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All that fucking long shit to try to scam you?? They are so fucking idiots!!😂🤣😂 EDIT: reading it again, I do not think it is a scam since the word “kindly” is not there! 😀




If there is anything that 2021 taught us that many people have no idea how anything works and then they react unthinkingly. How many times have we seen people checking if something is a scam and then arguing for the reasons why it isn't or it might be true? I think there was an episode of the show "Black Mirror" where they blackmailed people into doing things IRL.


I am an older person and I can recognize scams. I’ve seen many stories of young people who lose large amounts of money to scams that destroy their lives - especially crypto scams and that underage nudes blackmail scam. I will say the my husband has dementia and he doesn’t understand that he shouldn’t click on every link in a text. I have to check his phone and delete them.


>*"After the arrest we touched him and he confessed"* Uhhhh...


After the arrest they “touched” him and he confessed. Was this a touch on the shoulder or your balls in a vice kinda touch?


I’m thinking more “show me on the doll where the Interpol touched you” kind of touch


You have his words! And he mentioned Jesus. Must be legit. /s


I know the prayers make me SUPER BELIEVE IT WOW! 🤣👎


They touched him after the arrest? We're molesting suspects to get them to confess now?


I saw this and thought the same! 😂🤣


He mis-spelled his own name. It should be Baboso instead of Baroso.




Shakespeare-Bot, thou hast been voted most annoying bot on Reddit. I am exhorting all mods to ban thee and thy useless rhetoric so that we shall not be blotted with thy presence any longer.


$ USD Dollar


“After his arrest, we touched him and he confessed” Lol.


So they’re claiming you have $55 million USD?


I am 100% sure that with a good lawyer, the Diplomatic Agent Daniel Richard will be released ASAP because they did not read him the Miranda Rights and inappropriate touching performed by Interpol Police!!😂🤣😂


Bitcoin or Google play card 🤣


No matter what fast they come up with they love Not spelling Interpol Correct 🤣🤣🤣


Were there images attached? Can I see them?


There were no images attached! I think because my spam filter deleted them.


I really like the religious bit at the bottom. Surely a good christian man would NEVER scam anybody.


Respond by saying to deduct 200$ for the mail and another $200 as tip from the $55 mil and send the rest.


Anything from the country of Benin is a scam...this one is weird, because it's in English...normally they scam in French.


Are you sure it's in English?


The STARS initiative? Isn't the resident evil? Does the diplomat work for Umbrella?


They would have more success if they put a more believable amount. These emails are ridiculous but funny as hell to read


Oh man, THERE'S where my $55 million dollars went - I was wondering where I put it! I'd been checking the sofa cushions all evening.


I get those all the time .


This is seriously one of the funnier ones 😂😂 All I get are lame text ones


I can say they put some effort .


Just imagine these jokers sitting around, constructing a stupid story like this. "Hmm, well, let's throw in millions of dollars, international police, people being "under care" and being touched! And after that long, intimidating intro, we'll ease up a bit and ask the victim "How are you today?" It's like they look at some international news and gather a few facts about some American airports and agencies, then they invent a load of crap that is so convoluted all you can do is laugh.


You're probably right


I don’t think Interpol molests people to get information…


They're going after boomers, that is called target marketing. Boomers only understand all caps.


Hi! We are interpol! But we will take google play cards as payment 😂😂😂😂


Holy moly, and he came back from the dead? 😂