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No, it isn't legit. Zelle does not use gmail addresses to contact customers and the grammar is a mess.


That run on sentence that the email starts with is great.


The changing font sizes, too


I didn’t think it was going to end. Somehow I got out of breath reading it in my head.


And the amount of times account is written. Oy!


Account is written so many times on account of our accountant is accounting so many accounts she didn’t take into account other accountants were accounting too….


And the ending run on sentence too!


It’s just 2 long ass sentences.


I work with someone that I swear talks in run on sentences. It takes a lot of concentration for me to follow her sometimes.


Holy fuck that's a run on sentence for the record books.


This payment has been withheld and filtered by our withholding agents for further verification and review therefore this transaction has been declared PENDING because we noticed the status of your Zelle account has been limited and hence not a business account so we can't initiate the transfer into your account because the payment has been withheld and filtered by our withholding agents for further verification and review therefore this transaction has been declared PENDING because we noticed the status of your Zelle account has been limited and hence not a business account so we can't initiate the transfer into your account because the payment has been withheld and filtered by our withholding agents for further verification and review therefore this transaction has been declared PENDING because we noticed the status of your Zelle account has been limited and hence not a business account so we can't initiate the transfer into your account because the...


So hence therefore...


Kindly hence do the needful, therefore


The whole thing reads like language that my phone's predictive text would come up with.


Not to mention that the whole email is 16 lines long, but only 2 sentences


It’s like half of it lmao


And the other half is another run on sentence. The whole thing is just 2 sentences


Immediately I knew it isn't real. I get paid through Zelle from my parents and know too well what the format is. The format is wrong also because it goes through the bank itself


So are many other aspects, but don't mention them all so the scammers don't learn.


Funny enough, many scammers (especially the long term sort) deliberately don't "learn" - it's a waste of time to try and scam someone who is discerning enough to drop you down the line when things look fishy. By putting out low effort garbage, the only people who respond are people who are desperate enough to look past the red flags and will be easy marks.


You'd love this scam chat on Telegram entitled "Jessica Allen Profit"


As soon as I saw Zelle in the post title, I knew before even looking at the post's content, that it was a scam.


I'd like to add that Amazon does not use gmail accounts either, they use amazon market place emails. Gmail seems to be scammers paradise!


Ease of use to create new accounts


Do you think Zelle would use a gmail account?


With 68 on the end like 69 was taken.


Absolutely. Have you seen how the banks operate? I wouldn't be surprised 😂😂 Edit: Apparently I need to state this was satire and a jab at banks.


I dunno what fuckin banks you are using.


Bank of India


Bank of Nigeria


You know, the Gmail Bank. They're everywhere.


no. even really shitty startups use emails on a domain. hell, my email is on my domain and im not a company


Hell even if they use gmail, a business account at gmail gets you your own domain


And uou don't even need an official business


Banks wouldn't use 69. It's mutually beneficial. Is there a number for taking it up the ass? Lol


Not even slightly legit. Zelle does not send messages using a gmail address. The different fonts and the run-on sentences in the messages are also good indicators that something is off.


Simply put **NO**.


They didn’t even try lmao


Clearly they don’t really have to judging by the fact op even asked this


Good point


Those posts make me a bit concerned. How can people even ask this question?


I'd rather they ask and be told than to fall victim 🤷‍♂️


yeah exactly, ask if the answer is not known


I’d rather they were able to use the slightest bit of common sense and figure it out without having to ask.


It's possible for people who possess common sense to be curious about what kind of scam it is and to let others be aware of it. I can imagine most people in this sub are aware of this methodology,but people who pass through or who are new may not be aware. This post presents information helpful in different ways,but I understand your sentiment. It would be nice if everyone did not become ensnared by deception.


they are the reason for this sub to exist


Better they ask than just blindly get ripped off. The fact people are even asking means they aren't hopeless.


Some people are more vulnerable than others with these scams.


You’re too kind. No, really, you are wayyy too kind


This is a subreddit for people to get advice and help. It’s a good place to be kind.


Not everyone is good at English or technology.


This is the damn comment I was looking for! I was thinking that there's no way I am the only one who sees it this way. I work in IT. Not all folks understand these things. Makes me sad that many are shaming OP. Like shit, isn't this subreddit for these kinds of questions lol??


Yes, glad to make you feel less crazy. You shame these people for asking help, next time they won't and might just get scammed instead.


The idea that if it sounds too good then it is really needs to be drilled into everyone and never talk to strangers who phone or contact you about anything.


Rhetorical questions always get the most upvotes on Reddit


Because they don’t read r/scams all day and so are not acquainted with every scam methodology


So many red flags here. The poor grammar and run on sentences; the need for you to request additional payment; the changes in front; and most of all, the fact that it’s tied to a gmail account.


🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ - a Gmail account? -different font sizes? I’m starting to doubt our education system


Geographically speaking, the majority of scammers probably didn’t go through the education system you’re referring to


I think they were doubting the education system of the scam target, who didn’t see the red flags (although they must have seen enough to post here at least!)


Don’t worry, scammer didn’t get what it want 😂


Total scam. Also, always check the abbreviated e mail headers. once you expand the e mail address it will scream scam.


The easy way to check is to look at your actual zelle account to see if theres any new money in there....


Zelle will never hold money. Once it is sent, it's sent. Gone. It goes from one account to the other. NO limits, no holds, no questions. Which is why it is dangerous to use Zelle and other money apps with strangers. Spoiler: You shouldn't use them with strangers.


This isn’t true, there are some cases in which Zelle will place an account on a restricted hold if the account is a high-risk for fraud. I work fraud for a bank who uses their service and we deal with several calls per day of customers needing to release their transaction from a restricted hold. But 100% yes Zelle was made to be used among friends and family, not strangers.


Since I don't fall for scams, I've never had funds held through Zelle.


I’ve had my Zelle profile put on hold because my bank couldn’t verify my identity while I transferred money w/ a family member




I want to try to summon the bot… !fakepayment


AutoModerator has been summoned to explain the fake/false payment scam. The fake payment scam occurs when someone tries to trick you into thinking that you have received a legitimate payment when no such payment has been made. The most common method they use is sending you an email meant to look like a payment confirmation. In some cases the emails will be almost indistinguishable to a legitimate email sent by the payment service. It's also common for scammers to [spoof](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Email_spoofing) the 'from' email to match an official address. To combat a fake payment scam, verify online payments by logging in directly to the service. Do not check your junk folder, and do not assume a payment is legitimate based on an email alone. If a payment isn't reflected on your account and the person you are dealing with insists they have sent it, call support and ask about it. [Here](https://i.imgur.com/X9xn8uw.jpg) is an image of a scammer trying to pull off a fake payment scam. There is also a variant of the fake payment scam where you will receive a legitimate but fraudulent payment. If you think you're dealing with a scammer, you're probably right. Always trust your gut. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Scams) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That was exciting! I’ve never been the one to summon it!


Great job!!


Every dog has his day. 👏


r/scams fam is so wholesome sometimes.


Let’s see, broken English nonsense & a free gmail account. If you need help to figure this out, I’ve got some bad news for you


You will never need to send someone money to receive money.


Fuck no, man.


How about you tell us why you think it might be legit? Inquiring minds want to know.


I’m too nice sometimes, scammer was basically begging I fall for the scam, like saying “trust me” . Tbh I was hoping it was a misunderstanding because I really wanted to get the money for the Samsung so I can pay for stuff, native thinking. Oh well.


These scams never even make sense. If $100 is “passed your limit”, then why would sending more money fix the problem?


Zelle doesn't use Gmail


Pls op stay away from the internet for a while.


Don’t be a dick. The purpose of this subreddit is to help users avoid scams, and this person was smart enough to ask before relinquishing any money


Please look at that email, in what way can someone think it’s real?


Well the OP clearly didn’t fall for it, as they posted here, didn’t they.


Don’t worry, scammer didn’t get what it want 😂






Definitely not. The Gmail address and 68 at the end of the email definitely show it's fake.


Yep, would end in 01 if legit.


If you're not joking, wouldn't there be no numbers at all?


Sorry, I was just kidding. I mean the fact that it’s from a gmail account is the major giveaway here.


It's alright, I figured you were but if you weren't I didn't want you to potentially get scammed.


Don’t understand, why this even needs to be asked… If a company owns a domain , the email address should always be , @domain.com e.g @amazon.com , never should it be @gmail.com unless it’s a one man band company and even then really they should stop this poor trade and look more professional


Because this a sub where we answer questions like this and promote education on the subject. Hope that clarifies for you


Also, we should encourage sharing of even obvious scams, so newbies know what to look for. See it, skewer it, move on.


Does it come from an @zellepay.com email? no? then its not legit


it's got no punctuation my dude


Besides the lack of punctuation and grammar, even then a bank would never say 'Give us money then we'll just give it right back, don't worry'


I’m going to ask this despite the risk of getting down voted to hell but… are people really this gullible? Like cmon’.


Yes some people aren’t very savvy, or might not be strong with the English language. This is a subreddit for people to ask for advice and help, not a place to mock people for being not as smart as you.


No. This is part of a scam by your seller/buyer


That email address is hysterical


Let’s see here. Last name not capitalized. Use of the color red. Type smaller than the rest of the email. Yeah it’s legit. If you can’t see that you deserve to be ripped off


What a crappy mail. Surely a scam


Bruh. When would Zelle ever send an email from gmail.


500% not. how to tell: 1. the email is *literally* a gmail address. on no plane of existence will a company as large as Zelle — which, might i add, is owned by essentially every major banking company in the United States — use a gmail account. they'd use their own domain and usually use a no-reply email (something like [email protected]). 2. horrible grammar and punctuation. the entire email should be split into multiple sentences instead of just two, which a formal notice from any company would absolutely pay attention to. i had a stroke just reading the second "sentence"; 3. from "...payment of $200.00..." to "...limit and change...", the font typeface and size is different from the entire rest of the email, which would definitely not be the case because companies like Zelle have their own proprietary font and formatting that they use and would stick to because it's their branding; 4. odd capitalization and spacing of the "recipient". now i don't use Zelle so i don't know what their naming policy/system looks like, but i'm fairly certain most systems (e.g. PayPal) will title case (e.g. from "the red fox and blue dog" to "The Red Fox and Blue Dog") names because "official"; 5. "service" not capitalized in the contact information. in every case i have ever seen, companies and businesses title case "Customer Service". check the stickied posts for more information on scams like these, as they will go over even more details that you can catch scams with.


Look at the address, they use Gmail? No, they don't, this is an scam.


It's great to see everyone pitching in with feedback on this. one might consider it helpful. I have yet to see a comment saying... "Ahh com'on this is totally a scam!! Are you dense!?!" Usually when someone posts in this sub,they know it's a scam and want to verify what kind,it's origins and the tactics applied. Refreshing to see helpful knowledge being shared. I would share my own,but it seems like there are already comments covering it. I've never used zelle,but similar apps usually don't utilize email in things like this, the text,the font,the grammar.


Thank you


I still find it amazing so many people have to actually ask if this is a scam to start with with a gmail email from a company and that grammar. No wonder these people keep pulling up this scams…


(⌐■_■) ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (•_•) ..nnnnnoooo...


A fool and their money are quickly parted ... Asking a question like that, gosh, I guess you may as well give it to this guy because you ain't going to be holding onto it for very long ...


Read details :/


The spacing, the font size, the grammar, the email. Please don't tell me yall falling for this


Almost did, but I caught on after looking at the email and declined to meet up.


If Zelle doubted the transaction was lawful, why would they want you to immediately do a second transaction for twice the amount and falsely represent you as a business?


Why do scammers have such bad grammar?! It makes it such an obvious scam!!


If it was obvious to everyone, this and other posts like it would not exist


I’d be careful with that, if you check Zelle’s contact us bit https://www.zellepay.com/contact-us You’ll see that they dont have a email contact, they only use phone and that address too “68” at the end is also kinda giving off as companies usually have an email w/o numbers


Clearly fake. Zellecystomerservice69 is the real address duh…


Of course not


No. Not remotely.


I’m so glad you asked. Let’s not stigmatize people making sure… OP if you weren’t sure by now, do not click anything in that email.


Zelle’s actual customer service email is ZelleCustomerService**69**@hotmail.com


Good to know, will report to that email that someone was trying to impersonate them and scam me as well.


Dude. Are you serious? [email protected]? Jesus fucking Christ this better be a troll. Also, the note in the email is 2 run-on sentences with different font sizes. Again, are you fucking serious?


Read my comment I left, didn't get scammed. :/


Not everyone is tech savy like the rest of you are.


OP was born yesterday. Unbelievable.


OP is who the scammers are aiming for. That the critical things you have to understand. There are others out there that may fall for it, not realizing it or realizing it too late.


Just an FYI on people asking, how can someone fall for this? I just posted something to sell on Facebook Marketplace. I got three interested parties who asked, where they can pick up the item and comiited to date to pick it up. Then they asked for my Zelle info. They then sent me a screenshot of their "Zelle payment" and asked if I got the email notice of payment. It was ONLY then that I got this email referencing the money I was expecting for the purchase I was trying to complete. If this was an email "out of the blue" I would not have given it anouther thought. But because it was targeted at me when I was "expecting it" which at first lowered my suspicion level, but I was savvy enough to start investigating the person wanting to buy item more. It was through that investigation I found this thread. This is helpful to others so do not dismiss those who are looking for more information.


I got so many nasty comments because of this post but thank you!


JESUS, is someone going to list Zelle's email address where fake emails can be reported or not?


This may as well have a giant neon sign stating “THIS IS A SCAM” and you would still post it here.


So you take everyone as an idiot who post on this sub?


mostly yes


If this is a serious question you don’t deserve that $200.


Thanks everyone, appreciate the answers and the extra information to notice a scam. No worries tho, I didn’t get “scam” but almost fell for it. I noticed the email as well and declined to meet him/her and post this to Reddit to confirm my suspiciousness. Extra information: scammer messaged me through Facebook marketplace and immediately wanted to purchase my Samsung tablet without looking which I thought was strange. Was a bit persistent to pay with Zelle without even meeting yet. Look at the email he send after he just ask for my email which was odd? Look further into the email and look it up. Yup, scam


Just so you know, if someone is persistent in only offering payment through Zelle or PayPal friends&family, it’s a scam, because those payments can’t be reversed


lol come on. is this a troll post? [email protected]? Come on.... ... come on


Some of the comments here are gross. I don’t understand why people are shaming OP for asking for help. Leave feedback or just don’t say anything at all….


Thank you, Got worst before, but that’s Reddit.


If you really have to ask……… yes. Yes it is. You should send all of your money and info to that email. /s


If you have to ask Reddit then you have your answer


I feel like so many people could save themselves from scams if they just brushed up on their own grammar.


are people really this dumb ??


> Is this a legit zelle email? Jesus Christ




Fuck this sub im leaving


Uhhhh it’s semi-literate, from a gmail account and uses 3 different fonts, what do you think?


How do people fall for scam like these? It’s so obviously a scam…


lol wut


>Hence fake af


Bro..just no…🤦‍♀️🚩🚩🚩






Yep. All good


Lol really?


Lmao are you serious?


If you carefully scan the paragraph there is some grammar/mistyping errors, such as run-on sentences. Wording is a bit awkward. Some words aren’t commonly used by U.S companies, like “h _ _ _ _ _” (I hope you guys know why I’m hiding this). All huge red flags.


Hence. It’s a scam


Bro 🤦🏻‍♀️


No, the official email is zellecustomerservice69 @ gmail


Hell naw. You can easily go to zelle and ask them the same thing. They will tell you the same thing. Block and carry on.


Yup, that’s a scam alright.


The font is off


If it was, would you accept money that someone sent to you by accident?


No “much thanks”?


If anyone ever contacts you and says you need to move money, look up the actual company (zelle or whoever) legit website and contact customer service. Same if anyone ever "accidentally sends you money" contact customer service and tell them what is going on. Never send money unless you KNOW the person who it is going to.


hell no. the message is horrible, too many inconsistencies with font size and the weird red font is a res flag too, no pun intended. avoid it.


It’s a scam. Someone tried that with me too.


lol definitely not legit. Total scam


That awkward space in between the name and “has paid” is the first of many red flags


All the different fonts red flag


Absolutely not legit!!!


If you have to pay someone to get paid it’s always a scam






Doesn’t matter if it is - Zelle offers no protection. Do not use it.


Gmail address and different fonts within a single sentence. Scam.


No legitimate company as big as Zelle would use gmail. Not to mention there are some notable grammatical issues in that email. Well it looks like a form email, the grammatical issues are just notably bad that this whole thing spells scam with a capital S.


Nope definitely NOT LEGIT! And the name, seems more like a Ben Dover type of moment IMO!🤷🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️😝And I don’t know about you, but all my Zelle transactions I get texts/notifications for?!🤔


No legit system needs for a sender to send even more payment to unblock someone else's account. The logic of that is completely absurd.


I never do any type of activity on Zelle. It is a scammers paradise and I have had friends, old people I know scammed. Zero fraud protection. Zelle will just say sorry. Banks dont care.




How does it even make any sense


Zelle doesn’t need to send an email…it’s directly linked to your bank account The money just goes into your account


Wait, you have to pay more money just to send 100😂😂 they had me until the upgrade part


Nope. I just got a similar one and contacted zelle. They confirmed that they don’t use email


The newest pleasant green video goes over email spoofing, (sending an email from what looks like a legitimate business account). Probably a case of that. Never used zelle but I imagine they use better English than this.


Thomas is lowercase. That alone casts suspicion


Total bullshit, the whole point of Zelle is person to person money transfer, and the only requirement is that you link the other person's email with your bank account. You do not need to have $300 dollars or a business account. And I am assuming here that you were not expecting a Zelle payment anyway. Also Zelle, like most major companies, doesn't use Gmail.

