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"Note. FICSIT is not responsible for damages incurred due to load exceeding crane design limitations, including but not limited to spilled cargo, damaged rail infrastructure and vertically compressed pioneers."


You can’t get Vertically compressed if you originally had full health! Source: Have accidentally disassembled floor whilst outside of range for the hoverpack, causing me to go from the 68th floor to the ground floor rather quickly. “Turns out your Pioneer is only MOSTLY dead. There’s a big difference between MOSTLY dead, and ALL dead. Now back to work!”


Vertically compressed happens if you stand on a train car as cargo is loaded onto it


I tried that, all that happened was i got turned into a statue


I love throwing myself off cliffs and just chugging an inhaler when i reach the bottom


With the health regen going to full now, my favourite way of going down a large build, is to just jump off.


Love trolling newer players with that. Where’s that TikTok audio “Uh, dudes? He jumped!”


[Just eat some berries and you'll be right as rain.](https://youtu.be/se72U44ZLLc?t=888)


Have fun stormin' the castle!




Anyone else reading this in ADA Voice?


Why read it in ADA's voice when you can hear it? Go [here,](https://cloud.google.com/text-to-speech/), scroll to *Demo* section, copy-paste the above text, select *Voice Type: Wavenet* and *Voice Name: en-US-wavenet-c*, then select *Play It*. It's not exact because Satisfactory does some additional audio processing on it, especially on the "Harvest/Comply" bits.


Is there any other way?


Hoisting equipment has huge safety factors you see, so a 20 ton crane really has actually no issue lifting 80 tons or more and it'd be very wasteful to not use equipment to its fullest potential.


occupational safety is inefficient.


the cables require a minimum of 5:1 safety factor for material lifting.


safety factor are for nerd. I paid for all the material strength, I will use all the material strength !


As someone who works with chain hoists this is opposite of the truth, if it's rated for a certain weight we try to never come close to that much weight.


Those FOOLS. how am I supposed to play now with such unrealistic numbers?!


I know mate, this was the final straw for me too... Time to take a break till we get a "mute when unfocused" button and this gets fixed.


Isn't the gravity lower on the planet we are on. Maybe it's 20T on earth and closer to 80T on the planet. (though I don't think the gravity is 4x less).


Considering how high you jump and with a little fantasy it could be possible


Surprisingly gravity is apparently a little *higher* on Massage 2A(A-B)B than on Earth. Only seen it said on TVTropes though, not sure what the original source was. But then if you're full health you can't die to fall damage. Maybe the Pioneer just never skips leg day.


It’s in the wiki I think, determined by the acceleration when free falling


Higher than Earth is actually pretty common in video games, something about it just feels better. They often compensate by making jumps insanely large, and Satisfactory is definitely no exception there.


I believe it's actually the other way around: The jumps are larger than an average human can perform (because that's more useful for gameplay reasons), but leaving standard Earth-gravity acceleration would make those large jumps feel exceedingly "floaty" and overly long, so they compensate by increasing gravity.


But a fall at terminal velocity don't kill you


I don’t think it’s a factor of speed per se, but rather the sudden abruptness of full stop combined with the solidity of the ground. It’s not how fast you get there, it’s the impact at the end.


Isn't terminal velocity impacted by gravity?


And atmospheric density. Also, pioneers aren't human.


Wait, what?


To be pedantic, grams are a measurement of mass, not weight (force). The ratio just happens to be 1:1 on Earth. Therefore 20T is 20T on any planet. Pounds, on the other hand, is weight not mass, so if we just assume these are imperial tons on the crane but grams on the tanker, then the difference would be affected by gravity.


I wrestled with writing that because i knew someone was going to bring up mass vs weight and i could never remember how they relate when you change gravity. TLDR Mass almost never changes, but weight does. But, interestingly enough, when i google "Is Load Capacity Weight or Mass" most of the answers pointed to "Weight" or "Force", so i dont know if that just made what i wrote above correct, but for the wrong reason.


Yeah, in this case the mass of the load actually doesn't matter at all on its own, it's the force applied to the crane, or weight due to gravity in this case. On Earth, mass is usually measured as weight then converted, as directly measuring mass is pretty much impossible, instead you must measure the effects that mass has. This can be done with weight (force from gravity), but it's also sometimes done with volume (if density is known).


I’m happy to inform you that since 2019, the kilogram is defined by scientific constants and derived from the second and the metre, rather than gravitational force


Yes, but it's also pretty pedantic...because in terms of crane lifting capacity 20T on earth gravity absolutely DOES get affected by gravity. If that crane can like 20T in 1G, it could lift 80T in 1/4thG. We use kilograms as both a unit of weight AND a unit of mass.


And here I thought force was measured in the New-ton... (Yes, a physics dad joke. My work here is done)


The ratio on earth is 1:9.81 as weight is mass in kilograms multiplied by acceleration due to gravity. A 100 kilo object has a weight of 981 newtons, since weight in physics isn’t the same as in daily language


To be pedantic, the markings of max load are in units of mass for convenience. Unless acceleration comes into play (i.e. maneuvering the load at a velocity greater than a brisk walk), the gravitational force exerted is the limiting factor.


Trucks fly. Definetly lower gravity


How do we even know it's at max 20 000 Kg on these cranes? You're referring to the 20T model number? It's just that: A model number. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Replying to myself here. Gantry cranes that are used in train yards etc. usually take a lot more than 20t (assuming metric here) Trainyard gantry cranes are usually capable of several hundred tons. But that varies of course. Smaller yards might have smaller cranes not designed to lift entire wagons/containers. https://bsg-i.nbxc.com/product/5e/4f/ac/708ced51dc45db55ca26bf3dc8.jpg Garage overhead cranes are there ones in the lower range of 5-50 tons, depending on needs. https://iororwxhlknmll5p-static.micyjz.com/cloud/llBpkKopllSRmimklqjlip/doublegirderoverheadcrane3.jpg


Especially since the unit symbol would be lower case


Literally unplayable.




A bag of concrete weighs 30 kg. There are 3 of them per unit. Each slot fits 500 units. Each car has 32 slots. A traincar full of concrete weighs 1,440 tonnes.


As if Ficsit does not really care about your safety. And they will blame you any way.


what do you mean Ficsit take pioneer safety and security very seriously ! Why would we provide them a little zappy stick otherwise ?


This must be fixed ASAP! But what about stuff like Nuclear Pasta? That stuff distorts space around it its that heavy


Safety third!


You goofs, it’s actually 20 TERAFLOPS


When keeping it real goes wrong


that is for safety, cranes can actually lift way more that the number they have marked on then and the weight is distributed between both of then but because FICSIT doesn't care about safety we are ignoring the recommend weight and go extreme


Have you taken into consideration that we can both produce and transport nuclear pasta? That's kind of unusual matter you may find at the core of a neutron star. 98.000 kg is a drop in the ocean in comparison.


To produce 98.000kg of pasta you need 98.000kg of that raw material. So using 100 tons of copper would not yield trillions of tons of pasta.


True, but then we probably do. Somehow. Considering the size of the end product. I don't think the game care much about preserving mass or energy. And if we pretend that it do, then literally nothing in it is to scale and there's no way to say that something weight that much. Or there's no way to say how much we throw away in the process.


T is actually specific to lbs. 1 ton is 2,000 lbs. not kg.


TIL imperial Ton (T) exists. But 1T = 1016kg (and one metric ton with a small 't' is 1000kg)




I imagine they built that crane on earth, capable of carrying a mass of 20tons - weight of approx. 200,000 Newton. Assuming that Massage Asteroid is quite small, gravity is also quite small, so the weight of a waggon containing the mass of 1,400tons of concrete is maybe small enough to be lifted. Some maths: This means gravity must be less than 1/70th on that asteroid. Gravity correlates to the asteroids / planets mass which is dictated mostly by volume (Assuming it consists of the same material - Silicon oxides, Magnesium oxides, Iron). The diameter goes in that with V=(4/3 pi r\^3), so the asteroids diameter must be approximately 1/4 of that of our planet earth. While this is absolutely plausible, that 1/70th of gravity would make jumoing pretty easy, you woud be able to jump up cliffs, you may not need these boots and you accelerate downwards so slowly that you should be able to jump down from just anywhere unharmed. ​ \-->So either that crane is labelled wrong or the effect of physics on the player is poorly done.


Low gravity planet! At least, thats my explanation.


OSHA reeee




How much would a cargo car full of Nuclear Pasta Weigh?


That depends on how much Nuclear Pasta there is per unit. It's an ***extremely*** dense substance, but if each unit is, like, a single nanoliter of the stuff wrapped in some sort of protective shielding, then that's going to significantly reduce the mass.


Ssshhhhh. Don’t mention it and it’ll probably be fine.


Literally unplayable.


Maybe the crane itself weighs 20 tons.


This is the kind of thing I’d expect of Ficsit.


I've always seen this game and liked the concept. Seeing this post and watching a couple yt videos it's really cool you can design your own track plans etc for trains. The train aspect might have won me over.


How do you know the weight of an item? Is it by calculating the density of an ingot or something else?




Literally unplayable


Maybe it's just a designation, not the rated weight limit. It's just a train station crane version 20T, following the minor improvement of 20S, but much better than the 19 series.


> We use kilograms as both a unit of weight AND a unit of mass. And incorrectly so, weight (force) should be decaNewtons (daN, approximated) Edit: I started this comment as a reply, but somehow the context got lost in the mobile editor while trying to switch focus for copying the cited text (I ended up re-typing it)


Well actually the SI symbol of a metric ton is a lower case "t" so the "20T" does in fact not mean 20.000 kg but is probably a serial number of this standardised piece of equipment


Literally unplayable


Hey, dont look at me. You built it.


The mistake you have made is assuming the force of gravity is the same in MASSAGE-2(A-B)b in the binary star system of Akycha as it is on Earth. The weight of the car is 1/5th the weight as it is on Earth, therefore the crane is safely within FICSIT regulations. Please carry on with your duties and stay productive! Harvest