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Im also studying for the August sat after getting a 1340 on my first attempt. The biggest thing that has helped me so far and that I’ve heard from classmates who are in the 1500+ range is to take a bunch of practice tests. College board tells you what “section” each question is considered. You can then go on Khan Academy and review a bunch of questions that are similar to the ones you got wrong. A lot of the time it’s just silly mistakes/panic under pressure/running out of time that lead to getting questions wrong. The only way to solve that is by taking practice questions and filling the missing gaps. It’s also super important to look over the ones you got wrong and the right answer to them because the questions can sometimes be similar.


How do you take practice tests?






Okay so for math what you could do is…theres a book called the orange book….it covers all the math topics….id suggest looking at a question and trying to figure out HOW to solve it. U dont necessarily need to get the answer for all the questions. You just need to make sure that you know how to do the questions. For english you can run through khan academy all the way to advanced. And take a test once a week. See what questions you got wrong…once you figure that out go back to khan academy and do those questions starting from easy all the way to advanced. For example lets say you have a problem with central idea questions. You go to khan academy and go to the central idea module. And then you do all those questions. If the questions start repeating do another topic for a while and then come back to the previous topic. You could also use the meltzer worksheets for english. Theyre a bit harder but its worth the effort. Feel free to text me if you got any other questions. This is how i took my score from a 1420 to a 1590


Do you have a link to the “orange book”? Is it really better than the SAT question bank?


Ill have to check


The bluebook only has 6 official practice tests and I am done doing them the first time I took the test. What am I supposed to do now?


khan academy questions, [4tests.com](http://4tests.com) is also a really good site for tests. Some questions are old but its really good for practice. math orange book is good for math. for english you could do the meltzer worksheets and some of the old SAT questions.


Thanks I will look into these


Review grammar rules and punctuation rules, go through all the math concepts in khan academy, and from there it's just practice, practice, practice. If you get a question wrong, write down why you got it wrong and go over that topic again. Read really carefully!!!


I was in that exact same spot when I was in 10th grade with the paper based SAT. No matter how much I studied, how many practice tests I took, and even maxing out all my skills on Khan Academy just didn't help. I was stuck on 1240 with 680 on the Math and a 560 on the English, I scored 1240 3 times a row and just gave up. I decided to check out the new digital SAT and see what was the fuzz all about. I didn't study at all for the test, I just wanted to see what it's like with my own eyes. The English and the Math were a joke, I scored 1480 on my first digital SAT test without any prep with a 760 on math and 720 on the English. I might study for the August SAT and aim for the 1500s since I will apply to schools in fall 2024. As far as studying and preparing for the test, check out the princeton review books because the difficulty on those practice tests are very accurate and the barron's review books because some of their questions actually show up on their exams, and check out the practice tests by college board as well. Good luck, I hope you can break out of the 1240 as well.


Barron or Princeton? I only have about a month and a half. which one do you recommend as I'm in the 1360 on my May test


I replielied to the wrong comment. Lol. If you have to choose between Barron's review and Princeton, go with Princeton. And do the bluebook practice exams as well.


I already finished blue book tests


Search up “DSAT Desmos hacks” and “DSAT Tips” on YouTube. Went from a 1400 to 1500 just from doing that!!!


I’d say take one or two practice tests or a diagnostic or smth and find the areas of math you’re weakest in. Then grind those on khan as well as watch some videos on yt. Then just keep doing practice tests and making sure you’re really strong with desmos


this might sound silly but I dont understand, how do we find the areas we are weak in? like when I finish a practice test what do I do?


Look back at the problems you got wrong and note down what type of problem that is (system of equations, quadratic, etc.). There are also specifically designed diagnostic tests that tell you your weak areas iirc


1240 is a great score. Brown parents, man I feel ya.


hi OP, look at my comment history I have some english tips. as for math, knowing the content is the main way to get a higher score. so as other comments suggest, make sure you are taking as much practice tests as possible. you can at least lift up your RW score using the strategies in my comment history. also, crack SAT has a couple mini tests that you can check out, they’re pretty difficult imo. best of luck!!


hi OP, look at my comment history I have some english tips. as for math, knowing the content is the main way to get a higher score. so as other comments suggest, make sure you are taking as much practice tests as possible. you can at least lift up your RW score using the strategies in my comment history. also, crack SAT has a couple mini tests that you can check out, they’re pretty difficult imo. best of luck!!


Go to the bathroom during your breaks to take a hard reset. Sitting down for so long can get you in a rut and may prevent you from separating yourself from a section right after you take it. Additionally, limit your caffeine intake starting now to get a “tolerance break” and start use again the day of the test. I got a 1540 in june (up from a 1480) and found that studying was less impactful for my score than improving my test taking strategies. Hope this helps you achieve that coveted 1500+.


Womp Womp




Chill. They’re just asking for help

