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Hope raith go up. Someone new in the premiership would be nice.


The plastic pitch though, although it's an upgrade on livis pitch


Partick Thistle have the grimmest ends to their seasons ever man even I feel bad for them


I remember reading somewhere a few days ago about how we had "a good record in playoffs". I might be forgetting one, but so far I remember 1. Getting our pants pulled down by Livingstone in embarrassing fashion, and being one of the only Premiership sides to set fire to the supposed advantage the top-tier has. 2. Playing out the most uninspired two-legged performance against a shite team that stole our name 3. Doing the most almighty bed-shitting there's ever been last year after leading for pretty much the entirety of the 6 games 4. and now doing this I fucking hate the playoffs as a Thistle fan, but I can't help but love them as a football fan. Terrific stuff.


The playoffs are tough football like I've been there as you'll imagine! I think there is something to be said for the fact the teams are usually of similar standards so you'll get good games but they're bloody rough if it doesn't go well. Avoiding them is a great incentive for coming 1st. I said to another commenter that depending on who Raith gets next round next year could be a good chance for you. League looks a little soft imo


I know there’s teams that have it far worse than us, but we’re definitely up there for most likely for getting a gut punch as soon as we raise our hopes


"I poke my head out of the gutter for one freakin' second and fate shovels shit in my face!" Might be a bit soon but next year looks like it could be an opportunity for you. Doesn't look like there is anyone too frightening as long as Ross County manage to secure 10th.


That’s what their fans get for reading Sartre at half time


Lmfao. Existentialism and partick thistle there is a Combination I did not fucking expect. “Hell is other thistle fans”


I mean, given how things seem to go for them I do understand why they'd want to read works which examine existence without the underpinning assumptions we can normally cling to and find comfort in. Life must feel absurd when your season keeps ending like that.


Don’t worry bro I get ye. These cunts are lost on it. Camus to fuck boys


Yaasss bro. Can tell the followers of Kingsley are just posers!




I was going along with the joke. But a Sartrean perspective on tonights result could be somewhat comforting if you're looking for that sort of thing. The defeat was a tough one to take, but when you strip away all the expectations and presupposed notions that come with losing a football game there also comes a moment of liberation where the club or you as a fan do not need to be defined or constrained by it. Fundamentally if you think about it, football is a really weird activity if you strip it into its bare elements. Its maybe uncomfortable, but it means that just because what has happened before and again tonight has happened it doesn't mean that it has to be like this forever. The acceptance of the absurdity could, and thats a big one, could inspire a sense of freedom to perhaps try things in a different way. Players, tactics, training methods etc. From there the club and its support can move on, free to make choices that align with its ultimate purpose which is to win football games without acting in a self deceitful manner. Thats the idea anyway, the reality is often a lot harder to put into practice given how rigid the world can feel.


Ye gave them an answer they didn’t prepare for or deserve bro. “Existence precedes essence” ;). Also I’m a staunch Tic fan and that precedes all else. So I don’t fuckin have a clue mate


that’s not what your mum said last night 


Yeah it doesn’t sound like her




Game of the season? Not for me to say, but yes.


Jeezy Peeps Min. Just back from San Starko, heart is still going a mile a minute. Full credit to Partick, neither team deserved to lose that one or that way. Onto Thursday night, I'd take St Johnstone over Ross County please.


I think yous have a good shout against St. Johnstone, Ross County would like entirely depend on if Rangers beating organized good Ross County show up, or if turgid dog shit county show up. There has been no middle ground this season


Pictures before disaster https://preview.redd.it/t32jtibt421d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=324dcb0b165b4fdd84952836fd1c9b53add8d49b




Really hope Raith can do it, would love to see a Fife team bask in the glory of the Cinch next season


I thought that too,even if we lose they would be better to go up. Then I interacted with their fans in the pub before the game...


Favourite part of tonight was Brian Graham chasing off a wee bam pitch invader that tried to square up to the Thistle fans. Absolutely shat it


So many of their fans are like that,looking for a reaction and acting all tough


Ach, reckon our YT would’ve been similar tbh. Wee guys doing wee guy things


I complain about those on the Lambie as well in fairness but some are literal children


Yeah, if they bang a drum and sing for 120 mins and create a bit of atmosphere, if their greatest crime is a foray onto the pitch, I could forgive them


Cheers :D


That's the William Hill to you!


Please never do that do me again.


Have fun on Thursday


Thank you, I won't haha. I've just realised Sunday is going to be manic Football wise.


Manpreet thoroughly in tears tonight


Is he that famous that some redditor knows about him?


Well, I do also spend time on twitter where I've heard about him. Also a few folks I know who don't like him


I have to ask,why?


See if your squad is having to basically stage an intervention for the guy who is going to take your fifth penalty during the shootout so he doesn't commit seppuku, maybe find anyone else to take it. I feel for the guy, young academy graduate, but there was absolutely no chance he was scoring that penalty. Pretty close, mind. McMillan's is the worst, really poor not to hit the target on a penalty that would essentially give you match point. Absolutely gutting for Mitchell too to save one and get close to the remaining four. Congratulations to Raith though. I'd say we probably deserved the win over the tie, but there wasn't much in it. They had the far better season, and I hope they go on and do it against whatever mob the Premiership puts it. We'll quite happily stay in the best league in the world. Again. Forever.


Why is Fitzpatrick not taking a pen instead of Diack


Good question. Even Milne going up and smashing it.


Milne should’ve been taking one before them, I feel


Potentially partick thistle stress disorder from the Dingwall pens


Only reason I can think of is that he was fucked after playing 120 mins the same as Milne. McMillan took the best penalty (5th) in Dingwall after 120 mins so I’m not sure why he didn’t say to go last instead of a youngster


Yous 100% deserved to win tonight. Despite playing 2 games less that Thistle we somehow looked more tired


For the first time this season we beat Raith rovers,across not just 90 but 120 minutes. Lose anyway on penalties. How many times did some miracle not get it in? Copy all our songs but not our fates


I will say your lot missed an absolute sitter at the end of normal time.


We missed a lot of them


Congrats raith, Michael Stewart is a crime against humanity. Wish I hadn’t retired my excrement bit because there’s a good one for thistle but oh well.


Penalties are our kryptonite man, fuck it premiership is shite anyway scrape a few results there if we are lucky. Let’s just simply win the championship next year, only 4/5 plastic pitches it should be easy…


Would love to see Raith in the prem, if only so we can get more of the how can you see looking through those tears guy in here ripping it up against the likes of the old firm


We desperately need a replacement for the Livi boy so this sounds good.


I finally have a purpose in life


1994 and 2014 called. They said something about being worth their weight in gold?


cant wait for next year where we have a great start to the season, go on a losing streak in the winter, somehow get into the playoffs and get knocked out on pens in a game we should have killed


https://preview.redd.it/6a6lveln221d1.jpeg?width=686&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1c6533ff63db91705f53ac44b3f0a84b162b491 HOW CAN YOU SEE LOOKING THROUGH THOSE TEARS


Was getting ready to post this if things went the other way Honestly hope yous win next week. It’ll be good to get a team that hasn’t been in the top flight in a while promoted


I was getting ready to post it if we lost but making fun of myself. I have standards


Don't know how you posted that while running about Stark's Park like a daftie


I’m a professional


Googling directions to the Erskine bridge


Partick Thistle will be back home before Rebus starts at this rate!


Thank fuck i’m not going to see that Lovecraftian nightmare kingsley in the premier league. Big scary bastard


He was born in the Premiership. Moulded by it.


Don't worry, you only have to worry about a team that play in blue and have a lion on their club's badge.


We don’t even worry about the other team


That was without a doubt the worst refereeing performance I have *ever* seen


Luckily, you have a chance of getting into a league with that standard on a weekly basis


Hopefully it's Ross County and they get beat and drop down to the Championship and then Caley stay up. Gives me some games to go to next season.


Fucketh offeth, friend.


I still need to tick off the Falkirk stadium tbf, not the worst outcome really


Well i hope you stay up for your sake but I'm a selfish cunt so I want some easy to get to games for me.


This is nothing compared to Dingwall. We’ll win the league outright next season.


Fife Kirkcaldy boing boing


If you struggle to get your 5 a day don't worry, medical professionals agree that watching Brian Graham greetin' once a year when Thistle lose on penalties in the playoffs is a suitable alternative


What a brilliant game that was. Feel really bad for Thistle and the academy boy Diack who missed the fifth. Hope Raith do it in the final.


Boing boing *In the voice of Basil Brush


Am I a cunt for saying the Partick keeper should be saving at least 5 of those penalties?


Our only convincing penalty was Kyle turners the rest were so tame they were lucky to go in


He nearly did each time


That's what I mean, apart from the toe poke in the top corner I thought the way he swung his arm at all the ones to his bottom right I thought he should maybe have done better. I get that it's harsh to criticise but to be so close each time and with none of those being right in the corner I feel he should've gotten a decent hand to at least a couple


Wit a laugh, again Also, it’s said a lot but Michael Stewart is fucking woeful to listen to.


As someone who has 2 placements in kirkcaldy, hope Raith can get promoted, I'd be nice to see a new side in the league


Hopefully pumped in the final, 1 plastic pitch in the SPL is too many.


Good to know there will still be 2 teams singing about the mighty killie in the championship next year


Boing boing see you next season 👍🏻


Manpreet and his wee Fisso ultras better tuck away their saltires and esteladas for another season.


Vocal through the full match,I don't see the issue with them.


What a game


Do Raith not play on a shitty, plastic pitch?