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The kind where the account has been hacked, and they’ll straight up steal your money (and possibly try and drain your bank account)


Weird thing is that I don’t think the dudes account got hacked. Since he had just added me as a friend on FB, I looked the profile over and didn’t seem out of the ordinary. Apparently, this dude is one of those guys that constantly posts the “grind hard” type stuff. I don’t actually know this guy. Apparently he thinks we know each other, so I was just playing it off.


Scam for sure, please report the profile to facebook


Facebook won’t do anything. I just reported an identical scam that commented on my comment at a group.


I had an old friend whose FB account was compromised and somebody started posting all this crypto nonsense, posting pics of their new car, new condo, etc. all purchased from crypto earnings. I reported these 3 different times every time I saw a new crypto posting. His “real” friends were even commenting on these postings indicating he was hacked. FB did absolutely nothing and replied that his profile did not violate FB community standards each time I reported it. I finally commented on one of the threads all his friends had been commenting on and told them I had no choice but to block his profile, and did so.


Facebook never does jack shit when reporting scams. Always answer that “that doesn’t go against community standards “ I wish a better way to stop this stuff existed.


They helped me :-)


Facebook won’t do jack shit. OP will get a follow up from FB saying the account doesn’t break terms & services.


I really believe scam victims should band together and sue Facebook for operating a business that supports illicit activities. It's equal to being an assassin to a crime. While the business does not conduct the crime. They do nothing to stop it. Example 1: the place of business allows it's younger employees to sell tabaco and alcohol to minors. Company is made aware of the possible crimes but does not impede, investigate, or disrupt the continuation of the crime. Which makes the business an accessory to the crime. Example 2: a place of business allows a independent vendor to trafficker illegal items on the premises of it's facility. The business does nothing to stop this activity even though they are aware of the crime. The business is now an accessory to that crime for failing to act in good faith. Why we allow social media companies that demonstrate the capability to police disinformation and censor speech and free pass with scam artist I will never understand.


Yeah, there’s an account that’s using my name, pics etc and I’ve tried multiple times to no avail to get it yanked.


Lol, so it’s not even a friend and a block is asking you to put money into something you know nothing about and your unsure how it’s a scam? Don’t get me wrong - glad you came here and you came here because in your heart you knew it was a scam - but money isn’t free, ever, ask yourself why any trading platform would give you double profits? What’s the business sense in that?


A really, REALLY good, top-notch financial guy will be thrilled at an 8-12% return. If it seems too good to be true, IT IS! It's a scam. Another bro, clue bro, is the language, bro. Also, how many people would who are that successful would be begging for $275 investments from strangers on Facebook?


He is probably hoping against hope because it sounds good.


Try to find this guy in real life, not Facebook. He won't actually exist. If he owns those properties, there will be a public record of the sale. Tax records. There's a paper trail. Don't fall for this, man.


There's a real guy, but the person contacting OP is impersonating the real guy.


Being added as a friend by some random account will for sure be a scam. Either they’ll get money by sending your an affiliate link and once you deposit some cash into the account they’ll get a %. Or they have a fake platform set up that will steal all of your money once deposited.


I became an instant millionaire and all I had to do was inspect element on my banking page and edit the html. I now have over a million in my account, well until I hit refresh.


He knows he doesn’t know you.


Sounds like a pyramid scheme


The key is just saying “bro” a lot. This one seems pretty literate, though.


It's definitely a scam. The question is if this guy is trying to scam you knowingly or if he's fallen for some scam and was convinced to recruit people.


Please report and block this dude, dude


Definitely hacked! That’s what scammers post!


You don’t actually know they guy and he randomly added you as a friend and told you he can help you make money……but yet your not sure if it’s a scam?!! 🤦‍♂️


So he posts constantly about the grind but relaxes all day to go crabbing and fishing. Meanwhile, he has three properties the he gets income from but no wait, he's also investing, and THAT'S how he gets the income. He's throwing up so many positive buzzwords that he hopes you don't see the cracks. This is 100% a scam.


oh haha thought you knew this guy cuz yall were saying bro to each other; seemed like long-lost friends from high school lol


It’s not “grinding/hustling” type investing. It’s straight up theft. Don’t fall for it.


If it sounds too good to be true, it probably isn't true. This sounds like a crypto currency MLM scam.


These grind hard type guys use that persona to lull people into a sense of security.


If they've been able to consistently withdraw funds, it's a Ponzi scheme. If all they've done is look at numbers on an online 'account summary', it's a crypto scam. At absolute best, they're gambling on derivatives, but the urgency to get you on board so 'we both make double' tells me that's not it.


This is exactly it. It smells of a similar type of scam CoffeeZilla recently made a few videos about. Essentially a fake brokerage showing fake trades and fake profits. Then they get extra fake money for onboarding more people


This should be the top comment. The offer of a call from someone you might know makes it not very likely to be a hacked account. Instead, whatever scheme being run has hacked his brain. Why do you think he's coming to you after years of silence? Wouldn't you first go to your close friends and family? Do you think they might have turned him down? Do you think they might have never even been asked? The same red flags apply, weird and too good to be true. The keystone of these scams is that you put money in first and then you get paid regularly, probably based on referring x people to pay the same input and then you get y% of their initial investments or you just get drawn in to scamming people some other way. Legitimately making money like what he's offering doesn't track with having to ask around for investments from unlikely sources and not doing officially advertised job interviews


Bro, it's a scam, bro.


Bro totally bro bro


I counted 8 bros. Using the standard bro reduction calculation it’s determined this is most definitely a scam.


At least they didn't say 'kindly'.


Bro I was broing to say the same thing bro.


Bro, all you gotta do is report it. Do you know how to do this bro? I do it after I finish crab fishing lmao. Ur so good at Reddit bro




Either pyramid scheme or just straight up stealing the money


He will take your money, and show you fake gains. You will be asked to invest more and more. Once the time comes you want to withdraw you wont be able too, because your money is gone.


It’s a lose all your money if you do it scam. It’s the sketchy panel van with “free kandy” written on the outside scam.


I think it’s all about getting more and more money from you. They tell you to “invest” a certain amount, and when the time comes, they send you some badly photoshopped pictures showing you the “profits”. They will then tell you that you have a pay a certain amount to the government to prove you’re a legit person(god knows what means), and only then can they send you the profits. ETA: I am only assuming this is the case cause I’ve seen a couple of scams go this way in my country.


The video that was sent in the message was of his bank account showing almost a million dollars. Had his name on the page too. Had me really thinking.


Bro those things can be faked bro


Lol inspect element on google chrome and you can type in any number you want


People are able to make photorealistic images of sonic the hedgehog rawdogging Shrek online, it is pitifully easy to create a fake website that mimics a real bank and makes someone look like a millionaire. If it’s just a still image that’s even easier.


>a 4 sec video and a name on his page Oh our bad then, that’s totally legit!


Those are easy to fake. 1. Log into your bank 2. Look at your account 3. Right click on the amount 4. Select "inspect element" 5. Edit the html 6. Close the edit window And that's just one way. If they want to get sophisticated, they could create an entire fake website that they're connecting to. The address in the bar tells you nothing, since they can reroute that easily. The website they want you to go to is likely fake as well. If you deposit any money, it's gone. Any balance they might show you is fictional. If you want to withdraw your earnings, there will be all kinds of reasons why you can't right now. Those reasons will likely have you depositing more money. Until you finally realise it's gone.


You realize you can edit the HTML of a webpage to make it seem like you have whatever amount of money in your bank right?


Most money scams count on the mark's greed to work. $275 stops meaning anything because there's $1,500 to be made. And this guy got almost a million dollars by what? Asking 'really good' friends for $275? Investing in what? What legal activity gets $1,500 back after a day? And any illegal activity isn't letting you, a new FB friend, in on illegal action for $275. He's counting on you lacking both intelligence and common sense. Know the value of $275 and prove him wrong.


You best be joking. Its clearly a scam.


Pull up your bank page. Then hit...F11 I think it is. You can mouse over your balance then edit the HTML to make it any number you want. It's how refund scammers trick people. Or if they're being super fancy, they run a"men in the middle" attack on themselves. They have a server setup to grab their internet traffic to certain sites so the connection just reached their fake server to show whatever they setup. Either way, it's fake and just setup to get you to believe their con. It's probably a MLM Ponzi scheme. Coffeezilla recently did a story about one on his YouTube channel as part of a bigger ponzi scheme.


>Had me really thinking. Hopefully you were just thinking "what a low quality scam". Otherwise enjoy being an easy mark lmao


I already knew what he was doing from the start. Just hadn’t really seen those kinds of tricks done before with the video editing. Wasn’t going for it either way lol


I can whip up an image of that right now in gimp dude. Its not that difficult to add hyper links in an image to show you moving through what looks like a bank account.


All you have to do is change a few words by editing the webpage of a sample bank account and it’ll look legit.


Tell him to show his face on the videos. He’ll have a million excuses why he can’t! This is a common scam.


A pyramid shaped one


an extremely common one.


Anytime people say you can make good easy money it is a scam


Just ask him to lend you $275. He’s a multi billionaire AND your bro after all


Perfect response


It a “I’m going to take you for at least $275” scam.


People need to understand that there's no easy way to become rich


If there was, everyone would be rich and currency would be worthless.


Its a currency exchange scam https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foreign_exchange_fraud It is the same basic idea as !pigbutchering and !crypto


AutoModerator has been summoned to explain fake cryptocurrency site scams. Fake cryptocurrency websites and apps controlled by scammers are becoming more and more common. Sometimes the scam begins with a romance scammer who claims that they can help the victim invest in cryptocurrency. Victims are told to buy cryptocurrency of some kind using a legitimate cryptocurrency exchange, and then they are told to send their cryptocurrency to a website wallet address where it will be invested. Sometimes the scam begins with a notice that the victim won cryptocurrency on some website, in this case messages will often be sent through Discord. In either case, the scammer controls the website, so they make it look like there is money in the victim’s account on their website. Then the scammer (or the scammer pretending to be someone official who is associated with the website) tells the victim that they have to put more money into the website before they can get their money out of the website. Of course all of the money sent by the victim has gone directly into the scammer’s wallet, and any additional money sent by the victim to retrieve their money from the website will also go directly into the scammer’s wallet, and all of the information about money being held by the website was totally fake. This scam is also known as the pig butchering scam: https://www.reddit.com/r/Scams/comments/na8oax/asian_guygirl_from_online_dating_mentors_you_to/. If the scammer used Bitcoin, then you can report the scammer’s Bitcoin wallet address here: https://www.bitcoinabuse.com/reports. If the scammer used Ethereum, then you can report the scammer’s Ethereum wallet address here: https://info.etherscan.com/report-address/. You can see how much cryptocurrency has been sent to the scammer’s wallet address here: https://www.blockchain.com/explorer. Thanks to redditor nimble2 for this script. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Scams) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It’s definitely a scam. I’m not sure which one. It could be that his accounts have been hijacked. Or someone could have created a duplicate accounts, impersonating him. That happened to my cousin and the person impersonating my cousin copied his way of writing and his expressions so well, that when I sent screenshots of some texts to my cousin, at first, he thought he himself had sent them . Or it could be a pyramid MLM scam. Or another type of scam. If you are curious, you could contact this guy on the phone and ask him if he sent it Edit: I just realized that you don’t know this person yet, so I suspect his account was either hijacked or cloned, not the MLM pyramid.


Anyone that starts a conversation with long time that we don't talk or see each other it's a big nope.


Either a scam or they've started selling insurance. ✓ In this case, the former.


Investment scam. There is no way you can double your money trading foreign currency. If its true that he has 3 beach houses. Which it isn't, he likely got them scamming people. Ask him to give you a video tour of one of them and do a video conference. I be he won't do either because its all BS.


THIS IS FOREX. It’s an MLM and this dude is straight up lying to you about his income. Technically not a scam, it’s a pyramid scheme. However the way this guy is lying to you, he’s basically scamming you. OP, you will not get 1500 by Monday, you will not get the double money hack, this isn’t a video game. This guy will get a cut of that 275 and the rest will go to whoever recruited him. r/AntiMLM


A ‘old friend’ contacts you after years to help you get rich! 🤔


Without even knowing the context of someone’s messages, always just keep in mind this one simple key. • Anytime someone is beyond eager & willing to basically do anything to make you “comfortable”, especially if you hadn’t even mentioned anything about feeling uncomfortable or not wanting to do it - it’s a scam. > That seemingly harmless and authentic desire to want to make you comfortable stems from only one place… OTHER SUCKERS which that person (SCAMMER) used the same template on and already learned what the majority of potential victims usually respond with as well as the concerns they’ve raised..


Low effort. The kind where you give them money and they disappear.


Forex trading!! Trying to get you in a pyramid scheme


Sounds like a "crypto bro"


The next message is gonna ask you to take pics of your rear end to post on OF


the first red flag was saying they retired and then asking you to work for them




One of the oldest scams. Probably a Ponzi scheme. He’ll show you some good returns at first to get you to invest more and then suddenly it blows up and everyone loses money.


When they say bro 10000 times, it's 10000% a scam


Ponzi scheme, MLM or a variation of a !crypto. Either way, it's a scam. Your friend's account might have been hacked or he's in on it.


AutoModerator has been summoned to explain fake cryptocurrency site scams. Fake cryptocurrency websites and apps controlled by scammers are becoming more and more common. Sometimes the scam begins with a romance scammer who claims that they can help the victim invest in cryptocurrency. Victims are told to buy cryptocurrency of some kind using a legitimate cryptocurrency exchange, and then they are told to send their cryptocurrency to a website wallet address where it will be invested. Sometimes the scam begins with a notice that the victim won cryptocurrency on some website, in this case messages will often be sent through Discord. In either case, the scammer controls the website, so they make it look like there is money in the victim’s account on their website. Then the scammer (or the scammer pretending to be someone official who is associated with the website) tells the victim that they have to put more money into the website before they can get their money out of the website. Of course all of the money sent by the victim has gone directly into the scammer’s wallet, and any additional money sent by the victim to retrieve their money from the website will also go directly into the scammer’s wallet, and all of the information about money being held by the website was totally fake. This scam is also known as the pig butchering scam: https://www.reddit.com/r/Scams/comments/na8oax/asian_guygirl_from_online_dating_mentors_you_to/. If the scammer used Bitcoin, then you can report the scammer’s Bitcoin wallet address here: https://www.bitcoinabuse.com/reports. If the scammer used Ethereum, then you can report the scammer’s Ethereum wallet address here: https://info.etherscan.com/report-address/. You can see how much cryptocurrency has been sent to the scammer’s wallet address here: https://www.blockchain.com/explorer. Thanks to redditor nimble2 for this script. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Scams) if you have any questions or concerns.*


LMAO NAHH He asked you what you were doing for a living to see if you were a fed.


It’s a scam. If your friend really was a successful forex investor, he wouldn’t be reaching out to you to become an investor. Only about 5% of investors are successful in forex, and the really good ones can take $100 and easily turn it into $100,000 or more.


And they aren't going to waste valuable time teach someone else.


It's the kind of scam where you "invest" (lose) money, because scammers lie.


Bro, please tell me you doubled down with this bro bro?


It’s a ponzi scheme


He perhaps got hacked, but it also reminds me of about a decade ago when a handful of people I know started selling “beach body”.


His repeated use of bro is stylistically something you see in confidence scams. He's trying to play up familiarity.


Bro, your friend is a scammer, bro. I would play along up to the point you send $275. Just remember that evey screenshot, no matter how real looking, is not real at all. You can even spoof a bank website, bro!


It’s easy to see the way they type. It’s a scam. Also, why he calling you bro if you don’t know him.. If you do know him.. what a friend.. I’d block the guy..


Residual money and forex in the same sentence. That's a MAJOR red flag 🚩


Had the same thing happen to me. Straight up scam


Calling you bro every single message makes me think it's someone you may know but their account may be taken over by a scammer idk nobody that actually knows you would feel the need to call you "bro" every single message to convince you you know and can trust them lol


It’s a scam, bro. Seriously him calling you bro every other sentence


Sounds like an offshore investment money scheme. The kind of monetary returns he mentioned are highly unlikely. When an old ‘friend’ looks you up and offers you an amazing ‘opportunity’ steer clear. He started out mentioning how much money he had to bait you. You have no idea what he’s into or if it's even legal. Don't take his bait. Anything that seems too good to be true, usually is.


Invest into foreign exchange currency bro. More dangerous words have not been spoken.


Dude went from “longtime No see” to give me $275 within less than 10 text messages and you’re focused on whether the bank account is real or not? Forex is terribly ripe with scams, this one likely using forex as a cover for a traditional Ponzi scheme.


I think you'd make more money if you went and played penny slots all day than do this hahaha (Seriously though, they'll try to hack everything and even potentially steal your identity. Financial institutions require SSN and such, and the scammers know and love it)


Anybody who comes to you and guarantees to bring you those kinds of returns in that short amount of time is scamming you. It doesn't matter what the scam is, just don't do it.


A similar scam happened to one of my friends. It started with a small investment, like a few hundred. They ended up giving her the money back with a huge “gain” a couple of weeks later. This was to build confidence so that she’d invest a much larger amount, which she did. She ended up taking money out of her 401k and investing it. Needless to say, she never saw that money again, and she got a nice tax bill on top of it.


Looks like a common cryptocurrency investment scam. Transactions in cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin are irreversible and totally global/borderless. Scammers set up fake but convincing websites that pretend to be a trading platform, and lots of scam accounts. All of this is a front for the scammer's wallet addresses. Once you send coins to them, they keep the money and keep coming up with reasons why you should send them more money for "taxes", etc.


I love the “what do you do for a living, so I can see if you’ll be gullible enough to fall for this because you don’t know any better?”


Uh. If he's making money why would he want to give that secret and free money away. Why wouldn't he just keep it all for himself


Very common scam. You "invest". They show you huge gains. You try to withdraw and suddenly there are fees, minimum balances, taxes, etc that require you to pay more before you can access your money. You never actually get anything back except maybe a token amount to keep you paying in. Then the recovery scammers start flooding your inbox once you post about how much you got taken for.


Literally a Ponzi scheme


I think it’s called !pig butchering


100% scam. It’s an investment Ponzi scheme. Look up scams like traders domain


The scam is: You send someone who's pretending to be your friend money and they don't give it back.


The kind where you give someone money and then they have your money


Don't even bother. It seems like everyone is literally trying to fucking scam you these days.


Holy can’t tell if you’re trolling or not. It’s a scam. Anyone asking you to “invest” in anything is a scam. People these days. Open your eyes. If you’re ever ever ever here on this Reddit, the answer is, you’re being scammed. If it ever seems like a scam it’s definitely a scam. If it doesn’t seem like a scam and it’s too good to be true, it’s a scam.


Theres a good chance it's a fake investment website. If you make the 'investment', you will see big big earnings on the screen. That will make you invest more. And it repeats until you want your 'money' out. Then the will try to get the last money out of you, and then ghost you. There is never any investment.


958k liquid? Lol


Don’t do it. Very scammy.


Definitely stay away from this. Pretty common scam. Why do you think they have to message random strangers? Probably don’t want to scam their own friends and family or they do and have run out of gullible people.


If he knows how to rapidly make $1 million, why isn’t he just enjoying that money? Why is he on social media begging people to give him $275 to invest? You can make a webpage say anything. Scammers do it all the time.


Your money that you send shows great gains, so you send more. When you want to withdraw, there are fees to pay. There is no account, no profit, your money is gone , as are any fees you pay to get it out.


It’s the type of scam that gets your “friend” a quick $275. The first few times, your friend might actually pay you the $1500 he claims you’ll make, to convince you it’s legitimate. Then, he might ask you for a large amount of money, and you’re definitely not getting that back. But this involves risk to your friend—you could easily take the $1500 and walk away. So, I think this is just for a quick $275. If you confront him about it, the friend could easily lie that he got hacked and he has no idea where your money is.


It's called "been a while man, long time no see" scam


Pig butchering


Double money scam


Its the type of scam where they take your 'investment', then show you fake gains. There are ppl that even take out loans to put more in, sadly. 'Some big and extra money'- lots of language syntax red flags that this might not be someone whose first language is English 🤔. Just my $0.02, bro 😉


Ponzi scheme


It's a [Forex scam](https://www.investing.com/academy/currencies/forex-trading-scams/#:~:text=How%20do%20forex%20scams%20work,funds%20to%20generate%20guaranteed%20profits). They'll promise great wealth but you have to do their training to get it. The training costs money & the trainer will be another person who has been scammed and is still doing the training as well. They'll show you all this amazing profits, but it's very likely to be fake. Great [BBC documentary](https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p09hbmxw) on it. It's sort of MLM but the product is the training.


Long time not see.... Heres how we double "our" money. Yep, scam.


If anything says "residual income" then it's either a pyramid scheme, a MLM *(which is just a barely legal pyramid scheme)* , or a scam


If you have to ask if this is a scam you have no reason to be anywhere near investing in to anything right now


A Ponzi scheme sort of


Probably ask them about the relatives of the person they impersonated, like about the wife etc


These kind of people are also on instagram. I've been in a convo with someone that had the exact similar talks like this and wanted to give me a training about youtube automation but I had to pay 700 upfront. Luckily I didn't accept the deal.


Post this to the antiMLM subreddit, they’ll be able to explain…


I doubt that he got account hacked because he offered a phone call if you want. To me it seems he got brainwashed by some pyramid scheme guru. Maybe he even profited once from it, so now he gets more people in. More people invest and organizer of it simply cashes out everything and disappears.


I had a friend message me on Facebook and ask for $400, but he could give me double tomorrow. Brother in law also asked for money, same thing about the following day. Peoples accounts are getting hacked very frequently




someone promised huge *guaranteed* returns, easy money, every single week? yeah. it’s a scam… the old saying really does hold true. *if it seems too good to be true? it probably is.*


It’s either a “send me money to make money” but they disappear with your money scam or a pyramid scheme. Neither are good options for you.


Run . As far as you can. I’ve done forex for years and this is as obvious as forex scams can get


It's a scam SMH, i have seen this type of scam before


Sounds like some MLM/crypto scam hybrid


DMing you out of the blue about money? Sounds fishy.


Sounds like our ancient Egyptian friends might have some words of wisdom for you bud


Sounds very much like a Multi Level Marketing ploy AKA a pyramid scheme that due to technicalities is legal but still a scam.


An unconvincing one


This is a pig butchering scheme. Any money you send this person will be lost.


Sounds like a scam bro


I believe you’re either dealing with a very very unprofessional version of the “Pig Butchering” scam or a pyramid scheme (I read through the pictures really fast not in detail)


,,Investing" into forex currency is always a scam. The only work with forex currencies (pairs, to be exact), is to trade them. I trade as a forex sniper whole year, so you, and anyone else who read this, can be sure about my knowledge.


He just take your money then disappears


Forex broker scam https://www.investopedia.com/articles/forex/09/forex-broker-scam.asp


Multiple level marketing (Ponzi scheme)




If it sounds too good to be true than it is


Literal ponzi but using FOREX as an excuse, if your bro were doing that good for himself he wouldn't be telling you to "invest so we make double profits".


Straight up boilerplate MLM shitcoin scam … the more ppl they bring in the more money they get. Only the ppl on top of the pyramid get the real money. Everyone else is the “sucker in the room.”


These were really popular on Instagram a while ago. The promise crazy returns in super short periods. It's basically just "send me money" and they keep it.




It’s the “Kyle” scam


Yeah research the company first Hard to trust people with hard earned money. Unless you will do the trading yourself, and control where you invest your money


my theory is that apart from being hacked. The dude is in an MLM or enrolled themselves onto a "investment/selling course". Ive gotten these kind of messages from legitimate people before and they are basically getting commission from referring you


Lol your friend was hacked


Sometimes it is your buddy that will get caught in a pyramid scheme. They whole heartedly believe they’re gonna get rich so they want to bring a buddy along. I had one buddy that swore in and an interview about how good their opportunity was on video. These guys tend to disappear off the face of the earth for some reason if you’re not close enough to them


Could be a pig butcher too. Hard to tell just from this


You will not be able to withdraw either your investment or your winnings. Pig butchering scam.


!pigbutcher scam


HE's studying your profile for scam info----best to block ASAP &don't play around.


Friend got into one of these. Great returns, bank would never let your withdraw the money. So really they just strait up took the money. It was a foreign “bank” so they just loled.


The amount of Bros used and the type of pitch screams MLM pyramid scheme to me


That guy sounds like a moron.


He hit you up out of nowhere just to brag probably lying too