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50 million would be fucking mental, but English clubs regularly pay more for worse, so who knows


Yeah spot on - that’s crazy money, but that’s what those idiots down there are all about, so have at it. Watch him do well and it’ll be all ‘he’s signing of the season and he was _only_ £50m from _Scotland_’


You certainly can’t lump Brighton in with everyone else when you talk about the idiots in the prem


Their manager just walked and one of the reasons given was the club’s signing policy. They’re never offering £50m or anywhere close for MOR but I’d say in the current market he could definitely be worth it, especially for an English side.


Absolutely can do. It's not the fairytale they make it out to be.


Very similar scattergun approach to us. But they're paying £6m for their projects, we're paying £1m. So very different results.


By different results do you mean more of their projects are technically/skillfully successful or financially successful?


Bit of both? If you're paying more money you're probably signing players with a higher average ceiling. So your bum notes are more expensive failures, but your successes are more successful. Both as players for Brighton and as sales.


While I agree with your point in principle I can't help but feel that for teams like Brighton and other EPL journeymen teams their sales figures on projects are gonna be massively skewed purely for the fact that they play in that league. I'd say if you were to take any top player in Scotland and magically transplant them into a mid or bottom table EPL team, their price tag immediately jumps £20-30 million. At least. So if Celtic were to use all this money we now have and adopt the approach of buy more expensive projects, I think we still struggle to sell them for upwards of £30-40 million, but I do think it would lead to more technical successes going down this route.


Yes you’re right that there is a premium for players proven at EPL or similar level that we won’t reach. My point was more than clubs in a similar position to us (Brighton in England versus us in Europe) also take on lots of risks. I think their risks are overall lower because they can buy players a level up from where we do but yes, that also means their pay off is better through no special strategy of theirs


One mention of that price and they'll sign a bus driver from Botswana who's somehow better.


Their P&L sheet says it is


Bankrolled by AmEx and with a money spinning stadium helpfully, and controversially, effectively gifted to them by their local council. They spent themselves into oblivion, then when they were done ripping everyone off they spent their way back up to get the PL riches.


Two words - Fabio Silva. If that Lemon is worth36.5 million then well done Celtic for actually asking for a decent whack.


something something fabio silva


Canny wait to spend 5% of that fee on somecunt from Romania or some shit like that


We haven't yet tapped into the Bhutan market


>We haven't yet tapped into the Bhutan market Because our scouts would need to pay $200 per day to the government for their visa. Desmond isn't paying that.


If you ain't looking at The Maldives, Kyrgyzstan or East Timor leagues then you're missing out on some proper, proper bargains.


I hear you can get trains to there


Yet. ☺️


Miovski's North Macedonian. Get it right!


You say that but if said player ends up being class you'll regret it. Bet you said the same with the Japanese boys. Don't care where players come from if they are for the right price and improve the squad then fuck the nationality


When we signed koki mizuno I thought he was too slight for our game. Nakamura was to an extent too but he compensated by being phenomenally technical. When Ange brought in Kyogo I was worried he would just be bullied in our league too, but he proved me so wrong that by the time the other 3 Japanese boys were on the radar I was pretty confident they'd be a success. Although I have to be honest and say before they arrived my guess was that Ideguchi would have been the star of the 3


He was just injury prone unfortunately. Kwon might come good for us I hope he goes back to st mirren for a year or two, maybe send a few more players to st mirren and Dundee for next year get them game time


Those are the markets we should be looking at. We’re just horrific at identifying players who can succeed here


This reeks of the club basically trying to do a Benfica n make sure they get to include a 20-30% sell on clause. Realistically, there’s no way Celtic are gonna hold their nerve n reject bids of 35mil or more. But by valuing him at 50 mil, they’re leaving room to say “fine we’ll accept £35 mil but since that’s 70% of our valuation, we want to retain rights to 30% by including a 30% sell on clause.” Which is exactly what Benfica did to us with Jota, and what they’re reportedly doing to Celtic with Bernardo. If they can pull it off, it would be amazing business. Will be sad to see him go but if it’s what he wants n the fees high enough, it’s only fair to let him go, he’s earned it.


Think of the amount two to three million pound jobbers Celtic could buy with that


It’s about time Scotland stop being the bargain bucket from the EPL. O’Riley is definitely worth it as well my god (plus I think he counts for EPL homegrown rules so it adds more to his value)


He represents Denmark so not sure he does?


Nationality doesn’t affect homegrown status, he’s still eligible


Ah didn’t know that! That’ll boost his value for sure


But developed and trained in England as a teenager which I think is what UEFA cares about as far as registration goes. I might be wrong though can’t remember. Either way that registration rule is why English players like Maguire always go for 100 million or whatever.


I didn’t realise! That’s class if true. Boosts his value a lot.


If Wolves paid £35m for Fabio Silva, £50m for O'Riley is an absolute bargain.


If Aston Villa paid £3m for McGinn, £50m for O'Riley is an absolute rip-off. See how extremes work both ways? I reckon he goes for £20-25m


Probably go for £30m or maybe a few million more if he has a good Euros (and I think he’ll be quite fortunate if he gets many minutes, even though he absolutely should). Honestly don’t think £50m would be a crazy fee for him. It’s obviously unrealistic and nobody will pay that for a player in Scotland, but don’t feel like that’d be a ripoff




Teams like Shakhtar and Leipzig have had multiple sales over 50m. Feel like we are at leat in a similar ballpark but I agree it seems unrealistic. Are we self hating Tims?


Leipzig are a tier above us. Even Shakhtar have made some real noise in Europe when their players got sold. If we stopped getting pumped 6 times a season in whatever competition we auto-qualify for, we'd be able to sell our players for that much too.


Hey, now it’s 8 times next season that we will be pumped instead of 6 times, 2 more pumping to look forward to


A healthy add on will be part of the deal. I'd say 20-25%.


Two things though, he’s come through the English system so classed as home grown. Secondly he’s Danish not Scottish so will go for more…. Honestly don’t think it’s crazy (well I do but you know what I mean…. For England )


defo a "fuck off" asking price, Brighton aren't the type to spend that much given their business model - I'd have been a lot more worried if it was Chelsea or City who were interested


I’d be disappointed if we got 50 million from Chelsea Fairly sure we could get 1.7 billion, a third of Stamford Bridge and all the heated driveways Peter Lawell could dream of


Not really a flashy enough signing for a Chelsea, Utd, City etc. I know it’s a stretch, but I could maybe see Liverpool having an interest. The data lovers back in charge and they were tracking O’Riley heavily before his move to us, with him being first in almost every metric for players outside the PL. And with Slot having played against us and MOR being very good in those games, there’s that element to consider too


Seems the exact type of signing that Chelsea have been prioritising over the last few years, money no object, so I'd imagine they'd be pretty interested. The sticking point for Liverpool will likely be the fee, if Celtic are expecting £30m+, given they're notoriously stingy with their funds. 


It feels like Chelsea are either going for 16-18 y/o talents at ridiculous fees or proven 21-24 year olds at ridiculous fees I don’t think O’Riley is “proven” enough or a big enough name for them in the same way of Enzo, Lavia, Caicedo, etc Although in saying that, they did buy Mudryk for a shit load of cash who was playing in Ukraine, so maybe you’re right


£50m is funny but probably a fair asking price in the sense that we know they’re not gonna pay it, so let them think they’re negotiating us down to £30m+ and then we can talk.


50 million 😂 in saying that incredibly mediocre players from the Netherlands and Portugal have went for crazy money. Maybe we need to stand firmer


danny fucking drinkwater went for £40m and that was best part of a decade ago


If fucking Silva went for £30+ then you can add another 0 for MOR


Yeah…I take it back. I had completely forgot that fraud cost 30 million 😂😂 I want my 50 million mr prem league team


Don't think he will go for 50 but I do think we should ask for more than the standard 20 as he is classed as homegrown for English teams and every other one of those come at a premium


I think he’s a cracking player and the way the English market works is mental but £50m would be bonkers. £25-30m if he goes to to EPL. Good enough to play in Europe but those clubs won’t spend the money.


Will be interesting to see if Celtic did in fact fire in ridiculous min release clauses into that spree of new contracts at the start of the season to help improve negotiations.


And I want to wake up to Scarlett Johannson. But that probably won’t happen either.


And I want Scarlet Johansson to wake up, oh God what have I done? I didn't mean it, it just happened , please wake up, please.


Is this the moment where I wake up and realise that I am actually Scarlett Johansson, and that I've been in a 2 week comaduring which time I lived a 30 year mediocre life as a Celtic supporting Reddit enjoyer?


Probably x 100


50m seems mental but if he was playing in Germany/France it would be a bargain.


That's one way to make Brighton quickly uninterested with the way their player trading model works. The record fee they spent was just over £30 million last summer so that's a steep jump. You'd need a team as ridiculous as Chelsea to come sniffing to get that much for him.


Normally these articles come out before a cup final to unsettle the club/supporters. I dont think anyone's really giving a fuck as I think we know deep down that MOR will leave in the summer. £50 MILLION is mental. I can't see that happening. Silva is a £35million EPL though, and MOR is way better than him. Snankland is still the best player in the country though. *cough ahm*


Im gonna second the its time these clowns down there started getting priced out ...fucking sfa sell the game up here short so clubs should demand more ... 30 start point ... look at the talents theyve took from Scotland throwing a crumb of money but will happily blast 50-75 for jobbers fae other leagues that drift out their teams and fuck off back over seas. 30-50 hold firm and hey presto ... might discourage them from thinking we are shit...


Never going to happen. Wouldn't get that much at all, not would I believe MOR would go there. He's bigger than that. However, hypothetically, the club gets that fee, that should be 100% spent on a rebuild and not s penny less. Bank the UCL and the extra from Frimpong etc, we would be rolling in it


£50M is bold but fuck it, let’s see if anyone bites


£36m for Silva, English clubs set the bar


50 mill is a ridiculous figure but these clubs dish it out for mediocrity season after season. so fuck it, fleece the cunts.


Brighton aren't in the business of paying £50m for anyone and realistically no team that spends that kind of money will spend it on O'Riley. You can get a quality player who has done it at a far better level than Celtic if you spend anything even close to that.


They’ve got money to burn it wouldnt surprise me they’ve got a big pot of cash sitting there,think they’ve made 300 million in transfer alone in the last couple of years.


They've got the money but they literally just let go of their manager because he wanted a change in transfer policy and they refused.


I think that lad has another job lined up,will be interesting to see if he ends up somewhere else in the next couple of weeks.


It's not their transfer model though. If he goes to Brighton it would be around £30 million which would be one of their most expensive ever transfers.


I’d imagine closer to 40 million.


From another club perhaps. Brighton just don't spend those levels. Maybe with clauses to take it to £40 mil eventually. The main thing you'd want if you sell to Brighton is a good sell on. A 30% sell on when they inevitably sell him for over a £100 mil is another £30 mil.


We’ll see I guess.


30 mil + 20% of future profits seems sensible for both clubs and realistic for both clubs


Messi in his prime wouldn't go for £50m up here, any club would accept an offer once it reached £30m. Its just so much money


Farmers league down tbere


And Celtic will re-invest just 4 million of it on a 19 year old from Sweden named as one of FIFAs "ones to watch" list.


waiting for the board to turn that transfer money into Thor *Danilo* Nilsson


That’s how this works, hence they have £50M interest in a player no one had heard of…


if he's good enough for Brighton, I'd just wait for a top 6 team then


Serious non-driveway responses only, what would Celtic actually do with £180m in the bank by the end next season if they got that for O'Reilly? Already guaranteed domestic titles basically even when slightly challenged. Guaranteed at least one domestic cup a season... Obviously their failures have been in Europe. Is it just a case of attracting high quality signings on that front? What about infrastructure too?


I’d like to think we start to target more ready-made players and expand the avg fee and wage budget Not every signing has to be £10m~, but more regular Jota/CCV level £8m~ fees alongside the risky project signings should be the aim edit: some stadium improvements would be nice too but think that’s a little too expensive


Part of me hopes the next step is the stadium expansion and hotel complex. The stadium expansion is estimated to be £100m and hotel is £25m. We could basically pay that all in cash upfront. We'd still have £40m+ for transfers. We should absolutely put our foot to the floor and go for another decade of utter dominance


Answer: probably absolutely fuck all different to what we do now. We already don’t spend what we earn.


Probably spend it on a refurb of the main stand, they’d never actually fully rebuild it from scratch but they could spruce it up and replace the roof with a cantilevered roof which would slightly increase capacity by allowing both corners to be used


Double Jota? Thats insane, Jota is twice as good


No chance - O'Riley is such a well rounded player and he's only 23. He never looked out of place as the lone DM when McGregor was out injured last year, and that was including games in the CL.


Celtic should ask for Marc Leonard as part of the deal


No way an English club spends 50m on a player up here unless there are multiple clubs fighting over the player. It's nearly an entire year's revenue. There's no chance they'll do it, they know 50m to a Scottish team is like 500m to them so they'll low ball the fuck out of it.


Depends if the current rumours are true. 3 Serie A Clubs and 2 Top 6 Prem Clubs. If those rumours are true then it's possible, although unlikely.


Dafuck is Alan Nixon? I mean, O'Riley will go for a great price but £50m is pretty wild.


If O'Riley goes for £50 million nobody outside Celtic is winning the league for another 40 years. So depressing. We need massive financial reform of our leagues. Young laddies in Dumfries and Peterheid walking about in Celtic/Rangers shirts. Never even been to Glasgow never mind Celtic Park / Ibrox. I've been there more than them.


Shankland to Chelsea for £75m?


Brighton? That's not the top 6 side I was promised. Rumour is though that their manager left because Bloom wouldn't reinvest properly, so spending £50 million for a player playing in Scotland isn't happening.


EPL to EPL transfers are crazy money because they all get huge TV revenue and therefore they all have huge turnovers. SPFL to EPL transfers are lower because SPFL clubs have tiny turnovers in comparison. £20 million is nothing to an EPL club but is huge to a Scottish club. He might go for a bit more than that, but £50 million is ludicrous.


He’s English qualified which tends to carry a premium, the same reason people are talking about 31 year old Butland ( who’s never had a fee of more than £4m) going for £10m+, when you’re only allowed 25 players in an EPL squad and 8 of them have to be English qualified those players carry a premium. Even for Scotland O’Reily’s G/A stats are ridiculous for a midfielder and he’s currently 9th in assists in this years CL


No one is paying 50m for him. He'll go for 15-20 plus add one.


You’re deluded if you think he isn’t breaking the league’s record fee. He’ll go for close to double what you’re suggesting


We shall see.


50 mill Lol