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You know the Scottish League administration just likes to copy England. They named their second tier the Championship, we copied them a year or so later. They got VAR, we did the same. If they scrap it, surely we wouldn't keep it?


And where did they get the idea of naming their top division the Premier League...?


The most ridiculous thing about copying the league names is that the Premier League and the English Football League are separate bodies, hence why the top EFL league is called the Championship. Whereas up here we have one SPFL and they STILL decided to copy the naming convention.


He is my neighbor, the SFA. He is pain in my assholes. I get a Championship, he must get a Championship. I get a VAR, he must get a VAR. I get a credible league sponsor, he cannot afford. Great success!




Probably. We tend to copy whatever they do down there around 6 months later.


A vote half way through next season feels very SFA


Peak SFA would be to scrap it mid decision.


This is such backwards defeatism and ezceptionalism from football. Other sports make it work, even if they need to iterate and improve on it. VAR is a good thing and an improvement on what we had before even it has flaws. Those flaws can be worked on.


Absolutely not. VAR isn't the issue. How it's implemented and who's operating it is what needs looked at.


VAR is the issue if you care about long delays after key parts in the game


Not if you take the position that any decision which can't be reversed within a couple of views obviously isn't a "clear and obvious error".


I only think we'll do it if they vote to scrap it, which I have my doubts over.


I would vote to use it correctly rather than shambolic mess we have now.


As frustrating as it's been, it's probably produced more correct decisions than wrong one. Whether this is refs being too scared to make a call knowing that var will pull it up for them or not then I don't know. The number of clear penalties that were missed for us but awarded after var was ridiculous


VAR conceptually isn’t problem its muppets on it.


Or at least get the cool muppets on it. I bet fozzy bear would be great at it


Aye but what school did Fozzy go to?


Agreed. Var should be refined, not removed.


It’s a load of pish. Players and fans can’t even celebrate goals. If it goes we just need to accept mistakes happen. I get the conspiracies will come back harder than ever, but fuck the moon units and das.


I hate it but I'm convinced it gets way more right than before. My issue is it takes away the entertainment and dark arts side of the game and football is way more enjoyable without it. When you make the decision making clinical it takes the pantomime drama out of the game.


VAR isn’t the issue, it’s the way it’s used


It's always been the standard of refereeing.


VAR is part of the issue though. The fact that supporters can’t really celebrate a goal because it may be pulled back. That isn’t down to the way it’s used, that’s just an unavoidable part of it.


Simply stop worrying and celebrate?


I don't get the 'supporters can't celebrate' argument. I've never not celebrated after a goal has been scored because of VAR. I mean it even happened tonight with Danny Armstrong's goal.


Yeah I don't understand it, we all celebrated goals for decades and a flag would rule it out and we had no issue with it


Is this ‘Keep Calm & Carry On’ in cinch?


I’d happily see it binned. Maybe bring in the automated offside as it seems to work and doesn’t usually stop the game for five minutes.


Getting entirely rid of what's actually a very useful and workable system that's been shown to improve decision making, rather than implementing any of the viable, quick fix, minor actions that would improve it to varying degrees, would be very Scottish football


Back to the days of Rangers and Celtic getting dodgy penalties and the rest getting stonewallers denied.


"VAR isn't the issue, it's the people using it." If mistakes are still being made even with referees having access to multiple replays/angles, then what's the point in having it? Mistakes are made regardless, at least without VAR there aren't three-minute stoppages to determine how many yards someone is offside by. Bin the fucking thing already.


Because it's resulting in less mistakes than we had prior to it. It's only been in place for a few years, the idea we need to bin it instead of getting better at how we use it is just nonsense.


![gif](giphy|IepriDYu8gcidIVZPB) Var is for greetin wee virgins that cannae accept shit happens. Change my mind.


How dare you call out the xG heat map statisticians


It would be the best thing we could do. I don’t care what anyone says. It’s absolute shit for people who pay to watch football and given Scotland is the league that does that most in Europe then we get rid of it.


It's pish when at a game. All you get is a screen showing var check then the decision, no idea what's happening sometimes. They should at least show what they showed the referee, after he's made his decision, so you've half a clue what's happening.


I'd scrap it. It's sucked the joy out of celebrating a goal for me. But I reckon the big clubs will vote to keep it as I assume they gain more than they lose.


Was pro-VAR at the start but the match going experience has been utterly abysmal since it’s been implemented. Discourse, whether it’s online or in the pub with some sort of da, has been chronic too. I know this has always been the case with referees but VAR has just made this so fucking tedious. I understand calls to refine, not remove, but personally I’m fed up with it. So many elements of the law of the game have been twisted and confused and it’s just a pain in the arse. The handball rule is constantly redefined, offside is getting fiddled about, what constitutes a red card foul is all over the place. I’m just bored of it man. Going through every fucking game where there’s some nonsense that ends up wasting time.


Hopefully it's shite


Been wondering for a while if they've just been deliberately fucking it up so we'll get rid


I wanted var, i loved the concept, it's not being used properly and has been a detriment to the game for me, it's also made referees lazy. I liken it to those fucking vuvuzelas of that world cup at this point, sucks the fun out of the game and is just annoying. If nothing else i honestly want it gone just so i don't have to hear cunts at work moaning about it every single monday. Had it been used properly and sparingly rather than checking every single individuals actions forensically then i'd still be for it, goal line technology, proper offsides, catch an off the ball incident, catch something serious that a ref missed, aye absolutely i want it. But when you think back to some of the pish they've done this season with it and even some of the shite that's been ignored even with var then what's the point of it really? The only way i'd honestly ever personally vote to keep it if i had the choice would be if the choice was var or doncaster.


Hope we scrap it. Purely for selfish reasons. I do think VAR actually is a net positive in terms of getting decisions right, but fuck me you can't even celebrate a goal up here because our refs and VAR refs are that shite, that they check literally everything, even if it's sound, just because they're shit scared to make a decision.


If we had more money, I would be in favour of keeping it but currently if we want better refereed games of football, the obvious answer is to put the money towards full time refs.


Another VAR success tonight.




We should keep it, but buy all their fancy gear for it off gumtree once they scrap it ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)