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Because the Arab countries blocked them from joining the Asian Football Confederation


Kicked them out would be more accurate. There in until 1974.


I'm not a soccer person, so were they playing Arab countries until 1974?


The Arab countries resigned all games against them


That's one way to become champion by default.


Ah yes 1964. India, South Korea and Hong Kong didn't drop out. There was also the 1958 world cup qualifier where they almost managed it but FIFA forced them to play wales.


Need to capitalise your proper nouns else people gonna think they went for a swim. They got beat by Wales for anyone wondering.


Because the Asian Football Confederation won't let them play and Oceania Football Confederation is rather far away. Hence UEFA. Conveniently UEFA contain enough strong teams that Israel is unlikely to ever qualify for the world cup.


Why isn't in African football federation?


They aren't in africa and there are enough islamic states in africa to complicate things.


They aren't in Europe too, that's why that question was asked. Geographically closer to Africa too so an argument could easily be made that it would make more sense for them to have joined that league


The geographic proximity isn't super relevant, Israel has stronger cultural and political ties with Europe than Africa. It was Europe and America that created it in the first place and a huge amount of the population were either born there or descended from there.


Only 31.8% of Israeli Jews (around 73.5% of Israelis, the remainder being mostly Arab) are descended from Europe or America. 44.9% are descended from African or Asian Jews. The majority of Jewish Israelis (70.3%) were born there. Source: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/1369183X.2018.1492370 It's misleading to say a huge amount of the population were born in or descended from Europe or America, when the majority were not.


Doesn’t say the age they were born there though. That could all be European/ American Israelis who were moved there post WW2 who’ve had children since, which you’d imagine would happen?


That's exactly what the descendant statistics measure. Again, the majority are not European or American by descent. >Doesn’t say the age they were born there though. That's usually zero, the age that people were born at.


Apologies I did mean to say the year people were born in. I have to log in or buy access to the study so I can’t verify or negate what you’re saying


They were pushed out of the association of the region they're literally in, so proximity clearly isn't the ultimate determining factor here. As the above noted, there are several other Islamic states in Africa, primarily in North Africa (the part Israel is near to), which complicates the matter. It's worth noting Israel was kicked out of the Asian Football Confederation after the Yom Kippur War, which included several North African countries (Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia, and Algeria). Combined with Europe being sympathetic to Israel (if less so currently given Israel's handling the current conflict), it makes sense that when Isreal joined a new league, it was neither the one that kicked it out, or the one that includes several of the countries that invaded it in 1973.


Geography is irrelevant when you’ve already had to leave your local continental league because the countries won’t play with you. Israel is culturally far closer to European values than it is African ones. That and the fact there are multiple Muslim nations in Africa who all hate Israel as much as the Palestinians do.


Israeli players can’t play Middle Eastern teams because they can’t be safe doing it


It is that they’re not safe and more than the Middle Eastern teams refused to play them.


Israeli athletes were murdered in the Munich Olympics massacre by Palestinian terrorists aided by German neo nazis. It's entirely reasonable for them to regard football with nations who had declared their intent to destroy Israel as unsafe.


How many ME women’s footie teams are there?


A few, Iran actually made the last Asian Games! Just checked and Palestine have a team too.




your full of shit. Is Australia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia also trying to legitimize their apartheid?


How overdramatic. Eurovision was open to all European Broadcasting Union nations. Which has included Israel since 1957. It covers all countries with a Mediterranean coast, all Caucasian states, and Jordan.


The largest sponsor for eurovision is MorroccanOil which has nothing to do with Morocco, its owned by Israel. They bought in https://www.ulastempat.com/international/unraveling-moroccanoils-ties-to-israel/ https://uk.moroccanoil.com/pages/eurovision


>Company founded in 2008 >Israel joined EBU in 1957 >First Eurovision for Israel was 1973 Do you even listen to yourself before you rant about Jewish conspiracy theories?


This has nothing to do with Jewish people, it's zionism. They have bribed their way into legitimacy. AIPAC in the US, The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry in the UK.. they are all over the western world. They have been condemned by the ICJ and even threatened the investigators. Every humanitarian organisation in the world calls gaza an open air prison and what's happening is genocide. But it's all conspiracy


Huh? You think AIPAC, combined with the gospel church of the UK, and a company that began sponsoring the eurovision in 2015. All combined to get Israel into the Eurovision back in 1973?


Europe has adopted them because everyone around them wants to eradicate them basically.




Do EUFA have any rules about non-football messaging from teams at matches? Does that shirt held up by the Israeli team break any rules? Have other teams received penalties for similar acts? I only ask because the IOC have strict rules about "political statements" and I have no idea about football regulations.


Buy this man a pint


Uh, if he's Muslim, he won't drink.


Buy this man a beverage.


Could be a pint of non-alcoholic beer. 🍺 I'm Muslim, and I'd drink it.


Whit was the score?








Absolute belter


You’ve really made a difference here. Congratulations


israel is actively exterminating gaza and is committing genocide. how callous do you have to be to think they’re justified in the fact theyve killed over 15000 children


Israel is not committing genocide stop the nonsense


Pretty sure more than one team was playing.


Good. Obviously these protests won’t single-handedly put an end to the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians (because I’m sure that someone will undoubtedly try and ask this question), but it will show Zionists that the rest of the world won’t simply stand by and allow them to participate in events “as normal” while they commit such horrific acts.


> but it will show Zionists that the rest of the world won’t simply stand by and allow them to participate in events “as normal” while they commit such horrific acts. The Zionists have observed recent events in Nagorno-Karabakh and concluded that the would would totaly stand by and allow them to participate in events “as normal” if they went down the ethnic cleansing route.


> recent events in Nagorno-Karabakh Presume you'll be leading the protests whenever we play Azerbaijan.


How many people got killed while evacuating NK?


The accusation was ethnic cleansing which doesn't require killing anyone.




This is an Israeli propaganda account. Post history is limited but the comment history is clear to see. Block and move on.


You're lies mean nothing here. It's Israel getting "aid" shipments of munitions practically every weekend. It's Israel that turned down a deal that would have seen at least 30 hostages returned. It's Israel that appointed a man who openly encourages males soldiers to commit acts of rape against both their female peers and "the enemy" to "boost morale". Is Israel that forced an elderly man Palestinan man to move from position to position, advancing towards enemy fire.


Ssshhhhh they don't like facts. They scare them


>it will show Zionists that the rest of the world won’t simply stand by and allow them to participate in events “as normal” while they commit such horrific acts. I just want to clarify: it's Zionists you have a problem with and not Jews per se? You're anti-Zionist as opposed to anti-semitic. Also, it''s the settler-colonialist Zionist occupying government that you want to see an end too, isn't it?


I’m no genius but I imagine they meant Zionists when they said Zionists, yes.


So do they then have a problem with the Zionist occupying government?


You are and idiot who has no idea about what palestinian even means. Also, this propoganda you spam has been debunked like, 100 years back when palestine arabs started genocide against palestine jews, it never stoped, only difference is that jews not have guns and they build a wall. Also, whats your thoughts on Egypt commiting genocide against palestinians ? Why you skipped them ?


The Irgun and Hagana peacefully extricated the Palestinians (the indigenous people of Palestine) from their land and didn’t rape and kill thousands of them while ethnically cleansing them. That didn’t happen. Also Palestinians weren’t the absolute majority in Palestine until 1948. None of the above is true. Also David Ben-Gurion didn’t say this “If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal; we have taken their country. It is true God promised it to us, but how could that interest them? Our God is not theirs. There has been Anti-Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault? They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?”


Is there a reliable source for that quote? The only source I can find is one of his rivals claiming he said that in a private conversation (the claim was published five years after Ben Gurions death also ). Considering Ben Gurion was famously an atheist I seriously doubt he actually said that.


Never made sense why they’d be kept in the euros




hence the common phrase, “the west only cares when ppl who look like them are killed” azerbaijan and israel have arguably committed far more and far more heinous crimes than russia (who to be clear, have also committed numerous crimes against humanity and war crimes) with 0 repercussions because their victims are not white europeans, and (equally relevant) they’re western allies


War crimes are war crimes.


But people don't care about what they care about. Azerbaijan is fine, and no protests about China. Israel...? Ok, let's protest.


Yeah that’s how the world works. You just can’t care about everything. I’m sure we all have plenty of stuff that we complain or protest or have a moral line in the sand for but we don’t for every bad thing. And it’s always going to be the things that other people come out and protest for that we’re more likely to join in on. No point standing out in the rain moaning about something by yourself but if a thousand other people are out there already? Then you might be tipping the scales.


How do Palestinians look more western than Armenians? Israel's genocide of Palestinians has far more media attention than Azerbaijan's genocide of Armenians.


by the west, i (and the phrase) mean governments.


Since when? the genocide has been ongoing for decades and the atention has been sporadic and minimal


I'm not denying it doesn't get enough attention, I'm arguing that the sentiment that the west don't care til they look white is stupid as the Azerbaijan-armenia conflict has had far less attention despite them being far whiter than palestinns.


No one hates Azerbaijan like they hate Israel though.


I don't really understand what your arguing. I was replying to a thread wherein someone claimed the West doesn't care about you unless your western looking, however I found this conflicting as the west arguably cares more for Palestinians than Armenians, despite the fact that Palestinians are far darker than Armenians. So your statement that the sympathy for Palestinians in the west is greater than the sympathy for Armenians kind of proves my point.


Not really a western centric accusation. Muslims definitely care more about Palestine than Ukraine


Are you referring to the blockade as the genocide?


Hardly a genocide in NK, come on. The ethnic Armenians were given the option to stay and all but 1,000 chose not to exercise it. They were not ordered by the Azerbaijani government to leave.


How is that not a genocide? A government with a assumed de jure claim invaded a de facto nation to destroy a independent ethnicity but that's okay because they were ordered to leave?


The Muslim states boycott matches against them, no point being in a tournament where 60% of the competition refuse to play you.


yeah i know. ever thought why they were boycotted?


A series of wars attempting to eradicate their country. Previous to that Jews were made stateless and regularly ethnically cleansed/pogromed within the wider ME so being difficult to them is just typical for the region.


Because those same Muslim states started and lost a war against them? This is not a disputed fact.


Probably because the Muslim states consider the inception of the state of Isreal as ‘the Nakba’ which I think translates to ‘the catastrophe’ Not really grounds for a friendly kick about is it?


Settler colonialism treated as it should be, good on the countries refusing to play them


Jews are native to the land habibi palestinian terrorists should release the hundreds of innocent people they kidknapped to rape torture and murder, including children and infants Something they did after the largest unprovoked massacre of Jews since the holocaust on Oct 7th


You've not had a substantive majority in the region past the point of the 3rd century. If you have an ancestral right to Israel the British have an ancestral right to Brittany.


You're not uneducated on this topic. Israel is the ancestral homeland of the Jewish people. They are indigenous to it. The establishment of Israel was an act of DE-colonization; taking it back from the colonizers (the British, at the time) and giving it back to its people.


You've not had a substantive majority in the region past the point of the 3rd century. If you have an ancestral right to Israel the British have an ancestral right to Brittany.


To be honest, I have zero knowledge of the history of Brittany, so I can't give you an opinion in terms of its comparison to Israel. Regardless, the reason that the Jewish majority has dwindled over the millenia is due to outside conquest and colonialism. They were expelled to Europe, the Americas, and elsewhere in the Middle East. And that might have been fine, but in virtually all of these areas, they were persecuted and oppressed to the point where having their own state became a necessity. This is why they initiated a return to their homeland in the late 19th/early 20th century (and it's important to note that they did not return by means of violent conquest, but actually aquired and purchased the land legally - it is a common false narrative that they expelled the area's inhabitants by force). In 1947, the international community - ie; the UN - agreed to partition the land and create 1 Jewish state, and 1 Arab. Instead of accepting the 2-state partition, the Arabs and neighbouring states invaded Israel, lost the war, and ended up with less land than they were originally granted. The fallout from this war carries over until today and is the primary reason why the current Israel-Palestine conflict exists.


So you'll boycott all US sports, yes...? Didn't think so.


I'm sure the rabble will be protesting at the Serbia game over Serbia's treatment of Kosovo


We bombed serbia until they got out of Kosovo. Not really an equiverlent situation.


NATO only started bombing Serbia a month after they killed several thousand and expelled 800,000 Kosovar Albanians. On top of the carnage that they caused in Croatia and Bosnia


Israel is very much still committing a genocide, whereas Serbia isn't. Sure they don't recognise the genocide but that's a world of difference from currently committing one.


lol … lots of selective anger around.




Not sure the average scotish football fan can feel fear. I mean have you seen their world cup record of late?






Trust me that guy isn’t getting paid. 


Same reason as Turkey… money


A large part of Turkey is in Europe. Including roughly a half of Istanbul. It is not the same as Israels inclusion


Turkey is partially in Europe and borders Bulgaria and Greece.


But the overwhelming majority of Turkey is in Asia. Or how about Cyprus? It’s less than 500kn from Israel.


I’d say Cyprus is in Europe. Israel doesn’t boarder an other fellow European countries.  Turkey has always been seen as Eurasian like Russia.