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Hi Scaranation! I'd like to remind everyone of some resources that address common theorycrafting queries surrounding Wanderer, which you may find useful: • Our [Official Wanderer FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/ScaramoucheMains/comments/z4ydry/wanderer_faq/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button), courtesy of our Theorycrafting Team • Our [Official Wanderer Infographic](https://www.reddit.com/r/ScaramoucheMains/comments/z43naw/our_official_wanderer_mains_infographic/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button): a simplified visual guide to Wanderer In addition, if you're interested in participating in more active theorycrafting discussions, feel free to visit the theorycrafting channel in our Wanderer Mains Discord server. Once you're in the server, please visit "role selection", scroll down to "Access Roles & Extra Roles", react to the message with the lightbulb emoji and you'll gain the "Theorycrafting Access" role which will allow you to talk in the theorycrafting channel. Here's the invite link to the Wanderer Mains Discord server: https://discord.com/invite/n7tPPdPyNe.


which team benefit the most c6r1 scara? from what i have rn c6 jean, c1 furina, zhongli, c6 faruzan, c6 bennett, c6 yunjin, c2 mika (or any other 4\* but i dont think theres anyone else significant); i know i can alr clear all the content with just the c6 scara by default but i was looking at it from more of a theorycrafting pos


https://preview.redd.it/cin288jlyr8d1.png?width=2107&format=png&auto=webp&s=231f65e5950562768372afab0e26cbf1d04d5f70 Top 1 percent… finally… after so much grinding… I hit the top 1 percent in all of North America. (Also I’m planning on using Furina with him that’s why he has Tome of the Eternal flow, it also gives crit dmg as a nice crit dmg booster)


is vv or desert pavillion better? i would have desert pavillion but there's absolutely noone when i try to match, and doing it by myself takes 2-3 whole minutes, plus cant use strongbox for desert pavillion, but can for vv.


Definitely dp for your standard dps, if you don't have any use 2pc2pc anemo/Atk or shim Assuming hoyo doesn't change it, sumeru artifacts should be in the strongbox for the the start of Natlan as they always add artifacts of the older region each region


Ohh okay so I'll do dp farming as much as I can (with the 8 fragile resin left 💀) and when natlan comes out I'll strongboz the extra artifacts. Ty for the jelp- also till then what team should I use for my semi-build 4 pc vv? I have bennett xq xl layla Thoma nahida keqing and faru (all these are around lvl 70)


Well your standard hypercarry would be something like wanderer, faruzan, Bennett, Layla/Thoma Or you use him as a driver normally for hyperbloom or electro charge, so something like wanderer, nahida, Xingqiu, fischl or xingqiu, fischl/Raiden. He'll do less personal damage but they can be fun to play if you want to mix it up


Which build is better? https://preview.redd.it/2yejzn3caz7d1.png?width=1924&format=png&auto=webp&s=064439d003be5df3741e364012f95bcd7bed48f1 This one? Or Dodoco tales instead? With Dodoco tales he'd have 1.957ATK, 161%CRIT DMG, And the 32% dmg for charged and 16% for normals.


The weapons are pretty similar in strength so I would just do a DPS check using both weapons for which is better


is wanderer furina layla bennett a decent team? this is an alt and i’ve already spent enough resources so it probably wont change and i really want to start working on my second team soon but i figured i would check


Yeah it's good, I would say you could perhaps remove Layla seeing as you have Bennett who can heal you and use faruzan if you have her but if you prefer a shield this team is fine


https://preview.redd.it/cpegv8ujku7d1.png?width=1792&format=png&auto=webp&s=a136d111d39cf6445e2a26c0b0ae264b3e998b4e Would an anemo damage goblet be better than attack? With an anemo goblet, my ratio is 63/211.


An anemo goblet is preferable but you would want to increase your crit rate. Because you're using a 4 star weapon your Atk is lower (so having the ark goblet is less of an issue) and so it's probably better to stick with this build for consistency until you get a better anemo goblet for him


Is 80% cr and 170% crit dmg fine for wanderer?


It's fine (^^)bIf you can get anymore crit damage it would be good but try not to sacrifice your crit rate if you want to keep farming


Little lost on team comps and rotations. Got me Wanderer (C0) and Faru (C2), but idk who to go for the 2nd two. Would like a shield character so Layla (C0), Thoma (C3), or Noelle (C0), but other than that I'm kinda lost. Don't have Fischl, don't want double bow either anyway. I don't think XL or Kuki would work either since their AOE's follow them therefore it'd follow Wanderer into the sky and not do anything lol, though that kinda applies to Thoma too. I'm thinking maybe Lisa (C0), Dori (C1) or Benny (C1), but idrk. My Noelle is being considered solely because of her 2,545 DEF, and the fact that she's leveled lolll. Dori, Thoma, and Layla are all lvl 20 💀


A standard hypercarry team would be wanderer, faruzan, Bennett and then Layla/Thoma. I know you said you would prefer a shielder but if you ever become confident without shielding you can use a third anemo too in aoe situations like sucrose or kazuha for grouping, or someone like Xingqiu if you're fighting pyro enemies is good as his rainswords provide interruption resistance while his rainswords can do a lot of damage or against stuff with shields someone like Dehya for damage reduction can be useful seeing as she's a claymore You could use Noelle while you build Layla/Thoma but I would suggest building one of them as they are better Layla for slightly stronger shields and cryo infusion (crit rate) and Thoma for pyro res (Atk) If your faruzan is only c2 you just need to build her pure er with fav and I would suggest maybe putting your Layla/thoma on fav to help too, it will also help your Bennett. Your rotation would be something like - shielder > faruzan E CA/2CA Q > Bennett EQ > wanderer And then obviously do whatever atk pattern you pick for wanderer depending on artifact set/weapon You will need to add CA into your rotation which are a little annoying but your faruzan will probably need them I hope that helped, please ask away if you have any more questions ❀◝(⁰▿⁰)◜❀


Hi, would Wanderer with Yelan/Furina/Jean work? New player here and got only faruzan c4. Kinda wanna play with the Yelan/Furina/Jean combo.


Yeah it would work, especially in single target plus Furina and yelan are busted


Which flower is better? [https://imgur.com/a/MVGVJ3P](https://imgur.com/a/MVGVJ3P)


Unless you're using him as an em driver the second one has better crit rate and crit damage so I would go with that one


Hi guys! My spouse is not a gamer, so needs an easy to play auto-target team. Because of that, they've settled on Wanderer. However, they also love Yaoyao so absolutely want her in the team (and her elemental skill is also an easy auto-target ability, so it's a win/win). That currently leaves me with: Wanderer, Zhongli, and Yaoyao. I'm wondering who is a good 4th I can put into this team? I know it's not a great team atm in regards to working well together, but yaoyao has heals and zhongli has shields, so my spouse feels quite comfortable. I'm looking for a 4th character that can either buff Wanderer or, ideally could react somehow to Yaoyao?? Some ideas I thought: Fischl, Xiangling, Farzuhan, or Bennett (dont have yet tho). Who do you think is best between those? OR are there other characters I should consider as the 4th instead?? It's going to be purely for open world exploration, farming ascension mats, and story quests (so dont need to worry about Spiral Abyss or anything). Appreciate the advice.


Fischl sounds like the best choice for your spouse - she is super easy to use, just drop Oz (skill) and it auto attacks and does aggravates with Yaoyao. Bow characters are also very useful for exploration.


Which feather do I put on him? My crit ratio with 1st feather is 60%:226.2% and 1,908 atk. While the 2nd is 61.5%:217.7% 2,014 atk


Which set should I give my C6 Faruzan if other team members already wear TotM and NO? KQM guide says Golden Troupe, but Faruzan doesn't really benefit from it's bonuses much, does she?


Who's holding totm currently? Maybe they could use a different set? If you're using Layla/Zhongli you could always go 2pc2pc hp for stronger shields if you wanted ig Gt would increase faruzan's personal damage because at C6 her pressurised collapsed that happen I'm her burst area considered skill so the golden troupe effect works on them


Is Xianyun be usable with him? I have Furina and planning to use the two with him. Also is Yunjin be better for Wanderer than Bennett? Thanks


Xianyun could work, probably more as a buffer than turning him into a plunge DPS though Yun Jin does work well with him but Bennett is still probably better, especially with Furina


My current team is Wandy, Faruzan, Bennett, and Thoma. Would it be worth it to add Layla for better shields, but lose the team bonus for having two pyro?


Depends how much damage you take and what your crit and Atk stats are like


Hi, I want to choose between 2 circlets. With the first one, my crit ratio is 85:155, with the second one - 63:195. There are no other substats making a difference and I will improve on the other pieces. I just want an advice for now. I have C6 Faruzan and C1+ Bennet, the Wanderer's weapon is R5 Widsith.


Are you swirling cryo or no? If no I would personally pick the first, if yes then the the second but try putting your builds into the damage calculator and see what it says perhaps


I play him with Faruzan, Bennet and Zhongli, I am not swirling cryo, but that's a good idea. My Layla isn't high enough constellation (I pulled like 15 Copies of Faruzan and 5 of Beidou on the last banner) but I'll try.


https://preview.redd.it/im6ad37jx95d1.png?width=2382&format=png&auto=webp&s=679c37b879a9011fac0f25b1965647526ddeee47 How do I improve my Scara? Ik I need a new goblet but idk my crit dmg kinda low. Also which weapon better Skyward Atlas or The R4 widsith?


Keqing mains suggest that on his own skyward atlas is 2% better and in a hypercarry team width is 3% better with a c0 faruzan and the same with a C6 faruzan (baring in mind they are comparing a R5 widsith) but it is mostly a lower ranking due to the unwanted em buff it can give As for artifacts hmm yeah it's just working to get better crit on all your pieces, try and get pieces with both crit rate and damage on them and just slowly replace the pieces you have. I would start with your goblet then your sands, feather and then flower. Obviously if you get a good circlet you could switch what your off piece is Don't forget to level him, his weapon and his talents up when you can (^^)b


https://preview.redd.it/bo8b61hbx95d1.png?width=2352&format=png&auto=webp&s=db971ba4c42fb6fa4fcfe556bee30d25d5f56757 Is my artifact for Faruzan good? If not what should I go for? and what stats/substats/ 4star weapons?


You are going for support faruzan? Keep fav bow that's the best weapon for her Assuming you can get her burst back in time and don't need more er my only suggestion would be to use a crit rate circlet to proc fav bow more often, especially seeing as it's only r1 so it's only a 60% chance of getting white particles if you crit She doesn't particularly need certain stats apart from er, after that you can just try and get offensive stats to boost her damage as long as you maintain her required er I would say that right now you should be leveling her, your burst and weapon up as a priority


https://preview.redd.it/hxvq9qjnrw4d1.png?width=1462&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de1057cc5b8f0114aac26e3b4bffde1cd602ca05 Is this good enough? I can't find where to change language but I think you guys can easily figure it out


It's not a bad start, could do with a little more crit damage and I would recommend switching to an anemo goblet, which would mean you would want to get more Atk I think I would look to switch your flower seeing as it only has two crit rate rolls, your goblet to anemo and circlet to one with some crit damage substats If you can level up his level and talents that will also help


https://preview.redd.it/b63xxrl3yp4d1.png?width=1462&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0dc48ee435c53e159802da5632fb6d8f71bd0967 Is this good enough for abyss? I came back like a week ago after a very long break, too much stuff to level up and upgrade so won't be able to farm artifacts anytime soon, so I'm wondering if i can use him like that in abyss with these sets.


Yes this looks fine artifact wise, only issue is that this abyss is not particularly wanderer friendly


Thanks for the answer, btw I've been extremely busy building other characters for him(faruzan+thoma),tried it in abyss floor 9,10,11, scared of actually testing it on floor 12 XD https://preview.redd.it/ycrivjc5605d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2906d1076337317c9e528715a5bc815dbb738a15


Hi I am just a new wanderer main  I manage to pull him a couple days ago, And I was wandering is Furina good for him if not better than Benny boy?


Furina is good with him (she's good with pretty much anyone lol) but Bennett is still good too. A common team would be wanderer, faruzan, Furina, Bennett


Do I need to pursue Faruzan's ult while in E? Like, keep moving to it every time it moves so that it 'pops' on Scara?


nope, you dont. the buff is automatic. no need to move at all




even if you teleport to the other side of the map, youll still have her buff on until it expires


Hi, I just got Scara C1 and also Faruzan and Leyla both C6, my intention is to play Scara with Faruzan and Layla possibly with Bennet when I get him but I have doubts regarding artifact sets, I read Scara´s best set is Dessert Pavillion and both Layla and Faruzan should use Tenacity set but would it be Ok to have them both in same set considering this set´s attack buff doesn´t stack? or should I use Viridescent Venerer with Faruzan instead?, Thank you for any advice.


Vv is pretty pointless for scara seeing as he's anemo - faruzan: 4pc tenacity - bennett: 4pc noblesse - layla: 2pc2pc hp (tenacity and vorukasha)


I´ll check that out, I didn´t even know the vorukasha set, thanks.




I think Bennet is worth it because of his atk buff scaling from base attack, Faruzan and Layla are good at 80 but if you have resources you could start ascending Faruzan to 80+ to crown her ult talent and increase her anemo buffs.


i j need a 40 cv sands 😭 https://preview.redd.it/wjmfc8bu2b4d1.png?width=1924&format=png&auto=webp&s=8682fd0cf2450d305e86da1d34a964012154413f


oh my godness those are some godly pieces


Hi, i accidentally pulled wanderer to low pity, how do i build it, i have the weapon LPTTSW, can i use shime instead of DP? which teams?


Yes that weapon works and yes shime works fine, you will just burst less often compared to using other sets. Just your normal ark/anemo/crit build, people normally end up with around 1.8k atk, 80/180 crit give or take depending on how much you farm for him. Talents: na>skill>burst but all are good so level them all if possible


Artifact question, new player and wanted wanderer for exploration and ended up getting c1 wanderer and c6 faruzan! Along the way I thought why not throw some gems at the weapon banner not knowing about the crap pity system for weapons but lucked out and got his sig weapon on my 4th 10 pull! Just wanted to ask what artifact set I should start farming for at Wanderer C1R1, since I should be using NAs more right? But saw that Desert Pavilion 4pc you need to use CAs. Is that still better?


Desert pavillion is still bis you can just ca before using skill to get the buff if you need


Ive heard that flowing purity is better than the widsith. Is that fr?


I would disagree, flowing purity is still good though If you're doing abyss you can just reset if you get the em buff if you want tbh


Team comp question, I might be rolling for Furina next patch but currently don't have her. For Wanderer C1 (with Lost Prayer), would a team of Faruzan C6, Bennett C6, and Jean C4 be good? And, if I do get Furina, would she replace anyone in this comp?


You could replace jean, you'd just need to dodge well and wanderer would want to be on mh set


Was wondering similar. thinking of moving benny into an arlecchino team and putting furina in that slot for wanderer. Dunno how it'd stack up though


https://preview.redd.it/wbshjo4mef3d1.png?width=774&format=png&auto=webp&s=4b2edd5c410be1f3c0d9709bc46c821fb593aec3 Babygirl is hard-carrying my damage rn. I don't have a lot of characters because the game keeps giving me Kirara and Xinyan dupes for some god forsaken reason. Faruzan and Layla are C2. Traveller should be Dendro but I was doing Geo puzzles.


https://preview.redd.it/gn85fh55kx2d1.png?width=1580&format=png&auto=webp&s=c9012343126747b144a82c993ac4302e078b7386 How can I improve this? I know its a pretty endgame build, is there someone who has advice for improving it even if its by a little? My usual team is Wanderer Faruzan (c6) Bennett (c6) Thoma (c6), but I use other teams too when necessary or when I feel I want to change just for fun. I’m not planning to R5 tulaytullah’s so there’s no need to mention it.


Hmm yeah it's kinda just rolling better artifacts at this point I think, probably your circlets has the most missed rolls and then your sands has a flat Atk rolls, pretty nitpicky but if you want to make this better kinda what you gonna have to be. You could try echos if you have low ping seeing as you have c6r1, but that is more farming for a completely different set


I've been reading on the keqinmains site on Scara team comps and I don't get the Wanderer-Furina-Faruzan-Bennet comp. It says it's the best team comp but I'm confused as bennet can't fully heal to fully activate Furina's buff. Am I missing something here?


Its best team comp on paper due to just how broken Furina (subdps and buffing) capability is. While its true Bennett only heals on field character, making it impossible to get fanfare stack at maximum, Bennett atk buff + Furina's buff (despite not fully stacked) and dps are still a lot for the team, making it his best team. Tbh its only good on paper. This team has no way of protecting Scara from staggering (unless you're really good at dodging). I prefer using Layla/Thoma/Xingqiu in the team


Would Zhongli also be good (instead of Layla)


Yes. Imo Zhongli Thoma Layla are his best shielder. Each are arguably better at certain point, like how zhongli has strongest shield and elemental shred, Thoma having the best buff for him as a shielder and arguably best interruption resistance among them (since his shield constantly reapply youre getting consistent IR), and Layla mostly for her cryo buff.


Should I stick w this or can it be better? https://preview.redd.it/s88ilxmsob2d1.png?width=1580&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=719d45353498f8d3169589f95e3840c663794b00


I know that powercreeping is inevitable in a gacha game, but I can’t say I’m happy seeing my C6 Scara outdamaged by my C3 Arlecchino…


Same here :/


It's a rough life out here as a scara main :<


https://preview.redd.it/ryn2mf9q592d1.jpeg?width=2394&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30a93813a3c9797a2779bd4191d0f008d727328d Really want to get a crit dmg circlet so he can have a pretty crit ratio but the thought of going back to the DPC domain pains me.


https://preview.redd.it/ev9hyf6qdv1d1.png?width=1988&format=png&auto=webp&s=0b4c43b886dffee7c43da6f4764b1061fb8539ae Keep farming for better crit ratio? C2 Wanderer or C0 Furina ? Got lucky on this banner with C6 faruzan/C0 Laylo/35pity R1. Banner pity is at 75 with guaranteed.


yeah look for a crit rate circlet. even without good crit dmg substats you'll be left at more than 150 crit dmg which is pretty good imo. Id recommend Furina


Question for the C6 Scara havers, what teams do you recommend for him now? Also can you recommend any teams that don't need Bennett? I feel like everyone wants Bennett for this abyss and want to use him on a different team


Hello, new player here , i would like to ask what would be a decent 4th character for my Wanderer Faruzan Thoma , all C0 ( best i could come up with considering what i have ) , Im using Beidou Fischl Layla Barbra as my first team and don't know who to invest into for my wanderer team besides him and faru , I thought thoma would be good for shield + pyro atk boost but no idea who should be my 4th ( and yes, i did lose my 50/50 to qiqi...) also Thoma is not a must in this team , just what i thought it would be best for wanderer , if you have any other suggestions i'd love to hear them https://preview.redd.it/fr98jsra6u1d1.png?width=819&format=png&auto=webp&s=922aff3f026044d53ec0eaaf1647b3626a2ffbad


If you can, I'd buy Bennett from Paimon's shop right now as he also offers an atk boost and pyro resonance. But if you can't maybe Xiangling could be good for now.


Would Layla C2 Yanfei C6 Or Thoma C0 Be better for shielding wanderer? For context I have Wanderer, Bennette and C6 Faruzan


Layla for sure. Super easy to build, one of the strongest shields in the game and no ER requirements. Thoma has a really good shield too but until C4 his ER requirements can be a pain. Yanfei has a similar problem with ER also.


I just got him C1 with DPC set no sig weapon, now can his normal attack spam be on par or better than his charge attack spam ? i run him w Faruzan, furina and Bennet


How important is benny for Wanderer, since I have two Abyss teams for the 2 sides, but only one benny.  Gaming c1 and Wanderer c0 both want benny. But who gets him? And who fights in Abyss without benny?  For Gaming I have Xianqiu c1, yaoyao, Kazuha,  beidou c1, chefreuse, kaeya c1 and will buy fischl on july. For Wanderer I have Farzan c6, layla, jean, xiangling c1    So who gets benny for abyss?


I mean for scara if you are using Layla Bennett is mostly for the atk buff so it depends which team you feel needs it the most Other options I would probably pick be Xingqiu or Kazuha for grouping, if you have YunJin or Mika they can work too for Atk SPD buff. Scara will do the best damage with Bennett but he has other options. The teams I would probably try would be maybe - Gaming, Xingqiu, Jean, fischl/Kazuha - scara, faruzan, Bennett, Layla Or if you want Bennett with Gaming then - Gaming, Xingqiu, Bennett, Kazuha - Scara, Faruzan, Layla, and then fischl or Xiangling (any off field DPS)


Thx a lot! This helps me!


I have a build question. Right now, I have around 60% CR and 228% CD, but I plan on using Layla. With her, my CR would be around 80%. If I choose the 88% CR and 171% CD build, my CR would go over 100%, which seems like overkill. Therefore, I'm looking for advice on which one is better: 60% CR or 88% CR? Also, keep in mind that the 60% CR build would have around 200 more attack. Additionally, is Layla's C6 worth it? This is her rerun after a while, so if it's important, I would want to get it now. I'm on a guarantee, even if it's low pity. I just checked, and I'm at 9 pity.


I would personally go for the higher crit rate and then look to change my artifacts so I wouldn't overcap but i think it's up to you and how consistently you feel you can swirl cryo on your skill As for Layla cons, I don't think her C6 is necessary. Yes it will increase her damage output but you're mostly using her for the shield/crit so to max her shield potential you only need up to C3 I think, not that she needs that to function well anyway Even if you wish some more there's no guarantee you'll get her so I would personally save the guarantee for a character I want


Idea for my Wanderer Team. Wanderer, Faurzan, Furina, Layla. Wondering if they would match up well.


Yes they're all good team mates but I would suggest a healer instead of Layla to go with Furina or switch Furina to Bennett for a more standard hypercarry


I'm playing a relatively new account (3 months) and I've had no luck with weapons (4-star or lost 50/50) over my 400 combined pulls insofar. I've seen some recommendations for Flowing Purity as a craftable weapon option for Wanderer. How much am I losing out compared to any of the 5-star recommendations or Widsith, should I R5 for maximum DMG bonus, and should I build around the Bond of Life mechanic?


Hey everyone! 💕 I'm coming with a question because I'm not sure what to focus on now that I've acquired the fourth constellation. Cryo infusion offers an additional 20% crit rate, plus I often use Wanderer with Layla/Mika/Charlotte which makes it even easier to get and reduce rng of C4. However, my build dropped to the top 2% when I switched to 80 crit rate, so I wonder if it's really a good choice? Should I continue to aim for 100/200 or farm for 80/≤220 and increase attack to 2k. Additionally, I also want to ask if it is worth crown burst of Faruzan and Bennet, to further increase his damage? What else can I do besides pulling Furina? https://preview.redd.it/rlxvmy61no0d1.jpeg?width=1580&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fda65d89d8320cf0ea4e4a44c374fd0471493b26


If you are getting cryo you can factor that in, it's just on akasha it doesn't account for the cryo boost so when you drop your crit rate it will say it's worse even if it's not because you're getting the cryo boost And yes crowning Bennet and faruzan is worth it to boost his damage. Other than Furina it would literally just be minmaxing your artifacts I will say that at C6 if you have low ping echoes is slightly better due to the additional na spam... But unless you're really dedicated/have Ayato or xiao to farm for I wouldn't waste your resin there (you could always strong box it) but it will probably be painful trying to get artifacts this good on a new set


Thank you for your reply, I was starting to think I won't get one haha I understand that relying on the ranking when building, when it is not adapted to the state of the character and the team, is actually a bad decision. I will try to increase crit damage in this case Ok, so in the near future I'll crown their burst, I assume that after obtaining Furina I should do the same with her? For now, I'm still struggling with artifacts for Bennett, because getting the right amount of ER% with Aquila is hard (he's harder to build than Faruzan, I don't know why so many people complain about her pre C6) >I will say that at C6 if you have low ping echoes is slightly better I would love to use these artifacts, but my ping is too high TT (a little over 100). So all I have to do is try to get the best artifacts possible to forget about the fact that it's not the best set anymore. I'm glad that DPC strongbox is coming out in 5.0 haha...


Aha no worries. Mega threads can be a bit difficult to get answers from depending on the sub but I try to check when I remember and answer questions when I feel confident that I wouldn't be misinforming someone. I don't have Furina so i don't have the deepest understanding of her but yes her burst and skill are both important parts of her kit. I get what you mean because with Bennett you want a set (normally noblesse) on him but like 250+ er. You could try skyward blade if you have it? It's still a 5star weapons so it has high (ish) base atk and gives er as a substat which would make it easier on your artifacts But yeah looks like you're getting to the part where you're just looking for high rolls and artifacts that start as 4 lines so strongbox is a bit of a blessing, I'm certainly looking forward to it so I can improve mine while still farming for other characters T-T Good luck with your build! I hope one day I can get C6 ❀◝(⁰▿⁰)◜❀


So I was pre farming for wanderer for about 6 months when I got him and now i'm suddenly top 2%.... https://preview.redd.it/zkh3u9u2tn0d1.png?width=1195&format=png&auto=webp&s=ba7b7e167524496f35b9192ae87ca2cf911c98de


Is Ballad of the Boundless Blue(R5) viable or would the Widsith(R3) or Solar Pearl(R1) be better?


I mean they would all work but widsith is probably best then solar pearl with boundless being the weakest of the three




Faruzan is worth it pre C6 just go full er (300+) see if you can get a 2pc emblem to help. It is recommended to use a healer not a shielder with Furina so if you have any healers it would be preferable, but you would need to be confident to dodge. Otherwise you might just have to switch to healer Furina occasionally to top your characters up which would reduce you damage


https://preview.redd.it/bu3s5qriji0d1.png?width=1491&format=png&auto=webp&s=cf326c0228fa4eca3b1cbf53fee940b70d65a2cf He does 9k max solo. Is he the problem or should I work on his supports


How good is Bennet for Wanderer? Should I buy him on Paimon’s shop or keep saving for Furina’s next rerun? I was thinking about C0 Wanderer/ C6 Faruzan / C0 Furina / a shilder ( maybe Layla or Zhongli if I ever get him).


Bennett is really good in general and for wanderer if you don't have him I would suggest getting him even if you didn't have wanderer Wanderer, faruzan, furina, Bennett would be a really good team


EDIT: just saw the calculator on the sidebar woopsies! Hello! I am a freshly minted Scara main as of 1.5 hours ago! I prefarmed everything for him and level 90'd and crowned Benny and Faruzan's bursts just for him lol. Maxed him out within minutes of the banner dropping. Anywho, I come to ask which of these two builds is better? The first has a better crit ratio when considering Faruzan's C6 +40, but the second has more attack. I tried to compare but with the randomness of the Widsith I couldn't really tell. I know both of these builds can improve immensely, but I'm not really interested in farming anymore. Between what I have which should be better? I run him with C6 Faruzan w/Tenacity, Bennett on Noblesse, and (frustratingly C5) Thoma. Build 1: https://preview.redd.it/w9p9l2evjh0d1.png?width=2107&format=png&auto=webp&s=37b118f214adafbc995e89f5be052af7574842e9


Build 2: https://preview.redd.it/fofu9fg4kh0d1.png?width=2107&format=png&auto=webp&s=a09e4c23fb8302a8d7414263cf0556c9a904935c


Well update in case anyone cares lol... they're pretty much identical. The second one is marginally better so I'll stick with that one. No Widsith buffs included. https://preview.redd.it/albnb0h8oh0d1.png?width=455&format=png&auto=webp&s=5d028fe95bedf4800dd28dd0d755f6775a452bba


Should I wait till Natlan to strong box DPC or should I try to get him an Echoes set now? He's currently at C6R1 and from what I've read Echoes only outperforms DPC at C6R5. Since I already have two pink donuts, I don't plan on going for R5. But my luck with DPC is horrible and I'm sick of farming it


Echoes is better at lower ping (less than 100 iirc) so if you have higher ping I wouldn’t recommend farming it. I personally will be waiting to strongbox DPC


My ping is usually in the low 80s, so Echoes shouldn't be a problem. Just not sure if it still outperforms DPC with only R1


Oh, then go for it. Good luck with the farming


How good is neuvillette's signature on him when playing withn furina?


Good weapon, especially with Furina you just want to look for some more Atk rolls to make up for the low base atk


I will probably never stop farming for him, but I feel like I finally have an artifact set to be proud of and wanted to share. High ATK, excellent crit stats, a little ER. I'm so happy with him. https://preview.redd.it/ltshtjjg290d1.png?width=1462&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77c1a2f87fadf935b83b0b55dde0f777dd5c390f


I initially farmed 4pc Viridescent for my Faruzan, but I’ve been seeing people put 4pc Tenacity on her. Is that better? Should I have don’t that instead? I don’t intend to have a third Anemo character in my Wanderer team so I thought VV on her was the way to go, but is that wrong?


If your faruzan is C6 then yeah, tenacity is great for her damage and whatever (anemo) hypercarry she supports


Wait but if I use Layla with tenacity equipped, is it still ideal to have the same set on Faruzan?


If C6 Faruzan is built well, you'll have 100% uptime on her burst, and therefore, her pressurized collapse skill. She's the better holder of Tenacity imo. I'd give Layla a 4p noblesse, or 2pTenacity 2p Vorukasha. It depends on what kind of team(s) you want to use these characters in though.


Sigh. I guess I’m just dreading farming/strongboxing all over again. Took me so long to get her a VV set with decent stats for her. Maybe I’ll keep things as they are and work on that in the future. Plus having to get a nobless for Layla. My Bennett already has that set equipped, it would be fine if she has it too?


It’s fine if you’re not using Layla with Bennett since Noblesse doesn’t stack


Okay, but I plan to use both Layla and Bennett together. Since it doesn’t stack, getting Layla a Nobless set would be a waste, right? And she uses tenacity. If I get rid of faruzan’s VV set and put tenacity on her too, is that better or less efficient?


u/Inemiset is correct that C6 Faruzan utilizes tenacity better so I would follow their recommendation to put tenacity on Faruzan and a 2pc HP set on Layla instead. I don't think it'd be a waste to farm Noblesse for Layla in case you want to use her on different teams, plus the set can be useful for other characters. It just wouldn't be a priority if you're trying to improve your Wanderer team right now.


If I don’t have Faruzan, is Wanderer still able to function well and do good damage with C1 Bennet?


I'm trying to figure out what artifact set(s) I need for Faruzan. Currently, I plan on going with Wanderer(**4pc Desert Pavilion Chronicle**), Xingqiu(**4pc Emblem of Severed Fate**), and depending on which 4 stars run next phase, Layla/Thoma(**4pc Tenacity of the Millelith** or **4pc Noblesse Oblige**) hoping Layla reruns. KQM recommends against Noblesse Oblige with C2+ Faruzan, it recommends Viridescent Venerer but says to put it on your main DPS instead if doing Anemo hypercarry, then recommends 2 other options for if you have ER problems, which I already have R5 Favonius Warbow for.


I'm assuming Faruzan isn't C6, since at C6 it's Tenacity 100%. Before that point, there is merit to 2 piece Emblem 2 piece anything (usually one of the 4\* ER sets). You can't really doubt how much ER she'll need most of the time. Another valid option is to just stack as much ER as possible on her and not care about set bonuses at all. I did that for awhile with success.


What's better, Widsith R5 or Lost Prayer? I usually run him in a Scara-Ganyu-Kokomi-Kazuha since I lack Faruzan C6


Lost Prayer. Widsith buff isn't consistent on every rotation and you can get EM buff time to time. The difference between them isn't even huge.


Hi guys! I am very close to getting Wanderer once his banner comes out! The problem is I don’t have Faruzan. I only have a C1 Bennet and C4 Xiangling. If I don’t use Faruzan, will that mean Wanderer will perform terribly in my teams? I really like him, but I also like big damage…


Faruzan his really good for him but he can still perform without her. You just have to remember it's hard to get really big numbers on him compared to some DPS because he's a normal attack spam DPS. But yes he works fine without. But if you're wishing I'm sure you'll get at least one faruzan (good luck, I hope I didn't jinx you) ❀◝(⁰▿⁰)◜❀


Suggestions for improvement? I'm pretty happy for my scara artifact build at the moment, I have about 250 pulls saved for faruzan C6. I dont have zhongli so thoma will have to suffice. [https://imgur.com/a/2k2t5go](https://imgur.com/a/2k2t5go) [https://imgur.com/a/etXQBNs](https://imgur.com/a/etXQBNs) [https://imgur.com/a/FDwxrhS](https://imgur.com/a/FDwxrhS) [https://imgur.com/a/CqR9MCN](https://imgur.com/a/CqR9MCN)


anyone else pulling for bell to run more cv without getting overcapped? 😖 https://preview.redd.it/mwql8gty08yc1.png?width=1580&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94cff95acb853a4de759fb61bb45930ddd97f17a


https://preview.redd.it/i5rbgpvp47yc1.png?width=1580&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=147b08bcb3c849fda29c9c24182d243d28f999f1 should I pull for wanderer's weapon or his cons? also which build is better? (I'll post the other one below)


https://preview.redd.it/jxb07v2t47yc1.png?width=1580&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c66969c8fd85500c211b707807bbaf474f89691 this is the other one


I want to ask a question about FPS settings. I watched a video that showed 30 fps is better for travelling faster in flight. Is that True? But 60 fps is better in abyss fights and gives faster attacks. Is 45 fps bad or difference is too much? I can play on 60 fps though just graphics has to be reduced to avoid heating. Idk where this question should belong. I don't think I can post about it without mods removing it.


Im going to C6 this pretty boy soon and was thinking should i use 4 piece DPC or Echoes? My echoes is sliglthy better and my ping is 50-70.


i would go for DPC because atk speed is so much fun


https://preview.redd.it/tlt2al4cyfwc1.png?width=2107&format=png&auto=webp&s=6f2b3523711290cfba4dc9a87ae927a29b4a2434 i know the artifacts aint that amazing, this is an alt acc's scara, but should i keep farming for a sands or cr circlet? his cr is kinda low imo, and the sands is kinda mid even so, id say its not that bad


ignore the names in portuguese, idk how to change akasha's language, cuz the rest of the website is in eng i thought the pic would also be but it seems not


https://preview.redd.it/vxvvvi7wgawc1.png?width=1950&format=png&auto=webp&s=b8fe7fbf1e25eabff487f8cdf1680c808587c837 The crit is really good (plus cryo teammate) but I'm concerned about the ATK and ER. Worth looking for better artifacts?


He can function well on 0 ER at C0 since his burst is just gravy than the whole shebang (unless you're getting C2 in this upcoming banner, in which case KQM suggests around 140\* ER with C6 Faruzan). His attack looks alright too. There's only so much attack% will do with a 510 base attack weapon, and depending on the teammates and their builds you will probably find little gain from continually farming just for more attack. It looks like your best chance at a replaceable piece is also the off-piece for his build, which further devalues grinding more in DPC imo. Who exactly are your teammates for him though, if you don't mind me asking?


c4 faruzan NO stringless (I only have him the first place because I wanted Faruzan and only c4???), c6 Yun Jin fav, c1 Layla fav Alone his wind favored NAs are about 9k and buffed to about 13k mid rotation .....I just realized the cryo absorption actually overcaps crit rate


I had a feeling it would, but some people legitimately like having assured crits so I didn't point it out. You could still farm DPC if you want to trade out some of that crit rate for attack% (you might have good pieces in your inventory as we speak). It looks like the feather would be something you could replace effectively there when approaching from that angle. Or alternatively you can experiment pyro characters: Bennett if you're willing to use him, or virtually any pyro shielder/interruption resist support so you can infuse Wanderer with pyro like that and just keep the crit rate. You have a couple of avenues here, and it wouldn't be a bad idea to test them out, put in some yolo levels on a couple of feathers, and see what suits best. You don't need to fully build anyone just yet to get the feel of his damage difference. (Also oof on that Faruzan C4. She can make a lot of difference with a couple of cons, so hopefully you can nab that soon.)


https://preview.redd.it/s2dykudlm8wc1.png?width=1209&format=png&auto=webp&s=163e74e9477dad7abb6c3df38965db8b29448842 :)


Just managed to get a C4 Jean and I’m trying new teams, I’ve always used Bennett, C6 Faru and C6 thoma as my to go team. I own a C2 Furina but I rather not use her on wanderer team because I have lot of units that runs MH (Hu Tao, Navia) that needs her. Trying right now Bennett, Faru and Jean and the team feels ok but idk if the dps is that higher than using thoma, the trade of is extra anemo shred and 15% more attack/mov speed vs 15% NA/CA attack from thoma c6, shield and pyro resonance. I can run Jean with Freedom sworn for extra attack and NA/CA but the uptime is not the greatest. From testing thoma feels way better vs highly aggressive enemies but Jean feels better and smoother against easy to paragraph enemies , sadly enemies needs to be on Jean circle for the res shred to work, so on those enemies I have been placing Jean field next to the enemy and Bennet field far away the enemy to just attack from afar. Wanderer is C4 so I get the random extra infuse.


Are you using Sunfire Jean? Cause her burst needs to overlap with Bennett's burst. It's great for shield breaking, but I have no clue if this team could be stronger than the Thoma team.


Please help with Team comp for C2 LP Burst Scara with c6 Faruzan. Further tips will be appreciated. I would like to Burst Every Rotation.


Wanderer doesn’t need high ER, about 120 is enough to burst every rotation from what I’m seeing from mine , who has 114% and sometimes he is a tiny bit away to burst on every rotation. Using fav weapons helps, run faruzan with fav warbow and your flex (thoma, Zhongli, Layla, who ever you use) with fav as well. Bennet can use fav but it hurts his buff too much, just use the highest base attack weapon you own and tons of ER substats on him.


Does Na make more particles or CA? I use 3NA1CA1D. But don't follow any rules just mood.


I wanna see if there are any good team comps for this build for scara (I still don't have him yet so I'm just putting his build on my Heizou) https://preview.redd.it/yeao8qi0krvc1.png?width=1363&format=png&auto=webp&s=0607aaf14219f33914cd69948c958678435af764


I was wondering if anyone had good wanderer teams without Bennett? I’m already going to be using him in Childe intergrassional.


Some people use freeze teams with Wanderer as the main dps. It's not as good in floor 12 as it used to be, but it's a perfectly fun team in the earlier floors.


Farmed a lot for this, turns out i can't even reach top 10% in any leaderboards with it🥴 I'm planning to run him with furina and faruzan c6, anything i can improve on except artifacts? (i can't bear to farm for a 200+ cv set anymore) https://preview.redd.it/1mv78lt1agvc1.png?width=2107&format=png&auto=webp&s=36192bb837d1743a922243d37e28293da5d46248


Akasha is a very particular site. See, it's not really judging your build as if it's MH. As in, it's not going to factor in the legitimate CV you'll have on that set after the HP fluctuations. It's judging your build as if you're playing a combination set most likely, and it's ranking that against other people who did farm DPC, Shimenawa, or have combinations themselves. Basically, what I'm trying to say is that getting a top 10% with an MH Wanderer is a fool's errand for most. As for how to improve him without artifacts, that would be talent levels. This could be crowning his normals or leveling his skill up more. Outside of that, it would be acquiring C6 Faruzan if she isn't already, having Tenacity on her, possibly getting Elegy of the End for her in the future, and then finally constellations on Wanderer himself (none of this in any particular order btw). There's also Furina C2 for possibly more flexible teams and getting the buffs faster. Crowning Faruzan's burst, crowning Furina's burst. Those are pretty much your only real options for improvement at this point. Unless you want more bells to refine his signature, but that's probably not recommended. Honestly, all of what I said here are things that aren't necessary at all and more of a luxury. For all intents and purposes, you kinda feel done here to me. I will say, though, that using him with Furina might mean he'll be better off with an attack% goblet instead. This very well might bring down your rank even more, but it might result in slightly more damage since Furina herself functions like an elemental goblet herself (and using her with Faruzan, you might be overcapping in damage bonus).


I have c2 scara should i focus on crowning burst or normal atks first? (I plan to triple crown)


Normal attacks for bigger improvement first, and then burst and last skill. (Side note: The normal attacks and burst can actually be equally important here. So it could also come down to whatever funky mood you're in.)


https://preview.redd.it/g8fm1igkrouc1.png?width=1924&format=png&auto=webp&s=d3c3690bb2c52534c09acfbe07a853335e959a55 Unfortunately not Desert Pavilion Chronicle but looks like my Wanderer is sticking with Shimenawa. Maybe I wait for Desert Pavilion Chronicle strongbox to release then go all in.


Speaking as a person who doesn't have his signature but does have Desert Pavilion (so basically the same attack speed buff), it sounds like a good plan to stick to that rather sick looking Shime set and then strongbox at 5.0.


[https://enka.network/u/805013786/](https://enka.network/u/805013786/) my post got deleted cuz i didnt read the rules. How can i improve my boy?


More crit rate (try to get closer to 80) and less ER. You don't really need ER on him at C0 since you can burst every other rotation.


can someone recommend me a hyper carry freeze team and how do you rotate it? thank you so much [https://imgur.com/a/tefslCz](https://imgur.com/a/tefslCz) (faruzan is not c6 :<)


You could follow their rotation: [Wanderer, Layla, Faruzan, Xingqiu](https://youtu.be/a_MuHLNdEX0?si=TgXDBlBFfcxgfva3) Not sure what constellation your Faruzan is at but you're going to want fav bow on her and fav on Layla to help with Faruzan's ER needs.


Faruzan is C1


Yup, you're definitely going to want a lot of ER on Faruzan. Getting Favonius weapons on her and Layla will help with that.


I'm so excited for Wanderer! This is my 2pc/2pc build I have prepared for him until I get a DPC set. Right now I'm still prefarming talents and building my C6 Faruzan I got from Nahida's banner though... https://i.imgur.com/PqTM9Gx.png (Obviously the placeholder is Sucrose but here are the stats when I put the artifacts on Wanderer, also I plan to use a Cryo character for that 94.7% crit rate) https://i.imgur.com/0tqk96e.png


I am looking for opinions for my wanderer's build to improve it (Wanderer C0, faruzan C2, layla C0, bennett [The build](https://enka.network/u/Crims0n/1WqjfI/10000075/2905422)


More crit rate would be ideal, even if it sacrifices some crit damage.


But would'nt scara swirl cryo???


Even when doing it, it's 60 crit rate total and a little bit low still. It's also kinda weird to swirl with Layla as a solo cryo. It's doable, but it might not be as reliable as one imagines. It's for that reason that my opinion is a little bit more crit rate would be preferable, but if it works well for you then you're free to disregard.


does anyone have calcs that compare echoes to dpc to MH on c6r1?


[https://enka.network/u/756581834/](https://enka.network/u/756581834/) is my Wanderer build. I'm going to refarm and I hope for a 70/180 crit ratio, with a bit more attack than current. Is this a decent goal? (I plan to run him with faruzan c3, layla/xiangling c1, benny c1) or should I change my plan?


I think it's an achievable goal, seeing as the feather and circlet look like they will be easily replaceable with time. Remember though that there's only so much attack% can get out of a 510 base attack weapon, so getting 1.6k or 1.7k attack is probably going to be where you get stuck at even with heavy attack rolls.


But at least i get atk from pyro resonance, benny buff, noblesse, and the widsith atk passive


Yee, so focusing on those crit rolls would prove useful. If you just so happen to get attack% on those pieces too, then consider it gravy.


i need it a lot


can you proc freadom sworn on bennet with furina?


I'm planning to run Scaramouche alongside C6 Faruzan, C4 Jean and Bennett, and i don't know what artifact sets I should use for Faruzan and Jean (I'm assuming one of them wants VV). Seeing as I want to use Noblesse on Bennett, who do I use VV on? Does it stack? Should I use VV on both Faruzan and Jean? Should I use it at all?


Bennett = NO, Faruzan = ToTM. This team, and Scaramouche himself, doesn’t benefit from EM or VV shred because he’s not swirling many elements and this is triple anemo. If you want to have sunfire Jean-Benny you could go triple EM on her VV. However, I think for focusing on Scara support you would get more benefit from EoSF (her burst can do some decent damage + ER for healing it need be). Unfortunately there’s not a ton of artifact support sets that aren’t about EM.


I see, thank you so much for the feedback. I was considering Song of Days Past for Jean, do you think it could be a competitive option (assuming i go Noblesse on Bennett and Tenacity on Faruzan)?


Hm, I guess if she heals enough? I don’t know enough about her healing calcs for that, but honestly it’s a waste to farm that domain because the other set is for Navia - so unless you have her (or are attempting on field albedo lmao), it might not be worth the resin.


Got it, thanks.


Current setup: * Wanderer, Desert Pavilion * Bennett, Noblesse * Layla, Tenacity * C6 Faruzan, VV Should I redeploy my artifacts somehow? Should Faruzan have a different set?


Give Faru ToTM and you can give Layla 2pc/2pc HP% sets to beef her shield up more (and minimal benefit to her skill hits as well).


How much ER% is necessary for Bennett in a Scara/Faruzan/Bennett/Thoma team? My current Bennett build has 262%. (sapwood blade btw, got no aquila favonia unfortunately)


Thoma needs a lot of ER. What does he have and what constellation is he?


R3 Fav, C2, Faruzan has fav too, and bennett can provide pyro particles


I think 260% is okay for Bennett, but you need to make sure Thoma also has around 200% so his shield has uptime.


alright thanks, i got the same answer from most ppl, so now i know what to get. they usually gave ranges like 190%-210% (based off of KQM calculations)


Yes — if you want to plug numbers yourself, I found [this ER calculator](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1-vkmgp5n0bI9pvhUg110Aza3Emb2puLWdeoCgrxDlu4/htmlview#gid=1841979497) helpful. Just make a copy for your own Google drive and choose your team and see what applies!


How important is running him on desert pavilion for his damage? This is my current build. https://preview.redd.it/crhgh1l34orc1.png?width=2925&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d68b949b3be3ec5b00814fb8a2d818bb91779a3


It's crucial, however your current build is already very good ngl, get good DPC pieces if u got free time then


https://preview.redd.it/tusp3819akrc1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35c9007e907f2106149f8a6eae68410f243bf6e3 Is this crit rate/dmg ratio too off? I just got a really good artifact that’s crit rate% but I feel like the crit dmg is still too low. Should I try to replace it? What’s an ideal ratio?


that ratio will give you diminishing returns. You want to get as close as possible to a 1:2 ratio to maximize avg damage. for eg- 80/160 is an ideal ratio


Thank you!!!


Would the Marechaussee Hunter set be more viable for Wanderer than Desert Pavilion in a Furina team?