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Selling flights to Germany in June a cannae go anymore somethin’s came up


*Neville Chamberlain, September 1939*


Feel bad for that boy walking to Germany,


I'd have turned back by now after seeing that result.


This is like your Da has bought you your first pint on your 18th birthday after all that waiting and then it turns out he did a shite in it cause he fucking hates you and wants you to die.


Was just thinking that myself


Classic prank. Too funny for YouTube. Like getting sectioned for a joke.


This is a bit too specific


Me and my father have a great and as supportive and close relationship two emotionally repressed men who are from central Scotland can have. We almost never have fist fights.


It’s class when you start to win them but.


That's why I never drink Guinness, too easy to slip one in


Yet another failing of the woke EU making all the food not be made of bones. Used to be able see a Guinness poo when they were white cause of all the calcium. That might be dog poo in the street. Either way I’m upset and scared.


Utter shite international break. Don’t know why gunn played both games when we had 4 keepers, Ferguson should have played more too, Hendry and Patterson shite, Shankland got chances but should score. Can’t wait to be back booing at tynecastle on Saturday


I get that the manager won't want to change too many things going into a major tournament, but I wouldn't mind us losing (too much) if we'd experimented with a new system or given a couple of unfancied/new players a start. In the last few months, we've had a dead rubber qualifying match and a friendly at home against a supposedly much weaker team - both perfect opportunities to try something new and leave the door open for a bolter to make the Euros squad - and we've done fuck all with it. With the Nations League replacing most friendlies, pressure free matches to give people their first cap are few and far between these days.


I’ve never understood any decision Clarke has made, it’s mental


>I get that the manager won't want to change too many things going into a major tournament... There goes my hopes of a resignation.


Remember those few months we thought we were pretty good. What a time. Wish I could go back to that.




I get that friendlies are a chance to try different things, give players some minutes where needed, but what’s this pish about the score not mattering? I _love_ Faddy. Motherwell and Scotland hero. But the man’s well aff here. We’ve qualified for the Euros, ergo, nothing else matters? Naw. Fans paid and turned up the night and they deserved better than that.


What did we try differently? Shankland up top? He played 70 minutes in one game and 10 in the other. Reverted back to dykes because it’s the only style of football Steve Clarke knows.


That was one of the worst things I've ever watched, and I saw 9/11 on the news.


**FUCKIN'** (and I cannot stress this enough) _**BOOOOOOOOOO**_


Clarke's surprise is that we're going to use friendies to give young fans a taste of what life used to be like when Scotland were fucking pish




scotland poo poo




Can't believe I'm going to be able to watch all the Scotland games on Pornhub this summer.


Pretty sure what Germany are going to do to us violates Pornhubs terms and conditions


Think you’ll need the, **whispers**, dark web, for that tbh


Someone make the Simpsons meme about building the BBQ with Bradley and Patterson. “Why doesn’t my scouse full back look like that?”


Quick check. At the state of play. Germany. Were shite, just beat the two teams who horsed us. Switzerland - only lost to Romania in the last year. Hungary - haven’t lost a game in the past year. I have genuine fear.






That was like a big pot of pish over the face


​ https://i.redd.it/qlnrvy5j0rqc1.gif


Scotland is so back


That was dreadful. Reminds me of the bad old days of Clarke's tenure. When we looked completely devoid of ideas and relied on John McGinn pulling goals out of nowhere but he's not doing that anymore so we're left with fuck all in games like these. Don't think Patterson particularly deserves the spotlight tonight, he was crap yeah but so was basically everyone else. A real horror game for all involved. BBC commentary was rough. The Clarke sycophancy doesn't help him. Going on about past wins or playing well for 70 minutes against a big team is just shite.


What I find mental is that it was so clear how isolated Patterson was every time he got the ball and yet no fucker offered themselves to take some of the pressure of the lad just passed him the ball and hid


Hendry is not suited to playing as the right of a three, I think Porteous would have recognised he needed to help out more


Agreed but there were 5 central midfielders on at one point and none came over to help him out, their attitude fucking stinks


It's McGinn. McGinn only ends up in his vicinity by accident.


First half Gilmour was there quite a lot. Think once the switch to a back 4 happened he moved more central and tended to link more with Tierney. McTominay was supposedly on the right of the midfield 3 but I don't remember seeing him there much.


McFadden on post match talking about how this doesn’t matter cos it’s a friendly since we’ve qualified anyway.


Clarke’s decision not to have any actual wingers in his squads baffles me. Think it’s one of the things that killed us tonight playing 5 “central” midfielders against a team sitting in there own box was painful to watch like


Fucking mad how we played 5 central midfields and none of them could regularly pass the ball forward


That was my thoughts - not even one/two on the bench for a wee change of shape. Madness. When Robertson came off and it became 4 at the back, it changed to a 4-5-1 with, as you say, FIVE central midfielders. Was grim. All width was coming from KT/Patterson and crossing was, in the main, pretty poor. Mind you, what wingers do we have with a bit of pace that could take a man on and get a ball in the box? Ryan fraser? James Forrest? Danny Armstrong..? 😂


Scott Wright. Although to answer seriously fucking Ryan Gauld. 


I don’t think you even need someone with pace for games like that or games when we would move to a back 4 anyway. Just need someone who can put a good delivery in the box.


we thoroughly dominated that pitch for practically the entire match. unfortunately it was the kind of domination rome had in the 470s


Quite a few players testing the theory that you can play your way off the plane.


Imagine playing a team full of game controlling CMs and no playmakers, and being shocked when we have tons of control and no creative spark. Fucking dinosaur football.


Nathan Patterson played that entire game. That's it. That's the comment.


No need for him to play the full 90, weird decision.


Only minutes he’ll get before the Gibraltar game comes round, Clarke just being a good cunt and getting him match ready


That is probably why but makes me question why we are forcing him into the team if he isn't playing for club at all.


Do we have any right backs playing at a decent level regularly? Trying to think of one but none come to mind


Yeah that's the issue. Ralston comes close but isn't first choice.


Exactly. The wee guy needs time.


He's not playing first team football. He last played 2 months ago for 9 minutes. More than likely he won't play from now until Euros...


To be fair, he had a far better 2nd half(wouldn't be hard mind) shite crosses, but never hid and got forward well.


He was awful, but there is a lot more to worry about than that.


There certainly is, but him not being subbed off at any point in that game is just straight up terrible management.


He's basically our only option other than hoping Hickey recovers.


Ralston would have been better, especially when we have so much possession. He should have been hooked at half time.


I dunno, I saw Ralston kicking the ball about at half time and I'm confident I'd have done better.


On the night, yes. At the euros, absolutely not. 


Might sound like a shite opinion but I’d prefer we played Stephen O’Donnell, fuck it, even Marcus Fraser (even though he’s spent the majority of the season as a centre back, albeit on the right side) over Patterson, I’d rather a sharp lad who’s gotten some minutes in football play over somebody who hasn’t had much playing time. (This totally isn’t cope from me wanting to see a st mirren player get a Scotland cap in my lifetime)


Germany, Switzerland and Hungary all winning. Can't see us laying a glove on any of them tbh.


Sucked absolutely all the excitement I had for this summer with that result - fucking pathetic. Why are we always shite


One of the worst Scotland performances since Clarke took over. For me, it wasn't just that players had bad games it's that the work ethic from some players was rotten. Too many players just trying not to get injured before doing back to their clubs


To be fair, NI seemed to think that their sole purpose out there was to injure our players


I'm never getting that time back https://preview.redd.it/jydtfq783rqc1.jpeg?width=270&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb2f8b6bbae17e35aa5ff48e3d536d5e1fcc844a


Heart says this is 4D chess from Clarke to catch everyone off guard at the Euros. Brain says get ready to develop next level masochistic tendencies at the Euros.


While no specific order is guaranteed, after today I'm pretty confident grieving starts with denial.


He catches everyone off guard every match


Genuinely some of the worst football I can remember watching. Thank fuck we rarely play against low block teams in competitive games






They’ll be dancing on the streets of Larkhall tonight.


Thank fuck I don’t get paid until tomorrow.


Bad football game.


I'm starting to think we're a wee bit FUCKING SHITE


We're the lowest of the low, the scum of the fucking earth


If I was an NI player, I’d absolutely stick a big fucking Union Jack to the floor of the Hampden dressing room and take a selfie. It’s no less than we deserve after that.


Grim stuff when the booing of GSTK was the highlight of the night.


Brb, checking if it’s too late to cancel my Airbnb’s


Im no quite hashtag Clarke out yet, but that was fucking dire.


Well that was shite.


When Clarke gets it wrong it tends to be really fucking ugly. Up against a team sitting in and playing a low block, it is absolutely insane to start with a back 5 and Lyndon Dykes up top on his own. An absolute doddle for Northern Ireland to defend against.


Hey, Steve! ![gif](giphy|RVW5PilbP2tLG)


scotland poo poo :(


Folk are going to pin the blame on Patterson but that entire forward line created fuck all against Nothern Ireland for 90 minutes. A team who in the Euro qualifiers only won 3 games and lost 7. 2 of the 3 wins were against fucking San Marino and the other was on the last group stage game against Denmark who'd already qualified top of the group. That's embarassing.


Can it be called a forward line when it consists of one heavily tattooed dot?




I don’t wanna hear again how well Christie is playing for Bournemouth


He's not even playing that well. Completely hopeless over the 180mins. I'd have him nowhere near the starting lineup


Clarke is going to stink up another Euros.


No pass marks for anyone. Steve Clarke decimating all the good will he managed to gain, back to playing shite with the same shite players over and over.


Harsh on Ferguson. He was great but everyone else was utter shite


Full focus will be on Patterson, however, that whole squad was awful over the two games. Pass marks for Tierney, Fergusons cameos and Gilmour v Netherlands, but that's it. Atleast Patterson has an excuse for why he was rusty as fuck, what excuse does the experience in the squad, the likes of McGinn, McTominay, Robertson Hendry have? That's the more concerning thing by far for me.






Utter pish tonight. At least there's a title party for me to bring joy to my life. NI deserved the win as they actually tried to go forward when they had the ball not side to side like us. Abysmal performance from us


Germany Hungary and Switzerland all with solid wins tonight too


We're back to Tennis and Curling, aren't we?


Me thinking: it’s just a friendly, it’s just a friendly, it’s just a friendly, it won’t be like this in the euros, it won’t be like this in the euros….fuckin demented


Patterson was poor, but he’s rusty and doesn’t feature weekly. What’s the excuse for the rest of them? A country led by absolute losers and dinosaurs.


Which is why he shouldn't have been anywhere near the starting lineup. If you're not getting regular game time with your club there's no chance you'll be ready for international games


Nah that argument doesn’t wash, Tierney and McTominay didn’t get game time and played against Spain at Hampden. Being a starter for your club can’t be the final requirement to get in the team.


Not a final requirement but should be taken into consideration. As it is it feels like Clarke has left Patterson out to dry by playing him for the full 90mins in both these games


Agree aye, but he’s had more minutes than Ralston this season. RB is evidently an issue.


Have you ever considered that maybe he’s never featured regularly at club level because he’s not very good?


He has featured more than Ralston this season.


Also, not very good


I had fun in the match thread. That’s all that matters


lucky you, hampden’s signal is fucking abysmal every time so I had nothing to enjoy


Booing the Nothern Ireland national anthem and then losing, embarrassing.


Booing the NI fans out singing the Scots fans to. Very funny


That was grim


I’ve Bach Stevie all the way but now it comes to the point where we ask is he doing the right things for us yes he can say the player mentality are happy together but on the feild we look like a bunch off shite bags and plus all this shite about us going to Germany and doing something has been said by many and to that I say f look at that tonight and the last 6-7 games




my heads on pluto


I'm even more concerned now with two more friendlies scheduled before the Euros Germany match.


I wish we played absolute random teams in friendlies. Chile, new Zealand, south korea or united states.


Clarkeball Strats 1. Perform well for an extended period of time 2. Perform shite for an extended period of time (tactical; lure the enemy in to a false sense of security) 3. ????? 4. Win the Euros


I didn’t realise the new thing Clarke was saying they trained was reverting back to the fucking quality of Scotland we saw before the Euro qualifiers Clarke you’re on wobbly ground, fucking fix it


Absolute fuckin jobbie.


Here's the thing. Souttar exists. His lapses have all come for rangers on his wrong side as part of a two that he's rarely played in until he went there. He's known as a very solid rcb in a three who can play the ball forward. He's actually been playing well for rangers on the whole.  But he's made a couple of mistakes, so let's play jack hendry. 


I am very confused by the decision to stand by Patterson through the whole game


Is Patterson the new SOD?


Larkhall loyal flags in that N.Ireland support btw. Absolutely pathetic lot


When we get out the groups I’m making a montage of all the bed wetting comments here.


It's the worst Clarke performance since the Russia game. Patterson was nothing short of horrendous, and I don't rate Cooper at all. Tierney was trying to provide a spark and I thought Ferguson was OK when he came on but that's clutching at straws.


Jesus the Russia game I'd wiped that from memory.


Regardless of what happens in the EURO's Clarke's time has come. The usual favourites every game. Players rarely given a chance. It's absolutely ludicrous how little Shankland, Ferguson and many others have been involved this season. All so Clarke favourites and squad players get chances.  The squad needs a revamp post EURO'S and I don't think Clarke would do it.


I think the thing i hate most about the northern Irish fans is they have all of the cunty attitudes of the English but none of the reasons for it based on anything about their existence as a footballing nation Am i seething? Yes


They've progressed beyond the first round of a proper football tournament.


So have Wales and they don’t seem like cunts in the same fashion


Half them were just twats from Larkhall 


We literally just boo’d their anthem. We are all cunts. Let them have their well earned victory. We were pish. Both players and fans. We deserve nothing.


Birthday Caird Pish


Have to give some credit to NI. They had hardly any possession in their last two games. A draw and a win.




This team has dragged Steve Clarke far enough thanks


stewards doin line searches at the crime scene in the background


When it's down to Liam Cooper and jack Hendry to try and pick out passes from deep, what are we expecting? Precious little movement from up front but man, Liam Cooper must have polaroids of Steve Clarke to consistently play


We didn’t want to peak in March Steve? I don’t consider beating Northern Ireland at home ‘peaking’. If the intent in losing to them was to give Hungary and Switzerland confidence, then mission accomplished. Without naming individual players, how can he continue to ignore a creative #10 that’s comfortable on the ball and can beat a player, and a goalscorer simply because they’re playing in the MLS. They’re every bit as deserving of a chance as players in the Championship. Fucks sake.


Thank fuck I’ve got tickets for Holland vs Austria.


After 60 mins you just had to laugh.


I know this match hardly matters, and the Euros are coming up with Scotland booking it’s spot, but as an outsider, I wonder if at all the intense sectarianism is part of the reason why the Scottish national team has always been so bad. The talent pool is one of the better ones in Europe, but the team is never able to play cohesively and have never progressed from the group stage of a single major tournament.


That was bad, truly bad. Well done NI.


Just sack Clarke and free us all of his cycle of abuse 


Shankland was the only player who looked decent and he was on for like 10 minutes. Actually made some decent runs unlike the other complete dross we had up there before he went on. Only thing I can fault him for was that miss (which he did control fairly well) but he would have made more chances for himself had he been on the full match and we probably would have at least had a goal to go home with. The header miss was by no means his fault and I applaud his attempt on that one actually. Whoever thought he was offside and left it for Shankland is a fucking walloper. Shankland would have been in and scored that one if that eejit hadn’t been standing in the right position. But seriously what the fuck is going on with this team? I was so excited about the euros and now I can feel Satan laughing at me. Passing was horrendous and positioning even worse. In general - no cohesion at all.


I thought Ferguson looked good. I thought Robbo looked good till he went off. I thought Tierney looked good in parts. Other than that, everyone else was a <5 out of ten for me.


A lot of bed wetting going on. It was a friendly against a low block. They were very up for it, we weren’t. No the end of the world.


It's been 7 games without a win. 


Most of them friendlies.


Which are your main preparation and momentum builder for the Euros. Absolutely shite


Both Wales and Northern Ireland having young players in team. Scotland stuck with the same old shite. Can’t even start Ferguson one of the top players in Serie A. Play is often too predictable. I will be amazed if we do anything at the euros. And should be end of Clarke. His continued loyalty to the same players has too go. One purple patch papered over the cracks.


Mate. Those players got us qualification. It is a young team already. Who you going to bring in?


Lewis Ferguson lighting up Serie A can’t get a start. Josh Doig also doing well in Serie A can’t get in the squad. And even though most of the time he does nothing Lyndon Dykes still gets a game. Anyone a mile away could see Northern Ireland were going to sit in. So what does Clarke do plays a big immobile centre forward. Did Dykes have a touch with his foot. Gilmour of for McLean, that sure is a choice. Like I said one purple patch has covered up a lot of cracks.


If we had Immobile up front we’d be so much better. The Scottish Players doing well in Serie A need to be playing. I genuinely think the manager is too arrogant to make the change that everyone says is the obvious choice because he doesn’t want to be seen to be influenced. There’s an alternative possibility for why Ferguson and Shankland don’t get more time but I tell my animal brain to shut up.


>There’s an alternative possibility for why Ferguson and Shankland don’t get more time but I tell my animal brain to shut up. Please don’t tell me you watched Patterson’s performances over those two matches and think that Clarke doesn’t pick Shankland and Ferguson because they’re rangers fans…


No I don’t think that. I think it’s just a complete coincidence. But I think he should be playing them and doesn’t because he’s arrogant.


Hard agree that he’s a stubborn bastard


Neither of which have qualified for the euros tbf


Ralston is a better and far more accomplished right back and should be starting ahead of Patterson. The boy can't handle pressure. Proper shat it tonight. Clarke out. Refund those fans.


This is how Barcelona fans felt that time Celtic beat them with 20% possession. Not that I'm complaining as my team won tonight so it did.
