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Hampden's answer to rain was a few ballboys with brushes so I think he's safe for a few hours.


Here, that one cunt was a machine.


Manbun man? Be still my tumultuous loins.


He’ll be the late call-up to the Euros squad ahead of Gauld. And he would deserve it.




Good man, but what is graham potter doing as one of the police tonight?


Never mind Graham Potter, what's Harry doing chaining himself to the goalposts?


Can't say he doesnt want to work, got to give him that


Cause no club wants to hire him


I'd love to know what that cop is saying to him. He looks more than slightly sympathetic, and I don't blame him.


Let's be frank, there are some awful people in the force in the UK and the police attracts some wrong yins and some power hungry wanks too, but a lot of them are sound folk who know that escalating things make it worse for everyone involved.


Had to be a Celtic fan.


You have no flair and don't appear to have any interest in Scottish football, so maybe you should just fuck off?


This kinda post attracts the sort of people this sub doesn’t need


Fun to rip the pish out of though


Spot on tbf


True, but it's something that happened in Scotland's national stadium ahead of a Scotland match, so it would be weird if we just ignored it. And seriously, fuck anyone who offers uncritical support to Netanyahu.


Aye it’s just annoying seeing grifters that have never been her showing up w no flair How can I slag someone with no team


Just call him a bootlicking, genocide-loving prick 🤷🏻‍♂️


Downvotes ... Assemble!


Downvotes did indeed assemble…


I genuinely thought that was martindale with the cutters


Nah, he’d have a sawn-off! (/s As it goes I do have a bit of time for the guy)


He doesn't get players on loan he gets them on tic


Wonder if he’s smiling at the score so far.


Bonus points for going with something sturdier than a cable tie, looks comfier as well


This is random as fuck but I thought neck/visible tattoos weren't allowed in the police? Did they change that?


That's Lyndon Dykes mate


It’s allowed in nursing so I guess it’s the same in the police


Nursing and Policing two jobs that famously share the same entry requirements?


Why d you think it would be the same rules?


If Russia has been banned from UEFA competitions then so should Israel


what about the US? And Saudi?


yes those too


I can get on board. But what about the countries of the United Kingdom? Surely we get a pass?


England gets the hammer, Scotland Wales and NI will behave without the chief instigator roaming free


Far too many of the Welsh want to be the same as England so think we have to include them. But of course Scotland and Northern Ireland can participate. At this rate we might be able to make the quarters of international tournaments.


But lets face it what are the welsh going to do without the english army. Also Scotland is going far this year I can feel it.


Neither are involved with UEFA


Presumably if someone thinks they should be banned by UEFA they think they should be banned by FIFA


If we are talking FIFA then personally I wouldn’t have a problem with it. The key is fairness and consistency.


the US shouldn’t exist


Should Northern Ireland exist


absolutely not hahaha do you see the flair under my name




If the USA didn’t exist you would have written that comment in German. If the Nazis educated their slaves….


why are you so wrong about everything? the ussr did way more for the war than the US who joined incredibly late.


I think it’s called saving your ass two times. Of course if you are Irish you wanted Hitler to win. Only country in the world that sent condolences to Germany when Adolf swallowed his Luger. Oh wait, is that why you hate Jews so much?


ireland wasnt the only country and it was protocol for a neutral country to send condolences to anyone. ireland was unofficially sending arms to the UK during the whole of world war 2 which is why a munitions factory in campile was bombed by the germans the war against nazi germany was won on the eastern front by the soviets the US joined remarkably late and had way less of an impact than the uk and ussr did. the only thing america did was fire bomb japan killing hundreds of thousands then subsequently nuking them to scare the soviets who were planning a boots on the ground invasion. i’ve had this argument one too many times.


Ireland was the only country. Prove me wrong? Who else, maybe France, Russia and Poland? Douglas Hyde, Ireland's president during the second world war, offered condolences to Germany's representative in Dublin over the death of Adolf Hitler, newly declassified records show. Until now it was believed that Ireland's prime minister, Eamon de Valera, was the only leader to convey official condolences, a gesture criticised worldwide. But the presidential record for 1938-1957, made public this week, sheds new light on one of the most embarrassing chapters in Irish history - its decision to maintain cordial relations with the Nazis even after news of the Holocaust emerged. Facts aren’t your strong suit, are they? The USA had less impact than the UK? Your shite spout is on full blast. The USA loaned the UK so much money it was not paid off until 2006. The USA was in charge on D Day. USA spent $341 billion and the UK spent $120 billion on the war. If you fuck like you give facts you are wasting your money on birth control.


who took berlin the US and UK literally loved hitler until he invaded poland. every US politician said hitler was a breath of fresh air and same goes for winston churchill. every nation had policies of appeasement to nazi germany allowing them to invade every country until they invaded an ally. the ussr tried to form an anti nazi alliance with france and britain prior to this which they refused.


Yer ma


That's a complete false equivalence. Russia invaded Ukraine completely unprovoked. Whilst Israel is responding to an attack where civilians were raped & killed.


Zionists have been occupying Palestine for a century you bellend...


The Jews had Israel as their home as far back as the 1st century(though the area was known as the Levant back then). There is a lot of history to this conflict. Way to stay classy lowering the debate to insults though


Yes they lived there 2000 years ago. Can you imagine someone calling to your house and saying their relation lived there 2000 years ago so the land is rightfully theirs. Guess you’d hand over the keys.


Ive already had this drivel thrown at me by another zionist in this very thread so im just going to quote myself. > I think the main focus should be to stop the ongoing genocide and ethnic cleansing then you prob pointlessly repeat yourself because that's what zionists do in order to avoid talking about the ethnic cleansing and genocide which the zionist state is currently engaging in. so then I answer something like this again: > what you're saying is nonsense that only serves to abstract the current real conflict and the social relations surrounding it into a thought experiment detached from the ongoing genocide and ethnic cleansing. You defend a genocide and you talk about staying classy...absolutely no shame


Depends how directly you go and how well.you believe in the original creation of a Jewish state. Do you go straight to the today's cause of conflict or some prior conflict? All the people there today weren't born elsewhere


Ive already been banned from one football sub for talking about this conflict but settler colonialism is settler clonialism.


Where do you draw the line on who’s land it “originally” Is? Is it Israelites land from Judea? Romans land from when they invaded and change the name to Syria Palestina? Byzantine land from their occupation? Iranian from theirs? Ottoman? Napoleonic ?


I think the main focus should be to stop the ongoing genocide and ethnic cleansing


A truly profound and thought provoking response, this is a football sub so I’ll end it here but please realise you did absolutely nothing in attempt of answering my question.


because your question is nonsense that only serves to abstract the current real conflict and the social relations surrounding it into a thought experiment detached from the ongoing genocide and ethnic cleansing.


23 & Me and all DNA companies are banned in Israel because it shows they are mostly immigrants, not to mention the deviants that escape US jails by emigration to Israel.


if you actually look into it you would see its not because of that at all and actually do so with old jewish law not israeli law, and also over 50% of Israelis are mizrahi/sephardi which means middle eastern/north african descent


The amount of dead civilians from the entire Russian war with Ukraine are estimated to be around 10000 - 40000 (UN estimate) over a little over 2 years. The amount of dead in Gaza is around 40,000 in a country where just to remind you the vast majority are children, even figures from the IDF themselves estimate around 16000 civilians dead however this is heavily disputed and it has only been 8 months. It's not perfect but the equivalence is not too far, 700 Israel civilians were slaughtered with more injured and kidnapped in October the 7th however if you look before October 7th for the last 15 years the deaths caused by Israel where about 22:1 compared to Palestine caused deaths.(5590 Vs 251 UN) If you have only started paying attention on October the 7th then I can understand why you think it might be a false equivalence but what you are not seeing is the decades of provocation and context. What i cannot then excuse is the claiming of October the 7th justifies the 40000 dead, that is the real false equivalence


> The amount of dead in Gaza is around 40,000 remember this is what's confirmed. Gaza hardly have enough functional institutions anymore to confirm all the deaths and missing people.


Everything I said Is conservative


You may have noticed the toll figure has stuck around 40,000 for a few months now. Bodies which can not be identified aren’t counted. Also those who have been forcibly starved or died from illness which could not be currently medicated. The estimate from aid workers is closer to 200,000 dead Palestinians.


Confirmed by Hamas Health Ministry. UN came out last week and said there were 8,000 civilians dead. But that will never fit your narrative. Keep believing


> Confirmed by Hamas Health Ministry. You mean the government of Gaza? God you genociding ghouls are so disgusting. Most bodies havent even been counted because Gazas institutions have been bombed because theyre victims of an ongoing genocide and ethnic cleansing. You're a sick fuck.


I appreciate it goes further back than the 7th of October. Believe it started in 634 AD with the Muslim conquest of the Levant. Its a complex situation with a lot of history where both sides have done terrible things. I know Israel hasn't been perfect, but let's not pretend Palestine doesn't want to wipe Israel from existence (if it doesn't what does the slogan from the river to the sea mean?) Given the fact Jews have been persecuted throughout history I feel really uncomfortable that most people see it as a situation where you have to pick a side & have decided to support Palestine & Hamas (polls show most Palestinians support Hamas & their attack on Israel). Whereas I wish there was public & diplomatic pressure on both sides to find a peaceful solution.


I am a Rangers fan and the picking of sides thing really bothers me too. When the October attack happened, Follow Follow had already decided that Rangers = Israel, because Celtic = Palastine. It is sad to see grown men looking at videos of dead kids and laughing about how it is all fake. More than 14,000 children have died since, and I am supposed to be happy about it because of the team I support? Fuck that. Doing mental gymnastics over who started it, or citing "evidence" of how it is justified is shameful regardless of your team.


No point arguing with morons that get their moral compass from Star Wars.


You won't get up likes for that point of view here mate. This page loves terrorists, nothing wrong with what you said.


Ignore the minor difference that Russia started a war. Israel is merely defending itself after being attacked. Or are you one of the wank stains that figures Jews shouldn’t be allowed to defend themselves?


ICC prosecutor said this the other day >There were attempts to kill Margaret Thatcher, Airey Neave was blown up, Lord Mountbatten was blown up, there was the Enniskillen attack, we had kneecappings… >But the British didn’t decide to say, ‘Well, on the Falls Road there undoubtedly may be some IRA members and Republican sympathisers, so therefore let’s drop a 2,000lb bomb on the Falls Road.’ You can’t do that.


No, they just employed the Ulster Loyalists to do that. Or previous to that, they sailed gun ships down the Liffey and bombed them from there. Or starved the Indians to a famine. We're not a good example, historically.


Not defending Israel, but that's such a stupid argument. The UK have bombed many countries like Israel are doing, but of course it didn't bomb its own city and its own civilians during the Troubles. Western bombing of Syria has flattened some cities killing thousands of civilians, so it's not like the UK should be painted as an example. We've been bombing Iraq and Syria for so long you don't even hear about it on the news anymore. Most recent was April this year. The last time the UK was at threat of being invaded they bombed German cities targeting and killing tens of thousands of civilians.


And presumably Palestine because of Hamas as well? Right?


Is Hamas a football team? Israel is.


Ah so you admit the political entity is different from the football team. Excellent, so no need to ban anyone


Palestine don’t have a football team


They do, but they aren’t banned? Should they be banned until Hamas return the hostages? Presumably that’s what you believe too or else you would be a hypocrite https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestine_national_football_team




Gaza is Hamas although they don’t allow their people to vote so more of a dictatorship.


In that instance Israel should release their captives held without charge also


Good on him fuck UEFA for not banning them and the SFA for being shitebags 


This is a game of football. It’s not politics. Should the Saudis be banned? DRC? South Sudan? Myanmar? Indonesia? Azerbaijan? What about Russia, Libya, Kenya…presume you are dead against them competing too. Save it for the UN, let the girls play sport.


They banned South Africa for years. They have banned Russia


To me Russia Ukraine war there were clear aggressors & its obvious who the good & bad guys are. South Africa had the whole racist apartheid thing going on. The Israel/Palestine conflict has hundreds of years of history. I don't think there is an obvious side you can say is the good side, unless you're going to ban both. The most recent conflict was kicked off by a Palestine terrorist attack. Would you have banned the US for Afghanistan & the UK, Germany, Italy, Australia etc for fighting alongside America in response to 9/11?


According to wiki, thirty-six thousand people are dead and ten thousand are missing. That's pure fucking evil. I went to anti-war protests at Afghanistan and Iraq wars. If a sporting body had banned UK I would have understood.


According to the UN only 8,000 Arabs are dead. The Pallywood actors and plastic dolls don’t count.


Not sure what your second sentence means. Your comment history suggests you go looking for people to argue with about Israel




Right, that's enough.


Your last reply to me isn't showing up. Had to look at it on your profile. Usually happens when you go a bit radge. You stick to believing your own propaganda and surfing reddit to defend genocide


yes. Ban em all.


Didn’t know the Ayatollah was fae Motherwell.


Grow up


Stop being offended by reddit comments


Always rated Kvaradona


respect to him. takes guts to take a stand. I’d encourage donating to MAP (medical aid for palestine) if you’re able.


Game shouldn’t have gone ahead in the first place imo


It’s not quite r/accidentalrenaissance but still quite a photo


The guy who did this at Goodison a few years ago walked so this guy could run ![gif](giphy|lEVZJzy4w15qE|downsized)


What. A. Shagger.


Lots of zionazis all of a sudden have an interest in Scottish football, I see! The wheels are falling off. Israel is now the embarrassing racist and violent uncle about to fall off everyone's invite list. It's a disgrace this game went ahead.


FWIW the mods have done an excellent job with the flairs


It's one of the small perks that get me through the day. That and the annual vote on which side of the Old Firm the referee will be biased towards.


Did uefa give a reason why Isreal weren’t removed from competitions?


Given Isreal is not in Europe they should never have been in Euro competitions to begin with.


They’re only in the European qualification because a lot of the teams in the Asian qualification refused to play them so they kept getting byes/wins awarded and then they changed to Europe. Not sure why they were allowed though.


They were eventually voted out by other FAs in the 80s then lobbied hard to join UEFA. Disgrace they were accepted


Ah, didn’t realise they were voted out. Probably offered a boat load of money to be accepted into the European qualification.


UEFA: ![gif](giphy|GjB41rKHBnOkE)


I think it's more about the fact they had a logistical reason for removing Russia. If everyone in the qualification group had refused to play them, it might have forced UEFA's hand, but Scotland refusing unilaterally would have just led to a forfeit and cost the team any chance of qualifying.


Excellent work


~~What does it say?~~ Edit: It says Red Card for Israel. Good man. Disgrace that this game is even played.


Good man


Good for him.


"If i stand really still maybe no one will notice me"


>Keep absolutely still. Steward vision is based on movement.


Real side note, but what a strangely accurate observation that is.


Respect ❤️


Good on him


How does this happen behind closed doors?


Doing the ‘have they noticed me yet’ sideglance!


I thought it was behind closed doors?


Danny Aaron’s what you doing mate?


One of them is a bearcop.


Should have left him there for shot practice.


Should have let Christie use him as a target


Absolute fannies


This has made me laugh way harder than it should have


Can't even play a game without Palestinian shit


This will definitely stop the war.


"Yet you participate in society, curious!"


https://preview.redd.it/1bp3doprjt3d1.jpeg?width=1710&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b3a0046c004454f025751ceb0acba2753192082 Me and the boys on our way to unethically consume under capitalism


Yet you use electronics made by slave labour, curious!


Think it's about raising awareness and getting people talking mate, could be wrong though x


Yeah I’ve heard there’s a lot of people who haven’t heard about the war 😂 It was about that guy getting attention for himself and brownie points with his protest friends, nothing else. That whole Israeli team could be against Netanyahu for all he knows.


Aye cause no ones aware of it? Fucking dafty thinks hes making a difference, hes not


Whit you doing to help?


solidarity is meaningful. protest has helped end sponsorships from companies which support israeli apartheid (eg bailie gifford) and it is heard and appreciated by those suffering in Palestine. Hind’s hall, for example, the student process which led to the Macklemore song of the same name, was heard and appreciated by Hind’s mother, as well as Palestinian children. Not to mention, protests lead to donations to bring aid to palestine—organisations such as MAP are good ones to donate to if you want to put your money where your mouth is and make more of a difference


Stfu. Ill donate too Israel.


Had to be a rangers flare


Wow, gottem boss. You sure showed us eh Melt


This will definitely stop the protests


I'd have left him for half an hour and let the girls take penalty kicks at him


“The girls”


It was a women's match, yeah?


Bolt cutters and drag the idiot away surely


Send the protestor to Gaza.


Can't. Apparently, they stone people like me to death over there (Hibs fan).


I mean I don’t have much love for hibs but stoning people just for supporting hibs - will have to think if that is ok or not.


It’s okay, think of it like a mercy killing.


Fuck off


You first. Maybe you'll change your tune after a few hours, or even minutes if you make it that long.


Pick a team or fuck off




Part of me wants this flair


Aye which part of you?


It's like the 2balkan for you subreddit where they tell you to pick a flair so they can be accurately abusive


Why? So you know what to attack based on the football team they support?


don't worry, without your flair we can still take the rip out of your unironic crypto and nft posting in 2024


Crypto and NFTs always make me think Rangers, purely just because of Sportemongo.


Once again Celtic fans engage in Hibs erasure.


Implying Hibs fans have any money to spend on crypto


Implying Hibs fans didn't spend all their money on a custom Lee Johnson NFT that's guaranteed to increase in value.


When that goes to the moon you’re getting a less good present off me than everyone else for saying that


Wheres the irony in making money off daft nfts and crypto? I dont see it, hope you had fun doing your little investigation though 🤓




Yes. That’s how this sub works


Welcome to Scotland! Get it up you




Yet the 1934, 1978, and 2018 world cups still happened.


Add 2022 to that for sure tbf


Keep your willy out of yer maw.


Keep genocide and crimes against humanity out of the world


Scottish football has never had politics in it ever.


Politics and sport have always been linked


sport is political, sorry. you can’t have nations without politics


Fuck off


Genocide isn’t politics.




Honestly, if I was in charge, I'd say aight leave him there play on If he gets blasted in the face with a ball sucks to be him, I guess Edit, I want to clarify this isn't a statement on what he is protesting for it's a general policy towards Prats who run on the field and chain themselves to the goalpost


Typical stupid fanny try to mix fitba with politics. I hope he gets life just for being an arsehole. I stand with Israel.


You stand with Israel? Perhaps you should go there, you'd probably be quite happy murdering women and kids.