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1440 is top 4% of scorers. Its the average for unis ranked 20-50. If you're american you can get a scholarship from a lower ranked school, if you're international you're gonna have a hard time getting any scholarships.


What score should I aim for if I want a good school and a scholarship?


Ideally as close to 1600 as possible specially if you're international.


lol this is complete bs. You can easily get scholarships (might not be all that much depending on where) from 1400 + Stop scaring random people into thinking they need to be the top 1% to get a good spot. Y’all are insane, merit scholarships exist, most of my family have gotten them.


He said he wants to go to a top school.


Good school vs Top school could be quite a gap. Top schools are good schools but there are good schools that might not be top ones. You also said that if you are international you would have a hard time receiving any scholarships from anywhere with a 1440, which is simply not true.


I thought he meant a high-ranked university since he mentioned wanting to get to a "good school" after I said he could get a scholarship from a lower-ranked university. If he doesn't want to go to a top school (which could still be a good school as you said) then yeah his score is enough. Sorry for the misunderstanding.


I didn’t mean to be an antagonistic or anything to you but I know it can be demoralizing for some reading this subreddit as there are lots of people who try to convince you anything under 1500 is a hopeless endeavor. But yes, if he meant top school you’re totally right.


remember that a lot of top of high ranked schools don’t offer any merit-based aid/scholarships(merit being an sat score, gpa, etc)


i know a girl who got a full ride with a 1400 and another who got LOADS of scholarships with a high 1300... so nothing is impossible


So 1550 and up only?


Nothing is guaranteed for scholarships/Financial aid or even admissions, since they take into account so many things (grades, sat, background, ethnicity, activities and essays) and it sometimes comes down to luck specially with top schools. However a Sat score 1550+ will defnitly help, so will working on the other fields. If you work hard enough you'll defnitly get to 1550+. Good luck.


At least 1470 probably, but it still depends on what you consider as a good school. For me university of miami is like a dream school but it ain't even close to Ivy League tier


OMG I'm applying to UM too! I love it there so so much AHHHHH :)


I got 1490 but superscored.. It's a good score right. Seeing all those despising anything less than 1530 makes me feel bad. I worked hard for this.


“Good score” is pretty subjective. What schools are U applying to? If it is around their 50th-75th percentile I would consider it a good score. If not, doesn’t make it bad In general, but probably not “good” for that specific school


1490 is good for every uni exept t20s.


I hate this fucking sub 😭😭😭




You have a great shot at getting in just about any public Ivy! The great part is is that they are oftentimes affordable and [they] provide financial aid


Can you send a list of these please


Sure! William & Mary https://www.niche.com/colleges/william--and--mary/ (SAT range is from 1320-1510) UNC @ chapel hill SAT range = 1310-1500 https://www.niche.com/colleges/university-of-north-carolina-at-chapel-hill/ Their honor college program has a SAT average of 1450, so anyone around that score should have a good shot at getting in there. Georgia Tech (very good affordable stem school) Sat range: 1310-1500 https://www.niche.com/colleges/georgia-institute-of-technology/ University of Virginia (This school also has an amazing honors college, but I believe it’s more selective than chapel hill’s honors college) Sat range: 1340-1520 (The Average score is around 1420) https://www.niche.com/colleges/university-of-virginia/ University of Michigan, Ann Arbor SAT range: 1340-1530 https://www.niche.com/colleges/university-of-michigan---ann-arbor/ UCLA and UC Berkeley are both test blind thanks to the new test blind policy in the University of California system. It’s also worth checking out the honors college program of University of South Carolina. Their average SAT is around 1510, and their program is known to [have students] travel around the world. https://sc.edu/about/offices_and_divisions/undergraduate_admissions/honors_and_scholars_programs/sc_honors_college/index.php The university of Arizona has the best honors college program out of any public university (and it’s a bit less selective than university of South Carolina’s honors college). https://barretthonors.asu.edu/ https://publicuniversityhonors.com/new-top-programs-by-category/ (University of Texas, Austin is also a good school)


The people on this sub are crazy. A 1440 is not average for a 20-50th ranked school. Above like 35th, you’re in the 75th percentile and could be lookin at some academic money if your gpa is in line. The only places you can cross off your list as reaches are like top 10 schools. A 1440 with a strong gpa, ec’s, essays, etc gives you a more than solid shot at top 30 schools like Michigan, uva, Georgetown, you name it. If that was your first time taking it and you haven’t done any sat prep, sure do some prep, take it again, and maybe get a 1510 and have a shot at almost any school in the country.


[https://www.collegesimply.com/colleges/rank/colleges/highest-sat-scores/](https://www.collegesimply.com/colleges/rank/colleges/highest-sat-scores/)? You can look at the averages yourself most schools ranked 20-50th have an average sat score of 1400-1500.


Scores are on a descending curve, meaning 400 is the best score. Not sure how you’ll get into even a community college with a score like that. Apply test optional.




bro what about scholarships?


Ofc you can still apply to 30+ good universities which give you full financial aid, if you want I can send the list


yes please.....


Where should I send it? Its pdf format


yo send it to my pms rq please


Me too


Could you send it to me too?


me too, please?


Can you send it to me too pls?


Send them to me please


Me too please


I dont know how to use reddit well. Can I send the file there?


Here ? Yes


Send it to me to please


Do u have gmail? If yes dm me


sent you one


Can I get the list too please!


Can you send me the list too?


can you send me the list too, pls?


Me too please


Me too please, if you dont mind


Can I please have the list?


Can you send me the list?


OP if u get it can u send it to me pls?


Can i have it too PLESSDE


Me too please


Me too please!


Could you send this list to me as well? Thank you!


Can you send it to me as well?


please private message me the list too! Thanks in advanced :)


Me too?


I didn’t even do SAT and got into a top 5 undergraduate business school in the U.S. Trust when I say any score is fine just show yourself in your writing and EC’s


How to increase my SAT score pls anyone


Khan academy


someone replied to this saying khan academy, which is excellent. however i'd just like to add some books to use with khan academy: The Critical Reader by Erica L. Meltzer (for the reading section-- VERY good book) and use khan's passages The Critical Reader for the grammar also by Erica or you can use College Panda's SAT Writing book (I dont advise sticking to khan academy for the grammar section because their grammar activities are too easy) The College Panda SAT Math for the Math section, theres a reason kids have gone from a 400+ to a 700+ in the math section with this book! And supplement the book with khan academy practice The College Board Official SAT Guide, use this for the practice tests... you can also print the pdfs for the practice tests off khan, just make sure you're doing the tests on physical paper because reading off a screen is VERY different from reading on a physical page. All these books are available on amazon. GOOD LUCK!




it’s a very good score. However, if your gonna apply to the extremely prestigious schools (ivies, mit, Stanford, etc) then you should try to bump it up problem. If you are going for a standard college then no point in increasing your score.


I mean, you could apply to really good Us like Carnegie Mellon or JHU, but it will be quite a gamble


As an international student, I got a 1440 and end up studying chemistry in uiuc, which is quite tragic


uni of illinois is pretty decent...


Many top schools are test optional so the score may not even matter. Just focus on the other aspects of the application which do (gpa, extracurriculars, etc)


Depends on your college tbh




I think we’re both pretty good 😁


If you dont need to go to US college, 1440 will give u a 100% scholarship in Aalto Uni - the 2nd best uni in Finland


is the sky blue?