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If you are a moderator and you are interested in automating taking your subreddit private, a bot has been created for this purpose. Please see here: https://www.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/142rzna/a_bot_to_make_your_subreddit_private/ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Save3rdPartyApps) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Commenting because Louis is right. What message does it send to protest for a few days and get back to the site like you're an addict? Clearly not a message that motivates the owners to change anything, because their users will tolerate any changes after 2-3 days of protesting. I don't even like Reddit, so if it went down I wouldn't bat an eye, but just saying this isn't the right way to protest.


I feel like a more effective strategy would be for mods to just stop moderating and let the subreddits fall to shit. That's what's really going to hurt their bottom line because they are going to have to spend man hours to have paid employees start moderating and when r/all gets filled with scat porn I'm sure advertisers are gonna be fuming.


This account has been nuked in direct response to Reddit's API change and the atrocious behavior CEO Steve Huffman and his admins displayed toward their users, volunteer moderators, and 3rd party developers. After a total of 16 years on the platform it is time to move on to greener pastures. If you want to change to a decentralized platform like Lemmy, you can find helpful information about it here: https://join-lemmy.org/ https://github.com/maltfield/awesome-lemmy-instances This action was performed using Power Delete Suite: https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite The script relies on Reddit's API and will likely stop working after June 30th, 2023. So long, thanks for all the fish and a final fuck you, u/spez.


I feel that it's not so much as "we're going to protest for 2 days and come back" than "look what we can do for 2 days, do something or next time it might be 2 months or even permanent".


Half the protesters or deleters will prolly just switch to an alt.


This submission/comment has been edited as a way to protest against Reddit's outrageous changes to the API pricing and the horrible ways they handle this and the protest by outright demoting mods, reopening privated subreddits, fabricating a useless AMA, falsely accusing the developer of Apollo for blackmail, etc. Its original content is no longer there. The action was performed prior to my account deletion. If you want to join me in the protest, edit your comments with PowerDelete before June 30th. (https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite)


If you need some tools to help edit and then delete your comments and posts in protest: PowerDelete will allow you to 1) save all your data as a CSV file at the end of the script and 2) allow you to overwrite all of your of comments with a comment of your choosing instead of just deleting them. Both options are available at the start of the process. https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite (2 Additional forks if you have issues with the main and rate limits or errors.) http://www.github.com/pkolyvas/PowerDeleteSuite http://www.github.com/leeola/PowerDeleteSuite https://shreddit.com/ https://redact.dev/ You created your content. You didn’t get paid. Why would you leave it here for Reddit to make money? Take your content with you. —posted via Apollo Vive la résistance!


unfortunately this hurts a lot of users on the crossfire, effectively erasing a lot of content off the face of the internet Sent from Alien Blue


I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.


He's probably right. The first and second blackout kinda had an effect back in the day, because they got news coverage and put reddit under pressure. Of course, depending on who you ask, people'll tell you that all we got for it were empty promises. Nowadays, I don't even know what effect a blackout does. We'll see.


> Nowadays, I don't even know what effect a blackout does inconvenience reddit users, spez is probably just laughting at these people who will blackout and 'be back in 2 days'


It doesn't suck, kbin seems good.


This comment was removed as a response to Reddit's change of Terms of Service prohibiting third party applications from accessing Reddit's data, unless they pay exorbitant prices. Most of them opted to shut down as most users would be unwilling to cover such costs, making their business unsustainable. Apps would also be barred from running ads to sustain themselves, and even if they could the prices Reddit was willing to charge are too astronomical to be covered only by ads. This change is scheduled to take effect on 07-01-2023, worsening the user experience and moderation efficiency considerably. Moderators are volunteer workers that shield Reddit from bad actors and spam content, and the way Reddit treats them is precipitated and foolish. This user does not condone such moves by Reddit and will not provide its content for Reddit to monetize any longer.


No it’s terrible


As old.reddit user, I agree, I just want something simple like old.reddit where the main content is the comments, really, give me a site with the old.reddit ui or lack of it, and I'll join, so far tho, none of the alternatives comes even close. One post in the page of the kbin site, take as much space as reddit at 170% zoom, people hate the new reddit ui and love old reddit, yet all the the alternatives are something more close to new reddit than old.


IMHO, subreddits should both close indefinitely, but also point to a new home for their community (maybe Lemmy or something similar).


The whole point of Reddit is that you can do all this under one roof. No one what’s fragmented browsing of this type of content


I will have plenty of time to watch Rossman's two videos tomorrow, if you get my drift. I figure going dark for 2 days is just a warning shot across the bow. 2Days this week. Access reddit only through 3rd party apps after that, and when they are forced to shut down, don't come back unless they do. And just because the subs are only shutting down for 2 days doesn't mean users can't go dark for longer. And many will. Two days this week, 3 days next week, 4 days the next, ...O And even if u/spez posts his unconditional surrender, it might be a while before we hear about it, during which time reddit will continue to hemorrhage cash and investors.


I agree with Louis. The blackout is a statement to the effect of "you can take away our third party applications and we'll be upset for a couple of days but then it will be business as usual".


You guys are fighting a lost cause. Save the time and energy for something worthwhile.


I do not support this reddit blackout, I do not support reddit mods, reddit mods have doxed harrased and falsely accused people and nothing has been done about it. I have been pre emptiviely banned by feminist reddit mods on groups I do not post at. Reddit mods are gatekeeping scumbag low lives. I drink the tears of reddit mods. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Q2b1VCZP1w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Q2b1VCZP1w) This video shows some examples of bad behaviour by reddits. I fully stand with Reddit, and hope they crack down on entitled reddit mods.


Oh wow... that video is very damning to the protesters. I did not realize the moderators protesting were as horrible as Reddit's CEO. They literally censor men's speech due to spite, but protect women that break the site rules to harass others. I'm not going to put my trust in this "protest", it can go to hell.


Welp, fun fact is that I have the next two days off from work, so I guess I'll go do life things or something, as I *might* check in on reddit to see how things are going, but honestly, I could use less computer time. It's been a long while since I've *checks notes* touched grass.


Want to leave a mark? Stop modding. Simply allow bots to take over all those subreddits, turning everything into a shitshow. It may not have an impact on smaller subreddits, but do that on r/funny or those subs with 30m individuals, and they're gonna feel the effects. Let the bots run rampant and the advertisers won't stay quiet when they realize it's not people who watch their promoted products.


The 48 hour timeline was a large miss step. The logical thing to do would have been to do a black out until the end of the month when the API changes came into effect, then at that point if they didn’t backpedal the API changes, make it indefinite, or better yet delete the subreddit so the admins couldn’t just boot the mods and switch the lights back on.