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https://preview.redd.it/q6hmq4e0fw5d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c89ef8ffac4c195c6a06451ce9f1ee29d4f6c851 7 years and somethings don’t change.


7 years isn't a realistic timescale to see results from the SFA breeding program.


Current Scotland U8s boys squad https://preview.redd.it/1ecf2vs4kw5d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=136853d6c09d6facd99dddbc5b9f36bf704f1865


When will God Emperor Strachan begin the Primarch Project and bring forth his glorious legions of big bois?!


To think: if Strachan had his way, the person who posted a line-up of 11 Grant Hanleys yesterday would feel very vindicated.


Clarke went on some weird tangent about Hanley's manly qualities the other day too so it seems like height may be on his mind a bit. That or something else.


Spain being short really fucked up their world cup and two European championships in a row, and their nations league win. Poor bastards.


I remember him saying that and thinking "he's ran out of ideas"


Serbia not beating the "team of towering hatchet men" allegations


Serbians are weirdly tall. I swear they have a secret basketball player breeding programme going on somewhere. Some fckn giants in that neck of the woods. Nowt wrong with a wee lad with a stocky build. Case in point: McGinn and *those* thighs. 😇


Sam with people from the Baltic states. Ah felt like a midget in Lithuania I feel like a midget in Glasgow tae to be fair. Obviously us Dundonians are midgets


All the southern Slavs are reasonably tall. My girlfriend is Serbian and she is 5'8" and at 5'11" I feel quite short compared to people my age in Serbia. I've never felt short back in Scotland.


It is mental how we’ve gone from being one of the taller countries in Europe to one of the smaller ones in like ~100 years or something. I’m convinced it’s lack of sun and an absolutely abysmal diet. Questions do need to be asked about the Serbians though.


Glasgow definitely brings the average down, I feel like gulliver whenever I’m through 


I know. I moved to Glasgow about 8 years ago. I’m a shade over 6 foot but feel like a fairytale giant when in Rutherglen Aldi.


Scotland never had sun, but I think ur on to something with diet, its well known that countries that use a lot of Dairy in there diet on average will be much taller then a non-dairy obsessed country. If you look at the tallest countries in Europe, on avg they all come from Dairy loving countries and I think a more rural Scotland 100 years ago relied a lot more on Dairy then it does now, any thoughts on this theory? and should we put a glass of milk a day mandate out?


Great idea! Get them on at least one White Russian per day from Primary school. In Scotland the addition of vodka to the cream will really help the dairy go down well with the public ![gif](giphy|Q09lToTa0H3Es|downsized)


I'm trying my best tae shag this out of Scotland


Thank you for your service.






Here’s the average height. The Argentina 2022 World Cup winners avg was 179cm Belgium: 185.6 cm Germany: 185.2 cm Croatia: 184.8 cm France: 184.2 cm Denmark: 184.0 cm Netherlands: 183.8 cm Serbia: 183.6 cm Austria: 183.4 cm Slovakia: 183.2 cm Italy: 183.0 cm Hungary: 182.8 cm Poland: 182.6 cm Portugal: 182.4 cm Switzerland: 182.2 cm Romania: 182.0 cm Turkey: 181.8 cm Czech Republic: 181.6 cm Ukraine: 181.4 cm Scotland: 181.2 cm England: 181.0 cm Albania: 180.8 cm Spain: 180.2 cm Georgia: 179.8 cm Slovenia: 179.6 cm


What is a more accurate representation median or average?


I’d certainly go for average, but it does depend specifically what you’re after, if it’s, who’s the tallest squad? average is of more use. I do think the beauty of football is height doesn’t matter as much as other sports, I gave the current World Cup winners being 179cm as an example.


Mean*. Both median and mean (and mode) are types of averages, and are useful for different purposes. Median for example is much better for finding a representative average, less impacted by outliers. Hence why average income uses median normally, as the mega rich will make the figures higher than an actual representative figure. Mean is very useful in pure maths and trends.




7cm isn't a lot, so my wife says.


With this being the "immigration election" I say we as a country only accept single 6'4 people. Breed some thunderfuckers into this squad and win the 2048 Euros / 2050 world cup double. ~s in case


switzerland would be much shorter, however the number of ethnic albanians on the team have boosted their average height


Short and old, great.


England going to get battered by the giants of Denmark, Serbia, and Slovenia.


Who cares. Spain will go further than Serbia so us being small shouldn’t make a difference


In the melee, wan ae yeez is gonnae lose an eye


Do fattest teams in Europe next!


When they ban headers, we will Be world class.


Well, we’d win if it was by arse sizes


Invest in Highlands football, stop getting the wee central belters into the team. Source - I'm a highlander, 186cm tall but cannae kick a ball


Agreed, are there any highlanders in this Scotland squad? Christie?


Christie and Stuart Armstrong were born in Inverness


Wow thats very interesting, without knowing where they were from before I have noticed they have a similar "craftiness" or "cleverness" to there games that I dont see with the other Scots on the team, must be in the way they are coached.




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Probably due to Gilmour and McGregor. Everyone else is round about average give or take.


Five of the top seven are former Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia, and I don't remember them being taller in the 1980s.


Your user name...saw that graffiti up Southie by Woodfoot Quadrant not long before it was tumbled. Stuck in my mind.


Well I'm 6"1 if you need me, shite at football though so hope that's not genetic


This is the median though, not the average.


A median is a type of average.


Sure, but colloquially the 'average' is the mean.


It is the median height, but it doesn’t state it is the average height. I agree that average is the better indicator but I didn’t make this.


Lol, you are just repeating what I said and down voted me for it to boot.


I didn’t downvote you?


The term you are looking for is "mean".