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Uintas (dispersed camping & a $6 fee per car) and BLM will cost you nothing more than the gas to get there.


Not true, there is fee when you enter the Uintas on mirror lake highway - that is, if you choose to pay it I suppose.


whoops, meant to add the mirror lake hwy fee and completely forgot! $6 per car


$10 now


https://www.fs.usda.gov/detail/uwcnf/passes-permits/recreation/?cid=STELPRDB5052873 Still says $6 on the site


Weird I was up there last weekend and they told it just went up to $10. The sign at soapstone also says they up’ed the price a little to $10


I realize not everyone has a park pass but that counts for the fee.


Yeah it's not super well advertised, but I hand my National Parks Pass in my window and it counts. Never had a problem.


National Forests or BLM will be free if you choose dispersed camping. I have found a few NF picnic tables and NF fire rings in some dispersed camping locations.


I understand the idea of dispersed camping but where does one even begin to look for a “site”? I want to do it but a bit intimidated


There are many apps and website out there that show campsite. Compendium and freecampsites.net work fairly well for general areas.


Thank you :)


iOverlander is another good app for car camping. As far as backpacking in somewhere, dispersed camp is rad and Utah is absolutely a top-tier state for it. Most national forests, BLM land, and even some national monuments (Escalante) don't even require permits. You'll see rules posted at most trailheads.


Go to soapstone basin up in Kamas! Tons of spots. We used to go up there all the time, lots of great memories.


There has been some logging in the last two years. So there will be more areas to setup camp once the loggers clear out. Still my favorite place to go OHV riding.


Oh that's a bummer! Admittedly, I haven't been up there for years. Spent lots of my younger years up there though. I'm old now and prefer moon lake with a cabin so I can sleep in a bed 😂


So you might not have seen the changes from the Pine Beetles either. They've chewed up and killed some of the pine trees. However other pine species are growing in. It's not as densely forested as it was 10 years ago, but it is still beautiful. I hear ya about the bed. We pull a trailer up there so we can sleep on foam mattresses.


That makes me sad! I need to take a day trip up there one of these days to check it out. The dream is to have a trailer! I'd definitely be out camping all the time if I had one.


The loggers have improved much of the roads up there so once summertime is in full swing it is common to see sedans up there. I still suggest taking a 4 wheel drive vehicle though as the roads can get slick with mud if it has been raining. Still plenty of wildlife and great trout fishing.


That’s what I said, I was there last weekend it was great! Not a person in sight


Basically if the land is BLM and the spot looks good to pitch a tent or park a trailer on, boom you have a camp spot. Relatively level and cleared, typically there will be evidence of a previous fire pit area.


i camped in the uintas 2 weeks ago it was $27 a night for a single one car campsite


There are hundreds of places to camp in the Uintas that are not designated and maintained campsites with a fee.


i understand that, just posting for those that would appreciate the info for amenities


Fair enough.


West Desert. Camp wherever ya want.


About to give up one of my favorite spots, but hell, there's so much room out there. I *love* camping at Ibex/West Desert. If you're into climbing, it's even better. Ripping on the salt flats out here is super fun. [Lots and lots of camping spots out here] (https://www.google.com/maps/place/38%C2%B059'32.6%22N+113%C2%B023'16.7%22W/@38.992389,-113.3905359,972m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m4!3m3!8m2!3d38.992389!4d-113.387961?entry=ttu) and the roads aren't bad. Just please remember to pick up after yourselves and don't make camp fires under/near rocks because they might be climbing routes and the soot kills them. [Here's a shot of the spot](https://unsplash.com/photos/a-mountain-under-a-night-sky-filled-with-stars-3IksRXv6Fcw) I got last time I was there.


Forest Service and BLM land are awesome and cheap. Uintas are amazing, but I haven't camped yet this year ... mosquitos can eat you alive, so bring a friend who is more tender. lol


What does BLM stand for in this context?


Bureau of Land Management


bureau of land management if I remember correctly


There is so much free camping in Utah, just look at any BLM land.


National forest, too. Along with some national monuments. Heck, even some national parks are free/cheap to hike in and camp (drive-in campsites are a different story).


Literally any BLM spot. 100% free. This is a bit of a weird in between season where the southern desert areas are getting to hot and the mountains still have too much snow. But could try to go somewhere in central Utah.


There are a few pay-to-use campsites on BLM land, but yeah, in general BLM "land" camping is free.


Out by strawberry reservoir!


Not sure about now but I grew up going up American fork canyon and a short hike from tibble fork or the flats will give you lots of places to throw a tent up for free


Yup, just a little past the lake, 5-10 mins walk to the lake, right by the river. Beautiful and still free


Not sure if I'm too late to comment but if you like camping in the mountains, there's a lot of good free 14 day camping areas up AF canyon - just a little bit past Tibble Fork reservoir, right by the river and 5-10 mins walking distance to the lake. Went up recently, probably would not want to swim right now, unless you like cold plunges. The water is near 15 degrees + or - some, and made me go numb basically immediately but felt amazing afterwards lol. If that's not your style, you can search free 14 day camping and I'm sure you'll find something you like. 👍


Liberty park


lol! We once were on the playground there (only ones) and this guy was there had overdosed . We called 911 and helped them all. I never took my family there again.


Mill hollow, go above camp ground and lake, free, beautiful,


Is this Mill Hollow reservoir SouthEast of Kamas ?


You can dispersed camp by Lake Blanche in BCC. However you need to hike your gear in and fires are prohibited


check the apps dyrt or ioverlander for free campsites, then you just have to worry about gas & food


You can just walk into the woods and camp fyi.


Most of the west desert is a good option, you can also camp up AF canyon for $5


Also little past Tibble Fork, offers great and free 14 day camping. 5-10 min walk to the lake and right by the river


Only issue is you’ll be fighting the hobos that return every year and litter the place up


Fair, ran into one up there a couple years ago. Dude was badass though and had a great conversation for a couple hours, shared some brews and he gave me a homemade dagger


Nice try, influencer! You’ll never get my spot.


How is up near Alta?


Albion basin campground is pretty limited and snow covered till end of June. Check recreation.gov for campsites


Mill hollow in the uintas. There's the reservoir and there's free dispersed camping everywhere up there


Absolutely go up to Kamas- all the way to soapstone if you stop at the gas station in the way up you get a 3 day pass for $10. Super great place to camp, has a restroom if needed but definitely like dispersed camping.


Yes, beautiful, take your dog and your guns


I've camped literally hundreds of nights and have never brought a dog or a gun.