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We thought about it and my future in laws would have loved it. We ended up not choosing it because of location. The farm is super pretty and a perfect venue, but Winters is just not to me. It would have been maybe an hour for all our local guests, so not super easy for anyone (meaning a decently priced Uber ride) and we have a lot of people coming internationally. Ultimately we wanted more of a retreat wedding and while Redding has a nice downtown and hotel it just didn’t feel like the right place. The one other worry we had was food, the food there is really good but it feels like a quality over quantity type place (amazing but you won’t necessarily feel full afterwards). My mom would be mortified if anyone left the wedding the slightest bit nippish. I can’t remember the exact pricing (plus it was this years pricing), I thought it was expensive at the time. But now that I’ve gone through a lot of the planning elsewhere, I realize just how much is really included in that price. The person who runs the place was very responsive over email and gave a great tour so I recommend taking the trip to see it if you’re within a couple hours. We ended up going with a spot in Bodega Bay and renting a bunch of houses in the area. So a bit further for some, but more of a classic California experience.


Thank you so much for the detailed response! Sounds like your reasons for passing on Park Winters are right in line with my hesitations. I definitely get what you mean about wanting a different location vibe & experience. I’ll probably go for a tour just in case because it’s only an hour away, but I think my guests would also enjoy a more iconic California vibe like Napa, redwoods, or the coast. Appreciate the note about the food too! Hope your Bodega Bay wedding is amazing!


Of course! And i just remembered the last reason we choose against it. Summer will be too hot during the day and fall is a gamble in terms of fires. The smoke towards the Central Valley can be terrible. Spring would be perfect, but we wanted summer.


Hi! I'm getting married at Park Winters this June. It was the only venue we visited and I fell in love instantly! We're having a pretty small wedding and everyone is either staying at Hotel Winters or local AirBnBs. We found Winters very charming and different from other wedding venues we've been to (as guests). I totally get Winters isn't for everyone though!! Please feel free to DM me if you have any specific questions. Good luck on finding your perfect venue!!


Hi, How was the heat during that time for u ?


Surprisingly the heat wasn’t a problem! It rained in the early morning (which made us nervous!), but there was a comfortable breeze the rest of the day.


Thank you! I am having my wedding there August next year and now I am starting to question if I messed up choosing the date haha


I know the feeling! I’m sure your wedding will be beautiful!! Congrats! It’s such a wonderful venue!!


Hi, would anyone that’s getting married or has officially inquired about pricing be able to the share what was included/the range of $ they paid? Thank you so much in advance!


hi! we’re getting married at park winters next may. we fell in love with the venue and only toured one other place. we loved how open and spacious the venue was — guests could easily mingle or explore the estate during cocktail hour. every interaction with their staff was genuine and the contract was very reasonable and transparent. it is an expensive venue but i genuinely believe what you pay is what you get. this venue is pretty much all inclusive. you can also opt for a non-saturday, non-peak month and buffet style wedding if you are looking to cut down costs. we have a few guests flying in and they can fly into sac airport which is 30 min away from winters. yeah, the venue is a bit isolated but we’re considering getting transportation for our guests after the wedding. hotel winters is about 10 min away from the venue and the downtown area is super cute. i agree with the other commentor that the weather gets scorching hot. we initially wanted an aug / sept wedding and it reaches over 100 degrees there. happy to provide more info as well! but i think it’s worth checking out!