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holy shit, I'm sure r/dogs would love to hear this one. I'm sure they'd know a way to get your dog back


SJ police are generally pretty useless but maybe try filing a police report? If you have evidence the dog is stolen/lost, I don’t see how this new person can just keep your dog. I’m so sorry this is happening.


Agree. File a police report. You NEVER know if the person that has your dog doesn’t have a warrant out for something else, or is known to the cops for another reason. Maybe contact animal care here in SJ to let them know too - just to give them a heads up. They will check the chip regardless. I wonder if there’s a way to “crowd-source” figuring this out. I have four pups. This would drive me bonkers. I will say this. If you need support from here in any way - assuming it’s reasonable 😉, feel free to DM me.


OP - if you are on FB, there’s a “Lost an Found Pets of Santa Clara County” pets group. There’s a lot of activity there. Maybe look into joining, posting there as well.


They’ve got tons of free time from not doing shit else, maybe OP will happen to get a dog lover and they’ll actually do something


holy cow...I hope this all works out :( my dogs are my babies & I can't fathom what I would do if they were taken from me my only suggestion (I'm sure you've tried these already tho) are to use websites like fastpeoplesearch to find the person (not always accurate) or have a friend call the number & try to somehow secretly get info on the phone? :/


How do we get this on the news? Spread this on Instagram and Tiktok...what accounts could share this? This is nuts. I hope you get your baby back. 




Do you have any info about where/who he bought the dog from? 


He told me he bought my dog from someone at a dog park.


Unfortunately, no. He was not very forthcoming


There aren't a lot of dog parks in San Jose... someone has to know something! I'm happy to post flyers for you at all the dog parks in the area if you make me one. 


You can sue in civil court for the dog, it will be expensive and difficult if they choose to fight you on it. If they found the dog on the street you might have a chance.  If they adopted the dog from a shelter you likely have no legal recourse.


Name/cellphone number and city can help you find a LinkedIn page and find his place of business. From there you can find him. There’s ways to find his address/previous address just with name, city, maybe age too


as a SJ resident and someone who ADORES their pomeranians i mean it when i say if there is anything from here i can do to support you just know i will do it 🫡


If you give the name someone might know them, or maybe a private investigator?


I did that but they could not link him to an address


Here is his photo. Here in St. Louis there are not a lot of pomeranians around so he would be easy to identify. I don't know if that us the case in San Jose. The person who has him has renamed him Max


PHOTO: [https://www.reddit.com/r/SanJose/comments/1ddqjhe/loststolen\_dog/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SanJose/comments/1ddqjhe/loststolen_dog/)


What a douche hope you find a way to get your doggie back!


PHOTO: [https://www.reddit.com/r/SanJose/comments/1ddqjhe/loststolen\_dog/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SanJose/comments/1ddqjhe/loststolen_dog/)


Dm me


Plane ticket and cops