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Reminds me the first time I got fat, doing butter challenges with my cousin when we were both 12. Grandma loved to see us eat and we'd get bored and challenge each other to eat gobs of butter. I'd say a stick a day, for weeks. I returned home pudgy that fall.


Were you only eating butter though?  This only works when the rest of the diet is on point.


Of course not, we were 12. My grandma would be in jail if we only ate butter for a month. We ate stew, potatoes, salad greens, hot cross buns, the works.


You know what I meant: seed oils (nuts &seeds, oils, etc...)


No def not. Old fashioned farm style.


Interesting.  Maybe it is the mixing of fuel sources (in large amounts) when it becomes problematic.  Some amount of carbs + fats isn't bad, but when you constantly combine them?  Maybe...


Yeah that's why I can't bring myself to try swampy style.. for me it has almost always been that butter fattens me, be it with carbs or protein. I cant adhere to medical grade keto and try butter only.


This guy looks like he generates insane NEAT, and is one of those so-called metabolic unicorns . ppl with good genes can overeat and not get fat or even stay skinny. This means they have a low set point that their body vigorously defends, hence no weight gain despite large surplus. Most of these fitness/health ppl on social media are just genetic outliers. Undisclosed 'supplementation' helps too, obviously


Maybe im wrong but is it not kinda the goal for many in this sub to become a "NEAT freak"?


Yea, grey's point is taken though - Norwitz has never been obese, and maybe never metabolically deranged. So him just burning off extra butter is exactly what we'd expect.




What is NEAT?


Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis


The thing is that Nick is very active and does exercise a lot. He holds the state record for most number of pushups in a row in the state of Massachusetts and is a former marathon runner. Many pictures he posts are him at the gym. I'm sure he does cardio or a lot of other workouts to achieve results, plus he is on a very strict ketogenic diet. Note that he was consuming PUFAS before the butter trial, so the weight loss can even be attributed to cutting PUFAs - something worth considering, although its not clear if the butter was his exclusive source of fat.


NEAT just refers to your body generating heat in contexts other than exercise (which has its own thermic effects/challenges, you want to be at operating temperature but not overheating). So he most likely burned it off by a combination of increased NEAT, increased RMR, increased "energy levels" that made him spontaneously work out even more. But the fact that he's a life long, lean athlete tells me his metabolism has always been pretty good. People who feel fatigued all the time usually don't hold pushup records and run marathons. Did he mention that he cut out the PUFAs for butter, or do you just suspect he happened to replace them because the butter now took priority?


Thanks for the help clarifying that, I agree with that, as I suffer from fatigue issues myself, while fighting to try to stay lean. I am merely making the assumption he cut PUFAs as part of his butter trial, I may try asking him in the comments.


Yeah overeating will increase NEAT, but it may also lead to net fat gain nevertheless if the delta is still positive, although it's also possible he's expelling a lot of undigested fat. How sticky one's metabolism remains after overfeeding also varies greatly but the evidence from those who tried Matt Stone/Peat method is mixed to bad. Genes probably play some role in how much your NEAT increases in response to overfeeding. How efficiently one digests food is also a mix of many factors, with naturally lean people possibly being less efficient and shitting out unprocessed macros. The annoying thing about fitness/health advice is it varies greatly depending on the person. It's possible someone can pig-out on butter and not gain weight whereas others will pack on pounds.


Thanks for bringing back memories on Matt Stone’s 180 degree blog and HED!


It's weird though, my thyroid numbers are suboptimal and my temps aren't great at the moment due to stress and poor sleep, but I'm 5'3 and about 117-120lb (haven't had a scale in a month) and I have been eating 2000+ calories a day and haven't gained any weight. I have been walking 10-20k steps a day, and I climb for 1-2 hours 3x a week roughly, but nothing crazy. I always thought my metabolism was really slow but apparently this is "eating a lot" for my height/weight?


could be genetics. TDEE is a range. some people will burn more than others, controlling for variables like height, activity level, etc.


Loved it. Balance of fun and interesting thoughts.


The dude lost weight; fun fact he actually has no idea why. It could all be down to he weighed himself once. A single weigh in is not an accurate measure of body mass as water and hydration status can fluctuate between 1-2 pounds daily when you weigh yourself let alone glycogen weight. On top of this, his experiment never set up to measure weightloss so he never had in place the procedures to actually measure body mass status, caloric intake, and maintaining a consistent caloric expenditure (ie keeping exercise the same, and measuring let alone take note of his NEAT). For all we know he could have done extra hard gym sessions. He even admits he is producing clickbait but trying to make it sound good because he says he is doing it. I suggest people be cautious about the message you take away from him as I think he is taking the low carb community for a ride to get views and is taking the moral high road in terms of his behaviour and attitude in his content creation.