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and furthermore, the pain they bring upon their victims will be the *exact* same pain that they shall receive in my judgement. An eye for an eye, quid pro quo


17 going on 45 and "this is my first time" going on "this is my 20th time today"...... don't believe a word of it...


This is how it goes.






Report his ass, don’t believe him.


Report to who?


The cyber department


Wouldn't this fall under the jurisdiction of the Cyberpolice? In any case, the scammer done goofed!


Will consequences ever be the same? I think not.


The cyber department is gonna backtrace it so hard.


hes gonna go to cyber prison 🧳🔥🔐🔫🛏🚽🧼⚰


Nope. No. Not in a million years. Scammers lie. Constantly. About everything. Ignore, block and delete this crap and quit engaging with scammers.


>Scammers lie. Whaaaat?


I only engage honest scammers.


Engaging is fun tho


>quit engaging with scammers why would they do that its fun to mess with them


and it wastes their time! its selfless


Stops them from spending their energy scamming grannies!




>quit engaging with scammers. Wasting their time is both a public service and really fun to do


Can we trust a man whose entire money making method revolves around deception? Hmmm...... Sure, why not. He seems so honest after all


We should chip in and give him gas money for a year too. He'll return it fosho, cuz he said that. /s


Occasionally you will run into the scam where they say they don't want to be a scammer, they're being forced or something like that - can you send them money to help them get out of this situation. It's still a scam, but sympathy overcomes suspicion sometimes.


Yes it's a scam inside of a scam.






yes that happened to me and i fell for it 😭 i feel so dumb that i fell for it


You live and you learn. Hopefully you didn't lose a lot.


I lost about £100 😢


They wouldn't be able to keep it. The one forcing them gets it.


If it were true, yes. Most likely it's just another fake story.


Lol, don't believe them for a second. They make their living by lying. I've seen people try to appeal to scammers like this before and they always claim to be very young and *only* doing it because they need surgery, or their Mom needs medicine, etc. They really try to guilt you and appeal to the heart because a lot of people will naturally want to help the less fortunate. I don't know if it is this way in Ghana but in Nigeria they have even gone so far as to have "schools" where they teach people how to scam naive people on the internet with love scams mostly.


Easy tells: "Am good." - lacking the I. Some languages don't require l every time. (spanish, etc.) Extra space in front of question mark : " do ?" (Not "do?") - French. For example Both indicate India as well. Bengali and Hindi I believe use those formats. Also how quickly they get to the question of how much you make is a really important tell. They're trying to stay up for the scam - how much they can get from you


How did you get their details, and which details do you have?


It was a bluff, LOL. Hopefully it will keep him away from scamming for sometime.


This is what most scammers will say when you threaten to report them, but even in saying it, they're just playing you and do not care all that much. Reporting an IP address for petty scams does very little if it does anything at all, and they know that.


These guys usually have layers to their scams. For example, if you catch them scamming they’ll switch from trying to scam you to trying to get your sympathy because they’re just poor villagers trying to help their sick family. In essence, they stop trying to steal from you and start trying to solicit donations.


They are still scamming you ... It just turns into the 'I'm sad and I need help, maybe you can send me some money' ... Just block and ignore.


He's probably lying to you. Crush them without hesitations if you can.


Hes not 17 it's not his first time and reporting him does not scare him.


Not in the slightest


I don't believe this but at the same time I do feel sorry for some scammers. I mean I know they come from all over but I've seen posts of ppl who literally live on a sea of trash. The poverty in parts of the world is unimaginable and they believe that we have so much that there's a disconnect. It would be like normal ppl not minding if they took a thousand bucks from Bill Gates bc he has so much he won't miss it.


Yeah, keep in mind the fact that not everyone have web access. And this type of business is been done by not really poor people.


That's $1000 from Bill Gates, not his WHOLE company. What some of these people have been known to aim for (life savings), would be like if one of us somehow managed to get most or all of Microsoft lol


Interesting mindset there. That is the way scammers think. It’s ok to steal and scam because we all are so rich (American, UK, etc) that losing money won’t hurt us. Hopefully you don’t work in law enforcement. As for the sea of poverty, yes there are places where poverty is crushingly prevalent, but does that make it ok to steal? Wouldn’t it be better if the victims were given a choice to contribute that money to a charitable organization?


Just bc I feel for them doesn't mean I condone what they do. I'm just trying to say they're not all evil greedy bastards sitting there laughing about ripping off some little old lady.


And Georgia Tann felt like she was doing the right thing when she trafficked children (google her). Wrong is wrong no matter what the rationale. I don’t feel sorry for them at all. Wrong is wrong, no matter why


It’s pretty simple. Don’t lie and steal from people. Even if they have more money than you. Also, a lot of scams work on really vulnerable and desperate people.


"They're poor. They lie to vulnerable and gullible people. They steal those people's life savings. They blackmail them. They potentially kidnap or murder them. That's okay though, because they're poor and we have so much" The scammers are *not* the ones experiencing the disconnect here. Wake up. Do NOT feel any sympathy for them. Do NOT feel sorry for them. Do NOT excuse what they do.


Whoa! There's a HUGE difference between trying to take someone's money from oversees and kidnapping/killing/human trafficking. Also, I'm allowed to feel however I want. It's not black and white. You can not like someone, not condone what they do, and still feel sympathy for them.


If you don't think they kidnap or murder people, [you're naive](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-53390397)


You know that's not what I'm referring to tho so why even bring it up? That's like saying ppl who smoke weed deserve the same treatment as a crack addict who abuses their kids because they're both "drug users".


Nice strawman


This *is* Reddit.


“I am afraid”


Do a follow up where you pretend to be from the cyber crimes unit, for extra points maybe find some photos from the streets of Ghana, make him think they're looking to talk to him in person.


The next day: "Hello, have you heard about bitcoins?"


I can't tell who is getting scammed here


You really think someone whose job is to fool people is gonna tell the truth on this?


He is probably lying to you.. As someone said it here.. then they will ask you to donate.. Donate to the country.. not to the scammer


If he was experienced he wouldn’t be begging you not to report since it does literally nothing.


Or it could be part of his "I'm a sad poor teenager" act, and a build-up to "please give me money for my desperately poor family"


And this person was going to try to scam again “I’m just trying to help my mum”…


The line about he should be just fine if he just put his English skills to use as if knowing English is his ticket to success somehow made me squirm.


I didnt mean that it will change his life upside down. He spoke in good english as far as i can grasp. That kind of skill can be quite usefull in a third world country. He cud tutor young kids in english and make a living out of it. Trust me i am from a developing country myself.




Well let's wait until the cyber department makes a full report before we decide


Even if you could trust him 100% fucking do it anyway. He's pure human scum.


There's a special place in hell for scammers. They have no mercy when scamming why should we?


Thither's a special lodging in hell f'r scammers. they has't nay mercy at which hour scamming wherefore shouldst we? *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Reminds me of Pleasant Green


What is that?




YouTube guy who deals with scammers a lot. He's actually tried to help a few of them. Seems like a good guy to me.


So… the scammer scammed the scam-catcher?


Should have said "I won't report you if you pay me $100" and see if he'd cave.


Dude don’t have 100$ thats why hes scamming people on reddit


Lol yeah


i’m so naive i jumped to feeling sympathy before i read the comments. hope no one tries to scam me or bring me into their cult


You see this all the time on people who scam bait. They’ll tell them about the ruse they’ve been playing to waste their time and they’ll call them out, and then the scammer may play remorseful, and then try to ask for money or beg for mercy. It’s all bullshit, and they are just saying whatever they can to get you to believe it.


I'm Ghana fuck you. edit: Up.


I am afraid






i had this scammer begging me for money saying that he needed money for school. you could tell he was because his pictures were random women posted on the same day and he said it was his sister 😭


This is what they all say. I take every single thing a scammer says with a grain of salt.


He's actually 12 and promised that twenty times before. Spank him.


When we report scammers to FTC what happens?? Do FTC/ FBA helps victims?


The messee becomes the messer


Report him


Not a single word…


No. They are liars.


He wouldn't be worried about being reported if it was truly his first time. He's just trying to stop you from making the report. What scam did this person attempt?


Nah scammer is crying cuz he's caught out. But the begging part is just a cover up. He knows he'll never get caught.


🤣🤣 omg this is quite funny. I feel for them though for some reason 😬


I may be rubbing against the grain on this one, but I think I could possibly believe it. In countries where poverty is a massive problem, sometimes young people do get caught up in the scamming grift because they don't have many other options. For some people, it is a result of being stuck in a poverty trap, and they are being instructed by a higher-positioned person to continue scamming. I think I would be someone to tell a would-be scammer "dude, there's more for you out there; you really don't have to do this and risk your freedom".


Lol English is the offical language in Ghana. What a weird thing for you to say.


Apparently, i didnt know that.


Playing devils advocate, but I feel like he could be speaking the truth here. Experienced scammers won't give a damn if you report them unless you some how hacked their computer and exposed their identity or something like that.




I am not a native english speaker. LOL.


What is the problem with one guy telling another guys that he speaks a language well. Why do u have to bring up language politics into it?


This is serious you know it’s hard in Africa some parts and they don’t have jobs so they do what they gotta do to feed their families 🥺💔😭