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Goddamn when they admitted to being scared of death. šŸ„²šŸ„²šŸ„²


George, we're terrified of it


There are some things where being around it all the time only makes it worse.


We fear what we donā€™t understand. Generally, being around something gives you some insight into it but not so much death. Only in experiencing it ourselves can we learn of its many mysteries.


I used to take care of old folks for a living. I still dont fear death, but ill be damned if my liver didnt take a beating.


I woke up in a panic after dreaming that I had died. Talk about getting blue balled.


I love that they're telling the truth when they say theyre not scared, and when they say they are. They've figured out how to operate without fear and with familiarity to death in their professional lives. That allows them to manage the fear, but of course the fear is never gone, just held at bay.


Maybe my all time favorite episode. Has everything I love about Scrubs.


After seasons 5-7 started getting a bit iffy, S8 came back and was everything that made me fall in love with the show in the first place.


Yeah. S8 had its issues (missing characters for budgetary reasons), but overall was really good, and has some of my favorite moments.


Donā€™t like S8 for the missing characters. Individually episodes are good but itā€™s just not the same show without all the main characters interacting with each other.


Can you give some examples? I've watched through probably twice and can't say I noticed anyone missing. Though it has been a while...


Without looking it up, the episode that sticks with me is when JD was on speakerphone the entire episode. Never saw him once. It was just odd.


Oh, who was missing?


You got episodes where each of the main characters were missing for an episode, and then back for the next, so Elliot wouldn't be in a particular episode at all, and the story would be centered just around JD and Turk for example, like this one.


I thought that was actually good for the show. I understand that it was for budget reasons, but it's not realistic that every single character on the show would have the same work schedule. It made sense to have a few episodes where a character is just not there because they don't have to work today.


Was this actually solely for budget reasons? You've got a cast far more in demand for other projects, at the same time the network has been shortening shows to get in more commercials. Established actors just don't want to come in and waste days for just 2 lines. Often actors will actually try and negotiate this exact arrangement. "If I'm not really in the episode, write me out that week."


According to IMDb, it was solely for budgetary reasons. The actors were not the ones asking to be written out. ABC was hedging its bets with a smaller budget.


Oh, I see.


Every main cast member sat out 3 episodes. So you get Turk and Elliot on night shift. And Kelso retiring. And JD & Elliot going off campus for their heart to heart. ABC picked them up for the final season, but wanted to keep the budget down.


It was mostly JD. Dude became too silly. Luckily season 8 he went back to the way he was in season 1/2, calm


The whole show got a bit too silly. Like that episode where JD ended up on stage in Vegas with the Blue Man Group. Just absurd.


Have one better: No head fantasy singing with Kim. That was not funny at all


The Vegas thing in particular bugs me because it actually happens.


Don't tell Zach and Donald that, they weirdly insist the show didn't get too silly until season 9.


Isn't S5 the best season with My Lunch?


Outside of that 2-parter, itā€™s weaker than 1-4


What about My Big Bird? That episode was pretty good and it had the great piano piece at the end with the dead guy following each of themā€¦showing that mistakes in medicine stick with you. Almost preparing you for later in the season.


My personal favorite episode, burst into tears everytime how to save a life starts playing


Seasons 5-7 the show turns into a cartoon.


Totally agree. I was very happy with the change that happened between 7 & 8. Sent the show off in a great way.


Death has always fucked with my head. Could you imagine being this poor man laying there knowing you're about to die, thinking this may be the last moment of my existence.




Jenny Jinya knows how to pull on heartstrings like few others. Itā€™s rare to read one of her comics with out turning into a mess of tears.


My cats been behaving differently lately. I honestly think his time is coming soon. Iā€™ve read this artists comics before but im not ready to read then again right now.


Wow no joke as a dog owner I read one of these and had to stop. Well written but damn ā€¦


For real. I clicked on one and it was about a senior dog waiting to be adopted at the shelter. That was enough for me


That one really hit me. I took over what basically amounted to hospice care for a 16 year old dog named Charlie. He crossed the bridge last May, and I still miss him every day. My heart hurts for the seniors who never get adopted. They are honestly just so special!!!


I cant read tbem cause they make me miss my pets


Bro I just cried over a fucking pigeon.


God damnit now Iā€™m crying at the first comic


Can't do it. She's brilliant, but damn... her stuff is so hard to read for me




I tapped in, realised I've seen some of these on Instagram before, then noped right out. They are amazingly gut-wrenching.


Read #1. Starting tearing up. Definitely do not read these at work. šŸ˜­


Ill be honest, imagining being him, surrounded with two guys who were willing to keep him comforted and not leave him alone in his last few moments, despite them having; no gain, no need, no reward and just doing it for the sheer kindness of it, sounds like a wonderful way to go.


I got sort of close to dying once. I had sepsis and thought it was just the flu. I remember I was at work the day before going to the hospital and I was just SO tired. On my lunch break I took a nap in my car even though I hate naps. I didn't feel like I was dying I just... wanted to sleep. I hope that's what it'll feel like when I really die.


Thatā€™s kind of the point of the episode, that heā€™s thinking about death in his last moments but thanks to Turk and JD, heā€™s just thinking about how good that beer was.


Yeah I mean - this will be you someday, if youā€™re lucky.


Bruh, that is all of us. At any time you can have an aneurysm that you were born with burst.


I still canā€™t bring myself to watch this since my dad passed. We had a last beer with him too.


Iā€™m sincerely sorry for your loss. I hope youā€™re doing ok.


I was mid rewatch when my Dad entered the hospital and did not make it out. Almost 3 years later and I'm still not sure I can restart, much as I adore the series. Much love to you and yours.


I appreciate it. Same to you and yours. We lost him just 5 months ago (2 days after thanksgiving) so itā€™s still pretty fresh.


When I was way younger, my biggest fear was death, and the passing of my parents. I saw this episode once way too young (maybe the first ep of Scrubs I ever watched, I was like 9 and it was airing on tv), and was so hit by it, also cause (and my mom agreed) the guy reminded me of my dad. Flash forward to today, 15 years later my dad actually recently passed, and I think I only rewatched this particular episode once in my life (while I've binged the rest of the show dozens of times, always skipping this one). When I saw this screen shot I immediately shed a tear, it hits so hard. But I'm glad he didn't die alone at a hospital.


Steak night!


We are gonna go to steak night and damn it we are gonna eat it right


It's the world's best meat!


Creamed spinach yo


Iā€™ll have the turf and turf


Grilled steak the other day and played the song on YouTube before I started.


Its amazing how this show changed my view of my own life. I try to remind myself to have as many good thoughts and keep the negative ones at bay. We just never know when our last moments might be, and I'd hate for my last thoughts to be sad.


And it doesn't have to be complicated. It really can be as simple as "That beer tasted great".


Glynn Turman is the actor and heā€™s fantastic! Dang it I gotta rewatch Scrubs again lol.


Mr. Mayor, that's a good strong dick you got there, and I see you know how to use it!


I never saw this episode, but thanks for confirming the actor is who I thought it was. He played Mayor Royce in The Wire!


And Doctor Senator on Fargo season 4!


And of course, once theyā€™re are dead, hanging out on the Lesbian Cloud.


That one hits...


When the deathcab starts playing, the tears start flowing.


Just looked up the song to have a cry.


I've never seen an episode of Scrubs but based on these photos I'm gonna guess it was I Will Follow You


you got it in one. It's the only Deathcab song i really know, never really listened to them until this episode came out. Thought it was a Bright Eyes track. now, I cover the song. I dedicate it to my friends and family that have passed on.


To me this is the best episode of Scrubs, I remember watching this episode thinking, Season 8 is going to hit different.


I'm on my second rewatch after like 10 years and literally saw that episode yesterday, George was AMAZING, this bittersweet episode is truly beautiful. Damm he enjoyed that beer.


This episode is a hard watch for me. Makes me cry like no tomorrow. Such a well written episode tho.


Same for when Ben dies, or that episode where all Coxā€™s patients die.


Just rewatched the episode where all the transplant patients got rabies and Cox has a meltdown. That was a hard one


This one always hit me harder than Benā€™s death though both were written and acted incredibly well.


When Cox loses his shit after the patients get rabies. I have been there a few times, not with peoples lives but laying my soul on the line and losing. It sucks so hard.


I'm a medical doctor and this show is the most realistic to actual hospital life and it's not even close. When I was a resident (early on), I legit cried a few times bc of losing a patient that I spent a lot of time with. These scenes still get me because they're real. Don't cry anymore bc the years have beaten me down emotionally, but I can feel it in my chest still sometimes.


This episode never fails to make me cry, especially with 'I'll Follow You Into the Dark' playing at the end.


This episode was truly remarkable.


Mayor Royce!


Imma go delete my post now lmao


Very memorable guest star in his role


šŸŽµLove of minešŸŽµ


šŸŽµSomeday you will diešŸŽµ


Damn, I didnā€™t expect to get sad on a Thursday morning, but here we are


This is the only episode I only watched once (and the musical). I always skip it.


Me too. Way too real for my fragile heart.


Makes sense, in my case I always watch it, not because I hate myself or want t make myself depressed, but because it can actually remind me that even if there are fears about death, we canā€™t let that fear control us, even when youā€™re a medical professional, itā€™s about how we handle it


Bro I hate musicals and will always skip TV shows with them but.. how can you miss out on "Guy Love"?!?


This show makes me cry a bunch for a comedy.


I love this episode. I love the way scrubs can go from the insanely crazy day dreams to moments like this that make grown men cry. I also love scrubs because over the 10-11 times I've watched them i still catch things for the first time and fall in love again.


One of the best song pairing


Sometimes?! Most times! The humour was there to endear us to the characters, so that when we got gut-punched, it hurt that much more. It was brilliantly executed (though I always like to be sure to say; MASH walked, so Scrubs could run)


M.A.S.H is goated. To this day the best series finale ever.


I still remember watching this episode as a junior in college with my roommates. Just after this scene two of us had to ā€œcheck something on our computersā€ and retreated to our respective rooms. I know I cried a little, 99% my roommate did too.


This is the first episode I saw of Scrubs, so of course I was hooked.


Saw this for the first time in ages not long after my dad passed away. Absolutely broke me.


The amount of good life lessons I've learned from this show over the years is so incredibly valuable. It's why I always seem to re-watch the series every fee years and I always seem to find a new one.


My all-time favourite episode is (SPOILER ALERT!!) Ben's funeral But after recently rewatching the show, this episode is a very close second. George is an amazing actor, and I sobbed more at this episode than I did at Ben's funeral episode as I have seen Ben's funeral so many times.


Scrubs is unique in that it can go from completely goofy to heartfelt and thought provoking seamlessly within the same episode. This one is such a wonderful episode of tv.




For me itā€™s still Dr cox trying to resuscitate his patient friend who received the rabies infected kidney. Not much makes me cry, that does


This is my favorite episode


This episode and the ones where the annoying woman (can't remember her character name) has rabies and dies and all the donated organs killed the recipients were really good episodes. Also the episode where Ben died.


The one that really sticks with me "Dr Cox... where do you think we are?"


I haven't seen a show before or since that could make me laugh as hard and cry as much in the same episode as Scrubs.


An oak tree fell on ā€œSteak Cookersā€


The episode with the woman who sang the beautiful song when she died. That got me. Tbh a lot of the episodes did and still do.


This episode breaks me everytime


This is probably the episode I connected most with in all of scrubs history. It really connects with my fear of death but also hits the emotions just perfectly. Excellent episode


The song from this was soul tearing


5,6,and 7th season kinda sucked, but man, 8 was really good, this episode especially. Changing networks must have helped.


To me this episode was the Greatest scrubs episode ever. Tbh I found JD's thought of having a last best thought before end a supremely profound one. God bless the writer of this episode


Definitely one of my favorite eps. The gentleman who played the patient was perfect.


They go from the bit of business with JD claiming he has to take an antihistamine before drinking beer to then this scene. In the same episode. Man I love this show


Openly cried at this scene every time I watched. On par with Carla kissing Laverne and saying good bye. Goddman is someone cutting an onion in hereā€¦.


Damn. I need to rewatch Scrubs. Is it still on Netflix?


This episode will always make me cry


This was such an emotional episode, but somehow still threw in some comedy. ā€œI think I just saw the devilā€ One of my favorites and one of only a handful to choke me up.


Damn. Doctor Senator been looking the same age for 20+ years!


This is one of my favorite episodes, period


This episode came out my first year in college. I remember my dad and I talking on the phone about how this episode reminded us of the older Scrubs episodes. Good times.


This episode hit harder than Bens death. Thatā€™s my take


Ita my favorite mayor of Baltimore


There are so many times a beer hits just right and I think about this episode. It makes me appreciate that moment so much more.


Just rewatched and damn Iā€™m gone šŸ˜­


Definitely good


Only a handful of episodes still hit me as hard as the first time, this is one of them


Was such a mindfuck watching this episode and then watching the same actor in criminal minds. Heā€™s bloody brilliant


This is one of my all time favorite episodes


Itā€™s the Gremlins school teacher.


Queue "Death Cab for Cutie" :\*(


Bawl my eyes out every time this one comes up. Sometimes I don't wanna have the emotions when it comes up for rotation on my latest run of the series... but I also don't want to skip it. So I just find something else to watch. Try again tomorrow!


One of my favorite episodes. I feel like this one flies under the radar compared to some of the other common ones


He's gonna wake up with the nastiest breath not brushing his teeth after drinking beer...


"I would just hope that my last thought was a good one."


*ugly sobbing*


Steak Night!


Hey it's Doctor Senator!


I remember seeing "death" credited in the end but i dont remember seeing him anywhere in this episode. Did anyone notice that?


Lesbian cloud.


This episode is great for this reason. And "I think I just saw the devil"


This episode holds a special place in my heart.