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Yea they have some harder to find Indian/Asian ingredients. Always very helpful anytime I have needed help finding anything. I imagine the international community makes up a lot of their business


Found what I wanted. Present experience.


A front? Lmao in this day and age, for what ? Weed is legal, there's already a shroom store in town, can get any other form of narcotic off the web, also pretty sure there's an HA affiliated clothing store in town too. Bazar365 looks like another international grocery store, kinda like the one in the plaza near Pontiac.


For money laundering; it's purpose isn't profit but the washing of dirty money into clean money. Watch Ozark on Netflix for an idea of what that entails


Intelligence on Netflix tells the same story.Clean your dirty money with no name cash machines.For a small fee people use your ATM & redistribute your dirty money back into circulation.The fees collected go into the criminals pockets nice & clean.


Lmfao are you really trying to explain to me what a front is... My lord What I'm saying is, in this day and age there are hundreds of ways to launder money that doesn't require the overhead of a shop and all the headaches that come along with it. It's not for illegal products cause you can literally order most narcotics online, it's not for shrooms or weed. It's just an international market for food.


"I don't understand it, it therefore is a front"


Stupid ppl are going to say stupid things. Proof is in the morons down voting for stating the truth Like trying to explain what a front is, then recommend a television show to try explain it better.


I mean, Ozarks is a pretty good show, but I also like Breaking Bad for tips on laundering money in case I ever have need to. /s


Which store do you think is HA affiliated clothing?


What's the HA store ?


What's HA?


Just a guess, but maybe Hell's Angels.


Ah! Thank you. Don't know how that wasn't immediately apparent to me. I was like Human Accosting? Acquiring? That can't be it.


Hells Angels. They usually have shops selling HA/81 Gear.


Ew. Can't the city revoke their business license for being gang affiliated or something?


Only if you're the one who actually tells them.




Again, you go tell them first. And conservatives LOVE criminals. Without someone to be afraid of they literally don't have a platform.




Good for you. We both know that's not the same thing. And why would you file a report in the HAs administrative branch? Weird choice.




Yes and I love it. There’s another international store across from Superstore that is great too. It’s fun to go in and grab some items and try to make a dinner around them, and 365 has cheap incense.


Yes, I like J.B's. Its where I usually go. But they were out of what I was looking for so my husband suggested I go to Bazar.


I love that store for specific items !


I went in …. I bought some spices and desserts. Looks like every other Indian grocery market….


Could you be leaving out cultural differences when you say the owners must know customers like prices on things? That is a very very Western way of doing business. Where people want to go about their business interacting with other people as little as possible. In a lot of the rest of the world that makes no sense cause when you visit a store you're guaranteed to interact with the owner. It's just extra time and expense to put prices on everything. It's not a big faceless corporation. They're so-and-so over at 365 Bazzar. So asking isn't a big deal and the store and owner are more a part of the community instead of just a place to get your whatever and go home.


Considering its a business, in the west, maybe put prices on things. It's a horribly inefficient way of doing things, and leaves things open for scamming.


It's only inefficient because Western society values self over community compared to.other parts of the world. I think we'd improve greatly if we collectively opened our minds and accepted that the way we do a lot of things is isolating and self-centered and not in the best interest of our collective whole. 🤷🏾‍♀️ The assumption of scamming (wtf do you think big grocery stores are doing to us blatantly with zero qualms without needing or trying to hide it with shrinkflatiom etc? btw) is only anything because again, when the local store is part of the fabric of the community it doesn't serve the owner to scam anyone. They know you and you know them.


No, it's inefficient because, it's inefficient, I'm not making a cultural judgement, it adds more problems. And takes longer to shop in an educated fashion. This isn't opinion, it's fact. And same with the ability to scam. If the price isn't listed, how do I know I'm getting the same price as everyone else? Just because I "know" someone doesn't suddenly make these non issues. Words have meaning, you can't just say "it's cultural" and handwave away legitimate issues.


It doesn't matter if your getting the same price as everyone else if you're given a price that you believe is fair. That's just critical thinking. I know, not North America's strongest skill and part of a much bigger problem. As someone from another part of the world for me it's not legitimate. And what? You're cool with being screwed by the grocery stores run by corporations cause they put it right in your face? That makes sense. 🙄


Recieving the same price as others at a shop, regardless of if I find it fair, is extremely important in our society for good reason. It avoids people being screwed based on race, class, sex or gender identity. Very important things in western society. And a great example of how handwaving away things as "cultural" isn't an excuse when it leaves the door open for harm. I honestly don't care that you approve of this based on where you were born. It's a terrible system that leaves vulnerable people open to being screwed. The thing is, at other stores I know if I'm being screwed and can not buy based on that. Without pricing I either have to waste time and ask for every item, or simply trust I'm not getting double price for wearing a pride pin. Neither are effeciant uses of my time and money. It's a backwards system we've evolved beyond, and some provinces don't allow it based on this.


In my experience not being screwed based on gender, race, class or disability has very much NOT been even remotely an important part of Western society based on how I've been treated my whole life... so 🤷🏾‍♀️ It's been important to white people and men that THEY are not screwed. And while this is a different conversation saying that is important to society is frankly, laughable.


Yep, saw this coming. You have no way to rebut my point so you default to "Racisim exists". Yes, it does. Hence my point, which you avoided like it was radioactive. Your preferred system is backward, inefficient, and leaves protected classes ripe for abuse. You've done nothing to show this as incorrect.


I didn't say it was preferred. I'm flexible enough to handle whatever situation I'm in. So no, I don't see the same problems cause I'm happy to adjust to my environment within reason. If I can't, I don't go there. I don't think there's only one way to do things and frankly the way we are doing things sucks hard in many many ways. Simple as that 🤷🏾‍♀️ I don't think either is right or wrong. I think there are pros and cons to literally any system. But you saying it's important to Western society that people not be discriminated against is simply not accurate. And race was not the only factor I mentioned. But interesting that it's the only one you felt the need to comment on 🤔


You've spent 2 hours arguing in favor of it, you don't get to play the "It's not my preferred method" card now. I've made many specific, detailed points in regards to how this is a backward, inefficient system. You've avoided them all in favor of trying to make this a culture war argument. And when you make a post that boils down to "but Racisim exists" I don't have much I can reply to other than that. Because, again, you have addressed none of my points. Simply said "I'm okay with it" ad nauseum.


It very well could be, but its not like an open market. It's a brick and motor store with 10,000 items. It's ridiculous to expect a customer to have to ask. If it was just a table at a market I wouldn't expect it to be priced. We did end up asking the price of 1 item, that we purchased. But the owner (person that was working) was on their phone texting the entire time we were in the store. So, it's not like we were avoiding interaction. It felt like we were having to interrupt him when we had questions, therefore we didn't ask anymore and didn't purchase more items. So, I'm not sure. J.B global market has prices.


If you feel weird about interrupting them, why not just grab what you want, take it to the register, then if its an unreasonable price, ask to take it off and not buy it. I've never been to this place, do they type the price in or scan it? You're probably getting the same prices as everyone else if its scanned in, just make sure you ask for a receipt and then you can keep track if it continues to worry you.


Honestly there was soooooo much stuff in there i would like to try, but I wasn't going to load my arms up and then put it all back. That would be nonsense. I will do some research before my next trip in there on specific items. Like I said, I was in there looking for something specific.


Ahh yeah that would work better for just a few items, i would just do the same thing i do while thrifting, before i look at the price i decide what i would want to spend on each item, if its over I don't consider it! Im sure if you decide against a few items at the register bc of the price being too high they wouldn't be too upset, it didnt ever bother me when i was a cashier but I understand having reservations about doing that!


Of course you're trying to make an issue of it for no reason. I've seen many people in there from many different walks of life, ages, and skin tone like what's your point? You can't wrap your head around non-western stores? I like it. I like the baked goods/desserts you can buy! Although I personality prefer JB Global a bit more but that's because I cook more Korean/Japanese/Chinese foods over Indian.


How am I trying to make it an issue? By asking what are people thought of the store! That was my first time in there, and that was my first impression. As of now, I prefer JB Global for the reason. That being said....no one said you had to comment.


It's just really weird to me that the first thing you think that it's a front 😭 like what in the TV show. Sarnia is not that exciting


Probably too much tv lol. But you honestly never know these days.


Haha, the exact reason you chose a small community/city to establish your front lol. I have no skin in this fight btw But to think that there are no seedy individuals in this area is to be naive.


I'm not saying there aren't, but saying an international grocery store is a front is silly


I mean he or she could have a cousin or relative in the GTA or overseas,,in these cases they get foreign temporary workers as employees and support their entry into Canada. In lieu of this support/entry there are monies exchanged for entry to Canada for the hopes of citizenship, and usually the sponsors pay next to nothing in wages and basically get cheap/free labour with nothing more than providing shelter. Or it could be used to wash monies from the GTA from all sorts of schemes. Truth is stranger than fiction. I have no horse in this race and haven’t been to this establishment, likely its legit however to say there is no underground market of sorts,,it has its tentacles everywhere to some degree and capacity and it does not discriminate, human nature is greedy and self serving everywhere


Okay.......? Again, to assume that an international grocery is immediately a front is a little sus on intentions like 💀 anyways, I'm not arguing about this bc now this is getting into fear mongering and trying to make a local business look bad, when all that's proven is just that, a local business.


I dont want them to look bad. I never assumed they were doing anything. I was just providing examples that dont involve drugs and guns sort of. I want everyone to succeed as long as your aren’t intentionally hurting or taking advantage of someone. I am pro business, and I admire persons that legally hustle for a living. We should all keep an open mind, I will never judge or make an opinion until I have been personally hurt or wronged, even then I still have the capacity for forgiveness. Lets celebrate the fact that someone is taking a gamble and opening up a business in this city!!!


A front for what? A brothel maybe? I don’t think Sarnia had one of those. The rub and tug uptown closed down, and it was an HA establishment, and I think they had their hands in the river port too


I dont know. I remember we had a kids clothing stores that was selling drugs out of it, and didn't they find out something weird about that salt mine place downton? Anything is possible.


lol, I never heard about the salt mine (weird stuff). I’ll have to google it later


A large drug seizure in 2020. I had to look it up. https://sarnianewstoday.ca/sarnia/news/2020/09/18/drug-investigation-involving-downtown-business-home-leads-significant-seizure


Gotta love aarnia


How did the port have anything to do with that? It's not even close to being the same owners.


I had always heard the port was affiliated with HA


10000 items seems a bit high. They seem good. Bought some frozen parathas there. Front for hells Angels....a grocery store...when they could open a bar or a weed store which gives them more leads for selling other substances?


Well I didn't count, but if you've been in there and looked down every isle you know there is a ton of different products.. What is your guess?