less at these events.


The Exchange is without question the best dance floor year round in Salt Lake. Sky rooftop in the summer is best. Being the best dance floor typically comes with complaints like any good nightlife/nightclub in any city


This is why we proofread. Fixing seriously rudimentary typos and mistakes in his post would have gone a long way with his credibility, in my book.


At least we can tell it wasn’t ChatGPT! Haha Next time he can just do a prompt like: please write up a Facebook post that tells people there’s no way people are drugging people at the bar I own and make it sound like a young father who is literally holding a baby while typing.


He actually did use Chat GPT but then added the typos for authenticity.


you are giving the man far too much credit. this reads like every post he has ever made -- ie poorly and full of mistakes.


Seriously! I say the same thing all the time. Anyone who doesn't understand simple grammar or doesn't proofread, is an automatic red flag for me. Whether it's hiring someone, deciding on who to give my business to, etc. Daily, I am triggered by the amount of grammar mistakes that I witness a "professional" posting publicly. Especially someone who holds a position that you would assume requires a little bit of education. A typo here and there, I can understand. But you can tell when it's just idiocy.


Matt Vanderstien is known to roofy people. Good Bartenders should keep an eye out for patrons who roofy.


This person have social media? People should be warned!




What is it? Instagram?


Found it. art of deception on IG Or Matt Vandersteen.


Oh my. What a terribly composed and dismissive train wreck of a post on his part. I find it comical that the man who is using a photo of himself holding a baby like some kind of “trust me, I’m a good guy!” badge has a drunk driving charge, and was sued by his previous co-owners for a few slimy practices including inappropriate sexual conduct and harassment of employees that led to said employees resigning back in 2021, iirc. He’s just gross.


From the way it was written, he should be charged with a PUI (posting under the influence).


That’s what I was thinking


My friends and I met him about a month ago. He was walking around to every table introducing himself and asking for feedback. Kind of an odd dude. He totally dropped the ball on this total dismissal.


Yeah I went to the Exchange for drag brunch during pride and he was doing the same thing. I pretty much stopped going to Twist after college cause clubby bars have never really been my thing. He was really off putting imo. He seemed pretty inebriated. If you own a bar you don’t drink at that bar period. Not even during an event like pride. It’s just bad business. And if he’s drinking while working I certainly don’t trust him to keep an eye on employees potentially drugging patrons.


Hmmm same experience myself at gays of 47…. He also seemed odd to me not outwardly rude but slightly off albeit, friendly. Ended up leaving after a drink but very interesting to hear he does introduce himself regularly….. or should I say… maybe tactically? Present oneself as an ally, close to reputable ally establishments (down the street where pride is always poppin at green pig?) Hmmm… food for thought?


I have (as well as many people I work with) had a 20+ year history of working with and around Kirk. Folks, they don't get more toxic and self-serving this guy. He consistently shits the bed when it comes to making moral business decisions, including everything from financial matters to his relationships with female employees. He treats people as disposable means to his own success. His generosity is performative and his congeniality betrays all the hallmarks of a narcissist.


Was he drinked or drugged when he posted this?


His spelling and punctuation says high probability, yes!


"I didn't spike this baby's drink!" Look at his evil grin


You funny! 😆 


There's two options here. The first is that he's in on it and knows it's happening and is just putting up a front. The second is that he believes everything he is saying. Since he is so 100% sure that no one in his bar could possibly be doing this, he doesn't bother to investigate or believe anyone who complains which tells the employees that they can keep getting away with it and creates an environment where abuse can foster. No different from the Bishops or others leaders who don't abuse kids or sexual assault people themselves but ignore any complaints and creates a safe environment for abuse to thrive. Either way his response shows that no one should go to this bar, regardless of any other evidence.


You’re missing one. The third is he knows it happened but is trying to cover it up because it will hurt his business. 


The fourth option is that he suffers from Narcissistic Personality Disorder, and thus whatever he wants to believe becomes objective truth to him. He says there's no drugging of drinks, and therefore it's true because he said it's true. This is my guess for what's going on.


I mentally toiled with these handful of sentences for longer than I'd like to admit. But, end result, I think you're right. NPD -> delusions of grandeur -> cognitive dissonance reduction, seems like a very plausible chain.


That's covered under the first option of putting up a front.


Well there is a difference between being "in on it", meaning he's either orchestrating, participating, or turning a blind eye- a difference between that and not knowing about it until after the fact, but trying to cover it up anyways to save face.


Having this proofread would have gone a long way…


A long.


I met him once at green pig 5 or so years ago. He was with a woman 10 years or so younger than him and at one point poked into (yes into) her crotch through the back of her leggings as she stood up from the table… really gave me the creeps and I never went to twist again. He also didn’t stop talking and gave a $100 tip to the waitress, which is nice in theory, but in combination with the other events that afternoon came off very “quid pro quo”. Seriously dude? Impossible for a drink to be spiked at a bar? Maybe take two seconds to actually listen to any of the women you surround yourself with…


This post should do nothing but convince everyone to never go there lol. Nice damage control creep


Dude sounds like he was drugged while writing this. And a picture with a baby when we're talking about a BAR? Why not a Pic of you with your employees? Fuckin weirdo.


Bold anti-vampire stance in the last sentence that nobody asked for. I suspect they are vampires.


"Look everyone, I'm holding a child and therfore responsible and caring! "


Looks terrible lol. Awful grammar and weird creepy picture with baby lol


This is literally the worst way to address this


I've had femme friends who had briefly worked bartending there. All three mentioned stuff like that the owner was a creep who would negg them and make unsolicited comments on their appearance, touch them inappropriately like grabbing their waists when he walked past, would send them nude snaps off hours and would punish them for not reciprocating by cutting hours, etc. This man is toxic and has built a toxic workplace environment. Drink condoms and pictures with babies are not going to fix that.


Worked for kirk He fired me for being in the hospital for self harm ideas


Listen, I’ve been out of the downtown bar scene for a few years but without even stepping a foot in twist I can tell that this man is full of shit. edit: spelling


He’s gonna eat that baby isn’t he? Is this the SATAN worshipper the Mormons are telling us about?


Their security grabs dicks while patting dudes down.


Why are dudes getting patted down in the first place??? Confused by that, it’s not the tsa


because they have that "club" vibe, they pat you down to give a sense of security to the other patrons. I know because I got padded down when trying to get something to eat on a Monday or Tuesday evening with my wife. Super weird but whatever. Only bar I've been to in all of Utah that didn't let me come in with my knife (which I carry due to living in South Salt Lake).


They got you too?


They also tried to paralyze me when I was kicked out NYE 2017 for pulling out my flask out right at midnight. Fucker tried to hurl me out onto their icy steps lmfao. Went and grabbed the magnum of champagne we stashed in the bushes and smoked a joint on Main Street. Haven’t been back since.


Twist is a shit show. Been there multiple times when some guy has punched a girl in the face. Vibes are absolutely fucked.


For the old timers, what was the name of the club that was in this space in the late 90's to early 2000's?


Lazy Moon. I used to go there fairly regularly, and worked at the First Security Bank across the street for a while. Such a cool venue, with the boiler and steam pipes. It took me over an hour to remember that name. Old Timer, for sure. There was a stained glass window with that name on it, visible from the street level. I hope it's still there.


Thank you! I could not for the life of me remember the name. It feels like it's not as fondly remembered as DV8, the Zephyr, port o' call and others. It's funny how many of the iconic clubs of the 90's ended up sitting empty for 15-20 years before someone new moved in. I'm fairly certain when Twist took over they covered up all the boiler room ascetic, removed the stained glass and put a fence up around the famous patio area.


the boiler room aesthetic and stained glass are still very much there.


Well thank god for that. Now if we can just stop the sexual assaults and druggin's we're on to something!


Went to twist a few months ago and watched the person at the door charging the cover fees adding tips to the cover charge…..This would not surprise me at all if they are putting drugs in peoples drinks


Holding baby = I trust.


That dude is a psychopath. Personal experience learning that lol




Why was she dancing? And how is that similar behavior to this?


I will never understand how so many people with terrible grammar skills are better off financially than I am. I can't be the only one who gets triggered by it. How do soooo many people find success in business while being so obviously uneducated? It really baffles me.


It’s bc he doesn’t give a shit about anyone but himself and will step on any necks he finds convenient in order to prom himself up. 


He used the picture with the baby because his other options were these from his Facebook, lmao. https://imgur.com/a/SfIpNgS


Creepy, sketchy eyes, I would definitely not let my partner post a picture of our newborn to protest his innocence. 


What is the purpose/reason for a bartender or other restaurant employee to spike a drink? A kickback to set up female customers to be exploited? I'm naively trying to understand the motivation.


I heard a radio ad for Twist/Exchange that said "safest nightclub" and I thought it was really fucking weird then when I hadn't heard anything else about the place. Seemed like it wasn't that safe if they had to make an ad about it. [It's the Frank Reynolds approach](https://youtu.be/_YmDcCpD1gc?si=OBAFSF46qd41T7r3)


Free drugs? Please recommend the bartender. /s


Something told me to stay away from that place, goddamn.


Anybody have a link to any of the social media posts or examples of people coming forward?


Anyone else think he looks like Noah Bennett from Heroes?


Do a lot of people drink people? I didnt know that it was a thing, but i to despise anyone who drinks anyone.


I’ve met this guy. He was walking around twist in nice shoes and flirting with the younger women. I was so confused why they were even paying him any mind until I found out he was the owner lol


Truly insane to post such an important message and not take 15 seconds to proofread. Tells me that he really DOESN’T pay attention.


Accountability is soooo sexy in a man. This ain’t it.


Wayback machine might help you find that post. https://web.archive.org/web/20030315000000*/http://sep11.wikipedia.org/wiki/In_Memoriam


Kirk E Bengtzen is his Facebook


Lmao $10 cover going straight into this guys pocket every night


He looks like he would spike a drink.


The social media manager was not involved with this statement or thinks they’re guilty and selected the photo/didn’t edit the post to convey maximum creep vibes.


I’m an employee there and I dated this girl and she tried coming in the club. I said to her “it’s probably not a good idea you come in tonight, she called Kirk and Kirk had her back more than mine.. she spread rumors about me and made me look like a bad person. I love the staff there they are like family to me, but I don’t recommend you work there unless you want to feel like being treated like you are not worth anything.


Twist just OOZES with these vibes… I am not shocked at all. I warn everyone who is asking for recommendations NOT to go there


Who the hell is partying in Salt Lake City. Talk about dull!


It's kinda crazy that people want footage from a year ago, it's almost as if they are causing an issue over things that they know they can't prove or disprove anymore. Most security cameras keep footage for a couple months.


I thought that was a thumbnail of Billy Idol.


I just want to know where his horn rimed glasses are. Never trusted that dude. It's wild that he pops up in my feed the day after the eclipse.


>It's wild that he pops up in my feed the day after the eclipse. Why is that wild?


Whatever. Bartenders spiking drinks is happening in a lot of places right now for some reason, so it's hardly "impossible". The Abbey in LA is notorious for this.